Here's my next chapter, sorry it took so long, I've been trying to write it but I keep changing it

Bonnie's Doppelganger- Chapter 4

Bonnie watched Caroline carefully as they spoke about Ariana. Something was weird; she seemed a bit… off, like she was on edge. Maybe something happened with Tyler or Klaus and Caroline wanted to tell her, desperately. Something was definitely wrong.

"Caroline, what's wrong?" Bonnie asked a bit confused with both her eyes brows scrunched together as she stared at Caroline.

"Nothing, nothing." Caroline answered sheepishly.

"Tell me." Bonnie demanded.

"Okay erm… Tyler called me, he said he isn't coming back for prom and that just upset me." Caroline said. Bonnie knew she lied about that, that wasn't what was on Caroline mind, it was definitely something else.

"That's not the truth." Bonnie pointed out.

"The truth is… it's nothing you need to worry about. You got your own problems, you don't need mine on top." Caroline smiled reassuringly. Bonnie watched Caroline pull out her phone and check it. "Well, I've gotta go, my mom wants me to help her with something." Caroline lied again.

"Okay bye." Bonnie said as Caroline went to get up. "Hey Care, are you sure you haven't seen Ariana, like at Klaus' or something?"

"I'm sure, I haven't seen her." Caroline replied before hugging Bonnie. "Bon, everything's gonna be alright, she won't get anywhere near to hurting you." Caroline said meaning it. That was the first truth she told for the whole of the conversation. "Well I've gotta go, bye." Caroline said as she let go of Bonnie.

"Bye." Bonnie said before Caroline disappeared. Bonnie knew Caroline had lied about everything, about not knowing who Ariana was. She knew when she asked her about seeing Ariana. Why did she lie?

Ariana walked into the Mikaelson house hold, she needed to find Katherine, she had to be somewhere here, she'd most likely be with Elijah. If she was here, she's a complete idiot especially if Klaus was here. Sometimes Ariana would think that Katherine wants to die or something because she likes taking risks with her life.

She knew she wasn't going to destroy the cure. That was the thing about Katherine, you tell her to do one thing and she does the other, that's what made her so predictable.

"Miss Bennett." She heard a voice from behind her. "How can I help you?"

"Elijah, you've known me long enough to know I hate being called Miss Bennett, please, call me Ariana." She turned around to face Elijah, who quickly masked the shock on his face.

"I thought you were dead, I watched Christopher kill you." Elijah said moving closer to her.

"You know I can't die Elijah, you were the first one to rip my heart out."

"Yes but he used magic, I thought he broke the spell."

"Elijah, no one back then could possibly kill me."

"And what about now?" He asked curiously.

"Why do you need to know?"

"Ariana, I made a promise to protect you, remember?" Elijah reminded her.

"You'd rather protect me from an unknown enemy then one I warned you about? What the hell?" Ariana raised her voice, as she glared at him.

"I tried to protect you from him!" Elijah raised his voice as well.

"Tried? Tried isn't good enough." Ariana scoffed.

"You don't know what I went through to protect you." Elijah's voice quieted down into a harsh whisper.

"You stood there and watched him kill me, Elijah! Is that really what you call protecting?" Ariana used air quotes.

"You knew you couldn't die-"

"Still, you're supposed to save me instead of stand there like an idiot!" She yelled.

"Well sorry if I didn't know what to do. If I killed him, you would have hated me."

"It's still better than letting me die." Ariana tried to calm herself. "This person who can kill me, you wouldn't hurt them, you possibly couldn't. Now where's Katherine?"


"Of course you wouldn't tell me where she is, you love her." She said before walking away into the next room to see Katherine sitting down in a chair.

"We all knew I wouldn't be too far from Elijah." Katherine said as soon as Ariana entered.

"Really, I thought you we running from Klaus?"

"Yeah, he's not here right now and neither is his sister so I'm safe." Katherine told her.

"You're cutting it too fine, Katherine." Ariana warned her.

"Oh don't worry, I'm good at getting out of sticky situation." Katherine smirked. "Anyway, what do you want?"

"You know what I want, I thought I'd told to get rid of it." Ariana changed the subject.

"Of what?"

"You know what I'm talking about, Katherine."

"Sorry, A, but I can't. It's my freedom from Klaus and when I give it to him, I'll be free and he'll have to worry about killing you. Did you really think I'd get rid of it without compelling me first?" Katherine said as she stood up.

"I'm not stupid, Kat, that's why I have a plan B."

