
The music stopped.

And chaos reigned supreme once more.

There was several profanities in the air as some guests realized what had happened, and several had already pulled out their swords and some decided to flee right then and there, and some were frozen, possibly wetting their pants off-screen.

The sight of the King with White Eyes back on his feet is enough to make them tremble and lost their confidence, like a deer looking at its hunter.

Again, how very human.

And very cowardly of them.

He couldn't feel anymore bubbling heat from inside of him, and he can barely see clear enough, but he does what he's always good at.



He snarled and swung his sword in challenge. That is enough to send some players charging at him backing away in fear. But, actually, now he really found no joy doing that. He should really stop that if he made it out of here alive.

Thank god, apparently his acting is convincing all the time.

Several of the foolishly pretend hero players rushed to the scene to attack him, in which he swiftly parried their useless, one direction-coded swing of blade with his years of refined movements, graceful yet powerful blows. He managed to knock one back with a kick before lunging forward and slashing his throat, sending him to respawn right away. He dropped to a crouch and spun around, tackling their feet with his working leg before following with his sword as they lost their footing, mortally wounding some more. The blow wasn't that hard, but it was enough to send players flying at all directions.

He checked the blade for a split second as he got up to his feet once more. Level 100+ Sharpness, 100+ Fire Attribute, etc etc.

Notch really doesn't want to ruin his image here.

He then leaped his way out of a series of attacks from different directions, only to put his attackers to rest as he jammed his sword through one's head, grabbed it, and threw the body at the others before it dispersed to a cloud of smokes.

He was now powerful, again. He can fight again. He can act again.

But something tugged on the depths of his conscience, and it was digging its way out.

His remaining eye flickered helplessly, tired.

All he wanted, really...

Is just to quit this theatrical nonsense.


Chapter 26

Grand Finale

People were screaming everywhere, some were running past him like cows on stampede. However, Steve himself doesn't move, like a boulder against the strong waters of a stream.

He couldn't move his legs.

He was petrified.

How did he escape? How did he manage to bring himself from the pole like that, and when did he have a diamond sword?! He did wish for these people to stop torturing him and kill him off instead, but he never wished for him to go loose and started killing people!

The question now is: to flee or to stay?

Meanwhile, 'Notch' had pulled out his sword, with all maximum affinities.

How could this be...? A measly fangirl had managed to bring Herobrine back from where he lay? That's preposterous! All his hard work, all those feat he had to put through to break the ghost's resolve and dignity was smashed with this cliched 'grand comeback'?!

That only happens to the heroes, not the antagonists!

And he is the hero of this story!

He's SUPPOSED to be the hero of the story!

Behind that screen, in his dark room, his eyes flashed with anger, with disbelief, with denial. He has the power, he had successfully hacked Notch's account, and he WILL not let this end with Herobrine as the victor. After the shame he had put him through, after the drama and the act and all those hard work, it's HIS time to shine!

He was surprised to see the girl approaching Herobrine earlier stopped him in his tracks, and with her, a diamond hoe.


A Diamond Hoe. Bitch probably thought it's a scythe or something.

[ClarityGirlxoxo]: You're not gong away with this, faker.

[Notch]: And what was that supposed to mean?

[ClarityGirlxoxo]: It means I'm personally going to ban you from account and identity theft, and misuse of it.

[Notch]: And who might you be?

He suddenly made a move that normal players can't. Striking a fighting pose, and her skin changed to an all too-familiar skin of a man with a black hat, red beard, and dark-blue coat.

[ClarityGirlxoxo]: Markus Persson, lad.

"It's getting really hectic in there!"

Everyone's favorite Youtuber fled the scene hurriedly, not even bothering to look back, along with several more familiar scenes. He lets out a laugh, nervous laugh as he fled.

"Boy, oh boy! That's a pretty crazy thing going down there!" Sky commented, wheezing a bit. "I admit that freaked me out a bit. What a plot twist!"

"I started to actually regret running away from there. The fight looks pretty crazy." CaptainSparklez added. "And we missed an opportunity to record it. I mean... we can respawn, Sky."

"...Your're absolutely right! Let's go back!" Sky demanded, running back to the scene, and Jordan gave a small groan.

Herobrine flung a table off of its legs to shield himself from several arrows coming his direction. The potions did work, but it is only a sustenance for his stamina, and healed most of his wounds, but really, not the horrible ones. He didn't feel his missing eye fixing itself, nor his broken arm, and that's bad.

He waited a while before another person slides in to join his side, taking cover from the rain of arrows.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: Yo.

Herobrine blinked.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: ...it's Jeb. Markus gave me the worst of the worst username.


[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: War's raging hard, eh? You don't look good either, I presume.

