Author's Note!

Welcome to chapter ten! This is the story of a boy with no memory, waking up in Hogwarts at the time of the Marauders! Join the adventure as he discovers who he is, whilst having fun in school, making new friends, and avoiding the darkness of the outside world!

This will probably be a long story so I ask you to be patient for new updates, maybe read my other one (Forever and Always) whilst you wait?

If you want, you can perhaps leave a review of what you think, maybe follow or favourite the story? Give me some sort of inspiration? Where do you think the story is going?

Disclaimer: I do not own anything in this story. J.K Rowling owns all of the characters, places and other thingys in this story, unless you notice something you don't recognise. If so, that is mine.


'Don't you say it again, Jamie,' Remus whispered beside me.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon, the day after the attack. We were in Defence Against the Dark Arts, standing the corner of the room while everyone revised the Protego charm.

'I'm telling you,' I muttered angrily, 'he was smiling! It had to be him!'

James stared at me, still annoyed that I hadn't told him about the Death Eater in Hogsmeade. Behind his anger, though, was a look of disbelief.

Snape was with some Slytherins, talking to Professor Little. After a brief talking to and small suspension, the Professor was back to teaching, returning with a smile on his face.

'Seriously?' I asked. 'All I've said and told you and you're still going to disbelieve me?'

Sirius shook his head, the only one to do so. 'I believe you, mate.'

Remus rolled his eyes, 'That's because you've had an unjustified hatred for Snape ever since first year.'

'I wouldn't call it unjustified,' Sirius protested.

I groaned, the four of them staring at me. Pete had just arrived from wherever he had been. 'Until you figure out your priorities I'm going to be in the Hospital Wing.'

I grabbed my bag. I was thoroughly bored of the lesson, and even more aggravated with the guys, storming out of the room and leaving a trail of fury behind me. Professor Little didn't even bother to chase after me, and neither did any of the other students.

The corridors were quiet, the majority of students in lessons or tucked warmly away in their common rooms. The weather was miserable, the rain pouring against the windows in true British fashion. The nine month winter was here.

I made my way to the hospital wing as quickly as I could, not really that interested in stopping to talk to anyone. I was sure I noticed a third year boy and girl secretly tucked behind a curtain, doing whatever third years did, but ignored them as well. Whatever it was, I wasn't interested in interfering, they were probably having more fun than I would be for the next few weeks.

I reached the Hospital Wing in a few minutes, the door slightly ajar and an old man with a white beard and half-moon spectacles sitting by a bed. I walked over to him, the small girl sleeping quietly beside him.

I immediately felt bad for shouting at him the previous day. His hand was wrapped tightly around hers, looking down at her with remorse.

'I must beg your forgiveness, Jamie,' he said quietly, looking up at me for just a second. 'My judgement nearly cost this girl her life. Yours saved it. Clearly I owe you an apology -'

'And her,' I interrupted against my will.

He paused, nodding. 'And her, a million times over.'

I sat the opposite side of the bed, looking at her. She was young and frail, blonde hair and full lips. Her ears had small piercings, black dots that stood out against her hair. A necklace was sitting on her bedside table, along with a bottle of medication that Madam Pomfrey had put there. She looked simple and pretty, almost at peace. It's ironic how those who go through the most pain can look the most harmonious.

'What was wrong with her?' I asked, sitting back against the chair.

He sighed, looking deeply into my eyes. 'I'm afraid I can't go too much into detail, Jamie. I can tell you, though, that the magic behind it was as dark as it gets. If Poppy hadn't studied that one particular curse many years ago we would have lost her.'

I nodded, 'Her name?'

'Bonnie Hart,' he said. 'Third year, born to a witch and wizard, both previously muggle born. Intelligent for her age, only two very good friends - though the rest of her house admire her - and both a polite and beautiful person.'

'Why her?' I asked, not bothering with small talk.

He shrugged, the girl moving her head slightly, catching his attention for a moment. She was still asleep. 'I don't know, I hope we will find out when she wakes up.'

I looked at her, her small chest lightly expanding every time she took a breath. 'I think Snape had something to do with it.'

Dumbledore almost jumped, regaining composure just as quickly as he lost it. 'Severus?'

I nodded, 'He smiled last night, when you told the school about her. I immediately thought it was connected. The others don't believe me, they're quite adamant against it, actually, but I know what I saw.'

He patted my arm, standing up. 'I'm not taking anything you tell me lightly anymore, Jamie. I believe you.' He looked at his pocketwatch, 'I'm going to see him now. It may be nothing but even if it helps just a little bit it'll be worth it. Can you stay with her for a few moments? Her parents are on their way and Poppy is currently under questioning by some ministry officials, wanting to know her exact technique for this specific curse. She is quite a marvel, we are indeed lucky to have her.'

