Disclaimer- Harry potter isn't mine!!

A/n my second fic! Please review after reading this! Read my other fic, To Love or Not t Love. I think that it was ok.


The blade made her leg red. The trail of blood seeped easily through the deep cut and down her thigh. "I hate you. I hate myself. Nobody ever thinks that a mudblood like me can amount to anything. Well, even if that bitch of a step-mom thinks that I'm a danger to her precious husband… ugh! I hate them all. Parents. Who needs them anyways! I'll show them!" the blood still flowed down her leg as she wiped the blade with a towel and threw it into her suitcase. "I'll need that." Her name was Hermione Granger, A seventh year at Hogwarts and the Head Girl. Spotting her head girl badge, she grabbed it and pinned it to her black long sleeved shirt with a rugby dip in it. "Head girl. More like blade runner." She re-read her letter from the school and spotted the name under head boy. "Draco Malfoy. Figures. Ahh, but it will be just the thing that I need. A good yelling at too make me feel good. He can hurt me. I'll get him mad so that he will hurt me." Hermione slammed her box of dark makeup shades onto her desk and looked for the darkest one. "Where the hell is my deepest black one…" finally spotting it, she loaded her brush and packed it on her eyes. Her black eyeliner smeared a little, but she fixed it, and her sleek deep black hair was flowing over her shoulders. Her stepmother's voice rumbled up through the halls. "Hermione Granger get your fat ass out of this house right now or you will miss the train! Not that it would be a bad thing for you to suffer, it's just that I want your ugly bitch face out of here!!" Hermione rolled her eyes and muttered spell to make her trunk fit into her backpack. "Shut up bitch I'm leaving!" she threw on a pair of deep blue flares and a pair of sneakers before grabbing her backpack and stomping out of the apartment.

She stopped as she approached the barrier and whipped a nail filer out of her pocket. She leaned casually against the barrier and filed her black nails, sliding sideways onto the platform. Noticing that everyone in front of the Hogwarts express was happy, Hermione rolled her eyes and walked up to Ron. One good push was all that was needed to send him flying ten feet to the next barrier. "Hey you bitch! Why don't you just—Hermione???" Hermione smirked and grabbed his hand to pull him back up to his feet. "How nice of you to notice, Ronald. Now if you excuse me I have a head girl's compartment to catch." She shot a twitch of her lips that almost made it to a smile at Harry, and into her compartment. She sat there in her seat with her nail filer and filed away on her nails until they were bleeding. A simple spell made her nails grow back instantly. The compartment door slammed open and closed with a deafening bang. Hermione didn't move. She shot a nasty look at whoever busted into the room and then pretended to be scared. "Oh it's Malfoy. How nice it is to see you." Sarcastically she gave a little smile. Draco scowled. "Yeah nice to see you too granger. By the way nice to see that you're being black. Maybe my father would like that." Hermione frowned and touched the blade through the fabric of her backpack. "Wouldn't be so sure Malfoy." He rolled his eyes and slumped in his chair. Hermione couldn't help staring at him. He was in black shorts and a white tee shirt. He didn't look too shabby. He caught her looking and gave her a death glare. Hermione only matched it and grabbed her cd player. The train started moving and Draco started drumming his fingers on the window. This was going to be a long trip.

Hermione looked out of the corner of her eye at Draco as the train swayed to a stop. He was reading some kind of book. After a closer look, Hermione realized that the book was upside down, and he was not reading. He seemed to be deep in thought. She had seen that look a million times. During the summer, she remembered sitting in front of a mirror for hours, staring at her face. Her hand rested on the blade in her bag again. She could feel the sharp blade even though the nylon was there. She closed her eyes and sighed. The conductor's voice echoed as Hermione leapt off the train and ran to a carriage, her bag in hand. Not expecting anyone to get into the carriage with her, Hermione pulled out the blade. "I can't take it anymore! I have to do it somewhere!" she pushed up her sleeves on her robe, and pressed the sharp edge to her upper arm. It only lasted a second because she threw the blade out the window so that it smacked into a tree. It stayed there, glittering in the sun until someone sat down in front of her. It was Draco Malfoy. Hermione groaned and inspected her cut. "What granger, didn't see enough of me on the train?" she rolled hr eyes and used her wand to get rid of the cut. The blood stayed on her arm, and kept coming out of the now invisible cut. It flowed freely down her arm once more, leaving a red trail. Draco eyed her. "Granger, what did you do?" she could hear the curiosity in his voice. She also heard something that sounded a little like concern. "I fell." "No you didn't. What did you do?" she sighed and pointed to the tree with the glittering knife sticking out of it. "No way… Granger… you cut yourself…" *pause* "… why?" Hermione frowned and turned away from him. The carriage was moving down the hill very quickly. The ride only lasted about five seconds, and then they were rushing down to the great hall.

Dinner passed silently, with Draco shooting her worried glances from across the hall. On the way to their privet common room and dorms, he glanced at her again. "Wonder why she did it." He mumbled under his breath, not making it loud enough for her to hear, but she knew that he was talking. She shot him a quick glare before opening the portrait hole (Candy sticks). She went straight to her room without looking around. "Accio knife." The handle fizzed through the air and slowed to a stop in her palm. Pushing her robes up, she ran it over the cut that was already there. Once again, the blood was down her leg when someone grabbed her.

He stared at her intently and grabbed the blade. "Blastom" the knife turned blue and a little cloud of smoke appeared above it as it blew to tiny bits that could not be repaired. Draco took both of her wrists and sat on the red couch in the corner of her dorm room and looked at her eyes. But her eyes didn't look into his. They traveled from her red four-poster to her black carpet to her cherry dresser and to her white closet. They finally locked on his own and filled with tears. Without thinking, she dove into the boy's chest. Grasping him like hell, and crying her eyes out. With every sob, she told him everything. Everything from her stepmother's beatings to her father's beatings. She told him about the murder of her mother over the summer, and about how she abused herself with the knife. She cried until her eyes were dry. She grabbed her wand and tried to mutter a memory charm, but Draco was too quick. He grabbed her wand and stared at her. "You sound like me. My father does the same thing to me." Hermione twitched a small smile before getting up and sinking into her feather mattress. Draco walked over to her and loomed over her. "Hey, Hermione. Why don't we call it a truce and be friends for a while. We both have the same problem. It might help up if we were friends" he shrugged and looked at her again. She smiled for the first time in four months. "I'd like that, Draco." He smiled and went to her door. "Night, Hermione." "Good night, Draco." And for once, she got some sleep.

A/n Okay, so it's short. Yeah, I know what everyone must be thinking. It was a little bloody, and the relationship was rushed. Too bad ;-) I just want to get into their relationship so that I can continue the story! REVIEW! Do a simple hi. It would be appreciated. I need to know if I should write the next chapter. PLEASE! I BEG YOU TO! J Till next time