A/N: I don't own Jessie. I only have created Adia

Emma Ross was having a perfectly normal day, she was in a mall with her mom and younger sister going shopping for things that she would need for school the next year.

But when she accidently touched something gross under a table (also known as chewing gum) she had to go to the washroom and wash her hands.

But when she got into the washrooms of the mall she was very familiar with, she saw something not everyone saw. Someone that looked like her. An exact carbon copy, except instead of blonde hair, brown hair and instead of green eyes she had brown eyes.

"Who are you?" Emma says to the girl.

"Isn't it proper not to talk to strangers?" the girl asks in an English accent.

"Well... yeah I guess it is." Emma says as she walks over to the sink that was two sinks away from where the girl was sitting on the counter top.

As Emma washed her hands the girl sat there and hummed. Her pink tutu was out around her and her legging clad legs were crossed so her feet weren't touching the floor.

When Emma moved towards the door the girl finally spoke, "Adia, I'm Adia." The girl says as she looks over at Emma, "And you?"

"Emma," Emma says as she stops and turns to look at Adia, "Where are you from?" Emma asks but then realizes the stupidity of her question.

"I am from England." The girl says, completely unfazed.

"Why are you here?" Emma says as she continues to question the girl.

"I am here because my mum decided that she wanted to come here, also some model is having a fashion show soon and I have to go to it with my mum." Adia explains as she jumps off the counter, reveling that she is the same height as Emma.

"Oh? Which model?" Emma asks as she stands there, not realizing that her mom would probably be looking for her by now.

"Christina Ross I think." Adia says as she looks at her watch, "I have to go; my mother will be looking for me." Adia explains as she walks over to the door and opens it, not seeing Christina walking over to the bathroom to come find Emma, "Maybe we'll meet again." She says as she walks out of the room and past Christina.

Emma stood in the bathroom stunned for a few seconds. She had just met the only person in the world who liked like she could have been her twin. Adia no-last-name.

"Emma! What took you so long?" Emma was broken from her trance by her mom and younger sister looking at her expectantly.

"Nothing." Emma says, "Just thinking of the shoe sale the shoe company has on." She says as she hops over to them, "Let's go see it." She says as she drags the two away from the bathroom.
