A/N: Sorry about the long gaps between my updates. I'll try to do better from now on but my computer got a virus and I couldn't get on the internet to update. I also apologize for any punctuation mistakes...my tablet decided that it didn't like any punctuation and deleted all of it, so I've had to retype ALL the punctuation, so I may have missed a few.

They had three years.

Three years to prepare for the androids.

They were supposed to die in three years, but they wouldn't allow that.

"But what if what Trunks says is not true?" Yamcha huffed, though after seeing Trunks' machine disappear... he felt like he had to believe the kid.

"Well...it is better to be safe than sorry." Goku tells the ex-bandit.

"Yeah... I guess so."Yamcha mutters.

"You will not even get to fight the androids since I will defeat them by myself... besides, even if you were to fight the androids... you would just get beaten like you were nothing." Vegeta told the scar faced warrior, who glared at him and turned away from the saiyan.

"Hey! I know!" Bulma exclaims suddenly, earning the attention from all the males around her. "Why don't we just kill the androids now so we don't have to worry about them later?" Bulma suggested, her bright expression hopeful.

"But Bulma... they haven't done anything to us yet..." Goku rebutted.

"Yeah...but they will in three years." Bulma glared at her oldest friend.

"There is the possibility that they might not attack at all though...Trunks was really confused about a lot of changes that had occurred... so he could be wrong." Goku explained to her, causing her anger to increase drastically.

"You will leave the androids alone. I want to fight them." Vegeta glared at his lover, flicking his tail behind him, who glared right back at him.

"You are such an IDIOT Vegeta! Did you not hear what Goku said? He said you were killed in this fight! I don't understand why you guys are such brutes!" Bulma yelled towards mostly the saiyans.

The baby Trunks in his mother's arms started to wail, upset at his mother's raised voice.

" It's okay Trunksie...Shh..." Bulma cooed to her six month old son, who eventually quieted.

"If you guys want to fight these androids and get killed then be my guest. But when you die and I have to wish you back, I'll laugh and say I told you." Bulma tells them harshly, glaring at Vegeta.

"I won't die. I'll become stronger and I'll take out both of the androids.'" Vegeta tells her, earning cheers from some of the other fighters.

"Yeah! Together we'll take out those stupid machines and show them who is boss! Nappa yells excitedly, pumping his fist into the air.

"Yeah! And now I have a reason to become a Super Saiyan!" Goku says happily, looking at Vegeta.

"I doubt that you could be a super saiyan...but I figure that what ever I say will never get through your thick skull." Vegeta snorts amusedly.

"You just gotta try hard enough and train good enough and then you'll reach the magic!" Goku exclaims, his grin almost contagious. Everyone turns to look at him, none quite sure how to respond.

"Dad...isn't that a quote from Spongebob?" Gohan asks his father, causing everyone to laugh and Goku to rub the back of his head in slight embarrassment.

"Not quite...I changed it a bit..." Goku responds, but turns back to his normal cheery self. "Okay, so we'll meet on May 12th at 10am at an island in the south!" Goku says, happy that he managed to remember the date and time. "Right! So do you guys want to train with us?" Goku asks the others.

"No thanks Goku... I don't think that I'll be able to withstand the training that you'll be doing." Yamcha chuckles.

"I think I'll return to the mountains with Chiaotzu and train there." Tien tells the youngest saiyan.

"I think I'll train at Master Roshi's." Krillin told his best friend, knowing that he wouldn't be able to keep up with the saiyans.

"Oh...well that's okay...Piccolo?" Goku asked, turning to the Namekian.

"Sure. It's better than training alone." Piccolo says, glancing at the saiyan and Gohan.

"Cool! What about you three?" Goku asked again, turning to the other saiyans.

"I'll train mostly by myself...but I suppose I'll have to drop by every once in a while to make sure you aren't slacking off." Vegeta tells the younger saiyan, who looks happy at the prospect of training with Vegeta.

"I think I'll drop by every couple days...and I'll make sure I drag Raditz with me...kami knows he'll have to train." Nappa chuckles, looking at the almost indignant saiyan.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Raditz exclaims angrily.

"You're really weak. Right now, you're more of a liability than an asset." Nappa tells the long haired saiyan.

"I'll show you!" Raditz promises, crossing his arms and turning his head away from the bald saiyan.

"Sure...what ever you say..." Nappa says between his laughs.

"Well then...I'll see you all on May 12th at 10am...oh! And if you don't feel like you're ready, then don't come." Goku tells them, smiling all the while at his friends. Goku bides them farewell and takes off towards his house with Gohan and Piccolo following him behind him.