He nodded as he walked out, quickening his pace as he left the room. I stood up and walked to where he was sat on the side of her bed, sitting down and taking her hand in mine. Just as I did, I felt one on my shoulder.

'I ran into Dumbledore,' Summer told me quietly. She was the only other one in the room.

I nodded, not looking behind me. 'He's questioning Snape.'

I could feel her nod, then walk away to grab a chair. 'The guys told us. I came here after a few minutes, I thought you wouldn't want to be alone.'

'Professor Little didn't stop you?' I asked, looking into her pretty eyes as soon as she sat beside me.

She shrugged, 'Didn't even notice.'

I ran my fingers across the back of Bonnie's hand, her head rolling to her side slightly. 'She's called Bonnie. A third year. Very smart, polite, quiet. Only has two friends, according to Dumbledore.'

Summer nodded, 'I spoke to them last night. They came to Lily filled with worry, not being allowed in here. Both muggle born, which I found interesting.'

'A motive,' I sighed, rubbing my forehead with my freehand. 'Go for the sympathiser, not the blood traitor.'

I felt an anger rise through my body, wanting to catch whoever had done this. The girl's hand was half the size of mine, her fingers like toothpicks against my own. She was so small, so innocent. 'I'm going to find whoever did this.'

Summer faltered in her words, 'And do what? Use the same spell on them? Get revenge?'

I stood up, running my hands through my hair and holding my neck. 'Maybe I will? They deserve that.'

She stood up, only just reaching my neck, but holding the same amount of intimidation and presence as James did. 'You barely know her, Jamie!'

'It's not that, Summer!' I protested.

'Well then, what is it?' she questioned, glaring into my eyes, softly glistening with a layer of sympathy.

I paused. 'What if next time it isn't her and it ends up being more fatal?' I asked her. 'What if next time it isn't a girl I don't know? What if next time it's the one I feel the closest to? What if she ends up in a body bag and not a hospital bed? I don't know what I'd do!'

She stared at me, not saying a word.

'I'm staring at you and not even I realise how much I care for you, Summer. When I look at her, I see you. If there's a maniac running around this school and attempting to kill people, I swear to Merlin I'm going to get them before they even attempt to lay a finger on another person.'

She didn't move, a watery bud forming at her eyelashes. 'How much do you care for me, Jamie?'

I stopped in my tracks, staring at the girl in front of me. Merlin, she was gorgeous. I took her hands and pulled her towards me, kissing her. Her lips were pressed against mine for a split second, explosions of shivers erupting in my stomach, chest, legs. I felt dizzy, warm, comfortable. Then I pulled away.

She stood there, eyes closed and lips still pouted. Her eyes fluttered open, staring deeply into mine, a small grin forming at her lips. 'That much?' she asked me.

'And more,' I replied, her hands still in mine.

She smiled, not pulling away from me. Before we could make another move, though, a door slammed behind us. I spun around, facing two very tall, smartly dressed men. One had a moustache as thick as his unnatural eyebrows and the other had a nose that equalled two of mine. They stopped, staring at the two of us.

'Mr Potter?' the moustached-man spoke.

I nodded, looking at him. He seemed vaguely familiar but no names came to mind. My hand was dropped against my side, still holding Summer's.

'Pleasure,' he said, holding out his right hand, myself shaking it. 'You're quite the talk in the Auror office - a new Potter! The new son of our boss, quite the story. Good work with the girl, saved her life.'

Madame Pomfrey coughed behind him, the other man quiet, studying me.

'Ah, right,' the other man said. 'Nice to meet you.'

With that, they left. As they shut the door, Madame Pomfrey smiled at me, then frowned as she noticed Summer, then rolled her eyes as she looked at our hands. 'If you're going to stay with her at least keep the touching to a minimum. I need to greet the parents at the entrance, Merlin knows how long they could have been waiting. Those bloody Aurors and all their questions.'

It was the first time I'd heard her swear, something that seemed strange to me. She took off her apron and hung it against the door as she left, once again leaving Summer and me with the girl.

As if on cue, Summer wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me once more. Weeks of waiting for this moment and all I could do was stand there, motionless. She was everything I wanted, I finally knew that. Screw my stupid excuses, she was here kissing me and it was everything I dreamed of - her taste, her lips, her breath. She was perfect.

I pulled away, grinning like an idiot. 'We need to talk about this later, two very worried parents will be running through that door in a minute and the last thing I want to seem is disrespectful.'

