Glassplant: hey guys! welcome back to Sonic experiment!

Scourge: what took you so long to do this?

Glassplant: you know how the writer's block monster loves messing with me?

Scourge, Sonic, and Shadow: yes.

Glassplant: well he prevented me form writing anything and thinking of any idea's for this...

Scourge, Sonic, and Shadow: ah.

Glassplant: yeah, so I'm going to start now before the writer's block monster makes me question this!

-Story begin-

Rouge, for her part, had been listening for any reports of news that could possibly lead Shadow to finding the werehog. But as she heard what Shadow said to the Commander, she was beyond shocked.

Shadow rarely showed emotions. And in the cases he did it was contained, but when he had said all that to the Commander, though it was more on the borderline of yelled, the emotions had seemed to be no were near contained. Rouge had clearly heard the anger in his voice and along with it regret and malice could be heard.

But what had shocked her the most was the fear that had first appeared in his voice when the commander was about to tell him to end the werehog. rouge never expected Shadow to feel anything about the death of his rival, but the emotion he felt at even the thought showed something that she had not expected from him. He cared about Sonic, his rival.

Shadow, after it all, was back on the road after what the commander tried to tell him to end the werehog,though before he did he spent a while punching a rock to dust and braking down his camp. His mind was in turmoil now, he couldn't believe what the commander had tried to make him do, but what the commander had said had reminded him of what he's done. About all the times he'd tried to kill the one he now found he was in love with.

After a minute he was off his path and punching a tree in anger as he thought 'I'm an idiot! How could i do that! I almost killed him so meany times... yet I didn't...' at that Shadow stopped as he voiced the one major question that came to his mind "why didn't I?"

Quicker then a super computer Shadow searched him memories and mind for a reason, after a bit he came to realize as he sat down in the roots of the tree he had been punching "because, even though I didn't know it... I was still in love with him..."

Shadow quickly pushed himself up from within the cluster or roots and started walking absently for a few minutes as his thoughts drifted back to what he had said to the commander hoping to get his mind of the possible craziness that is his love life.

In the moment he had been talking to the commander he hadn't completely been thinking, but now as he thought about it, what he said was true. He had hatted his job at gun. He hatted the jobs he was given, he hatted the organization. The only reason he had joined was he had not wanted to be hunted any more.

Shadow slowly sighed before saying "just like how Sonic deserved to be free."

Meanwhile our former hero gone weapon finally reached his destination, before faster then the eye could pick up jumping up onto Eggman's ship and past the guards. He didn't care about them at the moment, all he wanted was to do, first off, was get out whatever bullets he could. So faster then those same bullets that had been shot at him, he entered the infirmary and after a quick sweep he found the tweezers he was looking for and sat on a table slowly pulling out bullets and letting them drop to the floor as his mind wandered trying to think of any way to escape.

After a few minutes Sonic heard the door slide open and without looking up from his work of pulling a bullet out of his arm he said " go away Egghead, I just want to be alone."

Eggman sneered at his former rival's anger before moving past him and off to some equipment in the back saying "a doctor has the right to work in there own lab."

Sonic ignored the egghead at this point and continued to removing the bullets, even when the Doctor walked back over and removed a disk from his quills, guessing that what was on the disk had been the werehog's mission to collect.

Upon pulling out all the bullet's he could Sonic sighed before grabbing some antiseptic from a nearby cupboard and starting to clean the wounds.

Eggman on the other hand watched the hero out of the corner of his eye as he examined one of the werehog cells. He found it amazing that one cell out of a thousand blood cells, or on out of a million cells, could cause such a raped transformation once night falls. And as he enhanced the zoom and looked deeper into the cell more wonders were found, before he switched slides to the one with the cells DNA and started testing different chemicals hoping to find ones that altered the cells in the way he desired to make his weapon stronger.

Sonic on the other hand, after warping up his injuries, stared at the blood covered tweezers before doing something very out if character for him. He threw the iron tweezers so hard at the floor that they basically shattered before storming out of the room.

That caught Eggman's attention as he turned and looked at the shattered remains of his tweezers in shock never before had the hedgehog ever been able to shatter pure iron with his normal strength alone, witch could only mean one thing, Sonic was changing.

Sonic on the other hand hadn't even known he had shattered iron with his strength alone, he was more focused on other things as he walked through the halls of the Doctor's flying fortress to the one place he know there were no camera's, the cave in "his cell", as he pulled at his quills and mumbles to himself "I'm not his weapon, I can't be." over and over again.

