It has been about a month since Charlotte was born and there had been no incidents, except Bo and Kenzi beating the living hell out of Lochlyn. They put him in the hospital for a week. Bo found out the only reason he put the hit out on her is to have me and Charlotte to himself. He had never had. family and would take it no matter who he hurt, but when he knew that he didn't stand a chance he backed down. In the end he still got hurt by a very angry succubus. Hale was elected as the new ash and was making a few changes in how the light and dark were communicating with each other. He also made a new contract for Bo and it that was a lot better than the old one. I only worked on weekdays from eight to five, giving me more time with Charlotte and Bo. Kenzi had started dating Hale and from what I could tell it was going great. She was babysitting Charlotte as long as we paid her with vodka and pizza. Bo was able to use the light resources without having to join their side. Bo was looking for a house for us to settle into and being a wonderful mother to Charlotte. She had made a spare room at the crack shack into a wonderful baby room. I had decided continued my research for the Fae, my powers were just about fully developed and under control and my love for Bo continued to grow stronger each day. I couldn't imagine my life getting any better.

"Babe where's Charlotte?"

"She's laying on my chest asleep." Bo says. I could hear the smile in her voice. "She looks just like you when she sleeps."

I smile, "I wish I could be there. I miss you two immensely."

"I know sweetheart, we miss you too."

"How was your day?." I ask. Kenzi had insisted on us following tradition and not seeing each other twenty-four hours before the wedding but made it two days just in case. Neither of us wanted to but we agreed. Charlotte would spend her nights with me and her days with Bo, Kenzi made sure we wouldn't see each other and it was getting to me.

"It was okay. While Charlotte was with you, Kenzi had me all over town looking for flowers and candles. Then, we went to talk to Trick about how the ceremony is supposed to go according to tradition. And Kenzi gave me a lecture on how I can't sneek out to see you." Bo says sadly.

"Sounds like a busy day." I giggle. "When is Kenzi coming back?"

"I don't know, she should be back in a bit. Why?"

I smirk, "Just wondering."

"Oh," she says. "I have a surprise for you."

"Really? What is it?" I ask excitedly.

Bo laughs, "It's a surprise I can't tell you Lo."

"Oh, right." I sigh. "Can you give me a hint?"

"Sure, it's something new and involves me." she says.

"Well that doesn't make any sense." I pout.

"You know I'm sure you're pouty right now and the image of that cute little face makes me want to kiss you. I've wanted to kiss you since before our last kiss was finished."

I smile widely, "Well you get me all to yourself after the ceremony."

"Im looking forward to it. I wrote vows for you." she laughs nervously. "They're not much but ya know, I had to give it a try."

I chuckle, "Im probably going to cry like Charlotte when Kenzi yells."

"And I'll wipe away your tears." she says sweetly.

"I am so lucky to have you Bo. Sometimes I can't believe that you're even real, that I don't deserve you."

"Babe, you're what makes me real."

"And you for me ." I say.

"Babe?" Bo says.

"Yeah honey?"

"I can't wait to marry you."

"Well you're going to have to wait." I say smiling widely.

"What? Why?" Bo asks panic in her voice.

I chuckle, "Because I'll marry you before you marry me."

"Lauren don't do that to me!" she shrieks. "I thought you were going to back out on me."

I laugh, "Awe don't be upset babe. Im not going anywhere."

She sighs. "Im gonna get you tomorrow."

"Not if I get you first." I giggle.

There was a pause, "God I wish I was there. I don't like this." she says sadly.

"BoBo that better not be Lauren and there better not have been any phone sex!" I hear Kenzi yell in the background.

"Sorry baby, mom is home and if she catches me on the phone I'm dead." she chuckles.

"Well we can't have that. See you tomorrow ."

"I'll be the one in the white dress." Bo hangs up the phone and I already miss the sound of her voice. I took this time to actually get some sleep in before my nerves got the best of me. I missed Bo and I missed Charlotte. Tomorrow I would be officially married to the love of my life and I drift off to sleep with dreams of my life to come.


Quietly walk downstairs and lay Charlotte in her crib, "Goodnight pumpkin." I kiss her head and turn on her nightlight before walking out into the living room. "Kenz," I whisper. "Kenzi wake up." I smack her leg.

She shoots up, "The flowers go over there!"

I smile, "I need to go and talk to Trick, Charlotte is asleep in her crib and I fed her already."

"This better not be to go see Lauren." she points.

"Kenzi it's like two in the morning I doubt she's even awake." I say casually.

"Alright, but I'm not coming because I'm tired as hell and that baby chair Hale got you guys is comfortable as cloud." she gets up sliding her feet into Charlotte's room. "If you're not back by sunrise I swear to Fae I will kick your ass."

I put my hands up. "Alright Kenzi damn. If she wakes up..."

"Yeah yeah warm the bottle in the fridge, change her then put her back to sleep." she rolls her eyes in annoyance. "I got this BoBo. Now go talk to Trick."

I hurry to my car smiling, I wasn't going to talk to Trick, I needed to see Lauren. She's been gone for two days and I haven't slept well at all. I know it's bad luck but I had to see her.

