A/N - So okay I evidently wrote this after watching the season finale of Grey's Anatomy and that was just emotional so this is really based off of that. I guess I should say spoilers for Greys Anatomy in case you haven't seen it but intend to. So yeah, this random ending is inspired by the trauma of GA! It's been fun sharing these :) I'm back home now, so I'll be getting back to HK today - day off, woo! Let me know what you think, hope you've enjoyed reading these. I've loved all your comments, thank you all, reviews for this would just be lovely :)
"Until death do us part."
"What's wrong?" Leonard instantly rushed over to the couch, where Penny was sat crying, dropping his bag and keys to the floor.
"Promise me you'll never cheat on me, or leave out things about your past, or let me go crazy, or get cancer, or die, or-or-or-" Penny gasped for a breath through her sobs.
"Penny, what are you talking about?"
"Promise me! Please!"
"You know I'll never leave you, ever. I promise." He took her hand in his, using his other to wipe away her tears. "But... what brought this on?"
Penny pointed with a shaky hand to the TV, which she had paused. "I was watching Grey's Anatomy, it's so emotional. Addison cheated on Derek and Derek cheated on Addison and Meredith loves Derek, and he doesn't even tell her that he's still married! Then Izzie falls in love with Denny, and she goes to crazy measures to get him a new heart, and he dies! He didn't even get to see her in the dress! And then Alex falls in love with Izzie, and she gets cancer! Meredith and Derek give them their wedding and she looks so beautiful in that white dress and in the end, Izzie leaves. And people just die or go crazy and... and then Callie gets pregnant and Arizona asks her to marry her and they get hit by a truck, and Meredith is trying to get pregnant but she can't! And then season eight finishes, and Mark and Lexie realize they want to spend their lives together and they die, and now look what happened, Arizona lost her leg, Callie had to chop her leg off - she had to amputate her wife's leg! - and then she cheated on Callie with that stupid Lauren Boswell surgeon and Richard died and..." She took a deep breath, steadying herself as Leonard watched her. "Just... promise me, you'll never, ever leave me. Don't cheat on me, don't leave me, don't die."
"I'm not got to cheat on you, or leave you, or die. Well I will die eventually but-" He stopped, he didn't need to elaborate. "I love you, I promise you I will never leave you, or hurt you, or... or chop off your leg, okay? Okay? I told you not to watch Grey's Anatomy by yourself, you were bad enough watching it with me." Leonard chuckled, placing his right hand on her cheek. "I'm never going to leave you. You're my person."
Penny grinned. "You're my person too."
"I want to settle down and grow old with you. I want to die when I'm 110 years old, in your arms. I want a lifetime."
Smiling, Penny raised a brow, eyes still glazed slightly with tears. "Did you just quote Derek Shepherd?"
Leonard shrugged. "You got me to watch with you, I liked that line."
"You're so cheesy. But I love it." Penny giggled, before biting your lip. "And you really mean it?"
"Yes. I won't let any of that stuff ever happen to you. Like I said, I want a lifetime. We're married. I thought it was implied in the vows. You're mine, and I'm yours, forever. No matter what the television tells you."
"Promise." He smiled at her, before giving her a quick kiss on the lips.
"Forever?" She squeezed his hand, running a thumb over his wedding band.