Not again!

Harry stood before Voldemort in the forbidden forest, no wand in his hand. He stood proud as he looked into the eyes of evil. His last thoughts were of Hermione...the look in her eyes as he told her he was going to give himself up. What was that look.

Voldemort looked at Harry and smiled, "The boy who lived...come to die" "AVADA KADAVRA"

Harry felt no more...He was surrounded by white light all his pain was gone. He was standing alone naked, he had no glasses but he could see. He felt he needed clothes...the appeared beside him. He quickly dressed and began walking. He had no idea where he was going he just walked.

As he walked things around him began to change. The infinite Light became a long hallway. No doors to be seen. The floors were polished marble with golden veins running through them. The walls were the same.

There was no sound at all, not even the sound of his feet slapping the floor. He finally saw a woman walking toward him. She wasn't old but not really young. She had a scowl on her face that would rival professor Snape. "AGAIN, You just have to make my life a misery! YOU CAN"T ATAY ALIVE! NINE TIMES..NINE TIMES! Are you trying to get me fired. Real Simple Check the Black Library Find the spell Hit the Bastard and send him here. NO You have to listen to that crazy Old Coot Albus, you weaken that bastard so he can come in a save the day after your dead."

Harry is shocked. "What? Dumbledore was always on my side...took care of me"

The woman looked Harry straight in the eye. "OH really!" The indignation on her face was unreal. "He placed you with those magic haters, Knowing the life you led. Your Godfather, He cast the fiedilius charm He Knew Wormtail was the secret keeper. He kept Sirius In that prison for twelve years and knew he was innocent. He was head of the Wizengomot He could have gotten Sirius a trial at any time. Did he tell you that you needed training...first year you asked him for answers, He knew it all and left it to you. Did he look for the Horcruxes or leave it to you?

He placed you in life threating situations. Think first year getting the stone...Three first years get past the traps...and Voldemort couldn't. Second year he didn't know a giant snake is running loose in the school, when all the portraits and ghosts report to him. Third year allowing dementors at the school. Don't even start on your forth year. Moody was his friend and he never noticed. And you, You choose the best of friends. Of the NINE TIMES YOU DIED RONALD CAUSED FOUR OF THEM. Cosed the door on you and that Cerberus, with the stupid snake after you saved his sister dropped you as Fawkes got you out there. Held your firebolt in forth year and the dragon roasted you. The horcruxe hunt...Avada Kedavrad you in the back in a fit of jealousy instead of leaving. He had run out of love potions for you and that Granger girl to keep you apart. Yes the Granger girl Is your Soul mate. Albus and Mrs Weasley Were doping you both. You were getting one keyed to her daughter, the Granger girl was getting one keyed to Ron. Did you ever claim your heritage...NO!"

Harry was Dumbfounded..His mentor...his best friend...HERMIONE.

"How can all this be?"

The woman rolled her eyes. "I'm your death angel,

You were supposed to kill that bastard...Marry your soul mate...Have four children and not be here until you are 186 years old. Now we are sending you back one last time...the only thing is you are getting all your memory's to go with can't tell anyone what you know. Now I'm giving you a gift or two First Perfect Oculemency, Second Wandless magic. Now we have to get you back.

Oh Check with the goblins right away and have your parents will read...and get them to let you see their healers."

She waved her hand for Harry to follow. They reached a door that said do not enter. She opened it and pushed Harry through.

Harry awoke in his bed in Griffindor tower. The first thing he noticed was he could see. Ron was snoring as usual. He looked down at himself trying to figure out exactly when he was. It wasn't first year, He went and looked out the window it was spring time.

Then he saw it..the Drumstrang ship was docked on the Black lake. Oh Shit...the third task...Its today!

Ok lets see Cedric is not dieing this time.

Harry went down for breakfast, Knowing the Weasleys were waiting for him. Before he got there he called for a friend. "Dobby!"

The little elf appeared right in front of him. " What can Dobby be's doing for the Great Harry Potter?"

