Sonic sat on a flat topped rock starring out one of the windows of his prison's room on Eggman's latest flying fortress. Everything around Sonic was designed for something much stronger and more like a wild animal then Sonic, at least in this state...

"how did I get myself into this mess?" Sonic asks himself as he puts his head in his hands.

flashback to two weeks ago

Sonic slept on the roof of his house. For once this week Eggman hadn't sent a troop of his robots to attack him. 'perhaps he's given up.' thinks Sonic as he sleeps.

Suddenly Eggman's ship flies overhead and starts to shoot at Sonic's house. 'well it looks like I was wrong.'

Sonic instantly jumps out of the way as one of Eggman's lasers hits the spot where he was just siting. Sonic instantly jumps up onto Eggman's ship and runs throw the ship till he finds Eggman. "You know Eggman my house is now partiality in shambles."

"oh I know Sonic, but don't worry. You won't need that need that place anymore." remarks Eggman.

Sonic then jumps at Eggman planing to knock him out cold and finally have a day where Eggman is not trying to do something to him. Suddenly as Sonic was flying towards Eggman, Eggman pressed a button on his control panel and almost automatically Sonic stops in midair. "what the?" without a second thought Sonic tries to move, but finds that he can't.

"DECOE, BOCOE! GET HIM RESTRAINED!" yells Eggman at his two ,main, robots.

"yes Eggman." says Decoe as he and Bocoe run forward and grab Sonic's arms and legs before pulling Sonic down onto a medical table.

As soon as they secured Sonic to the table Bocoe tells Eggman "he's all set sir."

"good." remarks Eggman "now lets get started."

Eggman pulls a lever on his control panel and suddenly a ray gun came out of the ceiling and aimed it's self at Sonic. As Soon as the laser was completely in place Sonic asked "what are you planing Eggman?"

"just an experiment my blue friend." with that Eggman pulls the switch.

The laser started up quicker then a person can snap and sent out a purple ray. As the ray hit Sonic he felt as if some thing was being forced into his body. It went on like this for an hour with Sonic screaming throughout the proses. When Eggman finally stopped his laser Sonic was taped out. Every fiber of his being was yelling out in pain. "well that didn't do a thing." remarks Eggman "take our guest to his room till I think up something new to test on him."

"yes sir." says Bocoe as he undoes the restraints.

Once Sonic's restraints were undone Sonic just lies there unable to move because of the pain. Decoe soon picks Sonic up and caries him away. After a few minutes Decoe puts Sonic down and leaves. As soon Decoe was gone Sonic fell asleep.

Later when Sonic woke up he found that he was ling in a small clearing by a cave. After he was finally able to get up he started searching this room for any way out. After searching for almost twenty-five minutes Sonic found that Eggman had made shore that he couldn't escape, and for some strange reason the room had the look and feel of a real forest. There was a window, but no mater how hard he hit it it wouldn't brake. As Sonic stairs out the window he sees it's beginning to become night.

That when it started. Sonic doubled over feeling the pain he had felt when Eggman shot that laser at him except that it was much worse. He felt his bones braking apart into thousands of peaces and expanding while reconfiguring themselves so that they form much longer bones while his spine grows longer making his tail longer. His fur grow out and turned a deep shade of midnight blue along with his quills (yes hedgehogs have both fur and quills.) although at the ends they turn pure white. Sonic's arm muscles expand and grow out. His internal organs grow to support his growing body. Then his face grew out into a pointed muzzle and his flat teeth changed into fangs as his ears became more pointed. His hands got bigger and broke apart his gloves as soon as the gloves were gone racier sharp claws grew on the tips of his fingers. Soon Sonic's shoes and socks split apart as his feet got bigger and claws grew from the tips of his toes. Around his wrists and the upper part of his chest along with him muzzle the fur turns a lighter shade of midnight blue. And throughout all thees changes Sonic screamed.

That was around the time Bocoe decides to check in on Sonic via the hidden cameras in Sonic's room and found Sonic standing there on all fours looking more like a wolf then his hedgehog self. "um... sir?"

"what!" replies Eggman "I'm busy trying to figure out why this laser did nothing to that hedgehog!"

"um... actually I think it it did work." says Bocoe as he sends Eggman the feed.

Eggman takes a good look at Sonic before saying "it worked! It must have had a delayed reaction, but it worked! Get everything set for the procedure."

Decoe replies "yes doctor." before running off.

As soon as Sonic's breathing had calmed down and the pain had completely subsided he stood up and looked down at himself. He shutters as he sees how much he has changed. "what happened to me?" Sonic asks himself, but it came out as a whimper.

