Summary: Perhaps OOC. Nisei is creating a masterpiece, and Seimei wants no part in it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Loveless




"Maybe if I..." the man's hands adjusted, "Or this way..."

"Nisei what are you doing?" Seimei questioned. Disgusted the sacrifice walked carefully around his fighter's "project".

"I don't want the help to be called" he paused, eyeing the man, "Or police".

Chuckling, Nisei replied "I swear we won't be kicked out of another hotel".

He motioned his hands quickly, then up into the air. "Finished! How do you like it?"

Seimei regarded what his fighter seemed to deem a masterpiece. "The blood in her hair is uneven, too much more on the right..." Nisei rolled his eyes, and awaited the next comment.

"She has saliva dripping down her face."

Nisei didn't look up, but stopped his workings, "You're an ass."

The end

Short but to the point? Reviews are always wonderful!