"They're JUMPING?!" the two yelled at once in astonishment.
They looked down, and then realized they had no choice. The track ahead went into a dense woods that neither of them felt too good about going into. So it was either that or jump. Jump onto the roof of some warehouse-looking building.
"Okay, let's do it." said Hermione. Her voice was a little nasal and somewhat deep.
They turned to each other and looked in the eyes. Hermione's were blue. Harry's were, too.
"One, two, three!"
They jumped.
There was a moment of flying through the air, the wind bombarding Harry's face as he plummeted, where he felt like he wanted to scream with fear and joy at the same time. But he couldn't feel joy! Back home, Voldemort could be killing countless people at this minute. Ron could be dead. Ginny…
Seconds later Harry's feet hit the roof of a warehouse, aching terribly, and Hermione landed on top of him. Harry yelped a low yelp of pain and Hermione quickly scrambled off, holding her foot.
"I'm sorry Harry!" she said. Even though they both seemed to be Americans, Harry could hear their British accents hinting a little in certain sentences.
"That's okay."
They both came to their feet and realized they were mere inches from the edge of the building. If they'd jumped any later…Harry grimaced and looked at the ground. He was glad he wasn't there right now. But then he gave a start. He wasn't, but someone else was. Harry could hear whimpering from a few yards away, and a girl with black hair was crying and looking at the ground.
Harry wanted to put his hand on the girl's shoulder, but he didn't know her. Plus it could offend Hermione. Harry suddenly felt panicked, and turned to Hermione, just to make sure she was still there. He sighed a sigh of relief. The rest of the group of 'Dauntless Initiates' was clustered over on the far side of the building…They'd dropped there since they'd jumped first. All of them looked down at the ground. Some seemed excited.
"Alright everyone, the Dauntless base is at the bottom of this building. You can't get there unless you jump. I you don't get there…Sorry." a man says grimly.
Hermione and Harry looked at each other again. Clearly heights was some sort of Dauntless thing. They had to jump AGAIN?! Harry thought about the prospect and realized he'd better not. But then he looked around. There was nowhere else to go, and he didn't have his wand. He looked back at Hermione.
"You ready?" he asked.
And before anyone had said they could (or should), Hermione and Harry jumped off of the building an onto…A net. A net was below them. Harry was relieved. How high had they been?! Everyone above them cheered, and Harry and Hermione scrambled to their feet to get out of the way as about twenty more people ran and jumped, hitting the net with grunts of pain—or excitement.