"Well, we should be heading back too. I have to show Raditz how to work the stove." Nappa told the remaining people, Yamcha, Tien, and Krillin having followed Goku's departure.

"You do?" Raditz questions the larger saiyan in confusion.

Nappa and Raditz had been doing odd jobs around the cities, earning money so they could add some luxuries to their house, which they had built themselves. Their most recent addition was an electric stove.

"Yes, so you can cook all our meals." Nappa laughs, taking off in the direction of their small house.

"That's not fair!" Raditz cries out, following right behind Nappa, leaving Bulma and her two boys.

"Well... we should be heading home as well."Bulma mutters, heading over to her plane.

"You should have been there in the first place." Vegeta huffs, following Bulma to the aircraft.

"Oh stop complaining. Nothing happened to us." Bulma huffs back, climbing into the driver's seat after buckling Trunks in.

The entire way back, Vegeta and Bulma remain quiet, both thinking about the next few years. The only one who seemed to want to talk was Trunks, who was babbling nonsense in the back seat, not caring that no one was responding. By the time they had reached Capsule Corp. Trunks had fallen quiet, content with looking at the clouds.

"Oh Bulma dearie! You've returned! What was going on? Is everything awright?" Mrs. Briefs drawled, rushing over to the plane and extracting her grandson, whom she loved to spoil.

"Well...everything's alright for now momma...but in three years, there's supposed to be these androids that come and kill everyone." Bulma explained to her mother, following the blonde woman inside the compound.

"Oh that's dreadful. But I'm sure a big strong man like Vegeta would be able to take them out and there is nothing to worry about then." Mrs. Briefs exclaimed, looking over to her daughter's...boyfriend? Husband?...whatever Vegeta was...

Vegeta huffed at the blonde earthling's logic and decided that training would be a lot less...annoying than hanging around this woman.

"These are going to be a long three years..."Vegeta thought to himself before entering the ship that doubled as a gravity room, a room where he would spend much of the next three years.

The next couple of months are spent rather quietly.

Vegeta spends a lot of time in the Gravity Room training. Bulma spends most of her time with Trunks and her parents. Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo train nearby the small house in Mt. Paozu, stopping occasionally...often to eat. Yamcha, Krillin, Tien and Chiaotzu train by themselves. Nappa and Raditz train occasionally, but are still trying to upgrade their abode.

Today though, was going to be a change from the monotonous. It was Gohan's birthday, and everyone decided to go to Goku and Chichi's house to celebrate.

"Ahh come on Chichi... can't I have one bite?" Goku whined at his wife, drooling over the many different foods spread out on the table for Gohan's birthday party.

"Mom...do I have to have a party?" Gohan asked his mom, shuffling his feet slightly embarrassed that he was having a party at his age... though his was still a kid.

"Yes Gohan. Don't you want to see all your friends?" Chichi asked her son, pausing her cooking for a moment to look at her pride and joy.

"Of course I do." Gohan told his mom, deciding that maybe a party wouldn't be all that bad.

Chichi turned her attention back to the cake she was currently frosting, though she couldn't figure out how her little baby had only made friends that were middle aged men. She sighed and wondered why he couldn't have any normal friends...then again, with Goku as his father... it was just expected she figured.

"Bulma's here!" Goku exclaimed, running out of the house and smiling up at the descending plane, stuffing the cupcake he had managed to steal from the platter without Chichi noticing, into his mouth.

"Hey Goku! Where's the birthday boy?" Bulma asked, jumping out of the plane and walking over to her friend.

Goku points inside, his cheeks expanded like a squirrel.

"Did you steal something that you weren't supposed to Goku?" Bulma asked the saiyan, her arms akimbo. Goku's eyes grow wide and he shakes his head, swallowing the cupcake nearly whole.

"Nope!" Goku exclaims happily, grinning widely.

"Then why do you smell like cake?" Vegeta snorts at the younger saiyan, having just gotten his now ten month old son out of his baby seat. "And I'm positive that you usually don't have blue frosting around your mouth... unless it s some new fashion statement." Vegeta grunts amusedly.

"I didn't know you were coming Vegeta." Goku changed the topic, rubbing the frosting off his mouth and onto his orange gi.

"You are a pig Kakarot. Even Trunks has better manners than you." Vegeta shakes his head, disgusted by Goku's display. Trunks giggles, recognizing that his father had said his name, and waves at the goofy saiyan, who smiles and waves back.