"And what is this plan B?" Katherine asked

"I never share my plans."

"Come on, you can tell me." Katherine pushed.

"No." Ariana replied.

"Please?" Katherine pouted.

"No means no."

"Fine, I'll change the subject. Why are you so scared of it?" Katherine asked, she knew Ariana would never tell her.

"I'm not, I just want it destroyed and since you won't do that, I guess I have to do it myself. And whatever you do Kat, as long as you have it... Do not give it to Klaus."


"You give it to Klaus, you still won't have your freedom. He's sly, Kat, you'll still be running, this is what he wants. He wants you to come crawling to him, begging him for your freedom and he'll say no."

"But you both want the same thing." Katherine said it like it was obvious.

"He wants something completely different, he's gonna give it to Silas."

"And what's wrong with that?"

"Amar and Silas can't be together." Ariana said confusing Katherine.

"Who's Amar?"

"A doppelganger. If those to die together, then something will happen."

"And what is that something? I mean, it could be a good something." Katherine suggested.

"No it's most likely a bad something, whatever involves Silas is always bad."

"Are you afraid of Silas, Ari?" Katherine asked curiously but with some amusement colouring her voice.

"No but I believe that if Amar and Silas were ever to die together it would be like hell on earth."

"So?" Katherine shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Your enemies will come back to kill you, in this case for you, everyone."

"Now we can't have that, can we?"

"Give me the cure." Ariana demanded as she held out her hand.

"About that"- Katherine started sheepishly-"it's in New York."

"So that's why Damon went there, it wasn't for Elena."

"That and he missed me." Katherine told her

"In your dreams, Kat." Ariana scoffed. "Anyway I must be going, I have to take care of some… business." Ariana went to leave but stopped in her tracks when Katherine spoke.

"Ariana?" Katherine asked.

"Yes, Katherine?"

"Why did you compel Damon to forget about you and go back to looking for me when I told you to make him forget about me?"

"Because you don't own me Katherine. I maybe be a Bennett witch and I do know how handy they are to you but no bitch like you can own me especially without charge." Ariana went to walk off before Katherine started again.

"One more thing…who's Christopher?" Katherine asked.

"A warlock who tried to kill me." Ariana informed.

"I gathered from what I heard, so tell me more." Katherine sat back down in the chair.

"Katherine, I know that you're lonely and all, even with Elijah here, but I have better things to do then to tell you about my past. See you in New York, Katherine." Ariana told her before disappearing.

Damon stood at Bonnie's house, waiting for her to answer the door. He knew she would have went home, where else would she have gone? Elena's house burnt down and Caroline's was off limits due to prom reason. He also knew that she'd be pissed at him, to be honest, he was pissed at her for giving him an aneurysm, his head still killed from that.

Finally, Bonnie had opened the door. She stood there for a while before going to close the door on him. As she was closing the door, he went to push it open but his hand got stopped by the threshold.

"I put another spell on my house, mainly because of Silas." Bonnie informed him leaving the door slightly open.

"So can you let me in?" He asked.

"No, you could be Silas or Damon." Bonnie answered.

"I'm Damon- wait, what's wrong with me being me?" He asked confused

"Do you want me to go into detail?" Bonnie raised her eyes brow as she put a hand on her hip.

"Yes, please."

"Okay, where do I start? Oh, you're an asshole, you think everybody thinks you're hot and you've killed innocent people."

"Sweetheart, I am hot and what vampire hasn't killed an innocent person?" He questioned, using air quotes on the word 'innocent'.

"Elijah." Bonnie answered

"Are you sure? You don't know a lot about his past."

"You killed Abby-" Bonnie changed the subject.

"It was either you or her and you are far more precious than your mother." He added.

"How much did it take for you to say that?" Bonnie questioned.

"Not as much as you'd hope." He answered truthfully.

"You're the reason why my Grams dies."

"I thought Katherine was in the tomb but she wasn't, it's not my fault Katherine lied." He shrugged

"You almost killed me."

"I thought you were Emily."

"You locked me in a cell while that witch doppelganger bitch causes more trouble."

"In my defence, at the time I thought it was a good idea."

"Oh and don't forget the part that involves me hating you."

"Yeah, I'm kinda lost there." Damon shrugged. "Come on, Bennett, please, I'll make it up to you. Believe it or not but I hate it when you hate me because then that bickering becomes real."

"The bickering was never real?" Bonnie asked sarcastically, causing him to roll his blue eyes.

"Ha, ha, very funny." He sarcastically laughed. "Look, I just wanna talk to you, okay."

