anyways here is the last chapter ! ENJOY ! and please comment on what you think of the story over all what i could of done better and what you wanted to happen.

Epilogue Part 2 of a big decision

Kim's POV

"I'm Pregnant" I say again silence enters the room

"What have you done Kim do you know who the father is" Paul says

"I'm sorry, And yes" said ashamed

"who is the father" He asked me

"Jack." I replied

"I know I shouldn't of let you guys go out alone."

"Im sorry, I didn't want to, it just…." I said

"Kim, just stop, go to bed. Ill bring you up to tea."

"Ok" I said ashamed, walking with my head down .

"And Kim" He said

"yes" I said looking up towards him.

"your father had you at 18" He said. I nodded and walked up stairs.

The next Day

I woke up feeling Sick. I run to the bathroom, throwing up, I have a shower. get changed do my hair and put a bit of light make up on. Walk down stairs, and have a herbal tea to calm my nerves and my nausea.

I get to school and head to my locker to see Donna standing their.

"Why weren't you at school yesterday?" She questions

"I was sick" I said

"Oh right, so whats the answer to the test" Donna questions.

I slightly smile. and nod. "I went to the doctors yesterday, and the doctor confirmed it"

"WOW" Donna said "So what are you going to do" She continued

"I'm not sure." I said unsure.

"Im hear for you Kim" Donna said.

"Thx" I replied turning to open my locker. I put my books in my locker then I feel a strong set of arms wrap around waist and a chin rest on my shoulder.

"Hey Kimmy" Jack says kissing my neck. which made me giggle.

"Hey" I said and turned around

"So what are your thoughts about becoming a full tim spy." He asked me. I was quiet knowing that it was going to be hard.

"Im not sure yet. Im thinking of doing a teaching job as a spy, so teaching young kids like us and train them" I say. I think it shocked him

"You going to give up all your amazing tallent as a spy to teach other young kids" he questioned.

"I just think Im not cut out for this job full time" I say

"Why, your amazing, I have seen you kick, punch, and beat people twice or even three times the size of you Kimmy" Jack says.

"Jack Im not my self right now and please respect my decision." I say and walk away.

Later that day. No ones POV
Jack, Milton, Kim and Donna were down in the base. They where all sitting down together talking about what their life would be like if they moved to the oti academy, to train with the best of the best, help save the world, and not have to worry about school. well not all of them. Kim was sitting at the computer doing research, looking at things she could do to help paul while she was at home pregnant, or even go to oti, but be in an office, she still wanted to do her dad proud, and continue to, by doing his job, but Kim also new that her dad wouldn't want her to abandon her child, or abort it, she was in a deep thought when she was awoken. by a hand touch on her should which she new who it was cause he felt sparks, and always does when she touches him.

"Kim i'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you" Jack said.

"Its ok i'm just a bit, jumpy at the moment, this decision is hard, as much as I want to continue my dad legacy, my dad would also want me to get a good education" I replied.

"I know, and I do respect that. I'm sorry" He said again. They smiled at each other, and kissed.

The doors open, to the base and out came Paul.

"Hi guys how are you" Paul asked. They all came and sat at the center round table..

"Good" They all said.

"So have you all made up your mind" He said looking at us.

Kim lust looked down, while the rest nodded.

"Kim, have you made up your mind" He asked and Kim replied with a "No"

"What about you Jack what is your decision"

"I have decided to. Go" Jack replied "Excellent"

"Donna, Whats you decision" Paul asked Donna

"is their another place other then Oti" Donna asked

"Yes, but if you want the best experience, and the best training, its definitely oti." Paul said

Donna looked over at donna, Kim nodded at donna saying that she would be alright and she should go a head, and do it. Kim and donna have become close friends, more like sisters. Donna has stayed over with Kim, and Paul, to see how it was for donna living with her father, she liked it, but she don't know if it was right, Paul was more like a mentor then a father figure.

"Yes, Yes I have" Donna said happy

"So whats your decision" Paul questioned

"I'm. going to Oti" Donna said happily

"Milton, What about you" Paul said nodding towards Milton

"I'm sorry, I can't as much I want to, I want to go to college" Milton said

"Fair enough" Paul said respecting his decision

"Kim, its now your time" Paul says

"Im sorry" is all Kim said and ran out

"Right" Paul said and continued talking "Well Donna Jack. You will be leaving next week" Paul said "And milton, You will return to class as usual, but may be called to help out You guys can go. see you all hear, on saturday next week, for now, you are off duty" Paul finished and walk out.

"What was that about Kim, she has being acting weird" Milton said

Both donna and Jack shrugged. "I don't under stand why she wouldn't want to take her dads place." Milton said.

"I'm not sure, but like you she want an education" Donna said looking at both Milton and Jack.

"It must be something to do with her father" Jack said.

"Oh well. we better just leave her" Donna said and walked out. "Ill see you guys tomorrow" Donna said waving to milton and Jack.

Donna walked out of the school, but caught by a huffing and puffing Milton.

"You know something" Milton said trying to catch his breath

"About" ? donna questioned

"KIM!" He said yelling whispering.

"Um know i don't" Donna said, freaking out and walking away.

