This chapter is dedicated to allieva-panda, since she is the sole reason it exists in the first place. She won part of my tumblr challenge, and her request was a new chapter for this story! She also made fanart for it, which you can find the link for on my tumblr.
Also, happy birthday you cutie-patootie! I hope you like it, I'm not sure I remembered your prompt entirely but hopefully it's good enough:3
Sasuke's POV.
I made a mistake.
"Oh my god, look at that! Let's go in there!"
A terrible mistake.
Naruto tugs at my hand, dragging me into yet another tiny store, this one selling funny-looking little trinkets. We're sightseeing, have been for a large chunk of the day already, and I made the mistake of miscalculating Naruto's seemingly endless energy.
But that wasn't the worst of it, no. Sure, it's tiresome to run back and forth throughout the city, playing the part of tourist guide. However, rather than showing a friend around my new hometown, this is everything a perfect date is supposed to be.
Holding hands, check. Acting like we're the only two people in existence while in public, check. Arguing over directions, check. Eating lunch at a cozy café and making googly eyes at each other, check. And now, running between the quaint little stores in the tourist district and laughing at silly stuff we find, check.
Naruto snickers at something made out of wrought iron, whispering to me that it kinda looks like a dick, and I can't help but shiver as his breath washes over my ear. It's the perfect date, yes, but I've spent more time than I'd like to admit regretting not spending the whole day in bed instead. I only managed to sneak in a quick make-out session in the morning before Naruto was much too excited about exploring the city to have patience for such a time-wasting activity. Apparently.
I just can't help myself, though. Everything he does just turns me on, now that I know just how good it feels to be naked with him. And oh, does it feel good.
We leave the store, and Naruto pauses to gather his bearings and decide on his next target. I press a chaste kiss to his cheek, and he sends me an embarrassed but happy smile and there's a horribly strong need inside my chest to be close to him.
I suck in a deep breath, following him blindly as he's made his decision. It's almost frightening sometimes, how it's possible to want another person so much. Every little thing he does, every smile, every laugh and indignant shout, every teasing grin and affectionate touch… There's a constant, bubbling warmth in my chest that borders on painful. It flares up whenever Naruto looks at me, not just any look but that look, the one that tells me my feelings are returned.
It's a strange, dizzying feeling. I hardly feel like myself. Who was I just two days ago, before I met him on the train station? Who was I last year, trying to leave everything behind? And who am I now, with the warmth of his hand spreading through my body?
"I think," Naruto muses as we later reach the end of the street, "that I'm getting tired of shopping."
"You didn't even buy anything," I remind him, and he pokes me in the chest with a fake pout.
"But that just makes it worse, doesn't it? All this work and nothing for it."
He grins, teeth showing, and I absentmindedly wonder if people would really be upset if I shoved him against the nearest wall and kissed him senseless. Because I want to do it. Very much.
Instead I shake my head at his antics, and brush my thumb over his. To my surprise, he takes a step closer and pecks my nose, and then my lips when I blink at him.
"Let's go to the cinema," he says, giving me an earnest look.
"The cinema," I repeat, and if I sound slightly disappointed it's only because watching a movie in total darkness means less time watching him smile. And Naruto talks during movies. We'd get thrown out.
"Yes! I haven't been in ages, and I'm dying to watch that new Avengers movie."
"It's not that new anymore," I comment, and he raises an eyebrow at me because I just proved his point.
Our tiny little village has most necessities, but a cinema isn't one of them. It's a one hour drive to the nearest one, but really, Naruto can easily make that drive when he gets back home.
"You don't want to?" he asks, looking disappointed. Like a kicked puppy, actually.
I shake my head slowly, giving him a small smile.
"It's fine. Let's go."
His eyes are bright again, his smile a thousand megawatt, and he starts pulling me in entirely the wrong direction. Lucky (or unlucky) for us, there's one that starts acceptably soon, and so we buy snacks and discuss the other movies displayed on huge posters as we wait.
Naruto doesn't always swallow before he talks, and sometimes doesn't even chew. He's not particularly pretty to watch with a mouthful of bacon flavored snacks as he scrunches up his face in concentration while browsing through trailers on his phone. But. He's mine. He's my Naruto, and maybe in a couple years I'll start nagging at him to close his mouth, but right now I'm contemplating whether or not it's socially acceptable to lick up the crumbles by the corners of his lips.