"what the?" says Sonic, but it came out as more of a confused bark.

'okay... strange.' thinks Sonic as he sits down on a flat topped rock 'I've changed into... I don't know what... and I can't talk... this keeps getting better and better.'

That's when Sonic noticed that Eggman's messenger, Bokkun, was flying towards him. "hey Sonic!" he chimes with a child like voice "how are you doing?"

Even if Sonic could reply to Bokkun's question he wouldn't have. This little twit had cussed Sonic so much trouble in the past that Sonic, and all of his friends, hatted the little guy. So Sonic turned away hoping to ignore him till he went away. That was a BIG mistake. As Soon as Sonic turned away from the little guy there was a sharp pain at the base of his neck. Sonic quickly turns around to find Bokkun smiling while holding an empty needle. A low growl emerges from Sonic's throat. "don't worry." Bokkun says "it's just a sedative."

In that moment everything started to go blurry. Sonic tried to fight off the effects, but finds that the more he fought the faster it worked. A few seconds after that Sonic fell forward before blacking out.

With a slight jerk Sonic awoke and found that he was back on the medical table, again strapped to the table, that Eggman's bots had strapped him to when this all began. Sonic looks off to the left and spots Eggman dressed in a sergeants uniform messing with things on a table nearby. Instinctively Sonic growls at the doctor. The doctor looks up from the things he was messing with and says "well that sedative didn't work for long, luckily I have stronger ones."

That's when Eggman grabs from the table an empty needle and fills it with a strange green liquid. After checking the measurements Eggman slowly walks over to Sonic, who was fighting the restraints with all the energy he could muster to no avail. Once Eggman gets the needle into Sonic's arm, witch is harder then you think since the transformed hedgehog wouldn't stop struggling, he says "don't worry my speedy friend this won't hurt, much." before giving a quick laugh and injecting the needles content into Sonic.

Almost instantly the sedative took effect forcing Sonic back to sleep.

Slowly Sonic awoke feeling like his head was full of cotton. He looked around to find Decoe and Bocoe picking up blood covered surgery utensils from the table Eggman was at earlier. Almost instantly Sonic realized it was his own blood on those utensils. "what did he do!?" Sonic asks though it comes out as more of an agitated growl.

That's when Sonic heard Eggman laugh before he came into sight and said "don't worry we didn't do much. Just a tracking chip in the back of your neck. Were not planing to do much else till tomorrow so you might as well relax a bit."

In truth that made Sonic start trying to get out of the restraints again. That's when Bokkun came flying in in a nurses outfit and asks "should I take him back to his room sir?"

"yes, yes. And get him something to eat while your at it. We don't want him dieing before we start do we?"

at the mention of food Sonic's stomach growled reminding him that he hadn't eaten anything this morning. Bokkun gives a short laugh before pushing the cart that Sonic had at some point been strapped onto while he was out cold out of the room.

Once Bokkun had gotten the cart into Sonic's room he tilted it forward and the restraints undid themselves sending Sonic Sliding to the ground. Before Sonic could gather his wits Bokkun carted the cart out of the room and quickly locked the door. 'great,' thinks Sonic as he walks over to the flat topped rock and sits down 'even if I do escape from this place that egg head can just track me down... unless I get the chip removed... but there would be questions on how I got the chip...' Sonic quickly puts his head in his hands 'and what would my friends say if they see me like this... they'd probably think I'm a dangerous wild animal...'

Sonic looked out the window and found that dawn was coming fast. 'they must have taken all night to put that chip in.'

Just as the sun appeared in the window Sonic felt the pain of the original transformation. Sonic quickly collapsed onto all fours as he started changing. His claws retracted back into his hands and feet while his fangs flattened themselves out. His hands, feet, arm muscles,ears, skeleton, muzzle, and organs shrunk back to there original size. Sonic's midnight blue fur and quills shortened and turned back to it's sapphire blue and peach color.

Bocoe was keeping watch over Sonic when he saw the transformation take place. "Sir you need to see this." he says as he sends the video feed over to him.

As Eggman watches Sonic change back his normal hedgehog self he asks himself "what went wrong?... bring me the scans."

Decoe brings doctor Eggman the scans. As he looks at the scans he says "could it be?... Decoe we're going to be putting off Stage Two for a while."

"why sir?" Decoe asks.

"i need to check somethings involving the hedgehog's transformation... and unless we want Stage Two to fail we are going to need to track his transformations."

"okay sir." Decoe says.