* * *

Pulling up to Lauren's apartment complex I exit the car and take two steps at a time up to her door. I remember the extra key above the doorframe, "Thank you Lauren." I quietly sneak into Lauren's apartment and take off my shoes. Lauren isn't on the couch so my guess is that she's upstairs.

Walking up the stairs I could tell Lauren's lamp was on, she always fell asleep with that on. I open her door slowly not making a sound, Lauren was curled up in a ball over her blankets in one of my big t-shirts that I had left here. No matter what Lauren was doing or wearing she was stunning.

Crawling into the bed behind Lauren, I wrap my arm around her and she flips me over. I giggle, "Babe it's me."

She breaks into a large smile, "Bo!" she squeals wrapping her arms around my neck. "How'd you sneak out? I thought mom had a tight leash on you."

I scoff, "I told her I was going to talk to Trick, which I'm sure she's called to check up on." I give Lauren a quick peck on the cheek. "And I'm probably so grounded."

"Well," Lauren says moving to my ear and whispers. "why don't you break a few more rules while you're here?"

I shiver and flip Lauren over, "Oh I intend to ."


"Char where is your succubus mother?" I coo at my niece. "We are supposed to get married today." I pick up phone and call Bo, no answer. I leave her another voicemail. "Dammit Bo if you don't get your ass back here I swear you'll have a mad Russian on your ass."

I put Charlotte into her highchair and dial Bo again. "Hello?" she says hoarsely.

"Hey there. How's the doc?" I ask sarcastically.

"Kenzi?" she asks. "Awe shit. Is it already morning?"

"Yeah. It is."

"Im sorry Kenz. I haven't slept since you sent Lauren away. I needed to come here." she says pleadingly.

"No excuses. I'll be there in twenty minutes with Char. You better be showered and cleaned by the time I get there or so help me." I hang up the phone. Since Charlotte was born I had been planning the BoBo LoLo wedding and I only asked them to stay away from each other for two days. I am under a lot of stress with this wedding and all. I love Bo and Lauren but it's hard making sure both of them are pleased. They are so opposite.

Hale walks in, "Hey babe." he says walking over and kissing my cheek.

"Hey." I say flatly. "The succubus is at the doc's house, I need to go get her, and I haven't fed Charlotte yet."

"Anything I can do Lil Mama?"

"Awe you're sweet." I say cupping his cheek. "Actually yes. Take me and Char to go pick up her mother please. We have stuff to do."

"Alright lets go."


"Baby wake up." I could feel Bo shaking me lightly. "Babe."

"Ugh honey I'm tired." I groan.

"Kenzi is on her way. It's morning. Im not supposed to be here." she says panicked.

I shoot up. "Shit. Well why aren't you in the shower and getting dressed?"

"I wanted you to join me." she says kissing my shoulder.

"You know Kenzi will probably be here ten minutes earlier than what she told you?" I chuckle. "I don't think that would be a good idea considering what we do in the shower."

Bo pouts, "Fine, I'll just shower by myself." she gets out of the bed and stretches.

"You know actually," I smirk looking over Bo's perfect body, "I might just join you."

"Yay!" Bo bounces up and down slightly making her breast bounce with her before she runs out of my room and into my bathroom. "Hurry up Lewis she'll be here soon."

"Im coming, I'm coming." I laugh getting out of the bed and into the bathroom. Today was the day, and for a week Kenzi has agreed to take care of Charlotte while we go on our honeymoon, for a impeccable amount of booze and food. My life was finally starting.


I hurry out of the shower and put my clothes on before running downstairs, hair still in a towel, to fix some breakfast. Kenzi was going to kill me.

"Bo honey, would you tell what you think of this?" Lauren says running down the stairs after me in a rob.

I chuckle and toss my towel on the couch, "Babe I've seen that rob a thousand times."

She pushes me, "Not the rob. What's under it."

I raise an eyebrow in excitement, "Do tell doctor."

She smirks and opens her rob. "How's this?"

My mouth falls open and I lean against the island in the kitchen. Lauren was in a lace red matching pantie set. It had black stockings and a black gadder to match. I knew Lauren looked good in red but I never imagined she would look this good. "Wow." I say hoarsely, "Um, when, when did you pick that up?"

She walks slowly over to me, "When you took me shopping."

Lauren gets closer to me and I try and get away but I just end up against another counter top. "Lo, what are you doing?"

"Oh nothing just a pre-honeymoon surprise." she says.

I hop up on the counter top laughing, "Lo, stop hunting me."

Lauren dropped her rob and spread my legs, "Do you like it?" she asks sweetly, hands traveling up my thighs.

I let out a shaky sigh, "I think if I liked it anymore I think I would rip it off of you."

She pulls me off of the counter and turns around leaning into me, "I think I could arrange that."

I put my hands on Lauren's waist and she starts to move her hips from side to side. My mouth is watering and my excitement is through the roof. "Lauren," I say dazed.

"Yes?" she says low turning her head to kiss my neck.

It's getting harder to concentrate. "We can't do this right now babe." I say trying to get away.

"Why not?" she asks rotating her ass on me. "Don't you want to?"

"Um, it's um, not that I don't want to, it's just um, " she takes my hands and makes them travel down her body.

"It's just what?" she says with a sigh.

"Kenzi." I whisper hoarsely watching Lauren's every move.

"She won't be here for another ten minutes." Lauren takes a few steps away from me and goes to sit on the island. "Im all yours honey."

