Me: OMGOSH! I'm so sorry for not updating the past few months

as I was busy with school. I apologies deeply

Haku: tsk tsk tsk made the dear readers wait for a new update

Me: I already said I'm sorry * sulking at one corner*

Chihiro: aww otaku-chan don't cry

Me: *continue to sulk*

Chihiro *turn to Haku*


*gives a death glare*


Haku: * start to run away*

Chihiro: *chases after him* R&R!

Chapter 2

~previously on expect the unexpected~

I spreaded my arms on the table and my head fell limp on my hands, making my hand act as a cushion as the table is hard and not to mention dirtied from the pencil and colour blobs caused by the art lesson just now.

Chihiro's POV


Ehhhhhh?! Where am I again? It's so blur I can't even see a thing! Once again the familiar hazy venue I once stood at when I met Haku is back! Am I in a dream again?

Just then the fog cleared a little, bringing me into realiation that I'm actually somewhere else instead. In front of me stood the familiar big and majestic red gate, standing tall and proudly. (A/N I wrote wrongly at the previous chapter) It was obvious that the gate was old, with the paint on the walls peeling off, together with the dull contrast of the surroundings.

"Why am I here at the gate again? Shouldn't I be in mythological class?" I muttered to myself as I sub-consciously started to nibble my fingernails.

I shook my head, hoping that the thoughts in my mind would just disappear and leave me alone. It did, and just when I was about to turn my back and walk away, I stopped at my tracks.

I could hear sounds, but to be exact, I could hear footsteps coming from the big majestic red gate. Soft landing footsteps thud-ing their way towards my direction. All my eyes could focus on was that faded shadow approaching me confidently, with no hasitation whatsoever. The first thing that came into my mind was some beast or spirit creeping towards me. They might probably be the person that guards the red door or their just plainly trying to chase me away.

There are many different types of wild animal spirits lurking around this particular area and there was once when I tried coming back to Aburaya when a cute yet weird looking spirit started chasing me away from the red gate and... I was almost killed by it. Looks can be deceiving, that's for sure.

Doshiyo? What should I do?! W-what if... That shadow belongs to that weird creature which chased me before or, or maybe it's some mysterious dragon that captured my attention since the last time I've been here?

The sound of the footstep started to grow louder and closer and that broke my trail of thoughts almost immediately.

"E-eto! S-show yo-your...yourself!" I stammered out in difficulty, trying my best to conseal my fear while doing my best to at least look scary.

The shadowy figure finally came close enough just so I can make out its shape. The shape of a human. It started to chuckle at me... O-kay that is really weird and freaky! I balled my hands into fists and I hardened my eyes at the mysterious figure.

"H-hey! Just so you know, I... I learnt m-many different types of mar-martial arts before so d-d-don't mess with me! "I tried to sound natural and cool but instead I sounded like a dying chicken... this also implies that I failed to do so.

"Huhuhu... Ne Chihiro, the last time I checked, you don't know any martial arts as they all require you to go through hardships. I am very sure that, you hate going through hardships, right Chihiro? ~" A deep and low masculine voice was heard. It sounded so playful and so... Intimidating at the same time! I... I don't know how I can react to his deep understanding of my character.

Just what in the world? I am pretty sure it isn't the spirit guard anymore as the spirit guard doesn't have such a low and deep voice, but who else can this person be? Plus, why is he claiming that he actually knows me?

I still can't see him because he was still standing in the shadow.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Chihiro, have you really forgotten me? Oh, how could you!" He exclaims as he pretended to be shock and hurt, while taking his time to walk out of the shadow and into the moonlight. I blink several times the moment that person stood right in front of me. Wow... Just, wow!

How long has it been? 8 years? I simply cannot believe that after these 8 years he could change so much! His shoulders are now much broader, his muscles have grown, his hair still looks kind of the same, so there's not much of the difference and his eyes... They are still the colour of emerald green and they shone down into my eyes warmly. He is every girl's dream guy. Is this really a dream? Or the future? Na, who cares now so long as he is back and in front of me? I'm happy and that's all that matters now.

"HEHHHH! H-HAKU! YOU ARE BACK!" I shout in joy, feeling my eyes water while I jolted up and then, I flung open my eyes.

The whole class started staring at me, some looked shocked while others looked surprised because I slept in class for the second time in a row.

"Young lady! Why are you sleeping during my lesson?! Is my lesson too boring? And who is this 'Haku' you are screaming out about? Answer my question and I'll consider letting you off the hook by not giving you detention for not paying attention in class. What does the river called the Kohaku River represent?" My mythological teacher, Miss Sawako, shot me a question with her orbs blazing down into my nervous ones.

"GOMENNASAI! Erm... Eto... H-he is... He is my childhood friend who... Who is migrating from London to Japan and he'll... He'll... Be staying with me, the river of the kohaku represents a dragon and no. Gomen Miss Sawako..." I answered in a rush, feeling all tensed up from my teacher's intense staring.

"Hm, I see you have searched it up pretty well young lady. Good. This will be the last time I am letting you off the hook missy! There will not be a next time." Miss Sawako turned and continues to teach.