"Well, you can talk to me out here." Bonnie said.

"Come on, Bonnie." He sighed

"I'm not inviting you inside, Damon." Bonnie crossed her arms over her chest while giving Damon very stern look.

"What if something happened in the house and I was the only one who could save you?"

"I'll have to be put in that scenario first and then I'll see what I'll do."

"You're being a bitch." Damon shook his head lightly.

"You're totally making me want to change my mind." Bonnie said sarcastically.



"Aww, if it isn't the cute little twosome." A female voice said from behind them. The voice dripped with sarcasm. Bonnie looked behind Damon to see Katherine standing there leaning against her car.

"Katherine, what are you doing here?" Bonnie asked.

"I just came to say au revoir! I can't wait to get back to New York." Katherine smirked.

"I don't care." Bonnie muttered.

"Wait, New York? Where the cure is?" Damon turned around to face her.

"Yeah, plus I need to get out of this town before Klaus sees me. I've been cutting it fine by being here." Katherine said while getting into her car. "Anyway, au revoir, cretins!" Katherine laughed, her hand waving out the window as she drove off.

"I need to get that cure." Damon said more to himself than to Bonnie.

"Can you leave?"

"Come with me." He said quietly, not looking at her.

"No, I am not going on a road trip with you."

"It's not going to be just you and me, Stefan's coming plus would you rather stay here, where your doppelganger or Silas could get you?"

"They can't get in my house."

"But they could get you somewhere else." Damon said leaving Bonnie to think about it. She really didn't want to be bothered by either Silas or Ariana so maybe she should go.

"Fine, when do you wanna leave?" Bonnie sighed.

"Now, preferably." Damon shrugged.

"Really? Does Stefan know that you want to leave now?"

"No but I will stop by the boarding house and get my stuff and him. It's simple." Damon shrugged.

"What if he's doing something?"

"Trust me he won't, he's probably upset about Ariana. Now get your stuff sorted. Chop, chop!" Damon clapped his hands together.

"Give me a minute." Bonnie said as she started to turn around.

"Can I come in now? It cold out here." Damon rubbed his arms.

"You're pushing your lucky and its not cold out here." Bonnie said as she closed the door behind her.

Ariana walked into the Grill, she had always wondered what it was be like to be in here for some reason, it was exactly the way she thought it would be, packed with lots of teens. She looked around before seeing Caroline sitting at table, she walked up to her and sat opposite Caroline.

"First things first, how the hell did you get my number?" Caroline asked, obviously annoyed by this.

"I guessed." Ariana said honestly.

"You guessed? How the hell did you guess?" Caroline yelled.

"Keep your voice down please, I don't want people thinking you and Bonnie aren't friends." Ariana said calmly as she noticed the few strange glances from other people.

"Well I'm sorry that I'm so creeped out that someone could just guess my number just like that!" Caroline's voice hushed into a harsh whisper.

"I'm sorry that I have a good sixth sense." Ariana said, her voice monotone and her face serious, not giving any signs of sarcasm.

"Okay rant over, anyway what do you want, Ariana?"

"Inform me on Bonnie's life." She demanded.

"No! Why would I do that?" Caroline snapped.

"You will informed me on Bonnie's life." Ariana compelled.

"I will inform you-" Caroline started but got cut off by Ariana.

"Just tell me." Ariana demanded.

"Bonnie is currently going through the expression stage. She just lost her boyfriend so she's grieving." Caroline told Ariana,

"Good okay. Who does she... Hang out with more, out of you and Elena?"

"Well considering Elena has no humanity, me."

"Who does she prefer out of Damon and Stefan?"

"Stefan, but I like to think she has a crush on Damon and that's why she hates even though she can't really say no to him." Caroline told her.

"Interesting. So why can't she say no to him?"

"I don't know. He says a couple of stuff, she says no, he says some more stuff and she say yes. That's how it always goes with them two."

"That's so weird." She said in thought.

"Can I ask you a question?" Caroline asked.

"Not really." Ariana muttered but Caroline ignored her causing Ariana to roll her eyes.

"Why do you wanna know about Bonnie's life, its not like people don't know you here."

"Caroline, I can still make them believe I'm Bonnie. They'll just be suspicious but I can deal with that."

"Why didn't you ask me before?" Caroline asked.

"Caroline, dear, you ask too much question." Ariana smiled before getting up and leaving.

"Thanks for answering the question, bitch." Caroline scoffed as she watched Ariana walk off.

Thanks for reading.