Her eyes flash, I'm so close to losing it. "She has Charlotte with her, and probably Hale. What if they walked in?"

Lauren shrugs and smirks, "The guest room isn't occupied." She pulls me to her and kisses me, melting into my mouth. I put my hands into her hair pulling her closer to me and just as I was about to give in my phone rings. It's Kenzi. "Don't answer it." Lauren says spreading her legs. "Me. Or the phone?"

My eyes flash momentarily. "I have to Lo."

"No you don't." she hops off the counter. "Either you take me now, or I will get you at the ceremony when you least expect it."

My phone stops ringing and then starts again, "I'll take my chances for later."

She shrugs and goes to pick up her rob. "Let the games begin then." she goes upstairs.

I answer the phone, "Yes mother?"

"Im outside the door. The spare key isn't here and I'm betting you used it."


"Just come open the door." she hangs up.

To say I was the one getting married Kenzi was acting like a bridezilla.

I open the door, "Hey Kenz."

She shoves Charlotte in my arms, "Here. Where's the doc?"

I point, "Upstairs."

"Good, Hale sweetness can you take this lovely lady home and drop Charlotte off at Papa Tricks?" she asks sweetly.

"Sure Lil Mama." he looks at me apologetically as Kenzi runs up the stairs to Lauren's bedroom.

"It's fine Hale." I say and hold Charlotte up. "Isn't it pumpkin? Kenzi's just being a great big meany huh?" I kiss her all over. "Wanna go spend the day with Papa Trick?" her eyes flicker. "Alright babydoll." I smile up at Hale. "Lets go before she comes back downstairs and sets me on fire."


"Doc are you dressed?" Kenzi says peaking her head into my bedroom.

"Sadly yes." I scoff. "What Kenzi?"

She walks in a shuts the door, "I would say I'm sorry doc but I'm not. Now," she says taking my dress out of the closet and tossing it at me. "get all of your stuff you're gonna need. We gots to get to the venue and get you and Bo in your bridal rooms. The ceremony is in four hours."

"Oh thanks Kenzi you just brought all my nerves back." I had been doing a pretty good job staying calm about the wedding but the realization that it was so close had spiked my anxieties.

She shrugs, "Well if you're nervous now wait until you have to walk down that isle." I let out a huff. "Now get those hot buns movin and get downstairs."

I pack up all of the things I needed into a travel bag and go to meet Kenzi downstairs,"Kenzi did you ever get a hold of Kate?"

As usual Kenzi was face first in my fidge, "Um yeah but she wasn't ever in the office, her assistant said she gave her the message so it's a fifty fifty chance that she'll come."

"Oh okay." I frown slightly.

"Im sorry doc I really tried." she walks over to me and pats my shoulder.

I smile, "Its okay Kenzi. Thanks for trying."

"No problem hotpants. Now lets get this show on the road you have three hours forty-four minutes and twenty three seconds until the ceremony."

I walk to the door, "Kenzi please don't do that the rest of the morning unless you want Lo guts all over the place."

She walks past me, "Sorry doc."


Hale drives Charlotte and I to the crack shack to get my dress and the things I needed for the wedding. After I got all I my belongings together we drove to the Dal to get the rings.

"Hey Trick." I greet my grandfather.

"How are my two favorite girls?" he smiles.

I give Charlotte a kiss, "We're good. Kenzi almost murdered me."

"Is that why she called me making sure you were here last night?" he raises an eyebrow.

"Um, yeah."

"Lauren's?" he asks.

I smile, "Yeah. Im sorry I just had to."

He chuckles, "It's okay Bo I understand."

"Too bad Kenzi doesn't seem to."

Trick motions for me to give him Charlotte. "Give her to me and you can go in the back and see the surprise I got you."

I hand my little girl to him, "The rings?"

"No not the rings. Kenzi came and got those earlier this morning." he kisses Charlotte's face. "Hello my love."

I smile at the site of Trick and Charlotte. I imagined him this way when it came to babies. "Don't smother her in too much affection." I say with a laugh heading to the stairs.

The lair was pitch black, which was strange because Trick never put out the fireplace. I search for the room absently with my hand a graze over a lamp and turn it on lighting up the room. On the mantel there was a card and around the room were flowers and congratulation flyers. I smile to myself, it looked like a party.

I walk to the mantel and pick up the card to read it.

"Dear Bo,
This was your grandmother's when we got married and I hope that it will be more useful to you than it was to her. It holds powers you couldn't believe and if you let it, it will get you out of trouble safely.

With all my love, Trick."

I sit the note back down on the mantel and look around the room, there was a box with my name on it. I walk to the desk the box was resting on and open it. In the box was a emerald necklace, it was classic but modern and shimmered in the light. The chain it hung on was silver and the emerald was a goldish brown, it would make my dress really pop. Under the necklace was another small note.

"Isabeu, my darling granddaughter, I can't wait to meet you and watch you grow into a beautiful woman. I love you with all of my being and I haven't even met you yet. It's silly of me but I love you and I'm waiting for your arrival.

with my love,
Isabeu Fitzpatrick"

"It's from her." I whisper to myself holding the note to my chest. I turn around to run upstairs to tell Trick but he is already standing at the bottom of the stairs with Charlotte. "She gave this to me?" I ask tears welling in my eyes.