She nodded, brushing her brown hair out of her flushed face. 'I'll head back to class, they'll want to see you alone, most likely.'

'Okay,' I smiled, squeezing her hand as she let go. My eyes followed her as she walked away, my mind in a state of euphoria. Falling into the chair beside Bonnie's bed, I pushed myself back to reality, thinking about the person that had done this to her. I hadn't been lying when I told Summer I wanted to find who done it. I needed to get to the bottom of this, no one else could get hurt.

The door opened once again. There seemed to be an endless flurry of things going on. Except for the walk here, I hadn't been on my own for more than a minute, there were people everywhere. These people, however, were much more fragile.

The man was fairly short, dressed in a wizard's cloak and pointy hat, taking it off as he entered the room. He had round cheeks and a pudgy belly. Bonnie obviously took after her mother, long blonde hair trailing down her back, the same cheekbones and nose. They both looked terrified, rushing over and sitting on either side of the bed.

'Oh Bonnie!' the mother cried, holding her daughter's hand tightly against her chest.

Her father ran his hand over her forehead, staring at her. 'Tell us what happened, Poppy,' he requested.

I stared at them, both clutching Bonnie's hands as though they could have fallen off at any moment. Smiling, I quietly stepped backwards, moving for the door. The two of them were obviously far too worried to speak to me, which was completely understandable. Poppy began telling them of the day before, making it easy for me to sneak out. I heard a soft sob at the words 'lifeless body' and 'white as a sheet', walking away before I heard anything else.

The corridors were still empty as I left the large room. Three suits of armour and a ludicrous amount of portraits stood between myself and the stairs leading up to the Great Staircase. I'd hardly made a step before a few people started to appear, though, each of them a disgust to my eyes. The Carrow siblings and Snape walked towards me, their eyes black with hatred.

'Me, Potter?' Snape laughed hollowly. 'If I had attacked that filthy blood traitor you can be as sure as the dirt running through your veins that I would have done a better job!'

I stared at him, confusion running through my veins. 'Of course you did it.'

The Carrows chuckled, Snape shutting them up with an angry fist in the air. 'As if I'd be stupid enough to do that! I have strict orders not -' he paused, rethinking what he was about to say. 'You've got the headmaster questioning me, and others are furious that this has happened without his authority. Believe me when I tell you, you accuse me of something like this one more time and you will face darker magic than even Dumbledore knows about.'

He spat at the floor beside my feet and stormed off, his cloak waving angrily behind him. The Carrows thought it would be funny to send two jinxes my way, only my subconscious stopped them from hitting me. Snape hadn't attacked them. Snape was innocent? There seemed to be no way.

'I have two options,' I whispered to myself, walking over to the wall and leaning against it. 'I try and find whoever it was within the school, or I leave and search for this Dark Wizard Voldemort myself.'

'Sounds dangerous,' a portrait whispered sleepily behind me.

'Shut it,' I hummed, storming off towards the Black Lake.

I was outside in the cool rain, the edge of the Black Lake lapping at my shoes. With a single push of my mind, I created a layer of air above the water, the droplets collecting within it. I created a ball and started spinning it with as much power as I could muster. The water within stuck to the edges and glistened prettily as water dribbled down the outside.

'That's pretty lookin' magic,' a gruff voice spoke behind me.

The ball collapsed immediately. I turned to see myself facing a large, bearded man, a pink umbrella extended above him. I nodded, turning back to face the water.

'Fancy a cup o' tea?' he asked me.

'No, thank you,' I murmured. 'I'm busy.'

He chuckled deeply, the sort of chuckle you couldn't help but warm to. 'What are yeh doin'?'

'Thinking about how to kill Voldemort,' I whispered quietly.

He said nothing.

'That, or how to go about catching whoever hurt the girl.'

He coughed uncomfortably, stepping towards me. 'Come on, have a cup o' tea with me. Yeh look like yeh need a chat.'

I sighed, following the big man down a small pathway and towards his hut. It had a small patch in front of it filled with growing pumpkins, almost the size of large quaffles. 'For the feast,' he told me.

His hut was warm and cosy, filled to the brim with numerous strange artifacts. There were plants that even Professor Sprout didn't have, items that definitely wouldn't be allowed up in the school. There was a small bed on the floor, a young dog sitting within it, quietly observing her surroundings.

'She's young, only got her th' other day,' Hagrid said affectionately, 'still trying to think of a name for her.'

I sat down at his large table before he offered, not knowing what to do with myself.

'Here,' Hagrid spoke quietly, picking up a rather odd umbrella. 'I think I remember the spell...'

