"Did someone order Pizza?" Ezra said as he walked in with a big box of pizzas. Auroras little face lit up as she sat up.

"I'll get plates" I said as I hopped up and walked to a cupboard in the hospital room and grabbed some plastic plates. If I had known 10 years ago that I was going to have had Leila and then had Aurora, that I was going to be eating together as a family in a hospital room. I wouldn't believe it. But the more I think of it, I wouldn't have it any other way. I have the best kids in the world and I have my absolute soul mate with me everyday. We all just sat around joking and having fun. It was like old times but in a Hospital. For a split second then it almost felt like nothing was wrong.

"We should get going poppet. I'll leave a couple of pieces of pizza in the fridge for tomorrow so you can heat it up tomorrow for lunch Aurora" I said as I hopped up. Leila hopped down.

"Dad are you coming here after work tomorrow?" Leila asked.

"No, your mothers coming and I'm taking you home" Ezra said as he got up and wrapped his arms around my stomach.

"Do you think we could come here tomorrow afternoon?" Leila said curiously.

"If you want sure" Ezra said as he kissed me on the cheek. Leila smiled at Aurora.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Leila said as she gave aurora a hug again. We all said our goodbyes and walked out.

"Love you" Leila said as she shut the door behind her. By the time we got home the sky was black and the lights of the small city lit up our apartment before I turned on the lights.

"I'm just going to have a shower" Leila said as she went into the bathroom. She was always very reserved I swear half the time she was hiding something. Something no one knew. I guess im just protective. I always have never wanted to let go to things around me, especially when there one of the most important things to you. I wonder how my mom is. She lost all contact with me when I married Ezra she thought I was making a mistake. She told me I could do better. But Ezra's my other half I couldn't leave him. I miss her, and dad. But this was my life now. I can't look back, I just have to keep looking forward and keep moving or ill become stuck. Sometimes I just feel like life goes to fast. That it could slow down and let me catch my breath just for a minute. I feel like everything is flashing before my eyes. I stood at the kitchen bench day dreaming when Ezra came over and wrapped his arms around me.

"What you thinking about?" He said as he gently swayed.

"Nothing. Nothing. I'm just tired" I said as i untangled his arms and got a glass of water.

"I'm going to mark some papers" He said as he kissed me quickly on the cheek and opened a big folder up. Leila came out in track pants and top.

"Hey Leila. I was thinking I need you to go home with Sophia tomorrow. Its going to be a late night at the hospital probably and its a school day. We will get you when were done so at least you would have had a bit of extra sleep." I said as she stopped before going into her room.

"But mom, i want to see Aurora" She said as she slowly paused and walked over.

"It's just to late a night for you baby sorry. I have thought about it more and more. I'm just trying to do the right thing by you." I said as I played with the glass.

"Why would you even care about what the right thing for me is! You always send me off to Sophia's anyways! Its obvious I was an accident and am not wanted. This past year you haven't asked if I wanted to something with you, just the two of us. I get Auroras sick mom. ok. I get it but it doesn't mean I'm not as important. I'm Important too!" She yelled before she ran into her room and slammed the door. Ezra looked up at me. I could tell he was about to speak but I walked into her room. I guess what hurt me the most about that is it was sort of true. I hadn't asked her to do something special. I did send her to Spencer's a lot. She was an accident but she is the best accident that had ever happened to me. She had never yelled like that. I was angry but I knew she was right which made it worse.

"You know I love you both the same! This is a difficult situation at the moment Leila. Your old enough to know that. I'm doing my best and you need to understand that I can't please everyone! and at the moment making sure your healthy is more important" I said as I stood in the door way.

"You just plainly said it to my face. She is more important." She said as she turned around from the window.

"No! in this matter of time my priority is getting her healthy but it doesn't mean she is more important Leila!" I said angrily. I get this is hard on her. Its hard on the lot of us. The tears trickled down her face as I walked away. I went into my room and laid down under the covers. I felt Ezra's warm body come and cuddle me from the back.

"Am I a terrible parent?" I said as I turned around to face him.

"No. Your trying your best. Sometimes you just cant make everyone happy. She didn't mean that stuff she was just angry." He said as he used one of his hands to brush the hair out of my eyes. He kissed me gently and smiled.

"It will be ok. It's just a tough time. I'll go talk to her" He said as he kissed me again and got up. Gosh what would I do without him.

Hi thank you all soo much for reading this you are all such a nice community here and I truly appreciate you taking your time out to message me and to write a review. You are all so sweet! I have also been writing my own novel on wattpad and I have been working on it for about 2 weeks and have about 10000 words written so far (13 pages) and I have just posted the first chapter to my Wattpad account. So ill put the link down below for anyone who wants to read it along with the blurb. If any of you have wattpad to send me a message :) You dont need wattpad to red the story but it is the first orignal story i have wrote so yeah if your interested click the link below :) Thank you all so much again and I will post tomorrow.


After being shipped around for years after the death of her parents, foster girl Ashlee gets put into a home in a small city near Seattle. She meets a boy who she falls head over heals for and made friends that she never thought she would. It feels like heaven. When she is suddenly moved across the country again the life she always imagined is ripped away. Will Ashlee ever get back to the place that she needs to be?