Trick smiles weakly, "I didn't know she did until after you were gone and she had past on. I figured now was as great a time as any to give it to you."

I walk to to Trick and kiss his forehead, "Thanks gramps, this really means a lot to me."

Charlotte coos, "It's my pleasure to give it to you Bo, you're a lot like her you know? In more ways than I could ever say."

I look at the emerald in my hand, "Well I'm glad you gave it to me, I'm gonna wear it today and forever."

"That's what she would have wanted." he says with a smile and Kenzi comes running down the stairs.

"Okay BoBo, LoLo is at the place and in her room." she looks around. "Woah what happened in here?"

I hold up the necklace and smile widely, "A wedding gift from Trick and my Grandmother. I thought we were meeting you there?"

Kenzi smiles, "That'll be a nice touch to your dress Bo. And you were taking you precious succutime so I decided to come to you."

I laugh, "Sorry Kenz, Trick surprised me with all of this."

"Well, lets get goin!" She claps and takes Charlotte from Trick holding her in the air, "Are you ready flower girl? Hmm?" she brings Charlotte down to her face and smothers her with kisses. "You're gonna be the most beautiful one there. Well besides me."

I chuckle and walk over to Kenzi and Charlotte, "How's that sound pumpkin? You gonna throw some flowers for me and Mama Lo?" her eyes flash and she giggles. "I know you will." I kiss her all over her face. "Alright Kenz give her to Trick, we have to go and get ready."

"Alright gotta say adios cutie pie." Kenzi says kissing her another time before handing her to Trick.

"Goodbye my angel." I bend down and kiss her forehead. "and this is for you." I pull out a flower crown and place it on her head. "A flower crown for a flower girl." She giggles and puts her hand over my lips and I kiss her little fingers. "I'll see you two in a hour?" I ask Trick.

"I just have to get dressed and I'll be there." he says.

I turn to Kenzi and make my way out of the Dal, "Okay lets do this."


There was a knock at my bridal room door, I knew it wasn't Kenzi because she doesn't knock. She sticks her head into the room and makes sure the coast is clear. "Who is it?"

There's a pause, "It's Kate."

My eyes widen and I walk over to the door opening it, "Kate?"

She smiles, "Hey Lewy!"

I grab her into a big embrace, "Katey girl I thought you wouldn't show up."

She leans away, "Well your friend Kenzi called my office only a hundred times, I figured the least I could do was drop in before I head out of town."

"Well I'm glad you did, please come in." I step out of the door and let her in. Kate was still stunning, she was no Bo, but she was attractive. She was the same height as me, long brown hair, crystal green eyes, and a figure of a supermodel. "How have you been?" I ask motioning for her to sit on the couch.

She puts some hair behind her ear, "Ya know the usual, married, kids, and keeping my business going."

I smile, "You got married? Kate the Great married?"

She chuckles, "Well I was out partying, you know doing the usual, and this guy keeps sending drinks to me. So I give a little smile and a little wink and we walks over to me. We have a good conversation, have a few dates, and after four years of dating he proposed." she shrugs.

I get up and pour us a glass of wine, "Wow, he must be some guy to snatch you up."

"He's no you Lewy." she says as I hand her the glass.

I chuckle, "I'm sure he's all that and more. No one could ever get you. Even the guys in Europe couldn't get you."

She laughs nervously and runs her finger on the rim of her glass before taking a sip, "Lewy can we talk seriously for a minute?"

I sit next to her, "Sure anything."

Kate sighs, I could sense where this was going but had to be sure, "All those years of you and me being so close and spending all those nights together, I became so attached to you." she pauses. "And when we got separated after high school I buried myself in drinks and guys and just about anything to get you out of my head, but you see that never happened." she scoots closer to me and takes my hand, I stiffen slightly. "I know it's your wedding day but I have to tell you that I love you Lauren Lewis. Ever since I came back from Europe I have been searching like a mad man for you. I wanted it to be me you'd say you loved and kiss and make that pouty face when you don't get what you want. I wanted it to be me to hold you at night, and roll my eyes at your geek outs." she looks at my hands and sighs heavily,"but it's not. You love him, and I know I can't do anything about it. I just want to know one thing, could we have had a chance?"

I sigh heavily and pull my hand away from Kate's and stand, "Kate, I don't know, I think at one point in our friendship I did love you but any time I tried to tell you you'd laugh and call me silly." I shrug. "So I just moved on."

She sighs, "It's not too late Lewy, we can get out of here and you can leave him." she stands up taking my hands, "I could treat you so much better Lewy. I could love you so much harder. I could give you the family you deserve."

I take a step away and remove my hands from hers, "Katey."

"Let me Lauren." she says grabbing my face and kisses me. I push her away immediately.

"Stop Kate." I say firmly. "The person I'm marrying isn't somebody that I can just throw away for an old love. I understand that you may have feelings for me, but this isn't going to happen." I sigh, "Im not marring a man I'm marrying a woman." I pull out a picture of Bo and I at the Crack Shack that Kenzi had took while we weren't paying attention. "She is the love of my life, we have a child together. A beautiful little girl and I can't imagine my life without them ever. I'm glad that your life is doing well and that you've found happiness but if your motives were to come and convince me to leave my wife and family you haven't done anything but make me lose respect for you."