I'm guessing it's not.
"This one seems pretty good too, Kiba was talking about it a couple days back…"
Not really thinking about what he's doing, he reaches for some more snacks and would have pushed the box to the floor if I hadn't managed to steady it.
"Oops," he says, embarrassed, and instead licks his fingers to clean them somewhat.
I have to physically restrain myself from jumping him, gripping the edges of the bench we're sitting on. Why does he do that?! Can't he see how painful it is for me?! My tongue darts out to wet my lips, and I almost moan when he sticks one finger into his mouth and sucks on it.
That. Little. Shit.
"Oh, you want some?"
Naruto must have misinterpreted my hungry gaze, because he holds out the box of greasy snacks and gives me a questioning –but irritatingly innocent– look.
Snacks, no. Dick? I'd love to.
"I'm good," I force out, averting my eyes.
"Your loss," he shrugs, and I try my best not to replay the image of his tongue tracing along his fingers in my mind.
It's difficult. It's such a good tongue, after all, and I've got half a mind to shove my own hand into the snacks and hold them out for him to clean as well. Feeling heat creep up my body I suppress the urge. We're in public, I remind myself. Not that being in public is a turnoff. Damn.
"Looks like they're opening the theatre," Naruto tells me around another mouthful of snacks, and relieved I follow him to the entrance.
Though, how does that saying go, out of the ashes and into the fire? The theatre is mostly empty, and we've got seats at the very back. Naruto usually picks this spot since the talks so much, and he's gotten tired of having people both back and front telling him to shush. The only other people seated as the commercials start showing are a couple teenagers by the middle, a middle-aged couple with their kids closer to the front, and two girls a couple rows below us. Because of the theatre's decent size, we're practically alone.
"Sweet," Naruto says and leans back with his arms behind his head. "No one's gonna bother me if I talk."
I nod, not trusting my voice. I'm too occupied thinking about how much we can make out without anyone catching us. As a trailer we've already watched fills the screen I sink lower in my seat, cursing my luck. Naruto and I just started dating, and judging by his reaction the previous days he probably wouldn't appreciate me trying to do indecent things to him in public. I wish he'd picked a movie he won't like so much, because he's definitely going to invest himself in it, and any attempts I make at obstructing his view are bound to be denied.
"Sheesh, you look like someone stepped on your favorite book," Naruto teases me, and I give him a calculating look.
Maybe he'll agree during the commercials…
"I want to make out," I announce, and he instantly makes a startled noise and flushes.
"We're in public," he hisses at me, glancing at the other people to see if anyone heard. Of course they didn't.
"No one will notice," I argue, straightening up in my seat and leaning towards him. "Come on. Just a little?"
The theatre isn't completely dark yet, and I can see the conflicted emotions flickering across his face. I try to look convincing but it probably comes off more eager than anything else, watching his tongue slide along his lower lip as he nervously wets it.
"Umm," he starts, blushing and not really looking at me. "Just a little, then."
Cheering on the inside, I relocate the snacks from between us to the floor instead, leaning over him and placing a hand on his thigh. I waste no time connecting our lips, moving them slowly and hoping to lure him into it so he won't notice when 'just a litte' turns into 'quite a lot'.
He tastes like bacon with a hint of the chewing gum he had earlier, and I can finally lick up those crumbs I saw. When I suck on his tongue he makes a low noise in the back of his throat, enough to bring my arousal to a dangerous degree. I place one hand on his neck, the other caressing up and down his thigh. He shifts, and I can feel my mouth run dry at the thought of touching him, of him becoming aroused by this.
I slide my hand up his chest instead, between sweater and t-shirt, feeling the heat of his skin through the fabric. I curl the fingers by his neck around tufts of blond hair, tilting his head to a more comfortable position, pleased when his body follows so that he's almost facing me. My tongue dips in and out of his mouth, teasing him and producing quiet, wet noises. He's got one arm around my shoulders and one hand rubbing my upper arm, letting out a barely audible gasp when I tug at his lower lip.
If I'd thought I could get away with it, I would have snuck my hand down his pants and swallowed his moans all the way to completion.
Sadly, just as my treacherous little hand starts running up the inside of his leg, he tears his mouth away from mine and stares in horror at the screen.
