Me and My Emperor
Me: I know, I know. Awsmpup, why are you starting a new story when you already have stories that need to be finished?! I just can't help myself! Like I said in my Special Announcement, my stories are just random thoughts I have, so I want to start this one before I forget what I wanted to do. It has happened numorous times. Anyway, on with my new story!
Ch. 1
Me and Kuzco's idiot messenger are waiting for Kuzco to pick out a bride. I still don't get why he needs a stupid princess bride.
Oh, I should probably introduce myself.
I'm Kida, Kuzco's best friend. I'm the only one who can call the Emperor by his first name, since ya know, we're best friends. Have been since birth.
I'm also the only one who can tell him off, cause I'm awesome like that.
I have blonde hair, yeah not the most common hair color. Ok no one but myself has that hair color. And no one but myself has eyes that change color by mood.
Yes I'm a freak of nature, but Kuzco doesn't seem to mind.
And just so you know, I don't have feelings for him.
Not one bit.
Fine, a litte.
Ok, more than a little.
Alright! I'm in love with him, but it's not like it matters. He doesn't like me like that. And now you know why I'm against this whole bride thing.
Anyway, like I said, we're waiting for Kuzco to pick out a bride.
He's probably dancing to his "Theme Song." Why did I just hear a scream?
I still don't know why we're best friend's, let alone why I love.
He's egotistical, selfish, self absorbed, sorta mean to others, handsome, hot- and I'm shutting up now.
The doors burst open and Kuzco shouts out, "Ha! Boom baby!"
"Hey Kuzco" I say the same time the messenger says, "Ah, Your Highness, it is time for you to choose your bride."
Kuzco looks past him and says, "Alright, trodd out the ladies."
I just know Kuzco is going to refuse and insult them. He does it all the time. I don't know why he does, but I'm not complaining.
He walks up to the first girl, and goes down the row, insulting each. And I'm trying to hold in my laughter. What? I really hate these princesses.
"Let's take a looksie. Hate your hair, not likely, yikes, yikes, yikes, and let me guess, you have a great personality" he says, then turning to his messenger, "Is this really the best you can do?"
And then the idiot messenger starts to babble on and on about stupid things. I can tell Kuzco is thinking the same as me, he's like the thing that wouldn't shut up.
I roll my eyes. Kuzco also rolls his eyes.
My eye twitches as the idiot goes on and on, then I notice Kuzco looking at me.
Why? Don't ask me. Wait, do I have something on my face?
I look at him, questionably, but he quickly looks back the idiot.
I rub my face to see if I have anything on it. Nope, nothing. Oh well, Kuzco is as unpredictable as rain. Actually, nevermind, he is very predictable.
And, now I'm annoyed at the idiot. I hit him upside the head.
Kuzco smirks...I think I just died inside. Fangirl squeal! What is a fangirl anyway?
I push Kuzco to the door.
"Come on Kuzco. I have a feeling Yzma is doing it again" I say, pushing him out.
Kuzco rolls his eyes.
"When will she learn?" He asks, rhetorically, stopping for a second. I let go of his shoulders.
"Probably never. You forget, her brain is as old as dirt" I say, grinning.
We both laugh and continue walking to the throne room. Though, I stop for a second, while Kuzco continues walking.
I look back at the princesses, who still have insulted looks on their faces.
I smirk and blow raspberries at them.
Some look like they want to clobber me.
I laugh and then quickly catch up with Kuzco.
"By the way, what was that scream earlier?" I ask him.
"Huh? Oh, that was some old guy I had thrown out of the Palace" Kuzco says.
I know, that when he says thrown, he literally meant thrown out, like out of the window.
"KUZCO!" I yell at him.
"What? He threw off my groove!" he explains.
I scoff and walk ahead, mad.
"Kida!" he calls to me, but I ignore him and enter the Throne room.
End of Ch.1
Me: So, what do you think? I don't think I did all that well. Sorry if it's predictable, and if Kuzco is OOC. I tried to do the best I could. Anyway, seriously, tell me what you think and if I should continue it. BYE-BYE!