Ok sorry about everything, I have reworked some of this chapter. My hope is that I will continue and be able to get a lot more done. So here we go.

"Vert!?" said Major Jack Wheeler, as he approached his son. Thoughts racing through his head on how he could fix things.

Vert took a step back as his father started towards him. "What… What are you doing with the Silencerz?" He was mad and confused, he felt hurt and betrayed. Vert felt that his world was about to come tumbling down.

"Vert I can explain," Jack said as he took another step towards his son.

"Stay away from me," Vert said, as he continued to back away from his father. He then noticed that the other Silencerz started to advance towards him. "All of you stay away from me," Vert yelled at everyone in the room. He wanted nothing more than to run away, run back to his friends. The only problem was that, he had no idea of how to get home.

"All of you stand down," Jack ordered. When no one did anything Jack again tried to calm Vert down, "Vert please let me explain. This-"

"Save it, I don't care what you have to say," Vert yelled at his father. "How can I ever believe you again?"

"Vert please I was doing this to protect you," Jack tried to explain.

"Protect me!" Vert screamed in rage. "I don't need you to protect me! All of you stay away from me!" Vert noticed the Silencerz again advancing towards him.

"Please Vert, let me explain," Jack tried again as he approached his son that was near hysterics.

"No, I don't care what you have to say," Vert yelled again at his father. As Vert was distracted a Silencer came up and grabbed him. "Let go of me," Vert yelled as he struggled in vain against the Silencer that had a hold of him. Soon three of the Silencerz had a hold of him.

"Please Vert, stop and listen to me," said Jack as he tried to approach Vert.

"Let go of me," Vert yelled at the Silencerz that had a hold of him.

"Vert please, this is for your own good," Jack said pleadingly.

"My own good," Vert spat back at his father. "You know nothing of my own good. You were never there for me, at least now I know why." Vert struggled with all of his might against the Silencerz that had a hold of him.

"Please Vert, they will hurt you if they have to," Jack said, he didn't want them to hurt Vert, but he knew that they would.

"I don't care," shouted Vert as another Silencer grabbed him.

"Sir," a Silencer said to Jack, "we have to put the collar on him."

"Vert you have to calm down, they are going to hurt you," Jack said. Fear was rising, Jack was afraid for his son and what they were going to do to his boy.

"Sir, it's now or never," the Silencer said again as he motioned for a collar to be brought forward.

"No," Jack said. "He will listen!"

"I'm sorry sir, but he won't listen," the Silencer said. He then turned and ordered, "Put the collar on him."

"No you won't use the collar!" Jack shouted in anger as he rushed the Silencer giving orders.

"Sorry sir," the Silencer said as Jack was subdued by another Silencer. "It's for your own good. Put the collar on the boy."

Vert watched as he struggled, he watched as his father got mad at the Silencer that he was talking to and then get subdued. "No! Dad help me!" Vert was still mad at his father but right now he didn't care. He just wanted to get away, escape from the Silencerz. He was scared of what was happening to his father and what was going to happen to him. Running through Vert's mind was, 'Please help me, and abandon the Silencerz.'

"Let go of me," Jack ordered. As he the Silencer released him, he looked at Vert, "Take him down below." With that being said Jack left the room so that he wouldn't have to look at Vert. For a moment Jack met Vert's eyes, and a conversation passed between the two.

'Dad please, help me,' Vert's eyes pleaded.

'I'm sorry,' Jack's eyes said in return.

'No, no, you wouldn't,' was the last look that Vert gave his father. As the realization hit Vert, he started to struggle even more and yell, "Let go of me! I hate you!"

"Vert someday you will understand," Jack said as he turned away from Vert. He couldn't stand to see his son this way. "Vert it will make sense someday."

A collar was brought towards Vert, electricity crackled throughout it. His eyes went wide in horror as he knew that the collar was for him. As the collar was brought forward, pair of matching type of handcuffs was put on him and sent a shock through Vert's body. For an instant Vert had stopped fighting, but when the shock ended Vert continued to struggle again.

"Quickly put that collar on him and take him down to the holding cells," ordered the only Silencer that had been talking so far.

As the collar was put on Vert he was dragged down one of the corridors down to his cell. The whole way Vert yelled and fought against his subduers.

Two days later

"Let me out of here!" Vert yelled for the hundredth time that day. "You can't keep me here forever; I have friends that will find me!"

"Your so called friends were hired by us," said an annoyed Silencer. "We hired them to keep an eye on you when your father wouldn't be able to. They were never really your friends." With that being said the Silencer left.

"You liar!" Vert shouted after the Silencer, "they are truly my friends and they will find me!"

"Dr. Tezla there has to be a way to find him!" Lani pleaded. "It's been over two days since we last seen him."

"I'm sorry but I have no idea where to even start to look," Dr. Tezla replied. "I also have no way to locate him if he's in one of the Realms, or if he's on another home world."

"But you can still be able to right, I mean if you knew where to start them you would be able to find him?" asked Kurt.

"Yes and no," Dr. Tezla said. "I mean it's huge out there and I have only begun to scratch the surface."

"But we have to find him," Lani begged. She was scared for her missing friend and former teammate.

"I will keep looking," Dr. Tezla said as he walked away from the group.

"We're not going to give up right?" Monkey asked.

"No we're not," Wylde said.

"We're not giving up on a friend not now, not ever," Nolo said as he looked at everyone that was there.

"What are you going to do with Vert?" Jack asked the scientists, his voice full of concern.

"We are going to give him fake memories and send him to a small town where he will not bother us and his friends will not be able to find him ever," the scientist said as he continued to type away on his computer.