This is probably the first time I wrote an YJ fic, I've been thinking about doing one for a long time since the show is just plain ASTERIOUS! Yes I do the prefix thing, deal with it if you want or not I'll just know you're not feeling the aster today. If you read my profile you'll know I love the Bat Family, so why not write a fic on them? I'm going to shut up it a sec; I just have to say one thing:

I own nothing!

Dick Grayson wasn't having an asterious day it was ok, that was before Batman assigned him a mission. Missions are supposed to be fun, kick some but with your friends, save lives. Missions could be terrifying also; it could be dangerous as well though this one didn't fall into any of those categories. This mission would be beyond terrifying, it wouldn't be fun or joyful, it was more than dangerous, some members of the team may not come back alive. His mission was to babysit his siblings through the whole weekend at the Cave, though at least Barbra was helping so they just might survive this disastrous mission Bruce assigned them.

All the Bats met at the Bat Cave around 10:00 AM. Everyone but Dick and Barbra received a folder containing their alias for the mission, as long with instructions, though in Cass and Terry's case Barbra read it for them.

Jason Todd:

Age 10

You're name will be Red Hood

Do not make Tim cry and try not to kill anyone.

Tim Drake:

Age 9

You're name will be Red Robin

Don't attack Jason or Damian back if they attack you, also do not hack into the computers so you can watch you're detective movies.

Stephanie Brown:

Age 8

You're name will be Spoiler

Do not disobey orders under any circumstances, and don't attack Damian if he calls you 'Fatgirl'

Cassandra Cain:

Age 7

You're name will be Black Bat.

Work on you speech with Barbra, and go easy when sparing with the Team members.

Damian Wayne:

Age 5

You're name will be Boy Wonder [1]

Don't kill anyone and watch your mouth.

Terry Wayne:

Age 2

You're name will be Nightwing [2]

I've got nothing for this section.

Listen to Dick and Barbra, you will only address Dick as Robin and Barbra as Batgirl, if you behave poorly they are to report back to me at the end of the weekend, they are also allowed to provide a punishment within reason.

The last part was in every folder.

By time everyone was done reading most of them were shouting asking why they were being babysat and by Dick and Barbra, complaining about their names, or just crying for anther bottle, "That's enough one at a time, Tim you're being civil at the moment by raising you're hand, start," Bruce said.

"Why do we have to go to the Cave can't we just stay in this one? Can't Alfred watch us? Or you?" The third boy wonder asked.

"Alfred is on vacation for the holidays, he hasn't had one in years. I have League business. The last time you all stayed in this cave unsupervised, the bats escaped, the Batmoblie was crashed, government security files were destroyed, the computers caught on fire, and Ace's fur was dyed pink. Jason?" The Dark Night answered.

"Why do I have to go can't I stay home alone?" Jason shouted.

"No! The last time you did the Manor was worse then the Bat Cave, Stephanie?" The Caped Crusader answered.

"Why do I have to call Barbra Batgirl or Dick Robin?" She asked.

"Even though they are our friends we still aren't revealing our secret ID to them, um Damian?" Robin said beating his mentor to the punch.

"I don't want to be left with incompetence like you Grayson!" Damian screamed on the top of his lungs.

Talia why can't you let kids be kids? Bruce wondered, "Damian he is not incompetent, and you're going!" Batman ordered he was relieved of the quite until Terry started crying for his bottle, "Cass I couldn't love any more at the moment," Bruce said while leaving Cass feeling a bit superior to her siblings.

An hour later at the Cave the Team was having a rather peaceful morning, Batman told them to all be there for some reason. Superboy was petting Wolf, Megan was pulling cookies out of the oven, Artemis was distracting Wally by playing video game or in more accurate terms creaming him to give the others a chance for the cookies, Zatana was talking to Rocket about something, and Aqualad was just sitting on a chair.

Recognized: Robin B-0-1

Robin flashed in and typed something in the computer.

Recognized: Batgirl B-1-0 [3], Red Hood A-0-4, Red Robin A-0-5, Spoiler A-0-6, Black Bat A-0-7, Boy Wonder A-0-8, Nightwing A-0-9

"Rob, what's with all the kids?" Kid Flash asked.