"And any trust from us that you were hoping to get." Kenzi says from the doorway with Bo.

"Bo." I say with a sigh.

She walks over to me, she was dressed in a white rob and I could tell nothing underneath. "Lo who's this?"

I take her hand, "This is Kate. My high school best friend."

Bo gives Kate the back the fuck off look but Kate doesn't falter. "Nice to meet you." Kate holds out her hand.

"I wish I could say the same." Bo scoffs. "Im going to tell you this just how I had to tell a few other people," Bo lets go of my hand and takes a few steps towards Kate, stepping into her personal space, "this is my family, I protect what's mine and I also fight for what's mine. I understand that you want to rekindle a flame that used to be but Lauren is mine. You got that sweety? She doesn't want to be with you and I sure as hell don't want you to be here." I could see her anger rising.

I place my hand on her shoulder, "Babe."

She glances at me and steps back to my side, "Now, if you know what's good for you I suggest you get out of this building and don't come back unless you want Kenzi here all over your little ass."

Kate looks at me then at Bo, "I didn't mean any harm."

Kenzi scoffs, "You were ready for LoLo to drop everything and and run away with you."

"It's not that it's just,"

Bo stops her, "It's nothing. Just leave and we won't have any problems as I said before." she wraps her arm around my waist.

Kate looks at me again, "I think you should go Kate." I say and motion towards the door.

"Lauren I..."

"Get out of here." Kenzi says in annoyance.

"Oh and one more thing," Bo says as Kate makes her way to the door. "I don't roll my eyes at her geek outs." she waves her hand. "Now you can go."

Kate looks at me one more time and then leaves. Kenzi leaves after her leaving Bo and I alone.

I turn to Bo, "Im sorry. I thought she wouldn't show up."

She smiles tightly, "Pretty little thing." she says looking down at the floor.

"She's no you." I say running a hand through her hair.

"I understand why she tried. I would too if I was in her shoes." Bo says.

"Well you're the one who gets me for forever and then some." I say stroking her cheek. "I wouldn't dream of being with anyone else."

Bo smiles slightly. "You could if you wanted to. I mean I know it would probably be easier than my crazy life."

I make Bo look at me, "You stop that. You are my life, don't you understand that? You're everything I've ever wanted in anything that I've ever pursued. I would not be standing here ready to just pack up everything and get out of here with you and the family that we've made together unless I really wanted you." I pull her body closer to mine. "I want YOU. Not the succubus. Not the stubborn woman that makes me crazy, and not the great sex. I just want YOU. Only YOU. All of YOU. What do I have to do to make you see that?"

Bo smiles, "Marry me?"

I kiss her lightly, "I already am."

She puts her hand behind neck and pulls me to her,kissing me softly, making my hairs stand up on end. "Yo bitches." Kenzi yells walking into the room. "Really you two? You had all night to get this out of your system." she walks over and splits us up. "I got rid of miss homerecker," she pokes the tip of Bo's nose, "and succubus needs to go to her room and I'll be in there after I help LoLo into her dress."

Bo kisses me again before reluctantly leaving, "I love you." I say lightly.

"See you in a bit." she smiles before closing the door.

"Okay doc," Kenzi says unzipping my dress bag. "lets get this show on the road, come on more hour."

I cringe slightly, "And there goes my nerves. Kenzi I'm about to get married."

She holds out the dress for me to step into. "And you're gonna set the room on fire."

I step into the dress and Kenzi zips it then adjusts it slightly, "Thank you Kenzi, for putting all of this together and taking care of Charlotte. I know how stressed you've been."

She turns me to face her sizing my up, "It's all good hotpants, anything for my best ladies." she takes a pair of scissors and cuts a stray string. "Now you know what to do with your hair right?"

I smile and nod, "Yes Kenzi. Tight ponytail, leave my side bangs, curl the ponytail and the bangs."

"Then takes the ponytail down, spray lightly with oil sheen and shake like a salt shaka." she smiles and kisses my cheek. "Now I gotta go help succubum. I'll see you at the end of the isle."

Kenzi walks to the door, "Hey Kenzi." I yell after her and she turns to me. "Lurve you."

She puts her hand over her heart, "Lurve you too doc."


I hear someone walk in my room, "Kenz I'm freaking out here. I don't know what to do."

"Calm down pumpkin everything's gonna be fine."

"Great." I throw my arms up in frustration. "Mom what are you doing here?"

She cringes, "Im hurt enough that you wouldn't invite me and even more hurt now that you don't want me here." she folds her arms over her chest. "I'm still your mother you know."

"Actually I already have a mother, her name is Mary, she sang me to sleep when I had nightmares and makes the best apple strudels." I snap.

"Wow. I think I deserved that."

"What are you doing here Mom?" I sigh. "This is my big day I don't need any incidents."

"Im not here to cause any trouble. I just want to see you, possibly walk you down the isle yes?" she asks hopefully.

"Actually Trick is walking me down the isle."

"Well can I at least stay until the reception? I've always wanted to see you in a wedding gown." she scoffs. "Just not in real life."

"Okay I don't need this right now." I push her towards the door. "I have a wedding to get ready for and nerves to simmer down so can you make like ghost and dissapear."