"I told you we weren't going to be the first ones here." They recognize the voice as Nappa's and look up to see Nappa and Raditz descending from the sky.

"Hey you two!" Bulma calls out, waving at the two arriving saiyans.

"Hey there!" Nappa calls out, landing and making his way over to the others, Gohan having just joined them since he sensed their energies and was surprised to sense that Bulma had managed to get Vegeta to come.

"Heya Bulma!" Raditz called out. In the past few months, Nappa and Raditz had come to Capsule Corp and really befriended the blue haired girl, who found them amusing. They argued like an old married couple and were blunt, but their sense of humor was strange but also hilarious. Bulma didn't know what it was with her and saiyans always wanting to be her friend...but she didn't really mind since she loved all of them as if they were family.

"There s the b-day boy." Bulma called out, going over to Gohan and ruffling his hair, causing him to laugh and smile at Bulma, who he had come to see as an aunt. "What are you now? 3? 4?" Bulma asked him jokingly.

"No, I'm 2." Gohan laughed, holding out five fingers, causing the heiress to laugh and ruffle his hair again.

The seven of them went inside where the aroma of the food was almost too much to bear for the saiyans.

"Man& now I'm hungry..." Nappa muttered, deciding that staying outside would be less torturous than staying inside, but stays inside anyways.

Bulma walks into the kitchen to say hello to Chichi, and is surprised to see the mountains of food that had been prepared by the raven haired woman.

"Hey Chichi, how have you been?" Bulma asked the younger girl, who spins around in surprise.

"Bulma! I didn't know you were already here. Is anyone else here yet?" Chichi pauses her cooking to hug the older woman.

"Nappa and Raditz are here, they got here about the same time I did. Other than them, I don't think anyone else has shown up yet." Bulma informed Chichi.

"Did you bring Trunks?" Chichi questioned the turquoise haired woman, for she had always been a sucker for a cute baby.

"Of course, he's in the other room with his daddy." Bulma said, pointing to the living room where all the saiyans were.

"You got Vegeta to come! I thought he hated gatherings like this though." Chichi mused.

"He's started to adapt to life on earth I guess." Bulma told her, smiling fondly.

"Chichi! Krillin is here!" Goku called out from the other room.

"Guess we should go greet the others." Chichi said, wiping her hands that were covered with flour on a towel and walking into the living room.

~A few hours later~

Everyone had shown up and were now either sitting or standing around the table. Gohan's birthday cake was enormous, for it looked like it was to feed a whole city's worth of people& but considering there were four full-blooded saiyans and two half-blooded saiyans...it was expected to have such a large cake. The candles on the cake were ablaze and the people sitting around the birthday boy, sang to him (excluding Vegeta, who refused to sing)...though Gohan would have preferred that none of them sang...he never really liked being the center of attention.

"Now make a wish and blow out the candles sweetie.'" Chichi encouraged her son, who scrunched up his face slightly before smiling widely and blowing out the candles.

"What did you wish for Gohan?" Goku questioned his son.

"If I told you dad...then it wouldn't come true." Gohan said looking at his father with a serious sort of air around him.

"I couldn't tell him that I wished that, in three years when we fight the androids, no one will die like Future Trunks told us."Gohan thought to himself as his mother started to cut the cake, giving him the first slice.

The rest of the party went by rather uneventfully, and soon everyone started to head home after saying their birthday wishes to Gohan.

*A few months later*

Nappa and Raditz had been training for years...practically their entire lives...but no amount of training could have prepared them for the challenge that was presented to them today.

"Nappa... tell me why we agreed to this again..." Raditz questioned the bald saiyan, who was currently looking under the couch for the...little monster they had managed to lose for the fiftieth time that day.

"Don't ask me...Vegeta would have been pissed if we had refused...besides...Bulma lied and said that Trunks was a sweetheart...she never mentioned how he was like a little devil..." Nappa sighed as he stood and searched for the young half Saiyan prince's energy signal, huffing when he sensed the little lavender haired boy in the kitchen. "You could have told me that he was in the kitchen you know..." Nappa snarks at the long haired Saiyan.

"I know...but I thought that this was much funnier." Raditz chuckled at the angry older saiyan.

"If you think this is so funny, why don't you deal with lunch." Nappa told his companion, who sighed unhappily.

The two of them walked into the kitchen and paused in shock when they saw the kitchen completely coated in a white powdery substance. They couldn't even pick out the eighteen month old boy in all of the mess.