"Dammit, Sasuke! The movie started already!"
I can't say I care much, wiping my mouth with a sigh and resigning myself to no more physical contact than a head on a shoulder, at the most.
Of course, my imagination has other plans. Maybe I'm sexually frustrated. Maybe I'm counting down the hours until I have to see him off at the train station. Maybe I'm just delirious and high on love.
Whatever it is, I find myself increasingly affected as he whispers in my ear, the back of his hand slapping my arm to bring attention to something before affectionately lingering there. I grab his hand, playing with his fingers and kissing the top of his head when he leans against me. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. My dick, however, does not feel so lucky. It simply can't understand why there's no action now that Naruto is finally ours, finally so close.
He smells so good. I close my eyes, ignoring the impressive special effects on screen. I inhale, then sigh. Some of his hair tickles my nose, and I suddenly find myself wondering if his pubic hair would tickle as much. I can't help but release a breathy laughter, because I've just got it so bad. Ridiculous.
"What?" Naruto whispers, annoyed when I give no answer. "Tell me."
"Sure," I drawl, poking his cheek. "The prize of knowledge is a blowjob."
"What?!" he exclaims, several people turning back in their seats to look at us. "Are you insane?" he adds once they've lost interest, and much more quiet.
"It's possible," I say agreeably, putting my arm around his shoulders and pulling him close to breathe into his ear. "Wanna find out?"
He tenses, and I can feel his heartbeat pick up speed as I brush my fingers down his neck. I kiss his ear, the spot below it, making the most of what I get. Then he turns to face me, and it's not at all what I expected but damn if it isn't incredibly sexy. His eyes take on that challenging sharpness, lips parting in a confident grin. The words he murmurs are ones I've heard from him a hundred times before – but I don't think I've ever been happier to hear them.
"I dare you."
Letting out an explosive breath I stare into his eyes, frozen in disbelief. Is he saying it because he wants it, or because he doesn't think I'll have the guts to do it? His grin widens and his eyes dance with amusement. Of course. He's only toying with me.
When my expression darkens, he quickly collects himself.
"You're serious," he mumbles, searching my face.
"Dead serious."
"Wow." His eyes are a little wild around the edges now and I can see him swallow, lit up by the bright colors on the screen. "There are people here."
"I know," I tell him, keeping my voice even, though on the inside I'm torn between berating myself for my false hope and being angry at him for not realizing that I want him every second of every day, when and where and who's watching hardly matters. "I'm game if you are."
I don't try to rile him up, because as annoyed as I am I'd prefer it if he looks at me with lust and not panic that someone might see. He chews on his lips, glancing at the screen, then back at me. He looks nervous, and I sigh in defeat and place a chaste kiss on his lips before leaning back in my seat again.
"It's fine," I reassure him, finding his hand and interlacing our fingers.
He stares at me for a little longer, but I expect him to immerse himself in the movie again. What he does is take a deep breath and nod in determination, squeezing my hand once before letting go. Then he slides off his seat, moving my leg so that he can squeeze in between my seat and the one in front of me.
"Naruto," I ask him slowly, almost afraid to breathe. "What are you doing?"
"What do you think I'm doing," he retorts, placing his warm hands on my knees and looking at my crotch like a man with his goal in sight.
I'm speechless. I just sit there staring at him with wide eyes as he moves his hands inwards, thumbs pressing into my thighs along their way. Though my mind is shocked, my body is certainly enjoying what's happening. Sparks rush up my legs, settling into my groin and building a bonfire inside it. I spread my legs wider when Naruto gently pushes at them, then gasp when tan hands grip my hips and pull them closer to the edge of the seat.
"Holy fuck," I breathe out, and he spares me a glance.
"You're the one who said you were game if I was," he reminds me, his fingertips brushing the skin just above my waistband in delicious little circles.
"Well yeah but," I pause to swallow thickly as his fingers dip underneath the waistband, tugging lightly until my ass is barely connected to the seat anymore. "I was kind of thinking it would be the other way around."
Naruto stills for a moment, mulling over my words. The way his fingertips explore my skin again is highly distracting, and I'm proud I got the last few words out somewhat steady. His face is so very very close to my crotch now, a little further and I'd be able to feel his hot breath against my highly visible bulge.