"If that's what you want." she shrugs.

"You can stay but don't go near my daughter, my wife, or my sister." I warn. "Unless you want trouble on your hands."

"I will behave myself." she promises. "On my blood oath."

"Okay good now go." I open the door and motion for her to leave and Kenzi pops up.

"What are you doing here?" she looks at me panicked. "Bo what is she doing here?"

I sigh and grab her arm, "I'll tell you when I'm not a nerves reck." I look at my mother. "See ya later mom."

Kenzi shuts the door, almost on my finger, "See you later? She is not staying is she?"

I close my eyes and walk over to my vanity, "Kenzi my stomach is in nots and I have thirty minutes to get ready can we please save this until a different time?"

She huffs, "Fine, wedding things now, mama drama later got it."

"Kenzi I'm about to be married." I say nervously.

She chuckles, "You know it's funny, hotpants said the same thing."


"Breath Lauren." I think to myself. "Breath. It's only Bo. Sexy, incredibly loving Bo."

"Okay doc it's show time." Kenzi says turning to me. In spite of her having to get Bo and I ready, Kenzi had dressed herself in a sky blue dress that fit like a glove and pooled at her feet.

"Kenzi I don't know if I can do this." I say breathing heavy. "I just don't know."

She shoots the death stare at me, "You listen here Lewis, that's not some stranger you're about to marry. That's Bo, you're soulmate, you daughter's mother. It's just you and her getting married out there. Nobody else just you two. So zone everyone else out and focus on Bo. Got it?"

I take a long ragged breath and nod. "Okay."

"I gotta go to my spot, Hale is walking you down the isle."

Hale steps out of a hallway, "Ready doc?"

"As I'll ever be." I see shakily.

He holds out his arm for me to take, "Well lets get this show on the road."

The piano starts playing the traditional wedding song and the curtains open revealing a grand ballroom filled with people I had met. Most of the guest were friends of Bo's that I had met a few times. Then there was Trick, holding Charlotte in his lap, Dyson looking uncomfortable and bored, then there was Bo. She looked absolutely amazing. Her dress was everything she wanted to be and then some. Bo's dress was a silk like fabric that was so tight it looked like she couldn't sit down, it had about three sashes placed in just the right places to make it look more elegant. Her hair was slick back in a tight bun, just like she wanted, and at her neck hung a beautiful emerald necklace that brought out her eyes. She had never looked more beautiful.

"Slow down there doc," Hale whispers to me, "you don't want to burn the carpet do ya?"

I look up at him, "Sorry." I mouth and look back at Bo. It seemed like forever before I get in front of her but when I do I shed a few tears. My dream was coming true and my heart was about to burst with excitement and happiness. "Hi." I whisper.

Bo's eyes were watery and she smiled her widest smile, "Hi."


"Kenz, I don't know if I can do this without spilling my guts." I say smoothing out my dress for the hundredth time.

Kenzi pats my bare shoulders,"You'll be okay Bobolicious, just clear you're mind of everything but Lauren and marrying her okay? Nothing else matters but her...well and Charlotte."

I laugh, "She looked cute in that little stroller Kenzi. Just like Lauren." I smile to myself and take a few deep breathes. "Okay I'm ready."

Kemzo smiles big and hugs me tight, "Lurve you honey."

I start to tear up, "Lurve you too sweet cakes." she smacks my ass,

"Now go!"

"Breath Bo." I think to myself as Trick comes out to greet me.

"You look stunning." he says tearing slightly.

"Thanks Gramps." I smile. "Where's Charlotte? Please don't tell me you left her with my mother."

He chuckles, "She's sitting in Dyson's lap making him uncomfortable."

"I'd rather my mother." I whisper rolling my eyes.

"You ready?" he asks.

I take a deep breath trying to do what Kenzi told me, "As I'll ever be."

Trick holds out his hand and I take it, "Then lets get you married."

Trick and I walk into a beautiful ballroom that was decorated to the detail, Kenzi, I smile to my self. I had never seen anything that said Lauren and I more since we started dating. The altar was simple, covered in white roses and a few light blue and grey ones, it may seemed like coordination but I knew what it meant. I look around the room and see my friends and family sitting in the stands. I see me little girl staring at me like she knew exactly what was going on. Before I step on to the isle I go over to her and kiss her head. "You look pretty my love." her eyes flash. "Mama Lo will be out soon will you wave for mommy?" her eyes flash again and I kiss her nose. "That's my girl." Dyson adjusts Charlotte, "Hey Dyson." I say plainly.

"You look beautiful, as always." he says with a nod.

"Thanks." I smile tightly. "And thank you for holding her for me while I get my marriage on."

He chuckles, "It's the least I could do." I smooth some of Charlotte's hair, "She looks like you Bo."

I smile at him, "No. She looks like her mama. Right sweetheart?"

"Bo, Lauren is about to come out." Trick says tapping on my shoulder.

I kiss Charlotte one more time, "I'll see you after my love. Don't forget to wave for mommy."

I walk to my standing spot and clutch my bouquet tightly. I couldn't look at that doorway so I settled for watching Charlotte watch the doorway. She was going to be a wonderful little girl I just knew it. She's only one month and she can understand what we say and respond with her eyes, she looks more and more like Lauren every day.