Harry smiled at his little friend. "Dobby, would you like to be my personal elf?" Dobby was bouncing with a smile that seemed ready to break his little face and tears rolled down his cheeks. "Dobby be the happiest elf in the world beings you'se elf!" Ok Dobby 2 galleons a month and a day off a week." Dobby looked up. "One galleon and one day a month." Harry knew it was not going to change. "Ok Dobby Done!" "Now Can you check Mine and Hermiones Food and drink today make sure no potions of any kind are present. In fact make sure only you bring us food OK! And after we eat find Remus Lupin and bring him to me."

"Dobby will do it sir." Is any thing else you'se be needing sir!" Harry scratched His Forhead.

"Dobby go to the DADA office you'll find a trunk with Madeye moody at the bottom of it get him to Grimauld Place...Tell Sirius I'll be needing him tonight."

Harry Headed for the Great Hall, He wasn't sure how he felt about seeing Mrs Weasley Knowing she was planning on potioning him. But it wasn't time to start making changes that could be seen just yet.

As He walked in Hermione came rushing to him..And enveloped him in a big hug, not letting go. Harry held on for dear life.

Hermione looked him in the eyes, seeing something she never saw before. "Harry, what is it?"

He looked at his shoes. "Ask me after the task, Its important!"

Mrs Weasley came running up to him, Crushing him into one of her patented bone crushing hugs. Then started fussing over him. He didn't hear a single word she said. He excused himself to eat his breakfast. And went further down the table than he normally did. Ginny picked up some pumpkin juice and brought it to him. As she set it down in front of him it spilled on the floor. Harry pointed his wand at the spill. "Scorgify!" The liquid disappeared. The scowl was only momentary on Ginny's face but Harry caught it. A full english breakfast appeared infront of him with fresh orange juice instead of pumpkin.

As soon as he was able to get away. He saw Dobby bringing Remus up to him.

"Remus!...Its so good to see you!" He looked in The Werewolfs eyes. We need to talk in private...NOW!"

He dragged Remus across the grounds to the edge of the forbidden forest. "Remus, we have a problem. The cup is portkey to send me to Voldemort. I need you to be ready with Dobby when I call. Bring Sirius with you. I'm going to need help. I want you to bring Fudge and Amelia Bones too!"

Remus was Gobsmacked "We have to tell Dumbledore."

Harry looked up in Remus Eyes. "NO...Do not tell Dumbledore! If we do It will go pear shaped quick.

I've learned not to trust him!"

Remus couldn't believe his ears. "What do you mean Harry...he is the leader of the light...he has to know."

Harry was not listening. "If we all want to live through this do not bring Dumbledore or tell him. I'll explain to night after its all over. Just keep bones and Fudge together away from Dumbledore!

Dobby will bring you to me. DO NOT INTERFEAR! "

Harry was adamant. "Look Remus...if we want to clear Sirius We have to do this, my way. Dumbledore could have cleared Sirius long ago...Think about it...He cast the charm Sirius told us so...He knew all along!

Now come on we have to get a few things in the castle."

Harry led Remus to the seventh floor..Walked back and forth three times in front of the tapestry of Barnabas the barmy And a door appeared. Harry led Remus inside the room of hidden things...First to the vanishing cabinet that he shrunk down and pocketed...Then got Ravenclaws diadem. "Ok On tho the chamber of secrets."

Remus Looked at Harry..."What!"

"We have to destroy this with no one knowing...Come on!"

They darted through the halls using the Marauders map to avoid everyone. The got to the girld loo on the second was empty they went in and Harry opened the passage. They slid down And moved as quickly as they could. Moving rocks out of the way

from the cave in. Harry opened the chamber and headed right for the Basalisk. Pulling a fang he dropped the diadem to the floor right where he destroyed the diary...He stabbed the Diadem with out a thought. The scream was horrendous...It rocked the chamber...then all was quiet!.

Remus looked at Harry...awe in his eyes.

"What the Hell was that!?"

Harry smiled..."That Moony, was a Horcrux...Old Moldy made a few of them...we have to destroy them all...But for now we have to stop him coming back tonight."

Moony was still Having troubles with all this. "How do you know these things Harry?"

"I had a dream and saw into old moldys mind...I know where he hid these things and now Two of them are destroyed. We need to get the rest. These fangs are all that destroys them. I'm hitting Old Tom with one tonight."

Wormtail is doing the ritual Tonight, I'm messing it up."