"But you're…" he trails off, circling a hand awkwardly above it, one finger accidentally brushing over the thin fabric covering my length and I can't stop my hips from jerking slightly at the contact. "So, yeah," he finishes, using the hand to push up my shirt instead.
"Okay," I quickly agree, because like hell am I going to say no to Naruto sucking me off.
When he dips his head down to kiss my stomach I draw in a shuddering breath, wondering if I died and went to heaven. His mouth trails a path from one hip to the other, wet and warm and gods I can't wait to have those lips wrapped around my cock. I place my hands firmly on the armrests of my seat, scared that if I put them anywhere near his head I'll just force him right down onto my clothed hard-on and start grinding, which would be decidedly less sexy than it sounds. I think.
He fumbles with the button to my jeans, and all I can do his tilt my head back against my chair and concentrate on not making any sounds. Luckily there's fighting going on right now on the screen, explosions loud enough to cover up any slip-ups I might make. Naruto does an experimental lick up to my navel and I jerk my hips again, feeling my cock twitch in anticipation when he finally pulls down the zipper.
I feel so hot I'm almost sweating, silently praying that Naruto won't lose his nerve midway because then I'd be forced to finish by myself. I'm way past the point of no return.
Oh so slowly he starts pulling my jeans down, and I lift my hips to help. His hands slide around my hips to grab onto the back of my jeans, his mouth leaving a wet trail along my hipbone that causes me to shudder in pleasure. He grabs my ass through the fabric, sucking viciously on a spot where thigh meets hip and a startled gasp leaves my mouth.
"Shh," he hisses, looking thoroughly embarrassed, but it's all I can do to bite my lower lip hard and nod at him.
He pulls my jeans and boxers over my ass, and I sink down onto the edge of the seat again. My heartbeat is wild in my chest, hammering against my ribs as he nuzzles my cock through my boxers. His lips brush softly along the length of it, where it strains against the cloth. Running his thumbs over my hips again he hooks his fingers along the edge, and I tense when the waistband drags along my sensitive flesh.
I'm so hard and everything feels so tight, knots of pleasure begging to be loosened up by Naruto's mouth. I squeeze my eyes shut and bite the inside of my cheek to prevent a small whimper, because my dick is still being held down by just a few tiny centimeters of fabric and Naruto stops.
"Naruto," I beg him, curling my fingers into fists on the armrests, my legs almost trembling with need.
There's no reply, but I can feel his breath against my groin, hot and quick, and then finally his tongue laps along my shaft. I'm assaulted by a shockwave of tingling pleasure, and I brace my feet against the floor and jerk my hips up against his mouth in need for more. The result is my cock springing free, hitting him lightly on the chin before he pulls back.
I chance a glance down at him, feeling sweat starting to form on my forehead and along my back. He's staring at my cock, lips parted and eyes hooded, shadows playing over his face from the background light of the screen. I don't think I've ever seen anything more erotic in my entire life, and I have a very good imagination. And porn collection.
He gently pushes my hips back down, his hands caressing my skin in a way that sends goose bumps up my sides. You could ask me my name and I wouldn't be able to respond, I'm so turned on at this point. He leans forward, kissing my stomach again and leaving teasing little love bites all over it that has my cock twitching impatiently.
I guess he's working up the courage to actually suck me off, but I can't complain since every little thing he does feels amazing. Trying to steady my breathing I close my eyes again, relishing in the pleasure and the warmth of his body pressed against the insides of my legs. He's close now, oh so very close, and I have no choice but to abandon my attempts at calming down because his cheek and hair brushes softly against the side of my cock as he nibbles in the juncture between my thigh and hip.
I can feel precum gather at my tip, a low moan escaping my throat when Naruto breathes onto the wet spot he's been working on. After pressing a kiss to it he leans back just a little, enough for him to get a good view of my crotch. He stares for a couple seconds, then a couple more.
"Naruto," I whisper, lifting a shaky hand to caress the side of his face. "You don't have to-"
He grips my hand, giving me a defiant look. Then he laces our fingers together and press a kiss to the inside of my wrist, something that has us both blushing furiously.
"Shut up," he whispers back, letting go of my hand and instead wrapping his fingers loosely around my hard cock. "I got this."