"Donna please I wanna help her, I what is to loose someone" Milton said to donna

"FINE !" Donna groaned. "Only because I trust you and you are my boyfriend" Donna says to Milton. "It's not about her father" Donna says.

"Then whats its about" Milton question confused.

"Its about her and Jack" Donna says trying to not get anything out.

"What about …." Before Milton could finish Donna spilt the secret.

"SHE PREGNANT" Donna said quietly.

A week later.

Its a saturday morning, Jack and donna are packing their bags while milton and Kim are sleeping.

Kim's alarm goes off, she gets up and thankful she doesn't feel sick today. She had a shower and went down stairs to see Paul, drinking coffee.

"Are you going to come to Base today" Paul asked Kim

"Maybe" Kim replied.

"Ok its your choice" Paul said. "If you want to come Ill be leaving in an hour" Paul said.

"Ok"I said grabbing an apple and walking back up stairs. I grabbed my computer and sat on my bed. I go on Facebook. check my messages and I see one from Jack, and one from Milton, I read the one from Milton first.

"Hey Kim Donna told me what happened, I hear for you" Milton said. I just looked at the message. and then looked down. I touched my stomach. and looked back up I replied

"I don't no what you talking about" I replied. I then looked at the message from

"Hey baby. Hows the best girl in the world" He says. I smile. he's going to be a great father. thats if he finds out. I don't no if I should tell him, I thought to my self.

"I'm good, hows the best spy in the word" I said

"I'm good thank you very much" Jack replied back

"What you doing" I questioned.
"Just getting packing the last few things" Jack repaid.

"Right" I said

"Hey Jack I have something to tell you, So ill meet you ate the air port yeah ?" I questioned

"Hey Sure ok, Is everything ok" Jack questioned

"Yeah I just wanter you to know something thats all" I said

"Ok cya in an hour" Jack said and logged off. I logged off to and shut my computer. and walked down stairs

"Hey Paul, Can I come with you to the Airport" I asked him

"Sure, Ill be leaving in 10 minutes" Paul said.

"Great Ill just get my jacket and bag." I said to Paul.

"So why do you wanna come now" Paul asked me

"I just want to tell him something" I said. in a way Paul new what I was talking about so he just nodded at me and I went up stairs to get my things.

I got back down stairs to see Paul waiting at the front door, he opened the door and I walked out and walked to the car. We were in the car, on the way to the air port it was a quite ride however Paul broke the silence.

"So why did you want to tell Jack about you know" Paul questioned

"You can say it, and I wanted to tell him because I didn't want my son or daughter to know that I didn't tell my Boyfriend that I was Pregnant" I told Paul.

"What do you think he will say" Paul asked me.

"Well I asked him if he wanted a family, and he said he did when he settled down, so Im guessing he might be happy, I don't no" I replied to Paul

"Well ok, I am here for you all the way through 9 moths, you know that right" Paul Said and I nodded and smiled. Half an hour later we got to the airport and saw Jack, Donna and Milton standing with Jack's mom and Donna's mum.

"Hi guy's" I said walking towards them.

"Hey Kim" Donna said hugging me "How are you feeling she asked me quietly"

"Good, Nervous" I said quietly back

"Why" She asked concerned

"Im going to tell Jack!" I said hoping she new What I was going to say.

"Oh right" Donna said. "HEY milton, she should go talk privately and leave jack and Kim alone" Donna said out loud so the parents could leave to.

"Oh i see the two love birds want some ALONNNE time" Donna's mom said. While I blushed and the others chuckled and walked away.

"SO. " Jack said

"So" I replied Back.

"What was so important that you couldn't tell me over Facebook" Jack asked me.

"Um well. I don't no how to tell you" I said

"tell me what ?" he questioned

'Tell you how excited and Jealous I am that you are going to oti" I said backing out.

"Oh yes I am so excited this academy has every thing even a waffel bar" Jack said excited. I sighed.

"Yeah" I said

"And guess what" He asked me excited

"WHAT" I replied trying to be excited

"They have told me that if I impress them in the first week I will get a promotion to a leader of a team" He said with confidence. I smiled and hugged him.

"Im so proud of you" I replied

People going to China, flight CH34 is now boarding the PA said

"Well I guess this is good bye" Jack said

"Promis to Text, Call, Fabebook" I said he smiled and Kissed me. Milton and Donna came back over.

"SO did you tell him" Donna whispered into my ear. I shook my head. "No" I mouthed

"Ok guys, Its time to go," Paul said as we all walked together to the gate.

"Bye donna" I said and hugged her

"Tell me what happens K, Tell me every moth how its going" Donna said while hugging me

I nodded and cried. "I will" I simply said

"Jack, I love you and will alway will" I said.

"I love you to" He replied back and walk away into the boarding area Milton came beside me and I started crying. on his shoulder.

I couldn't believe I was going to this alone.

"I'm Pregnant Jack" I whispered. and fell to the ground, Milton picked me up and we went home.

So there you have it ...

what did you think ?

So she didn't tell jack ? should of he known ?

What do you think will happen in the Sequel ?

Thx for reading remember to read 'Actions speak louder then words'

Cya later
