28 of Astron - Age 2941 – One day after the eagles rescue the Oakenshield Company from Azog the Defiler.

Somewhere in central Fangorn, Middle Earth…

a sound can be heard in the thickets of Fangorn, it's someone's hum. It is a melodic hum, a soft hum. Azog the Defiler hear this and grins maliciously, he and his band of orcs head to the cause of the noise. Through the thick forest they happen on a clearing, and in this clearing sits what seems to be a young woman, surrounded by wargs. But the wargs are not hostile, no, the wargs are letting themselves be petted and cuddled with by this woman. But Azog knows who this 'woman' is; she is the Wolfmother, breeder and mistress of the wargs in Middle Earth.

Azog sees her surrounded by her pack of wargs and grins with an evil but yet nervous twinkle in his eyes. He tells his band of warg-riders in black speech to go back in the forest 'Wait in the forest' he tells them, 'and wait for me there, I have business with this 'human', he says human with a hateful smile. The Orcs obey, grinning evilly thinking their seemingly fearless leader is going to kill her, and turn around on their wargs and leaves their Azog alone with his albino warg, the Wolfmother and her pack.

Azog slips of his wargs back, and slowly walks to the Wolfmother.

'My sweetest dearest Wolfmother, what a wonderful and lovely sight you are for my eyes' Azog says with an sickly sweet voice as possible in black speech, and a sleazy smile. The woman looks up at him, her wargs abandoning her petting to defend their mistress, growling threateningly at the intruder. 'Azog' she says with a melodic almost hypnotizing voice, 'I thought I smelled something foul'. Azog's eye twitches but forces him to continue his smile, 'My dearest mother, I bathed myself in blood of some human farmers for your sake' he says with fake hurt in his tone. 'And I came all the way here searching for you—' he is interrupted by the wargs growling loudly and barking at him. 'Tanfuksham, come to mother.' the woman says with caring loving words, and Azogs white warg trots over to her. The Wolfmother pets Tanfuksham and coos at him 'Oh my sweet little baby, how I've missed you.' The albino warg responds by whining and forcing himself into a hug.

Azog watches this with both amusement but also a small degree of anger, flee-bitten mongrel, still a momma's boy. 'Dearest mother, maybe you could calm your beasts? I didn't come here to hurt you, you know that.' Azog says with a smile, and only a little pleading in his voice, 'Hmm? Are you scared by a bunch of puppies, Azog the Defiler? Are you really the big white orcish warlord you seem out to be, being afraid of my harmless children.' She says with amusement in her voice and continues to pet and cuddle with Tanfuksham. 'Of course not mother' he says 'it would only be a shame if any if them got hurt is all.' He says with confidence and not a small amount of arrogance. The Wolfmother looks up at him with cold dead eyes, 'You could try, Orc. But my pups would tear your flesh from your bone in an instant, you'd be well to remember your place with me.' She says with a cool tone, but she still calls back her wargs. Tanfuksham growls at Azog for threatening to hurt his brothers and sisters, Wolfmother calms him 'Oh my big strong boy, standing up for you siblings, you make me so proud defending them from the big stupid orc.' and hugs the white warg closely, bringing him down with her as she lays down. Azog sighs in a silent relief, he really didn't want to be on the end of the Wolfmothers wrath, even without the help of her pack he would be no match for her.

'Well, Azog' she says while stroking the now lying Tanfuksham's belly, 'You came here for a reason, disturbing my peace and quiet with my children, what is it?' she asks with her melodic voice, not even bothering to look at him, which angers Azog, but he has learned not to show any anger directed at her among the wargs. He answers 'Yes Wolfmother, I came here seeking your aid' he says with that sickenly sweet voice again, 'I would like some more of your wargs.', 'More of my children? Why? What did you do the last group I borrowed you?' She says with a calm voice but Azog can hear a tint of anger and annoyance in her, 'My men and I was chasing Thorin, son of Thráin, and he killed them all by throwing them off a mountain, I tried to stop him I really did' he lied with fake sadness 'but he had a Wizard with him that stopped us when we tried to save them.'. Wolfmother, having heard his story, takes a shuddering breath, tears start to build in her eyes, 'My….my children are dead..? all of them?' she asks with a shaking sad voice, 'you-you let him kill my babies? For your own petty vengeance?!' she yells now standing up making the wargs and Azog finch. She stands up in such haste that the black cloak that she was wearing opens up and reveals her, she is short, merely reaching up to the chest of the orc, she makes it up in innocent beauty, now stained with tears, her skin is almost milky white, she is thin almost borderline underfed, but it has an erotic charm to it with precise wide hips, long thin legs and arms, with petite hands and feet. Her face is almost angelic, were it not for the black painted lips, black painted eye sockets with sickly yellow eyes, and her coal black flowing hair which hangs to the middle of her back.