"These would be my siblings, though not biologically, and my friend Batgirl," Robin answered.

"Hi, I'm Batgirl," The girl with dark glasses, red hair pulled back in a pony tail, a blue and white sweat shirt, and dark pants.

"I'm Red Robin, are you Superman? Can you fly too? Why do you have gills? Why are you green? Are you Green Arrow's sidekick? Why are you named Kid Flash and Red Arrow used to be Speedy even though his powers have nothing to do with speed?" The boy in dark jeans, a red and black jacket that was un zipped enough to see his white shirt underneath, along with black hair to match his glasses.

"No, he's not Superman he can't fly, he's Atlantean, she's a Martian, yes, and I have no idea why Roy used to call himself Speedy," Wally said.

"I'm Spoiler, nice to meet you," The blonde girl dark glasses that clashed with the rest of her bright colorful outfit, a heavy purple jacket, blue pants, along with a white scarf. [4]

"She's Black Bat" Spoiler said while pointing to the girl with a black hoddie pulled up, black pants, the dark glasses like everyone else, though the odd thing was she also had a scarf like Spoiler though decided to warp it around her face so it was completely covered. They really didn't need to guess she was Black Bat.

"This is Nightwing," Robin said referring to the boy in baggy black shorts and a black shirt with a red bat symbol, he also dark hair, with a pair of sunglasses as well.

"Wait where's Boy Wonder?" Batgirl asked.

"Oh, no," Robin said as the whole Bat family and Artemis took a fighting pose, Artemis might not be apart of the Bat Family though training with assassins helps with combat.

"What are you guys doing? He goes after the people who look the most vulnerable." Batgirl said, as if just to prove her right Damian Wayne leaped down from the celling and landed on Superboy, grabbed his hair and flipped him to the ground, "Dude first Canary and now a five year old!" Kid Flash exclaimed though ate his own words when Damian did a low sweep and knocked him off balance, onto the floor, "So not cool," After Damian grabbed Megan's cape and warped it around her, next thing she new he yanked on it sending her spinning like a top or Red Tornado. Aqualad was kicked in the gut, Rocket was shoved into the wall by a swift punch he was about to move onto Artemis, he was about to grab her pony tail when a hand grabbed his foot, Damian's face became very good friends with the floor, "No fair!" Damian shouted.

"Sorry you're going to have to be quicker if you want to get the drop on me," Artemis said while smirking at the little boy who was currently being scolding by Dick, "Boy Wonder what have I told you about attacking people who aren't bad guys?"

"To not to, though everyone here is so incompetent, especially you, why did Batman leave me in the hands of *********!" Damien shouted, everyone outside the Bat Family was shocked to here a five your old speak with such intelligence and language. Though the Bat Family had expected this, so Barbra covered Tim's ears who covered, Steph's ears, who covered Cass's ears, how was covering Terry's ears, while Jason said, "*****? That's it? You've been getting soft their more like $% #$%^&$ $%*^$%!#$%&*^!" Jason said.

Everyone now was very mad and offended, "Don't encourage him!" Dick shouted.

"But they are such$% #$%^&$ $%*^$%!#$%&*^," They both said.

"That's it corner now!" The original boy wonder said.

"But…" They started.

"NOW!" Dick shouted, the whole Team was shocked, from the language, Damian's intelligence, and because no one had seen Robin so mad they were all used to the laid back, light hearted little brother that would tease them, play pranks on them, or maybe flirt with one of them.

By 4:00 everyone was exhausted, some had minor injuries, and Dick had dubbed a corner of the living room, the time out corner also known as Jason and Damian's second home. The mission so far was a disaster heavy on the dis Dick concluded.

So what did you think? Like, hate it? I'd love to hear from you. Also I'm reading about the Bat Family members online though it would be helpful if anyone could give me any information on any of the members of the Bat Family. Thanks for the help, for reading, also please review!

[1] I couldn't think of a name so I just though of anther name for Robin

[2] I know his last name is McGinnis, though he is also Bruce's son so why not call him Wayne? Also I just thought since Dick wasn't using Nightwing at the moment Terry could.

[3] I'm not sure what her real designation is.

[4] Based off the civvies they wore in Before the Dawn