I can't help it, an amused huff leaving my nose. He sends me a glare, but I put one finger into my mouth and starts pushing it in and out in a lewd gesture, unable to not tease him even in this state.
His retaliation is to grip my dick tightly and twist, and I almost bite down on my finger in surprised pleasure. Coughing on some saliva I quickly remove it, eyes wide open in disbelief as he twists again, less painful and more massaging this time. Oh god, it feels so good. He makes an experimental stroke, up and down and up again, swiping his thumb to spread the bead of precum over the now exposed head.
"Shit," I hiss, my hips bucking against the hand still holding me down.
Another twist, and he flashes me a small grin before focusing on the task at hand. He finds a good rhythm, and at this point I feel so good that I barely remember that he's supposed to use his mouth too. It's a little rough with no lube but I don't mind, relocating my hands to his shoulders and clawing at his shirt.
Then he slows, and I can hear my harsh pants embarrassingly well over the noise of the movie. I've almost gathered up enough wits to urge him on when something decidedly less dry makes contact with my tip. His tongue is soft and wet at first, giving simple licks across my sensitive skin that would have sent me to my knees if I'd been standing. A longer lick, then he circles his tongue, dips it into my slit, and I couldn't stop my moans even if I wanted to.
Apparently deciding he's found something I enjoy he hardens his tongue, letting the tip of it rub against my slit until it borders on painful. I've got one hand covering my mouth now, muffling the sounds that I have no control of. I'm sure there has to be more precum gathering there but he happily laps it up, and the thought of Naruto tasting my cum almost sends me over the edge. My legs twitch and press against his sides, holding him desperately, anything to make sure this feeling of dizzying pleasure stays.
My other hand finds purchase in his hair, and he takes it as a sign to switch tactics. As good as it felt I'm grateful, because I'd feel cheated somehow to cum just from that, without even feeling his lips.
As if hearing my thoughts he wraps his lips around me, sucking wetly on my head as he drags them closed. He does it again, and my cock feels so unbearably tight. I want more, and when my hand pushes him closer he opens his mouth and allows me to sink inside the wet heat. It's as if whatever I believed to be pleasure until this point was just a cleverly made copy, because it's all I can do to stop myself from shouting his name. I arch my back, desperate to reach deeper inside Naruto's mouth, but his hand still nails my ass to the seat.
"Fuck," I gasp into my palm, feeling like I'm burning up from the inside out.
Oh holy mother of blowjobs is the only coherent thought inside my brain as Naruto's mouth slides back up my length, his tongue pressing against the pulsing vein. Then he quickly gets down to business, bobbing his head in a steady rhythm while one hand keeps my cock angled the way he wants it.
Whenever there's a short silence in the movie I can hear the slurping noises he makes, swallowing excess saliva along the way. Fairly soon he tries hollowing his cheeks, and oh fuck does it make everything ten times better. He's sucking me so eagerly now, but I don't dare to open my eyes in fear of cumming from the sight alone. Just the thought of his swollen lips glistening with saliva moving up and down my hard cock has me trembling.
I wonder if he's watching me. I hope he is. When we get home, I'm going to fuck his mouth without restraints and tell him just how good he looks and how fucking amazing his mouth and tongue feels against my skin.
He sucks extra hard, slowing down so I can feel every little thing he does to me in detail. How his tongue rubs me gently, how his teeth ghost over my tip when he swallows… I'm dangerously close to completion, my fingers twisting his hair in warning as I try to pull him even closer with my legs. He sinks down deeper and almost chokes, then moans around my throbbing length as he pulls back again, letting go of me completely to catch his breath. His hand hurries to take over, his strokes quick and firm, and soon he's sucking just the head into his mouth while his hand continues to jerk me off.
I'm almost bent over him now, at an awkward angle that I don't notice because everything is too good and I can feel my orgasm building up, tensing my body and leaving me breathless. Naruto must have noticed it too, because he slows down again as if wanting to prolong the pleasure. There's a moment of panic as I think about him probably not wanting to swallow my cum, but the only thing leaving my mouth is a dirty keen at the thought of him actually doing just that.
Then he sucks and I'm cumming so hard into his mouth, trembling and gasping with his lips still wrapped securely around my cock and it's so difficult to stay quiet. I'm not even entirely sure I manage.