I smile at the thought of Charlotte looking like her mother, then I hear the music and I look up. The curtains open slowly revealing an astonishingly beautiful Lauren. Her hair was in tight curls and her dress and form fitting on her upper half and the bottom was loose and flowy. She had never looked any better. I could see she was trying to rush to me and I chuckle to myself. I had to fight the urge to run to her, scoop her up, and run to the limo Kenzi had rented for us.

The closer Lauren gets the harder my heart starts to pound. I felt like I was going to explode when Lauren stepped up on to the isle and whispered, "Hi." nervously.

I smile so hard my cheeks hurt. "Hi."

We look where the pastor was supposed to be and Kenzi steps out and winks at us, "Welcome family and friends to the totally kick ass Bo Lo wedding." she looks at us and smiles. "I have watched these two flourish from awk tensions to bangin bits." I nudge her. "Sorry. I am proud to welcome Lauren and my niece Charlotte into our family. She has become a second best friend and also a mother. I have never seen anyone make a person as happy and she makes my BoBo, I didn't care for Lauren in the beginning but now I can say I love her very much." Lauren looks at Kenzi and smiles, "Now that I'm done stealing the spotlight, Bo and Lauren have written their own lurve notes for each other. BoBo?"

"Right." I clear my throat nervously and pull a small sheet of paper out of my bustier. "Lauren, from the day I met you I knew there was something special about you. Whether it be the way you wrinkle your forehead when you concentrate too hard or your totally nerdy geek outs, I knew that I loved you. You have brought so much light into my life," I sniffle. "you have taught me to love myself in all my flaws and you've made me open up my heart and mind to all possibilities." I wipe away a tear. "Our daughter looks so much like you sometimes it scares me." I giggle and sniffle again. "You may think that I'm too good to be true or that you don't deserve me but believe me when I say my heart is forever yours. I love you." I fold the note up and look up at Lauren who has a few tears falling. I reach my hand up and wipe them away.

Kenzi sniffles, "Okay LoLo your turn."

Lauren takes a deep breath in, "Bo, you are my heart and my soul, I don't think I would be the woman I am today without you. No matter what crazy crusades that we have been through they've only made us stronger." Lauren didn't need paper, she memorized her vows, "I love your sense of adventure and your noble heart. I love how you hum in your sleep and look at me like I'm the most beautiful thing you've ever seen." she wipes away a tear and sniffles, "You make me want to be everything that I'm not. You gave me a daughter that looks just like you and made my life all the more happier. No matter how we met you had me at hello and I'll never say goodbye."

I put a hand up to my mouth and sob softly. "Come on BoBo it's almost over." Kenzi whispers. I sniffle, wipe a few tears away, and take Lauren's hand again. "Okay now that those touchy feely words are out of the way it's time for the exchanging of the rings." She turns to Hale. "Would you be a doll and hand me the rings please?"

Hale smiles and retrieves the rings from his pocket. "There you are." he winks and hands them to Kenzi.

"Now," Kenzi says placing each ring in our hands. "Doc repeat after me, "I Lauren take you Bo as my sexy sexy succubus, I will shine your knives and explore your abilities for "scientific" reasons for all my years to come."

Lauren repeats what Kenzi says with a laugh and slips the ring onto my finger with shaky hands.

"Now BoBo, repeat after me," I nod looking into Lauren's hazel eyes. "I Bo take you Lauren as my sexy doctor lady to have and hold, I will always clean your stethoscope and undergo any crazy "test" you are conducting for the rest of my life."

I giggle and slid the ring on Lauren's left hand repeating what Kenzi said.

"By the power vested in me and this kick ass couple I pronounce you wife and wife. You may now suck face."

Lauren laughs lightly and wipes away some stray tears from my cheeks before bringing her lips to mine slowly. I grab her face between my hands and press my lips into hers. Lauren wraps her arms around my neck and I lift her up off the ground. "Okay okay don't bang bits in front of us." Kenzi says taping on my shoulder.

I sit Lauren down back on the floor and put my forehead to hers, "Hi ." she says with a smile.

"Hello ." I kiss her nose.

"Okay now lets got this reception started!" Kenzi yells into a mic.

Lauren and I walk down the isle to go into a different room while everybody throws rice at us. "You look absolutely stunning." I whisper in her ear.

"Me? Have you seen yourself in that dress?" she says eyes flickering slightly and then she looks around. "Do you think they're going to come and look for us right away?"

I smirk, "That depends what do you have planned ?"

Lauren puts her hands on my hips and pushes me into a small room and kicks the door closed,"Nothing much really." she says lifting up my dress, struggling slightly.

"We're doing this now?" I say with a giggle pulling up Lauren's dress with a lot more ease.

"I told you this morning. You were gonna get it." Lauren slams me into a wall my eyes flicker. Her hand finally gets up my dress and to my sex, "No panties?"

I sigh as she lightly circles my clit, "I didn't want lines on my dress."

"Oh I see." she says lowly.

I get my hand all the way up her dress and to her clit, she shivers. "No panties either I see."

She closes her eyes, "No I have some on, special ones."

"Is that so?" I say shuddering at Lauren's touch.