And that's how Sonic ended up stuck in Eggman's flying fortress changing every night into the form Sonic started calling the werehog and eating whatever Eggman's robots brought into his "room".

Sonic stared out the window and found that night was fast approaching. "not again..." says Sonic as he gets up and walks over to the clearing and starts to pace back and forth waiting for the transformation to take place. "it's happened every night so far... and I can't stop it... why hasn't Eggman done anything yet?... he said he had other... what did he call them?... it doesn't mater, he said he had more planed so why hasn't he done anything yet?..."

then it happened. He started to transform. His bones broke apart, expanded, and reformed into bigger bones. His hands and feet grew larger and started to have sharp claws grow at the tips. His muscles expanded as his spine lengthened making his tail longer. His fur and quills lengthened as they turned midnight blue, except at the tips of the quills they turned pure white, or a lighter shade of midnight blue that was around his wrists, muzzle, and the upper part of his chest. His organs grew larger to support his larger body while his muzzle and ears lengthened and became more pointed. And finally his flat teeth grew into pointed fangs.

Once the changes were done Sonic walks back over to the flat topped rock and sits down.

Eggman finally said after two weeks of watching Sonic change back and forth "bring me Stage Two. I need to make some changes to it."

"yes sir." says Bocoe as as he leaves and comes back with a metal collar.

The doctor took the collar and plugged it into the computer before he started typing up lines of code. "um... sir? I'm just wondering, but why are you adding new code to the collar?" asks Decoe.

as Eggman types he replies "if we Send that hedgehog on night time missions and it becomes dawn before we can get him back on the ship he will run off to his friends and get all of our hard work undone. I'm coding in a command that will that will only affect him during the day. It will force him to return to us."

"that's a brilliant idea sir." says Bocoe.

"i know." replies Eggman "Bokkun could you go get our friend ready for Stage Two?"

"yes doctor." replies Bokkun as he get a needle full of sedative and flies off.

As Sonic sat on the flat topped rock staring at the night sky throw the window he heard Bokkun say "hi Sonic."

Sonic quickly turns to Bokkun and gave a short growl. "So hows it going?" Bokkun asks.

Sonic just keeps watching Bokkun not taking his eyes off him because of what he did to him the last time when he looked away and get an injection of sedative that knocked him out cold. "don't worry." Bokkun says "I'm not going to do anything this time." That did nothing to re-ashore Sonic. Bokkun tries to get behind Sonic, but Sonic gets up and follows Bokkun's movements. "will you calm down. I'm not going to doing anything."

after a few minutes of Bokkun trying to get behind Sonic, and failing, he gives up and leaves. As soon as Sonic was shore that Bokkun was gone he got up and entered the cave that he turned into a place for him to be away from all of Eggman's antics and sat down waiting to see what happens next.

Bokkun goes up to Eggman and says "um... sir... I couldn't get close enough to Sonic to inject the sedative."

"why not?"

"every time I tried to get behind him he turned toward me."

Bocoe ask "should we use sleep gas on him sir?"

Eggman thinks for a moment before saying "we might have to..."

"I'll go get the sleep gas." says Decoe as he leaves the room.

"Bocoe where is that hedgehog at the moment?" asks Eggman.

"um..." he says as the goes throw the different cameras "i believe he is in his cave."

"that might make it easier to get him to inhale the gas." remarks Bokkun.

Decoe returns with a canister of sleep gas. "Decoe, Bocoe, you two go use the gas on that hyperactive hedgehog."

"yes sir." says Decoe as he and Bocoe leave.

Sonic rested in the cave with his eyes closed thou he was not asleep. Far from it in fact. He was lessening for anything out of the ordinary, like foot steps or the sound of Bokkun's jet-pack. Soon Sonic heard the foot steps of two robots dragging something between them. Sonic quickly opens his eyes and piers outside his cave. He saw Decoe and Bocoe coming towards his cave dragging what could have been a tank of helium between them. Sonic, not realizing what was in the tank, gave a short growl before heading back into the cave.

Decoe remarks "he almost left him cave."

"if he had we would never be able to get him." says Bocoe.

Hearing this Sonic bolts. Trying to get out of the cave, but Decoe and Bocoe blocked the exit. "you didn't think you'd get out of going back to finish the procedures just because Bokkun couldn't sedate you, did you hedgehog?" asks Bocoe.

In truth Sonic hadn't thought that he would, but he had to try. Bocoe turned the nozzle of the tank releasing the sleep gas into Sonic's cave. As Sonic inhaled the sleep gas his mind started to fog over till he fell asleep.

note: some ideas and inspiration for this story were driven from the writings of sonicxjones. go check him out!