A/N: After starting in 2013, stopping in 2014, I've decided to start this story up again! However, I've now finished my education, I know a bit more about grammar, so I'll be updating the chapters/story previously posted before I begin posting new ones! I've set this up to be a more detailed story, so even though this is a pretty short chapter, the next one's will be a lot longer. Don't worry, if you've already read the story, about the story details I didn't include in this chapter, they will be in future ones! Hope you guys like this and don't hate me for leaving this for two and a half years!

The house was eerily quiet as the man dressed in dark robes strode down the hall, calling as he went. "Darling, are you almost ready?"

"Yes," a faint response echoed. "In little love's room."

The man chuckled under his breath, turning a sharp left to follow the growing sound of humming. He deftly avoided the various toys and books, more books than you'd imagine a near two-year-old to own. He was proud of his dark-haired daughter. At her young age she had already developed incredible magic; she could create shields, levitate objects towards her, and she had an odd habit of making sure he or her mother knew when she wanted something and exactly where to find it.

"… and play with you, is that alright my sweet? You don't mind your aunt watching you just for tonight?"

Rodolphus cocked a brow as he finally came into view of the toddler's bedroom. His wife was holding their daughter on her hip, watching as the house-elf busied itself around to collect the things Hermione would need to spend the night. The sight of mother and daughter never ceased to paint a small smile across his lips; unless you knew what to look for, you'd assume Bellatrix duplicated herself and shrank the clone.

A dark head of curly, wild hair bobbed as the toddler bounced with excitement. "Yay yay! Auntie and Draco! Mummy come?"

His wife shook her own curls. "No, my sweet, your father and I have to meet his brother for some business tonight."

Bright, dark eyes flashed as they turned to him, noticing him for the first time. Rodolphus never managed to stop the pang of pride as he saw his features on his lovely daughter. She'd taken after his mother with her coloring: black hair, high cheekbones, small nose, and full lips. But his eyes and ears, she'd gotten those from him.

"I'm sorry little love," he began, only to find himself cut off when his wife dumped the now struggling child into his arms. Hermione settled down as she looked up at her father.

"But mumma and dada always come to see auntie. Why not now?"

He swallowed, glancing at his wife, who was now flitting behind the house-elf to make sure it packed everything. Luckily Bellatrix took pity on her husband, knowing him to never deny his child. Not when they'd struggled for years to conceive and after almost a decade and two miscarriages did the aging parents find themselves expecting. "Aunt Cissy wanted you to help plan for Lucius' birthday, you know I'm rubbish at details unlike you two."

It was a mild lie, after all Narcissa had wanted help with her husband's birthday, but the Malfoy was currently facing trial after their Lord had fallen. Bellatrix, naturally, believed their Lord invincible and refused to think he could be thwarted by a child younger than their own, and far less powerful than their own. The Dark Lord had taken a special interest in their girl; it was by his suggestion they named her Hermione, apparently the Lord had a fascination with the ancient Magicks and thought the baby was fit to be the daughter of Helen and Menelaus. The beautiful and kind child already lived up to the name.

"Oh," Hermione shrugged, accepting the logic. "You come to see auntie and me tomorrow, then?"

It was then that Bellatrix met her husband's steely stare. While it was possible that the pair could be caught, there was no denying their skill and ability to slip away. The aurors had a warrant for their arrest to be questioned, but the Lestrange money would easily bail both husband and wife, as well as his younger brother and the Crouch boy that would be accompanying them.

"Of course my sweet," Bellatrix stated, never looking away from his eyes. They bore into him with an intensity he'd never seen before. She was saying this for his benefit, so he wouldn't back out and simply stay with their daughter. The Dark Lord would've wanted them to avenge him, and he'd really never liked the Longbottoms anyway. "Bright and early, we'll be there before you even wake. Right, Rodo?"

His breath caught as he glanced back at the mirrored stare he held.

"Right, little love."

Narcissa Malfoy was stressed, to say the least.

Her sister and her husband had dropped their daughter off nearly six hours before, promising the child of their return.

But they hadn't, and as she was just finding out, they wouldn't.

"You'll have to repeat that," the blond stated flatly to the pair of aurors in her home. "I can't possibly have heard what I thought I heard."

The two before her shared a glance. "Madam, your sister has been arrested. She was found torturing aurors Frank and Alice Longbottom."

Light brows quirked. "And?"

They looked perplexed. She sighed, clarifying for the slower minds. "What does that have to do with me? I've been with my son all night, at our home. Which, I might add, you're tracking dirt into."

A light cough drew her attention behind the now red-faced aurors. She blanched.

"Mrs. Malfoy," her old headmaster greeted impartially. Narcissa could hear the tell-tale signs of shushing from upstairs and prayed to the gods neither children would come downstairs. "These are terrible circumstances that have brought me here tonight, but I think we'd both find it to be easier if you cooperated."

She stared blankly, masking her accelerating heartbeat.

Dumbledore sighed. "I apologize, truly, for the discomfort this has and will further bring to you. But I cannot ignore what has been raised to my attention. Where is she?"

Narcissa did what she knew best.

She lied.

The small hand that accompanied his tonight was a warm one, it also bounced every eighth step as they made their way down a dark road. Albus glanced at the child, who was humming as she carefully strode alongside him.

"You're a very brave child," he commented. The girl grinned, turning her eyes toward him.

"You've got long hair," she replied.

"Indeed," he sighed wistfully. "Although, believe it or not, it used to be a bright auburn red. Truly magnificent with my magenta dress robes."

The child giggled, swinging her hand (and consequently his hand) in a wide arc.

"Mumma and dada said they'd come before I woke. Why did we leave? They can't come for me now."

The aging wizard chose his words carefully, as to not worry the toddler. "They're going to be a bit longer than they expected to be gone. You're going to stay with a set of people though, very kind folks."

"But why not with auntie?" her face scrunched up in thought, poking holes through his lie. He'd already had to relocate one child this week, but he was sound in his logic. At least, in his mind. "She plays with me lots. And Draco, him too. Why not them?"

He chose not to answer as they neared their destination. Instead, he drew his wand slowly, to not startle the young one.

"This couple, a good friend of a trusted colleague of mine, they've been wanting a little girl for a very long time now. You can live a happy life here. Undoubtedly, I'll see you again in the future, with the rumors I've heard about your talent from Crouch Junior." Luckily he'd been the only one paying attention to the mumbled statement said underneath the teenaged man's breath, and therefore was the only one who knew about the girl's existence, let alone talent. "You'll be safe here, child. Don't you worry."

He raised his wand to her temple, ignoring the wide eyes staring at him in alarm.

"Goodbye, Miss Lestrange. When I see you again, I shall know you as Miss Granger."

And he murmured the spell that would make her eyes draw blank, forgetting her previous life.