The boys (James, Sirius, Remus and Harry) were throwing a Snitch to each other in the kitchen.

"This Snitch" said Sirius holding it up in the air "was your Father's Harry."

Sirius passed the Snitch onto Remus.

"Quite right" added Remus. "He'd play with it whenever Lily was around, partly because he was nervous and partly because he wanted to show off"

Remus threw the Snitch at James who caught it with ease.

James smirked and then sighed, "Lily did hate it though. She said I looked like a prat."

They all started laughing, James included. A few seconds later the one and only Lily Potter walked into the kitchen.

"It was true though, you looked like a complete idiot trying to impress me like that" teased Lily with a wide smile on her face.

"But Dad, I thought you were a Chaser not a Seeker?" asked Harry who looked rather entertained.

"Exactly, one of the very reasons it was stupid" said Lily.

"Well I'd much rather attempt to show off with a Snitch than a Quaffle, Mrs Potter. On the Quidditch pitch I was a natural Chaser, although I was quite good at being Seeker too but not as good, unlike you my son." James explained as he patted Harry on the back.

"Agreed" added Sirius. "I heard Gryffindor lost its winning streak for quite a while to Slytherin but you brought it right back, Harry! Well done!"

"Thanks, Sirius!" replied Harry.

"Well I've never been much of a Quidditch player but I sure was the most academically achieving one out of these lot." added Remus, laughing.

"We never had bad grades!" defended Sirius.

"We were actually pretty good, you were just better Moony, my old friend" continued James.

"Hmm… that is true" said Lily thoughtfully. "The only time I ever saw James and Sirius in the Library was either because 1. They were looking up information for a prank 2. They were looking for either Remus or me 3. They were insanely bored out of their minds and would come to destroy the peace"

"Accurate" said James and Sirius simultaneously with big grins on their faces.

"I prefer Quidditch over classes" said Harry which earned him a look from his mother. "It's true! Well maybe except DADA because Remus is a great professor."

"Why, thank you Harry" replied Remus, smiling.

"We were just like you, Harry. Except you're slightly better at handing in classwork." concluded Sirius.

"Definitely. He must get that from me then, eh?" asked Lily with an amused look on her face.

"Well, Sirius and I were too busy entertaining the Hogwarts population! Without us that place would've been like having History of Magic classes repeatedly, ever hour of everyday!" argued James.

"We were the pranksters of our generation and it's our job to continue the prestigious role of pranksters at Hogwarts. We recruited the Weasley twins and aided them through their pranks with the support of Ron and Harry! Those two were born to be pranksters! Harry told me that even Peeves obeyed them!" boasted Sirius.

"Oh yeah! You should've seen their leaving prank! It was brilliant! Fireworks everywhere!" exclaimed Harry.

"Brilliant" muttered Sirius sounding very impressed. "Such intricate work this pranking business is."

"Yes well we're lucky you chose a different career path aren't we?" questioned Lily, beaming.

Both James and Sirius were Aurors while Remus chose the "calmer" job of teaching at Hogwarts.

"Well come on, out into the garden! I'm not having you marauders wrecking my kitchen like you once wrecked the Castle!" declared Lily.

"It's always 'the marauders' never Harry as well, blimey that's just favouritism right there!" said Sirius jokingly.

Reluctantly they all strolled into the garden and played Quidditch for a couple of hours. Lily joined them afterwards and watched the boys.

"LILY! WHY DON'T YOU PLAY WITH US?" bellowed Sirius from high above.


And indeed, she had to patch them up soon afterwards, the busy life of Mrs Potter.