I run silently through the grimy, wet passages with the thieves on my heels. Water occasionally drips from the roof, and I'm guessing we're under the water.

Strangely, there aren't many guards. There weren't even any standing watch outside the alcove. It makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end; something is very wrong. We keep running through the passages, checking every room we come across for signs of Ezio, Ugo, or for me, Angelo.

Suddenly, I hear a loud bang, like a smoke bomb but much louder, making the ground tremble. It comes from the same direction as the shout from before. I double my speed, the urgency of the situation crashing down on me, coming in waves of desperation. Ezio doesn't have long.

I see a door at the end of the passage and I tear towards it, bursting through it. The scent of dampness and decay hits me like a wall but my attention is focused on one thing; the man who sits, tied to a chair, bloodied and bruised.

"I'm so sorry." I tell him urgently, cutting the bonds that tie him to the chair. "Please, forgive me."

Ezio simply groans in reply as I help him stand. We walk over to the door, Ezio leaning on me heavily, but we can't leave the room because standing in our way is someone I've never felt more hatred for before.

"Mi amore." Angelo says with a loving smile, stepping into the room.

"You bastard." I say furiously, voice shaking as I lower Ezio to the floor again.

Angelo laughs. "Is that all you have to say to me? It's been years, mi amore. Let's greet each other like we did in old times."

He steps forward, and I flick out my hidden blades, lunging at him. He shoves me aside but I still manage to make a small cut on his shoulder. I've never felt actual joy at hurting someone; that's changed now. I back over to where Ezio lies, crouching protectively in front of him.

"Stay back." I growl.

"Is this my latest competition?" Angelo asks with a mad cackle at the end. "Look at him, cowering behind you. He's not worth your time."

"And you were? You made me trust you. Love you, even. And you betrayed me!"

"You loved me? Nat, I never felt anything but the fiercest affection for you. I never wanted to do any of those things to you, never. But they would have killed me." Angelo says, his voice full of grief and regret.

"You manipulated me once before, Angelo. You're not doing it again." I reply, not falling for the act.

"Not as stupid as you once were, Nat. I'm impressed." Angelo laughs. "Now, I have a deal for you."

"I don't make deals with scum." I say, butting in.

"I'll let your…'backup' take Ezio." Angelo says as if there was no interruption. "In return, you stay here with me."

"Do you think I'm mad?"

"Very well, then." Angelo replies. With that, he pulls a knife from his belt and throws it at Ezio. I launch myself at it, though it sails over me and hits the wall behind us. Angelo never missed his target; it was a warning shot. He'll kill Ezio if I don't agree. With a growl, I turn to the thieves.

"Take him." I say quickly.

They nod and run forwards, taking Ezio and lifting him to his feet. Relief seeps through me, underneath the adrenaline; I've gotten Ezio away from Angelo. Now that he's more awake, he protests.

"Lia, no!" He exclaims, struggling from the thieves' grip. He lets out a gasp of pain and wraps an arm around his chest, hunched over. "Don't be stupid!"

"Ezio, go! Now!" I exclaim, heart drumming.

Ezio protests once again, and I turn to him, knowing Angelo won't attack. In fact, he'll probably enjoy watching this so he can use it to taunt me once again. In a moment of weakness, I let down my guard. Gently - but at the same time, urgently - I wrap my arms around him, needing that one second of comfort. As I pull away, I plant a small peck on Ezio's cheek, drawing away without looking at him. The thieves step forwards and take Ezio, who struggles and shouts back at me, begging me to run.

I block my ears to the noise.

"This is interesting." Angelo enthuses. He draws out a knife and taps it against the side of his leg. "Have you withheld from him what you did from me?"

"If we're going to fight, let's just do it." I snap, my hatred for him increasing exponentially.

Angelo laughs again, beaming that charming smile that once took me. "I don't want to fight you – not yet. First, I'm going to make you watch as I hunt down the people you love. Only after you've seen the Auditore filth burn in Hell for what he's done-"

"You stay away from him." I hiss. "If you lay but a finger on him-"

"You love him, don't you?" Angelo asks suddenly. His sadistic smile widens.

"What?" I ask, taken aback. "No, I don't! Don't be stupid. And even if I did, you would be the last person in Italia I'd tell." He's just trying to get me off-guard.

"You don't have to tell me anything, Nat." Angelo laughs. "I can see it in your eyes. The way you protect him… It reminds me of old times."

He sighs, looking at me curiously. "Well, this has been fun. But I have to go. I'll see you later, amore."

He turns and heads towards the door, expecting me to be weak and let him go. He thinks he knows me.

I even surprise myself when I dive at him, tackling him to the floor and landing so that I sit on his chest. Angelo stares up at me, stunned, and I take his moment of surprise to slam my palm into his nose, blood erupting from it. Suddenly, all the betrayal and anger rises to the forefront of my mind and all I can think about is hurting Angelo, making him pay for everything he's done. Ezio enters my head, bruised and bloody, tied to the chair; my fists double their attacks.

