Asahina Mizuna was currently pissed off as today was the big wedding day. She couldn't believe that her father stuck her into a boarding school for girls when she just started first grade. What made her really mad was that her own father never told her that she had a sister or told her that he was getting married. Now she was going to have thirteen brothers along with her sister Ema. She couldn't believe it as the wind fluttered her black silky hair gently.

"Mizuna-chan you should place a smile on your face," Ema tried to convince, looking at that angered face.

"But Ema, father didn't even tell me that he was getting married and just randomly called for me to live with you in that household," Mizuna pouted.

"Mizuna-chan I think you'll like it there."

The older sister smiled slightly but still seated herself on the chair. She was still there when the sibling where taking a family picture. Mizuna didn't count herself as their sister yet, she couldn't. Looking down onto the ground, she heard someone coming towards her.

"Are you okay my dear little sister?"

Mizuna brought her eyes up towards the person, a kind smile filling her eyes. He gave her a lollipop along with a stuffed rabbit that had pink fur.

"Uh…thank you…I'm sorry that I don't remember your name or know you," Mizuna apologized, feeling a bit guilty.

"That's alright Mizu-chan. I'm Asahina Masaomi, the oldest brother," he introduced.

"Oldest? You don't really look that old," Mizuna blurted out.

"I get that a lot," Masaomi laughed, running his fingers through her hair.

She picked herself up, walking along side Masaomi as they made their way towards the others. Mizuna was surprised that they noticed that she wasn't even in the picture. The youngest brother rushed over to her, pointing at the stuffed bunny toy in her hands.

"Masaomi-nii gave that to you right?" he asked.

"Yes he did," Mizuna smiled, ruffling his hair.

"I'm Wataru, it's nice to meet you Mizuna-nee," he smiled.

"It's nice to meet you also."

"Our other cute sister," two voices in unison said, catching her attention.

Mizuna turned around to see twins with two different hair colors. They introduced themselves as Tsubaki and Azusa. Then there were Kaname, Ukyo, Futo, Iori, Natsume, Subaru, Hikaru, Louis and Yusuke. That was a lot of names to remember for Mizuna as she greeted every single brother and they treated her like she was already part of the family.

"Let's take another family photo but this time Mizuna is going to be in there," Tsubaki suggested, getting the camera ready.


They all got in their positions as she felt someone pulled her close to him. She looked up to see Masaomi as he smiled at her. Facing the camera, Mizuna smiled as the flash hit her eyes. She was now officially part of the Asahina family.

It's been weeks since the wedding and Mizuna fitted in the household just nicely. She was incredibly talented as she instantly became a famous actress. College was also part of her life as she was two years older than her sister. Stuck at the studio, Mizuna quickly called Ukyo.


"Ukyo-nii, I' m going to be late coming home. I'll eat dinner somewhere," Mizuna informed her brother.

"Alright then. Make sure to eat healthy and get a good night sleep when you get home."

"I will."

With those words, she hung up. Being an actress was hard, but she was doing a great job. That's when she heard her name being called on, Ema waving at her.

"Ema, what are you doing here?"

"I was wanted to hand you dinner that Ukyo really wanted you to have," Ema said, handing her the carefully wrapped meal.

"Tell him that I said thank you okay Ema," Mizuna smiled, watching as her sister left the studio.

Setting aside the food, she went on set. The camera started to roll, her acting skills wowing the director as it ended for today. Changing her clothes quickly, Mizuna made her way outside to find Masaomi waiting for her.

"Masaomi-nii where you waiting for me?" Mizuna giggled, making the older blush.

"I was just nearby and decided to wait for you."

They walked alongside each other, the cold breeze coming upon them. Mizuna shivered from the cold, Masaomi putting his coat over her cold body. She wanted to question him but stopped once he placed one of his mittens on her hand and held her other hand. It was warm, just like how she suspected.

"What if you get sick Masaomi-nii?"

"That's fine by me but you have a more important job than me," Masaomi chuckled.

"Liar, you also have an important job. You're a doctor that takes care of children."

"You might be right."

They arrived home shortly after, Ukyo waiting for them. He wanted to make sure that Mizuna ate her dinner but saw as it was untouched. Instantly, he cupped her cheeks, worried about her health.

"I'm sorry Ukyo-nii. I was really caught up at work but I can eat it right now."

Mizuna made her way towards the kitchen, reheating the meal that would satisfy her hunger that was currently building itself. That's when she slightly burned her finger, Ukyo running the cold water over it. His body was so close to hers, Mizuna felt like she could feel his heartbeat. To close, he was too close to her.

"Mizuna," his husky voice filling her ears.


"You should get a band aid from Masaomi since he has a lot of those in his room," he suggested.

She nodded her head, heading over to the elevator. The door opened to reveal Kaname as he watched her get in.

"Weren't you going to get off on this floor?" Mizuna asked as the door closed.

"I was but once I saw my adorable sister in front of me, I wanted to know where she was going," he replied.

"I was just going to Masaomi-nii's room to get a band aid from my finger."

"What happened to your finger?"

"I burned it a little when I was just reheating my dinner that Ukyo-nii made," Mizuna explained as Kaname grabbed her hand.

Without any words being said, he placed her finger in his mouth. Mizuna tried to retract her hand away but flinched as she felt that wet muscle roam around her finger.

"K-Kaname-nii, you don't need to do that?"

The door opened as Kaname let go of her hand, letting her finger slid from his mouth. Mizuna felt her legs tremble as he leaned his mouth near her ear.

"I'll enjoy licking places other than your finger," his voice tender.

She let the door closed, leaving him inside the elevator. Her finger was wet, face a burning red and her heart was literally beating out of her chest. Rushing over to Masaomi's room, her hand knocked on the door a few times. Waiting patiently, the door opened.


"I-I need a band aid since I burned my finger a bit," Mizuna struggled to say.

"I have some but tell me, why are you blushing madly and why is your finger already wet?" he questioned.

"Kaname-nii was just playing around with me and placed my finger in his-"

"Kaname?" Masaomi said, eyes giving off an angered look.

Gulping, Mizuna stepped back a little as he went closer to her.

"Kaname placed your finger in his mouth?"

"A-Ah…yeah…" Mizuna replied.

Without any warnings, she felt a pair of lips latch onto hers as her own brother was now kissing her.


MY FEELS~ THEY'RE EXPLODING! Sorry if there is a lot of moments with Masaomi, he's just my favorite in brother's conflict =w= I hoped readers liked this chapter and wait for the next one.