The really cute looking fox-girl skin gave him another bottle of drinkable Regeneration II potion.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: Listen, Steven, we had already told the media we have nothing to do with this, so this is just a currently popular server RP for many people. But listen up.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: We're bombing this server.

Herobrine tried to understand through the haze of the fight and halfway chugging the potion, before it clicked on his mind.

[Herobrine - DaddysSweetiePie69]: ...You... and Mark...

Jeb looked away.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: Yeah. We're going to recode the server. Change IP, change password, everything. We'll keep you away from players, and us, away from this server as well.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: We think... We might not even see you again.

Herobrine grabbed his shoulder, shaking him, had completely forgotten about the war.

[Herobrine - DaddysSweetiePie69]: You couldn't just do that! You're going to lock me in a server with nobody in it?!

[Herobrine - DaddysSweetiePie69]: Are you going to isolate me again?

Jeb seemed to sigh. He can't see it on his skin, but he placed a hand on Herobrine's, patting it gently.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: We're not locking you away. We're just creating a safe haven for you. You can log out, if you want...

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: You can see us anytime in another server. It was really hard for Markus to do this. He loved you so much and he was very proud of you.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: But maybe it's time to let you go... Do what you want, be who you like. We're just providing a home for you to feel safe in, away from the players if you like.

Herobrine growled menacingly.

[Herobrine - DaddysSweetiePie69]: You're just saying that to throw me away.

[Herobrine - DaddysSweetiePie69]: I cause problem to you, and the Mojang team. You're throwing me away because I'm nothing but a failed program who always got in your way.

Jeb shook his head once more.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: No.

He gently brushed the hands off of his shoulder.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: If we do think so, we would have deleted you from the start of this drama going down.

He moved away from Herobrine a little.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: Me, and Markus. We want you to be free. I said it before. From this day forward, either you stay Herobrine, or you want to stop and wander the Internet, it's all up to you.

Jeb pulled out a sword and hands it to him.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: So please... buy us some time. We from the Mojang team is supporting you, fighting for you. Those fangirls ain't that bad either. Thanks to them, we can actually breach in.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: We're going to save you. This is not a goodbye. It never is.

Surprisingly, the skin smiled.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: It's only the beginning for 'Steven'.

Herobrine looked at him, deep longing in his eye.

They came back, they gave him all they could. They gave him his hopes, his determination, his willingness back.

Now, it's all up to him.

He jumped out of the cover, charging at more of the incoming pseudo-heroes with his blades, letting out a distorted battle cry.

Then, for the sake of his makers, and the sake of the people fighting for him, and the sake of himself...

He will fight.

Steve blocked through some more stray attacks, and had chosen to stay back and monitor the area. Fire has broke out on different places, the juke boxes exploded from the heat and the curtains were burnt and toppled down on some of the unfortunate players with their bows aimed at Herobrine, unable to foresee their incoming doom. Chaos is everywhere, and some had already build up cobblestones to flee the tall walls, and some even dug through it. Some of the players had been scavenging loots from the slain others, and some were just standing idle for some reason.

This is madness.

Steve hid behind a toppled table to watch in horror as Herobrine leaped onto someone's shoulders and skillfully decapitating a head, before shooting up several feet off of the air and tackled three more down before stabbing them repeatedly.

But... where are the white flames? And he saw no light emitted from his eyes.

He does't have time to register fully, for then his attention had quickly moved to a sight of two figures attacking each other relentlessly, one with a black cap and another is Notch. With the other using a diamond hoe. It would look silly, if the wielder is not skillful at using it.

The black-hatted player had used the hoe as a hook, consistently grabbing on the edges of clothes or limbs with it and pulled on it, and usually making his foe losing balance. he then sent a fist to the ribcage, and another for an uppercut, before he uses the hoe to grab on his collar and flung him down to a side. Notch shook his head and got up to attack him once more, only to have the edge of the hoe blocking it, and with a single spin, disarming the sword from the 'King's' hand.

[ClarityGirlxoxo]: You know, when they said I use a ban hammer, it's not entirely wrong.

[ClarityGirlxoxo]: Though I prefer using the weapon nobody really thought would be useful. How is it you feel, losing to one of the most useless expensive tool ever in Minecraft? I mean. It sure is amusing for me.

Notch growled, launching a fist to him, which the other dodged with a condescending laugh, if he can input microphone in the game.

[ClarityGirlxoxo]: Seriously, kid. How pathetic are you to actually hack my rightful account and uses it for identity theft?

The faker kept throwing punches and even spawned another sword, and it did manage to slash through him, but there was no damage.

He was already in creative mode.

And Mark kept taunting him.

[ClarityGirlxoxo]: What? Do you think I don't know who you are? I know your IP address and your e-mail. You might have used a fake ones to hack mine earlier, but you forgot that you kept playing in the same place and you're online almost all the time to maintain that 'Notch' look, so it's easier for us to track you.