Angelo grabs my shoulders and shoves me off him, scrambling to his feet. He draws his sword, and we begin a matched dance of metal and fists. Every move I make, Angelo counters, and vice versa. We dance our way into the hall; I can see this fight won't end quickly.

Suddenly, my eyes focus on fist-sized metal balls that dangle at Angelo's belt. They resemble smoke bombs, and if I can get one of them I could distract Angelo long enough for me to make my final attack. I dart sideways, adrenaline speeding my movements and reflexes, grabbing one of the smoke bombs from Angelo's belt and running back into the room, spinning around to face him with a fierce smile. His eyes widen as he sees the metal ball in my hand.

"Nat, NO!" He shouts, extending a hand.

But it's too late. I throw the smoke bomb between us, waiting for the eruption of smoke for my time to strike.

Although, something's wrong. There is no blast of smoke, no way for me to reach Angelo.

Because an unseen force throws me into the wall, my head smacking against the wet stone. Through the pain and blurry vision, I hear a loud splitting sound. Before I can fully register what's happened, the roof caves in, and what must be half of the water in Venezia pours into the room. The tidal wave of water hits me and sends me tumbling onto my back. The wind rushes out of my lungs.

Under the torrent of water that now has the room submerged, I kick upwards, struggling to reach the surface of the water. A vacuum of water sucks me towards the tunnel, and it requires every ounce of strength I have just to stop myself from being sucked in. I fight against the current, lungs screaming for air. I swim sideways, trying to find my way to the surface, and my heart leaps as I finally begin to travel upwards. My vision blurs, but I break the surface of the water.

Coughing and spluttering, I almost drink in the air. My lungs burn, as does every muscle in my body, but I make it to the water's edge and heave myself up onto the stone ground before I allow myself to collapse. After what seems like hours, my lungs stop burning, and I sit up to find a crowd gathered around me, watching the water. I stand up, not casting a single glance back at the water, running for an alleyway before anyone can stop me. Once I feel I'm a safe distance from the water, I sit heavily on my behind, looking over the rooftops.

I'm proud of myself. Even a few months ago, I wouldn't have had the strength to fight Angelo. It makes me feel like slapping myself, to recognize that I was so weak. I don't know why or how, but something has changed.

I push myself off the roof. I land lightly on the ground, rolling to absorb the shock. The same question turns itself over and over in my mind, threatening to drive me mad unless I answer it; "What's changed?".

In my daze, I arrive back at Antonio's. The moon is so bright it casts shadows on the ground, and as I enter Antonio's office, my heart thuds erratically for a moment. Ezio sits on the desk – shirtless, of course – as Antonio prods his ribcage. Ezio winces, eyes full of pain, but as he sees me a smile blooms on both our faces.

"Lia!" Ezio exclaims, relieved.

I walk over quickly, forcing myself to make eye contact and not stare at his ridiculously well-muscled-

"How are you?" I ask, distracting myself.

"Thanks to you, I'm alive. What more can I-" Ezio winces suddenly. "-ask for?"

"You have at least three broken ribs." Antonio says. It feels like he's interrupting something. "I'm taking you off duty."

"Off duty?" Ezio asks, cocking a smile. "Please, I'm fine." He scoffs.

With that, he begins to push himself off the table, but falls back almost instantly. A mixture of amusement and sympathy build up inside me as Ezio grits his teeth.

"Oh, yes. You're in top shape." Antonio agrees as he turns around, burrowing around inside a table on the other side of the room.

"Relax." I say, taking Ezio's hand, surprising the both of us. I take a deep breath, the relief I've felt ever since returning beginning to subside. "Ezio… I'm so sorry."

"For what?" He asks softly, looking into my eyes.

I take a breath before continuing. He's not exactly making it easy to concentrate. "If I'd told you about Angelo following me, none of this would have happened. I was wrong, and I just need you to know it's all going to change."

"Thank you." Ezio replies, looking down at his feet for a second before returning his gaze to me. "Why did you stay? That madman could have killed you."

"Better me than you." I mutter before I can stop myself. Ezio's hand tightens on mine before I continue, making my heart jolt. "He would have killed you. I had a better chance than you at surviving."

"Can you promise me something?" Ezio asks.

"Of course." I say, without even thinking.

"If you ever have to make a decision like that again, don't make my choice for me. I think I deserve to choose to die beside you."

My eyes itch with this, and I take a steadying breath before speaking. "Only if you promise the same thing."

Ezio's brow knots, but he nods. I lean forwards again, wrapping my arms softly around his neck, feeling as if I could stay in this moment forever. After a few moments, we draw back, and I suddenly realize Antonio's been awfully quiet. I turn around to see several rolls of bandages sitting on a table, but no Antonio. I take the bandages, beginning to wrap them around Ezio's chest and smirking,

"I think we scared him off."