"We left him for...like... three minutes...how did he do all...this..." Raditz motioned to the winter like room, "...so quickly?"

"I suppose he is Vegeta's son..." Nappa said as he shook his head in disbelief.

The two of them agreed to make sure they NEVER had to babysit again...this was possibly worse than working for Frieza...well maybe not that bad...but it was really bad.

Suddenly there was a sneeze and a lot of the white flour was air born.

"Oopsies..." Trunks giggled and rose to his chubby feet and took off again, leaving the older Saiyan to wonder what just happened. By the time that they had recovered their wits, Trunks was already down the hall and out of sight.

"I swear that kid is more trouble than he's worth..." Nappa chuckled, not really meaning what he said , for he had a soft spot for the little boy.


"It's nice that Nappa and Raditz agreed to watch Trunks for the day." Bulma said as she stretched out under the tree her and Vegeta had sat under for their picnic lunch.

"I can't believe you lied and told them he was a sweetheart...he's a pain in the ass." Vegeta snorted in amusement.

"He is a sweetheart...though he is a handful sometimes..." Bulma giggled, agreeing with him to a point.

"Sometimes?" Vegeta raised an eyebrow skeptically, though good-humouredly.

"Fine, much of the time...but he is a cutie." Bulma giggled again, laying her head on her saiyan's lap and staring up at the slow moving clouds. She sighed almost over dramatically "I wish that you guys didn't have to train for the stupid androids...we could still destroy them now and not worry about them later..." She proposed nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders slightly, causing Vegeta to snort bemusedly.

"I don't think so. I'm going to fight them, whether you like it or not." Vegeta told her, shifting slightly, so that Bulma had to sit up, but soon settled back onto her saiyan's lap.

"You should be grateful that I love you...and that I'm just glad that you are spending time with me...or else you would be getting an earful for saying that to me." Bulma huffed, obviously getting annoyed at him.

"I always have to listen to your nagging...so I don't see how that would make any difference." Vegeta chuckled, setting Bulma off.

"You Asshole! I'm the only one in this universe that would put up with your crap. Though I don't understand why I do!" Bulma yelled at him standing and stepping away from her saiyan angrily.

"Then don't. I'll just leave if that is what you want." Vegeta said sharply, standing as well and crossing his arms over his chest, his eyes betraying his hurt at her words. At that Bulma's anger dissipated and she sighed defeated.

"I'm sorry...it's just...whenever you guys go into battle...I feel so helpless. I'm always afraid that someone isn't going to make it through the battle. If we killed them now..." Bulma rambled on, but was cut off by Vegeta.

"What if we do destroy the androids now and slack off the rest of these three years?" Vegeta starts and before Bulma can say anything else he continues on, "Then in three years, no androids show up, but instead another enemy shows up, one that Trunks doesn't even know about. Since the threat of the androids were no longer hanging over our heads, do you suppose that the others would be training and preparing for an enemy that we didn't know would be showing up? Hell...even if one doesn't show up in three years then one would eventually show up...and the next enemy probably won't have a warning or an off button." Vegeta tells her, feeling slightly guilty at her hurt expression.

"I know...but if these androids are really as strong as Trunks said they are...then what happens if you guys can't defeat them? What if history repeats itself and you guys die again?" Bulma tried to reason to him.

"You can't change history, but you can surely change the future. That is exactly what we are going to do...you should know I'm stubborn...you tell me all the time...this should be no different..." Vegeta says to lighten the mood slightly, which it does slightly.

"You're right...but you had better destroy those androids when it comes time to fight them, you understand mister?" Bulma tells him, poking his chest with each syllable, smiling when he chuckles and kisses her gently.

"I understand. I'll beat them before they even knew what hit them." Vegeta chuckles when he sees his lover roll her eyes good-humouredly.

"Sometimes I wonder how such a short man could have such a large ego." Bulma laughs and shakes her head. Vegeta pulls her into an embrace, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder.

"The same way your ego fits in your tiny body." Vegeta nips her earlobe, causing her to squeal and wrap her arms around his neck tightly, enjoying the feeling of being in his warm embrace, hoping that in four years she will still have her saiyan with her...she had faith in him...but ...as his lover, she couldn't help to worry about him.

They found themselves drawing ever nearer to the day that could be the end of all of them.

A/N: I feel awful for not updating for a long time. I've kinda lost all inspiration for creativity...that and I've recently returned to school which kills most of my week. I don't really like this chapter...but I would like to know what you thought...perhaps seeing your reviews will help to inspire me again...I apologize again for the long wait...
