AN: I've had this idea written in my head, so I decided it's finally time to write out how this whole 'Kon/Trina' business works out in my head. Hope you enjoy it!

He hated how long this had drug on, this crush on his best friend's sister. It was wrong—she was wrong—it'd never work, but still his heart persisted. Why was it so hard to just ignore her, or at least ignore her that way? She was a little too loud to ignore entirely, always screaming at her 'best friend' or the band or at anything with enough audacity to enrage her, but at least his mind could offer him obliviousness to her in the romantic sense, right? But it was never those times that would make his entire body tighten in anticipation—no—it was she'd let out one of her piercing squeals, followed by three or four sets of those perfect, bubbly giggles; that was when his heart would start thumping and his mind start pondering about what could possibly soothe such a savage beast as Trina Riffin, only for his insides to deflate at the pathetic realization that it isn't, and never will be, him.

Kin screamed bloody murder when Corey, ever so carefully, dropped a potato chip on Kin's opposite shoulder, right as the slasher film's violin-filled suspense cut to silence. Corey doubled back onto Laney, holding his sides laughing while Kin flailed about, still screaming, certain someone was trying to murder him from behind. Kon watched his brother in concerned confusion from the right side of the couch, when, at the seemingly exact same time, he and Kin both realized Corey's manic laughter and Kin, bringing his shoulders up to his ears in frustration, jumped at him with a mighty battle cry.

"HAHA-HAH! You should have seen your face man!" Corey winced one eye, still laughing, easily deflecting Kin's slaps at his face.

"Oh you think you're so funny—!" He hissed, pushing on Corey's shoulders, effectively crushing Laney more into the arm of the couch.

"Really guys!?" the redhead piped up from underneath their frontman's back. With surprising strength, she pushed Corey back up into Kin, with Kin still pushing him down, successfully squishing the guitarist. Corey wheezed out a laugh despite being crushed and shoved Kin off and onto Kon's lap, who was barely able to save his soda from being smacked out of his hands and across the room.

"Haha, chill Kin! It was a joke bro!" Corey laughed again before getting a firm elbow to the ribs from Laney. He looked over his shoulder at her, only to receive a particularly nasty glare. He gave her a wide smile and readjusted, swinging an arm over her shoulder and giving her a small peck on the brow. "Sorry Lanes."

"Oh, 'sorry Lanes'!?" Kin sputtered, sitting up from his brother's lap. "What about 'sorry Kin'!? Huh?"

Corey just laughed again, this time with Kon, and squeezed his now content girlfriend to his side.

"I was just messin', jeez." Another set of laughs made Kin sink into his shoulders with flustered contempt.

"Fine, but don't think I won't remember this." He squinted at him, wiggling to fingers at his eyes. Kon laughed at his twin's sneakiness and finished off his soda, crushing the can against his temple when he downed the last of it.

"I'ma get another." He gestured at the kitchen with his crushed can before tossing it on the side table and getting up. The group waved him off as he headed down the short hall and turned to the kitchen. He hadn't stepped a foot through the doorway before a frustrated grunt met him and his eyes snapped to whatever had made it. His heart sunk into his gut when he saw Trina, with her back to him, scooting food around on one of the top shelves, apparently unable to find what she was looking for. What caught his eye the most, however, was what she was wearing. Her hair was pulled back like always, minus the purple hairband, that much was normal—but instead of any of the cute outfits she strutted around in, she was barely covered in one of her pink lingerie nighties. Kon swallowed, but his mouth felt incredibly dry. He watched her shift back and forth, the frilly edges of her nightie teasing glimpses at her underwear. He choked.

Immediately, aggressive, confronting eyes shot over Trina's shoulder, only to settle into mild irritance when she realized it was just one of her brother's band-mates. She sneered at him.

"What do you think you're like, doing, loser." Trina squinted at him over her shoulder, arm still outstretched into the cabinet. Kon's heart started thudding louder and louder in his ears, with blood rushing to his cheeks—among other places. He swallowed nervously, grateful his mouth felt a little less dry.

"I-uh, I wasn't—" His tongue seemed to trip on itself. "I.."

Trina looked him over for a moment, and then returned to the shelf to continue searching for her snack. She finally found it buried underneath a pile of Corey's junk food; a tiny bag of much healthier crisps. She turned back to Kon and sneered again in irritation that he was still even there, and at he still apparently couldn't speak. He looked up at her with a new spike of nervousness at seeing her heading towards him. He barely managed to straighten up as she reached him.

"I asked you a question, nerdface!" She stared at him with intent. "What, suddenly you can't like, talk? You sounded fine screaming and laughing, keeping the whole town up with your grody scary movie like, two seconds ago!" Kon stared down at her, unsure what to tell her.

"I—s-sorry, Trina um.." His face heated up more, realizing he could see straight down her nightie from this angle. He turned away, embarrassed. "That wasn't me um.. it was.. my brother uh.." Trina growled in annoyance at him trailing off.

"Yeah you better be like, sorry!" She steamed. "And why do you keep like, looking away, huh? I'm talking to you!"

Kon shifted awkwardly, trying to look at her, but only managed to get more flustered and averted his eyes to the floor again. Trina's eyes watched him, shifting from mild annoyance to slight interest at the new idea that ran through her brain.

"Oh-my-God, where you like, checking me out?—Do you like, like me?" She smiled at him in an excited, cruel way. His eyes widened again, and his stomach dropped impossibly low. That was enough to set her off. Her smile widened enough to rival her younger brother's. "OH-MY-GOD—You do! That's like—" She turned away a little, gesturing out at nothing and laughing. "I can't even believe this!"

Kon's face got redder and redder as she spoke, clenching an unclenching his fists in a nervous fit. He opened his mouth to speak but Trina whipped back around to look at him, her apparent hilarity suddenly over. Her eyes looked him over again, in a knowing way this time, but the way she was smiling still made it seem cruel. She straightened up and lolled her head to the side a bit, letting a few pink locks roll over her shoulder to expose her neck. He swallowed, hard, watching her as she tightened the gap between them. Her smile twisted in a harsher way.

"Do you even like, really think, I'd ever like you?" The question hung in the air like smothering fog. Kon's heart tightened with the answer he already knew. She breathed through her nose in a coy snort and bumped him with her hip on her way out.

"Fat—" their eyes locked for a moment over his shoulder and Kon could see the mischievous glisten in her's as she waited for her insult sunk in.

"—chance." She finished, striding in an overly sexual way to the stairs.

Kon's body finally stopped clenching as he listened to her light footsteps head upstairs, but as his body relaxed, he felt everything in him sag with a heavy weight. He looked around, unsure of what he was really looking for before his eyes settled on his stomach. He winced a little at how it protruded out enough for him to really see it. He lazily patted it with his hand for a moment, reminding himself he was absolutely right about what Trina 'saw in him'—and of course, nothing she saw was good.

AN: Ahh so sad I know! Don't worry, it gets happier (well, at least for Kon?) HAHA Please review, every one means a ton to me uWu Thank you!

2014 edit: Hey reader! I'll be updating all the chapters, since they all seem to be a little choppy or worded oddly. Don't mind me!