"I can't believe there's this much paperwork involved just to enlist in the Guardian Corps. " Claire Farron remarked as clicked her pen and placed the stack of papers neatly on top of her father's old oak desk. Outside, a tropical storm was making itself known; lightning and rain were in the midst of playing tag in the sky. Rubbing the circles under her eyes; Claire looked over at the grandfather clock that lurked in the back of the room.

"12:30 am? Feels like 3. Then again, this storm isn't helping me stay awake either. I guess I should try to sleep. "

Claire got up from the desk and stretched before walking upstairs to her parents' old room, which now belonged to her. After changing into her pajamas she climbed into bed and let her thoughts overtake her.

"I'm doing the right thing by enlisting. I'll be able to take care of Serah and that's all that matters- "

"Claire, are you awake?"

She was brought back to reality as she heard Serah's voice.

"Yeah, I'm awake. What's wrong Serah?"

"Well… I know it'll sound childish, but can I sleep with you? I don't like storms…"

Hearing this brought a small smile upon Claire's face. It was just like how things were in the past- Serah would get scared and her big sister would protect her from whatever it was that was scaring her which, in this case, was a thunderstorm.

"Of course you can. Come on."

Serah nodded and got into the king size bed with her sister; cuddling up to her. After a few moments Claire could see that Serah's breathing had evened out, meaning she had fallen asleep. At the sight of the younger Farron sleeping peacefully Claire found herself finally relaxing as well. For her to only be sixteen years old she had more responsibilities than most would imagine. Though it clearly aged her; she accepted it without complaint. She always had.

Nights were always hard on her; especially since the anniversary of her mother's death was coming up soon, but she knew that the sun would eventually come up and that life would continue on again. Time stops for no one, and Claire Farron was not one to be left behind.

She looked out at the storm and watched as it attacked the window. A bright flash struck at the sky first and was followed moments later by an ear splitting crash.

At the motion of this, Claire smiled softly as she found herself falling victim to sleep as well.

"Lightning, huh? How interesting…"