With a snappy wave I was dry, grateful for the warmth. He walked to his fire, picking up a large pot and bringing it to the table.

'Yer lucky,' he smiled, 'I was just makin' tea when I noticed yeh. How long were yeh there for?'

I shrugged, 'An hour? More, maybe.'

A large tut escaped his mouth. 'I'll be havin' a word with James, he's meant to be lookin' after yeh. You're his brother now. Nothin' more important than family, Jamie, nothin'.'

'You know my name?' I asked, taking the tea gratefully.

'Of course, I was havin' a chat with young Sirius the other day. Caught him sneakin' into the forest, had to drag him back up to the school.'

I smiled. Of course Sirius had been trying to sneak into the forest. It was the exact sort of thing he'd do if he was bored. Why, though, was another matter.

'So, you're goin' off to kill -' he faltered at the name. 'To kill… him.'

I shrugged again, sipping my tea. 'I don't know. I want to, I feel locked up here, I feel I should be at least trying to do something.'

'And yeh think it was him that gave the order to hurt that girl?'

'Bonnie,' I told him. 'I think it's related.' My mind flashed to Snape, telling me otherwise. 'It's only happened because there's evil in the world, if I remove it, no more attacks.'

He chuckled quietly. 'There was evil before him, and there will be evil after him. Listen, I know about yeh memory, Dumbledore told me. Great man, Dumbledore. The thing is, yeh only know this period of time. All any of us know is a time of darkness. You may be able to remove him - and tha's a big maybe - but there's other stuff out there. Fer now, yeh need to be here. What do yeh think James would say if he woke up and yeh weren't in yer bed?'

'He'd be jealous.'

'Jealous?' Hagrid smiled. 'Nah, he'd be worried. He's wanted a brother ever since I met him. What would he say if he lost the one he's so luckily been given after a few weeks?'

A sudden embarrassing heat rose through my body. James would be upset. His parents would be as well. Our parents… After they so willingly took me in.

'I'll take him with me.'

'He wouldn't be up fer that, either. Leave the girl he's wanted since he was fifteen? Leave young Sirius, Remus? Nope. I recommend yeh stay here. Sure, try and find out who hurt the poor girl -'


'- and leave it at that. There've been plenty of people who think themselves investigators come through this school, I'm sure there'll be plenty more, and tha's okay. Leaving to fight the darkest wizard of the century, though? Tha's more of a suicide mission.'

I looked at him, his comforting beetle-coloured eyes smiling back at me. I suddenly had the urge to hug the man, but restrained myself.

'Stay here...' I whispered. My mind suddenly span and the image of Summer filled my head. How could I have been so stupid, she'd completely disappeared ever since my conversation with Snape. I couldn't leave now. 'I can't leave.'

'Tha's the spirit,' he smiled, sipping the rest of his tea and pointing outside. 'Besides, there are a few people outside who would kill yeh if yeh tried.'

I turned to look out of the window, James, Sirius, Peter, and Remus all standing there with their arms crossed, their bodies soaked with the rain.

'Thank you, Hagrid.'

'Yer more than welcome,' he smiled, standing up and showing me to the door. 'Yer welcome here anytime yer need to talk to someone.'

The large man bumped his head on the doorframe, grinning as he rubbed it.

'I'll come back as soon as I can,' I smiled, exiting the hut and staring at the boys.

'You think it's funny to just leave?' James growled.

'We've been waiting for you for hours.' Sirius followed.

'Had to get the map,' Remus continued.

'You missed dinner,' Peter finished, holding a tin which looked to be full of a variety of cakes.'

James suddenly came towards me, hugging me with full force. 'Summer told us how angry you were, I thought you'd done a runner.'

'Gone after him,' Sirius added, bringing his arm over my shoulder.

'And leave you guys?' I smiled, Hagrid visibly listening through a crack in the door. 'I couldn't.'

Authors Notes


Sorry it's taken a while to update, it turns out some universities want me for Creative Writing so that's been keeping me very occupied lately! Back to this, though!

Anyway, there you have it, another chapter down! I hope you favourite, follow or review, it would mean a lot. On my profile there are links to my other two stories and a personal project, so check them out!

(Review/s for Chapter 9)

war sage - Thank you! I hope you enjoyed this one just as much!

... (Maybe you could also be the one to fill in this empty space? Happy reviewing!)

If you read this and are also a fan of my other two stories, I really am trying to update as soon as possible, but for now, you'll have to stick with this one. I'd like to thank the reviewers that gave me inspiration and wrote kind things, urging me on. It helps more than you know. Until next time!