Alright, so this is my first fanfic on here. Please be gentle with me! High school AU, Dean comes to Sunnydale. Pre-series for Supernatural, Season 1 for BtVS. Cas is still an angel, but he was sent to watch over Dean as a teenager. THIS WILL BE A BANGEL AND DESTIEL STORY! Just so we're clear.
Disclamier: I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Supernatural! This is purely for fun!
The black 67 Chevy Impala roared to a stop in front of the high school. Dean Winchester opened his door and stepped out into the hot Californian sunlight. He turned around and put his head through the still open window.
"Do I really have to go Dad?" Dean asked for what seemed like the millionth time.
"Unless you want child services to take you and your brother away, yes." John Winchester answered. Dean sighed and turned his head to the backseat where a twelve year old Sam was sitting.
"You be good okay. No fighting unless you know you can win." Dean advised his little brother.
"Yeah, I know the drill Dean." Sam responded indignantly. Dean reached back and ruffled Sam's shaggy hair.
"See ya after school Sammy." Dean said, backing out of the car window. John caught his boys eyes before he turned around.
"I'm leaving the Impala here, Bobby's gonna come by and drop off a truck for me to use. Be careful with her." John warned. Dean nodded and his father drove away to drop Sam off at the middle school. Dean turned to face the school he was going to be stuck in until his dad finished whatever hunt he was working. It was pretty average as far as he could tell. Steps up to a walkway with some benches off to the side and a planter with some stupid bushes in the middle. Some pines on the grassy fields bordering the doors below a half-circle window in an arch. Those stupid orange tiles that are on every single roof in California. Dean sighed and maneuvered his way up the steps between the influx of students who were attending yet another day of school. Dean pushed past a petite blonde cheerleader type and barely escaped being run over by a dark haired boy on a skateboard. He hurried into the building to register with the front desk.
The very cute secretary directed him to the principal's office and he gave her his best smile before turning around and taking the few steps he needed to reach the door. He knocked twice and waited.
"Come in!" The principal called. Dean opened the door and sauntered in. A far too cheerful face greeted him. "Please, sit down." The principal, Flutie as his name plate read, motioned to the chair in front of his desk. Dean dropped into the seat and waited for Flutie to commence in the standard welcome. He shuffled a few files on his desk, then held up one to examine the name.
"Dean Winchester?" Flutie asked. Dean nodded.
"That's me." He responded in a voice that spoke of contempt and boredom. Flutie gave him a stern look. It didn't quite have the same punch as he wanted.
"Now, from what I've seen from your files, you're quite the troublemaker Mr Winchester." Flutie told him, though Dean already knew all of this. Dean rolled his eyes. "Now, here at Sunnydale High, we don't believe in permanent records. You'll be accepted here with a clean slate. We accept all students, even if they..." Flutie trailed off as he read Dean's file. "You brought a knife to school?!" Flutie exclaimed, his eyes bugging out. Dean shrugged.
"Some guys were bothering me, I decided to bring some extra protection." Dean explained. "But don't worry, I'm sure that won't be a problem here." Dean added. No matter how much he wished he didn't have to be there, sometimes you had to make sacrifices. He really didn't want to have to uproot Sammy again.
"Well, I'll just have to take your word on it then." Flutie assured him. Dean smiled. "Now, I have your schedule right here, along with a map of the school. I suggest going to the library at some time today to pick up your books. I hope I don't see you in my office unless it's for an award." Flutie told him. Dean nodded.
"Whatever you say Mr Flutie." Dean dismissed. He took the papers from the principal and walked out of the office. As he was leaving he passed the same petite blonde he had run into earlier. He gave her a flirty smile as he passed and winked. As he suspected the girl blushed and looked away. He decided that she was probably new, the ones that have been here their entire lives were more confident. He kept walking, trying to make his way to the library before the students made their way to their classes. Dean was looking down at the map in his hands, trying to find the library in the maze of a school, when he collided with a wall of flesh. The unexpected collision sent him tumbling to the ground, followed closely by whatever person he had collided with.