He quickly traveled to "the cell" and rushed into the cave still mumbling to himself this time it being "i don't want to be here, I don't want to be his weapon. I-i want to be with Shadow. Things were easier, things weren't confusing, and I didn't have to worry about what I did in the night because I don't remember it."

after a second he curls up in the corner of the cave mumbling to himself still. After a second calms down a bit and starts to think 'there has to be a way out of this... there has to be... maybe if I can somehow get them to take the collar off... but why in chaos would they do that...' a sigh escapes the hero's lips at this before he says aloud "i truly hate this place..."

time now seamed to pass slow for the former blue blur. The day time was spent staring at walls or out windows with his mind wandering to places and times far from this tiny enclosure while night time was a complete mystery to said hedgehog who could only assume what the werehog did in it's "free time" under the doctor's control.

At this moment in time it was now midnight of the fifth day since the weaponized hedgehog returned for his mission of infiltrating G.U.N. The werehog now lay in his cave in a shallow sleep.

A light noise outside the cave disturbed the werehog's rest, but he did not move to confront the intruders of his territory. He already know who the beings were. The noises were of a small, fat-ish, silvery blue colored robot and a tall, skinny, gold colored robot. He had long since deduced them to be his master's lackey's and felt no need to interact with them as long as they let him be.

Soon he could hear the two beings in front of his den, they were speaking of something involving the collar. He ignored them and continue to rest in his cave even when they entered his cave and walked over to him. The only thing that brought him into action was the cluck right before his collar fell away.

The werehog quickly closed his eyes for a minute before opening them revealing that formerly dull gray eyes were now once again a brilliant emerald green. Within seconds he he jumps back a bit and growled at the two before realizing two things the collar was off and, with a flick of the sensitive ears towards where he needed and found what he was hoping for, the door was open.

With a toothy grin the werehog pushed past the two robots and quickly exited the enclosure. Within seconds all the robot's in the area set out to attack him. A chuckle escaped his lips as thirty or so robots before thinking 'is that all you've got Egghead.' before jumping forward with his instincts partially taking over as he launched himself forward sending one of his clawed hands deep into one of the robots and pulled out the wires causing the robot to short circuit and explode.

The next robot that came at him, he quickly jumped on top of and ripped off there head before launching it at another robot collapsing there chest plate.

Upon this he jumped away from the horde of robots and started running away from them and towards the exit of the giant air ship. Even while on the run he attacked robots sending them crashing into the walls were they exploded into scrap.

After three or so minutes the werehog finally reached the exit and quickly took it down right as the alarms started to go off. The werehog quickly rushed to the edge of the ship as the cool night air flowed threw his quills and fur before without blinking an eye jumping off the ship and into the canopy below.

Within seconds of entering the canopy Sonic could hear Eggman yelling something along the lines of "you stupid robots! Go after him! Don't let him escape!" right before he jumps down to the forest floor and starts running again with robots close behind.

After a second he also heard something else following him. The Egg-mobile. Quickly the former hero started zig-zaging through the trees trying to lose his pursuers. After a second he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder that after a second sent a searing pain through his body that made him want to curl up in a corner and cry till it went away. But he know that in this instance he knew that wasn't a good idea so he instead kept running.

Shadow on the other hand was slowly walking through that same forest with his thoughts running ramped. He was slowly starting to think he might have to give up on saving his former rival. That is till he heard something coming towards him. Quickly he looked in that direction the movement was coming from just as a creature crashed through a bush. Within seconds Shadow caught thousands of things about the creature from just it's posture and eyes.

The way the creature stud with it's midnight blue fur and same colored quills, witch were both standing on end, and it's claws out suggested that it was injured and in pain and would attack if provoked to protect it's self. While it's eyes... 'those eyes... I know those eyes.' Shadow thought as he watched the creature before saying "Sonic?"

the werehog quickly looked at shadow and showed recognition in in instant before he suddenly faints. Upon this Shadow quickly ran over in concern to the former hero and quickly looks over the hero. What he saw though put him on edge.

Embedded in the werehog's shoulder was a dart with none other then the Eggman logo. Shadow quickly acted and grabbed hold of the werehog before pulling out his chaos emerald and chaos controlled away leaving no trace for Eggman or his robots to follow other then already dissipated pool of chaos energy.

-Story complete-

Glassplant: yay! new chapter!

Scourge: yes, good for you. now you just have to work on three other story's.

Glassplant: *growns* I know...

Shadow: witch reminds me... of you guys liked Glassplant's story tell her in the comments it gives her more motivation to write and if you have any idea's for her put it in there as well.

Glassplant: see you guys later.