~25 minutes Skip~

"Class, I'll be giving you homework on the Kohaku River. Please look up and complete them before handing it up tomorrow. Class dismissed." Miss Sawako instructed us while handing down the stack of worksheets down the rows.

"Ne, Chihiro, spill the beans now, and I mean right now!" Misa Azumi demanded me.

"Huh? What do you want me to tell you?" Before Misa could even reply, a swarm of people crowded around my table, as I tried to get my bento from my bag and leave the classroom with Misa for lunch.

Misa's POV

Damn! I must get her to spill the beans on who that Haku dude really is. Frankly speaking, Chihiro is the most popular and beautiful girl I have ever encountered, not to mention, she is pretty cute as well. She is never proud or bitchy and brag about how popular or how many guys actually swarm over her, basically unlike those attention seekers, AKA wores, in our school.

I can still remember how I met her when I first transferred into this school during the second semester of the sophomore year.


Still Misa's POV

I was walking towards the principal's office to collect my schedule, keys to the school dorm and the locker combination in a cautious manner. I don't want to get on anybody's nerves in the first day of school!

Oh, did I mention that the school actually has a school dorm like the ones shown on television?

It will be so cool! Imagine living in a dorm... Awesome! Ohh and and I will get to hopefully meet nice roommates and we will get along and do fun stuffs toge-

My thoughts were immediately halted when I felt myself make contact with something, or more specifically, somebody. I fell onto the floor hard, and the impact and fall felt was so great that I had a feeling my ankle was twisted the other way round!

"OI! WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING YOU LITTLE BITCH!" A pretty high-pitched voice shot at me, causing me to snap out of my mental groaning.

I stood up instantly, slowly walking up towards her before holding my hand out for her to pull herself up but instead of grabbing my hand, she swatted it off like it was a pestering fly which buzzed around her repeatingly or something.


One of her friends that accompanied her pushed me so hard that I actually fell onto the ground again. She then helped that 'chickmunk' up.

I was in a daze, and I couldn't think straight at that point of time until a stinging sensation made me get back to my senses.

So, that chickmunk's old buddie friend did not just any ordinary push, but a push which includes using only the soles of her fingers and it surprisingly came down on... My freaking face. After that shitty-feeling slap, the people gathering around the area were watching and whispering about what they just witness with their very own eyes.

My eyes darted around the area, and to my shocking disbelieve, nobody actually came forth to help me up.

"Ring ding dong..." (A/N just imagine there school bell is ring ding dong by SHINee)

The school bell shrilled and with that, the chickmunk and her two bimbo followers walked away from me, but not before they scoff and soon, the crowd dispersed, much to my delight. I mean, who in the right mind would like being in the center of everyone's attention from being slapped by a chickmunk's follower? Well, I am definitely not that person.

I then walked down the hallway to the principal's office. As I reached the doorstep of the place, I knocked on the chocolate-coloured and I heard a loud voice saying that I can come in.

"Hi, what can I do for you mi-..."

"Misa Azumi. My name is Misa Azumi. I'm the new transferred student." I interrupted him.

"Oh, right. I'm Welcome you to Sei Kai high school. Here's your schedule, keys to the school dorm and the combinations for your locker. You can now get going to your classes." He said while giving me a heart-warming smile.

I returned him a slight smile, as he passed me my items. I accepted them gratefully and politely excused myself out of the room.

While I was on the way to class, I checked my schedule. It says that my home room will be in class 2-A and I'll be having mythological, art literature, English and E math for today.

"Oh shit! I've forgotten to ask for a school map. Now I'm lost in the middle of the school!" I mumbled under my breath, a worried sigh escaped my lips.

"E-eto... Am I able to help you with anything?" A girl with long chestnut brown hair with chocolate coloured eyes asked me.

She then continued her sentence, a warm smile gracing her lips.

"You seem to be lost. Are you a transferred student?" She asked me patiently and kindly, her voice sounding really gently and friendly.

"Can... You please show me the way to class 2-A?" I asked, a little timidly as I was afraid of being bullied again. "Sure, no problem! Follow me." She grinned out, giving a heartwarming smile to me as she pointed towards the classroom. I thanked her gratefully and bid farewell to her as she told me she have other things she need to do. She looks so pretty and she is so kind unlike the girl I met a few hours ago.

When I reached class 2-A, the teacher ushered me into the class and I was ask to introduce myself. "Hi. I am Misa Azumi. I am the new transferred student and please take ca—

"YOU! YOU BITCH!" A high pitched voice shouted before I could finish my self-introduction.

*Haku comes back being beaten into a bloody pulp ad walks up to me*

Haku: Ne, gomennasai….

Me: *still sulking*

*Chihiro pass Haku some candies*

Haku whisper to Chihiro: she is not a kid anymore she won't fell for it!

Chihiro: just try

Haku: Otaku-chan: here's some candy

Me: omg give me!

Chihiro: ha see like I said

Me: ok let's go to the review corner


NarutoSwag99 hehehe really? I does that some times *grins*







Heheheh thanks for following and favourite and thanks to those who read my stories