"I am very sorry." A gruff voice spoke from above Dean. Dean looked up and saw the bluest eyes he had ever seen staring back at him. Dean stared at those eyes for a few more seconds before registering that he was still laying on the floor and the body on top of him hadn't moved away.
"Um, do you mind getting off of me?" Dean suggested, trying to push the guy off of him. Because of course it was a guy, a surprisingly handsome guy with dark brown hair that was very messy, tan skin that was almost a requirement in Southern California, and the bluest eyes Dean has ever seen, but a guy none the less.
"Of course." The guy said as he climbed off of Dean and held out a hand to help Dean up. Dean took the offered hand and pulled himself off of the floor. He dusted himself off as much as he could and looked the man he had run into over. He was slightly shorter than Dean, well built, but still a little scrawny. His face still held some of the fat of childhood, but he would grow out of it soon. His face seemed like it was constantly held in an expression of confusion, and his eyes crinkled slightly at the corners. His hair was of course a complete mess, what some might consider 'sex-hair', but Dean decided to dub 'bed-head'. He was dressed oddly for a student, a full suit with a slightly messy white shirt and a recklessly placed tie. He was also wearing a tan trench coat, despite the fact that it was far too hot for it.
"The name's Dean Winchester, you?" Dean asked, because he couldn't keep referring to him as 'that guy I ran into'. The blue eyes seemed to light up in recognition at Dean's name, but the expression was gone before Dean could read too much into it.
"I am Castiel. Novak." Castiel answered, though he seemed to pause before he said his last name. Almost like he had to think about it. Dean filled this information away for later, almost positive it would be useful.
"Nice to meet ya Cas." Dean gave him a smile and a pat on the back as he started to walk away. Cas turned around and followed him, easily falling into step beside him.
"Why did you call me Cas?" He questioned with a tilt of his head.
"Well, Castiel is a bit of a mouthful. Cas is easier." Dean explained with a shrug. "I'm sure you've been called Cas before." He added. Cas shook his head.
"No, I've only ever been called Castiel." He explained. Dean looked at him in shock.
"You mean your friends never gave you a nickname?" He asked. Cas shook his head again.
"I do not have any friends. I am a new student here, much like yourself." Cas explained. Dean paused in his steps for a second.
"How do you know I'm new?" He questioned.
"I saw you go into the principal's office. He doesn't call students in unless it is to give them awards, detention, or welcome them to the school. I have learned that much since I came here a week ago." Cas explained to him. Dean nodded. Cas stopped walking and nodded to something beside Dean. Dean turned and saw the library door behind him.
"Oh, thanks Cas." Dean smiled at him and pushed open the doors. He walked through the swinging double doors into a large room filled with books. He walked to the front desk and looked behind it.
"Hello?" Dean called out into the seemingly empty room. He turned around and started to walk up the few steps to the second floor. As he reached the top of the stairs a man in a tweed suit stumbled out of the stacks.
"Oh. Um, hello. Dean Winchester I presume." The librarian greeted in a stuffy English accent.
"The one and only." Dean answered. The librarian straightened his glasses and cleared his throat.
"Yes, of course. I'm Mr Giles, the school librarian. I presume you want your textbooks." Giles walked past Dean and down the steps. Dean followed.
"Yeah, that'd be great Giles." Dean answered, though he knew there wasn't a question.
"I already have all of your books ready." Giles told him as he walked behind the desk. He bent down and retrieved a stack of books. "There you are." Giles smiled at Dean and pushed the books toward him.
"Thanks." Dean muttered as he shoved the books into his bag.
"It was no trouble." Giles responded. Dean gave him a curt smile before walking out of he library, one strap of his bag hanging off his shoulder. He walked to his first class of the day and looked in. A cute, slightly nerdy redhead was sitting next to the idiot that had almost run him over with a skateboard. Dean sits down in a seat in the back, near the window. He doesn't look up as someone sits down in front of him, but from the corner of his eye he can see the tan of Castiel's trench coat. He decides that it's going to be a long year.