It takes me a few shuddering breaths to come back to earth, and when I straighten up I'm met with the sight of Naruto's mouth still so close to my dick, his eyes filled with arousal as he looks up at me. Before I have time to think about whether or not it's a good idea, I release the grip my legs have on him and pull him up to sit on my lap, connecting our lips in a bruising kiss. We kiss hungrily, licking and biting and sucking each other's tongues, no longer paying the least attention to our surroundings. His arms are wound around my neck, holding me close, his chest pressed against mine. My hands sneak underneath his shirt, tracing his spine and palming his muscles. It takes me a moment to realize that he's hard, but once I do I waste no time shoving a hand down the front of his pants. I'm not even patient enough to properly unbutton them, I just rub him awkwardly with the heel of my palm and move to kiss his neck, loving how he clings to me.
His harsh breathing washes over my ear, heating up my skin, small noises of pleasure escaping his throat even though he tries to hold back. My free hand runs over the expanse of his back, all the way up to his shoulders and then down to grab his ass. It's frantic and needy, and when I kiss him again I can taste myself on his tongue.
It's barely a minute before he shoots into my hand, squirming and panting into my neck. We stay like that for a while, enjoying each other's body heat and the heady feeling of post-orgasmic bliss. Naruto is running his fingers through my hair, smiling against my skin when I pepper the side of his face with little kisses.
"Do you think anyone saw us?" he mumbles, and I peer over his shoulder to check.
The two girls are giggling about something, but it doesn't seem to be us. The rest are fully engrossed in the movie, and it's only now that I pay attention to it that I realize just how loud it is. Another fighting scene, it seems.
"I think we're safe," I tell him, feeling his sigh of relief as his entire body seems to sag a little.
"I can't believe we just did that."
"You okay?" He didn't sound like he was upset, but maybe he'd just been caught in the moment and now that the fog of arousal had cleared he was beginning to regret things. "Sorry you missed the movie."
He snorts, bracing an arm against my shoulder and leaning back to look at me. Most of his face is in shadow, but I can see the satisfied grin on it clearly.
"I should have realized you wouldn't be patient enough for a movie."
I frown, about to object when he silences me with a kiss.
"Don't even try to deny it, bastard."
Shrugging, I allow myself to look just a tiny bit guilty. I can't help that his mere presence teases my libido to its breaking point. He should have thought of that before growing up so damn sexy. Having an idea, I lean in, whispering into his ear.
"So am I going to get punished for it when we get home?"
"Goddammit, Sasuke!" he hisses, somehow remembering to be quiet. Maybe it's because we've both still got our dicks outside our pants. "You're a total pervert, you know that?"
"I might have suspected it," I agree in mock thoughtfulness, ducking my head when he swats at me. "Now, where did you put those napkins?"
He rolls his eyes, but fishes them out of a pocket. When I reach for them he holds them above his head, giving me a pointed look.
"You haven't told me what you were laughing about earlier."
Heaving a sigh I sink back into my chair, giving him a bored look.
"It wasn't that interesting," I try, but I can tell he won't give in until I reply. Or until the movie is over and the lights turn on. "Fine, I was wondering if your pubic hair would tickle my nose."
It's worth it, just to see the look of shock, then rage on his face.
"I gave you a blowjob for that?!" he hisses viciously, blue eyes narrowing dangerously. "You are such a little shit! You better make it up to me!"
Oh, you bet I will. I part my lips in a perverted smirk, widening it when he smacks a hand over my face so he doesn't have to look at it.
"I could tie you up," I suggest, my words slightly muffled by his hand.
"Fuck you," he retorts, but does remove his hand to start cleaning up the mess in his pants.
"You could tie me up."
"I'm not listening," he grits out through clenched teeth, and I decide to let up on the teasing for now.
Instead I give him a chaste kiss, then one on his cheek, nose, and finally ear.
"Yeah yeah I get it," he mutters, but looks rather pleased with himself. "You're still a bastard though."
I lean back, content with watching him wipe up his cum. I can definitely see us doing this again. Probably I'll have to be sneaky about it, but I'm confident I can make it happen.
"Pervert," Naruto pouts as he half stands to tuck himself in and I pull him close by the hoops on his waistband, biting lightly into the skin by one hip.
"And proud of it."
Naruto laughs.