Notch growled, and he did a slip up.

A bad one.

[Notch]: Shut up, you fat bastard! What the hell do you know about me?!

That is enough to make the chatbox explode with more and even more words of surprise.

[NinjasGO_]: Oh my GOD, PLOT THICKENS!

[malelause]: So there are two notches now? im' confuse

[KaminariGenbokii_3]: OOHH! FAKE NOTCH!

At this, the fake Notch seemed to can't handle it anymore. He was ready to spawn another blade-

The command is not available with your player rank! Please try again!


He tried again.

The command is not available with your player rank! Please try again!

and again.

The command is not available with your player rank! Please try again!

and again.

The command is not available with your player rank! Please try again!

The command is not available with your player rank! Please try again!

The command is not available with your player rank! Please try again!

The command is not available with your player rank! Please try again!

[ClarityGirlxoxo]: Of course, we had to hack you back to stop this nonsense.

The faker froze and turned to his front to see Notch closing on to him, along with several other players whose skin started changing, one by one, to the skins of several of the well-known Mojang team. The hacker moved away from them, and physically leaned away from the computer screen, cold sweat running down his back and body, and he was shaking.

[ClarityGirlxoxo]: You've been horrible, you know that?

Notch's weapon changed to a sword. An enchanted one. Presumably the highest leveled weapon he could ever find.

[ClarityGirlxoxo]: Your game mode is now: Hardcore. Have fun knowing that. Oh, and once we're done here, we'll talk. I know where you are and your e-mail, so.

He tilted his head.

[ClarityGirlxoxo]: I want my account back. Let's have a nice, nice chat.

The faker didn't know what else to do. So he went on the defensive side, as expected.

[Notch]: But I did it for your sake!

[Notch]: For you, for Mojang! I'm removing him once and for all from you!

Notch and the others seemed undeterred. They didn't say anything.

[Notch]: I'm the hero!

[ClarityGirlxoxo]: You're not. You're never one. You'll never be.

The older Notch skin pulled out a sword from his inventory, slowly. Menacingly.

[ClarityGirlxoxo]: After all, people who have grudges against or for characters who doesn't even exist and did various things that are too far and hurtful to others are guaranteed as nothing but losers.

He hits him with a single swipe, and the faker was defeated.

Steve quickly hid behind the table, timid.

Herobrine breathes slowly, almost raspy. The fights had given him new wounds, but he can handle it just fine.

It was until he had a new message popping up.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: Do us a favor, and please raise an arm high.


Herobrine didn't move.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: Now.

Herobrine dropped his weapons and raises his arm high, a little confused.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: Now, pretend you're gonna unleash a kame-hame-ha.

[Herobrine - DaddysSweetiePie69]: Are you serious.

[DaddysSweetiePie69 - Herobrine]: Yes.

Herobrine's arm twitched a little, before raising it to the sky, posing the 'battle stance'.

[Herobrine]: Foolish humans..! I've had enough of you! BEHOLD!

[Herobrine]: I will purge you from these lands and reclaim the lands I had owned from the very beginning!

He lets out a loud roar.

[Herobrine]: DIE, PLAYERS!

He really wish they're not fooling around with him, and well, in a sense, they did not.

From behind him, there was a blinding white light, cast upon all of the players who had foolishly looking at him, and even those who do not look at him.

The real Markus looked at Jeb, and nodded to him. Jeb nodded back, and beyond the screen, surrounded by several staff members, he pressed enter.

And the chatbox was filled with players dying one by one.

"We're here!" Sky told Jordan, who was following him. Sky perched on the inner wall just in tie to see herobrine's figure started being enveloped with white light, and screamed.


"What? So can't I!" Sparklez complained.

Before both could complain even further, there was an all-too familiar sound of a hit, and the usual 'You're dead!' screen.

Before both are kicked out of the game due for it being a hardcore server.


I'll be honest this story doesn't seem to be as long as I expect it'll be.

There is a chance I will have additional sequels, but for now, most probably I will end the story as of next chapter.

Again, I might be ENDING it on NEXT CHAPTER.

Of course that wouldn't be the end of Herobrine, but we'll see. c:

Actually, I'm planning on continuing Player of Games and End first, then I suppose I'll continue with Herobrine some time later because I don't really have motivation for it.

Again, we'll see.

1. xEnderAwesomex: Ah... I... I see. ^ ^"

2. DarkWolf133: To be honest I have no idea what kind of review is this, but it's definitely not canon for me.

3. ninjagorulz: Thank you!

4. KittenWhiskers: YE

5. ErrorEntity140-Veronika Night: Ahhh thank you! I'm doing my best. ^ ^

6. Guest: ...uh... ok.

Thank you for reading!