'You come here—' she says with furious anger in her voice '—begging for more of my children to be used as common horses for your filthy band of orcs, when you have already killed seventeen of them already?!' she screams, the wargs jump to action and surround Azog growling and snapping at him with their teeth filled maws, the trees around them start to creak and shake, the sky is turning nightly dark, the grass around is dying and leaving dried up. Azog realizes his err with the Wolfmother, there is no escape. 'I should kill you for even thinking such a thing, let my children feast on your flesh, gnaw on your bones and use your organs as toys!' she shouts with a dark yet somehow melodic voice, and suddenly as fast as everything happened, the sky is brightening, the trees still and the grass grows green again. 'But I wont' she says with her now serene melodic voice, free from anger or spite 'because you are still of use for me, and my sweet little Tanfuksham has grown attached to you.' she lies down again and the wargs take their place around her again, leaving only Azog standing there with, his eyes formerly full of fear now transforming into glee, 'But' she says with her pointy finger pointed against him, ' I will not allow you to kill anymore of my children.' She says, Azog is about to argue but the Wolfmother speaks 'I will let you take my new breed of babies, they aren't as smart as my older children, but what they lack in brains, they make up in brawns.' She clarifies, and thus she claps ones. The echo can be heard echoing far and wide in the forest of old, and there is heard an howling in the distance, a wolf surrounding her answers the howl with it's own, getting a pet and a kiss from the Wolfmother. There can be heard sounds of rumbling, the ground is shaking, and suddenly everything stops. From the other side of the clearing a pack of wargs jump out from the trees, but these, Azog notices, are no ordinary Wargs. These wargs are bulkier, larger with bigger heads and legs, a lot More Deadly, and a lot Harder to Kill.

Azog the Defiler smiles an poisonous smile. They're perfect he thinks with glee. The Wolfmother stands up when they come to an halt, all thirty-one in the pack, in front of her. She walks up to biggest of them all, a black beast with one eye and a scar across the blind eye, and lays her hand across his head. 'Zemaraum' she says with a loving voice 'you listen to mother don't you? You'll do anything I tellyou to, won't you?' she says in a motherly voice, like she was talking to but a child. Zemaraum licks her hand, Wolfmother smiles. 'You my child, are going to follow this orc and obey his every order, is that understood?' her hand get licked again. 'Good.' She says and kisses the great animal on it's head, she turns around to face Azog, who now had stalked up right behind the Wolfmother and captured in a grip and leaning her back declaring 'Oh my dear Wolfmother, have I ever told you what a lovely mistress you are?' she says with a voice of adoration, lust and a need of possessing her, 'yes, you have Azog' she says with mild annoyance and a grimace on her angelic face 'now would you take your filthy hands off me before I rip them off.' She says with a deathly calm voice. Azog shivers, he loved it when she got feisty. 'Yes, of course my dear.' Debating whether or not to steal a kiss from those deliciously black lips, but he argued against it, a kiss wouldn't be worth death just yet, and he let her go, 'And you are sure they will listen to me?' Azog questions with greed in his eyes as he eyes the pack of grotesquely large wolfs, 'Of course they will, I told them to.' She says with annoyance that he doubted her. Azog jumps up onto his pale warg, takes one last look upon the Wolfmother, and dashes with pack of wargs into the forest to continue their search of Thorin.

The Wolfmother let's out a tired sigh and turns around to face her pack, 'Let's go hunting, my little darlings, I'm tired and I'm sure you all are hungry, yes?' she says with a motherly smile, the wargs perk up at the mention of food.

The Wolfmother along with her pack walked off into the opposite side of the clearing, disappearing in the thickets and the only thing that could be heard was howling fading in the Fangorn.


My first fan fiction, on which I've been wanting to write ever since I saw 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey'. I guess you can guess in who's harry, neh? So, whatever your mind is on the story, whether it's constructive criticism or just telling me what a terrible person I am, send it. And please review!