Lauren takes my mouth into hers and kisses me hard using her other hand to pull lightly at my hair. We both increase or speed and pressure and soon enough we come crashing down, and nothing less than loud.

I adjust mine and Lauren's dress and open the door taking Lauren's hand leading her out with me. "Well I feel a lot more relaxed." I say and kiss her shoulder.

She laughs, "I'll say."

I kiss her lips again briefly, "Come one lets go party."

Lauren and I walk into the reception room hand in hand and are immediately pulled into a corner by Kenzi, "I can see it all over your faces. Pervs."

I chuckle, "Sorry Kenz."

Lauren pushes against me, "No she's not." she laughs.

Kenzi covers her ears, "Okay gross don't wanna hear it!"

Lauren looks around the room, "Kenzi where is Charlotte I wanna see how cute she looks."

Kenzi looks around, "Um, there she is." she points. "Trick is showing her off to his friend over there."

I nudge Lauren, "Would you like me to go get her?"

She smiles, "Only if you let me come with you."

I kiss her cheek, "I wouldn't want anything else ."

Kenzi gags, "Oh my god someone call the dentist I have cavities from these two."

I chuckle, "I'll never be able to thank you enough Kenz. For making our special day so wonderful."

She pulls us into a hug, "Anything thing for my favorite mamas. Now go." she pushes us towards Trick.

I can see Lauren staring at me out the corner of my eye, "See anything you like ?"

She blushes, "A few things."

I squeeze her hand tightly as we approach Trick and Charlotte, "Hey gramps."

He turns around, "The women of the hour." he hands Charlotte to me, "Will this is my Granddaughter Bo and her new wife Lauren."

The man nods at us holding is hand out for us to shake, "It's nice to finally meet you. Fitzy here tells me a lot about you." I shake is hand and then he shakes Lauren's. "I must say, it was beautiful ceremony. Different but beautiful."

Lauren chuckles, "How do you two know each other?"

"Well Fitzy here took care of my mother when she was sick back in 1862 after she gave birth to me." he nudges Trick, "He's been a father figure to me ever since."

He smiles, "Will is a scientist for the Fae." Trick looks up at Lauren, "Lauren here is a doctor for the Fae."

Will smiles, "That's something. You wouldn't happen to be the doctor who cured that disease in the Congo would you?"

Lauren blushes lightly, "I would be that doctor."

Will starts to spill his guys on how much he loves her work and I turn my attention to Charlotte and Trick. "Hi honey did you have fun with Papa Trick?" she puts her hand on my face. "I like that crown on you. It brings out your eyes." I kiss her forehead. "She wasn't too much trouble was she Trick?"

"Actually Bo I wouldn't be surprised if she started talking and walking soon. She is a very smart young lady, just like her mothers." he smiles, "If you would excuse me I'm going to pry Will away from your wife."

I glance at Lauren and Will, "Good, I don't want to set her up with him."

Trick laughs, "Congratulations Bo."

I smile widely, "Thanks Trick." Charlotte taps my cheek to get my attention. "Yes my love?" she points to Lauren, "You want mama Lo?" Charlotte flashes her eyes and coos. "She'll be here in a second honey." Her little eyes go from me to Lauren a few times before she shrieks and cries. "Oh no Charlotte not now." I lay her head on my shoulder and rock her gently. "It's okay honey." Charlotte gets louder and smacks the side of my head. I hold her out in front of me. "Charlotte Elizabeth Lewis, you stop that right now." She quiets down for a minute before she gets loud again.

Kenzi comes running to my side, "What's wrong with Char?" she asks concerned.

I sigh and cradle Charlotte in my arms, "She wants Lauren."

Kenzi looks towards Lauren, "Why is she talking to strange haircut dude when she could be over here with sexy succubus chick?"

I chuckle still trying to calm Charlotte down, "He's a scientist and loves Lauren's work."

Kenzi nods, "Oh, the whole, boost my ego thing?"

"I wouldn't say she wants an ego boost." I sigh. "Just likes her nerdyness."

"Watch this," Kenzi says turning her back to me. "Oh my god Lauren how could you do that to us?"

"Oh no." I say. "Kenzi don't do that."

She waves me off. "Hotpants, I need you here right now for a super secret meeting."

Lauren excuses herself from Will and walks over to us, "Kenzi what are you doing?" Charlotte calms down when Lauren gets to us.

Kenzi smiles, "Am I interrupting your date doc?"

Lauren looks at her confused, "What are you talking about?"

Kenzi shifts her weight, "Well ya know your spawn is over here screaming her face off and you're boosting your ego."

Lauren looks at Charlotte and I, "I didn't hear her screaming Kenzi."

"Well there's her face, all red and teary." she motions towards Charlotte. "I think Mr.I-Love-Lauren can wait to boost you up some more."

Lauren raises an eyebrow looking slightly offended, "If you were over there Kenzi you would know that we were talking about Bo and Charlotte."

Kenzi looks at me then back at Lauren, "Oh, sorry doc."

She smiles and looks at me, "It's okay Kenzi." Kenzi steps to the side and Lauren walks to stand next to me. "Could I have a few minutes with my wife please?"

"Oh yeah sure thing hotpants." she pokes Charlotte's nose. "See you later Niecy girl."

"Sorry honey, you know how Kenzi gets."

She smiles widely and takes Charlotte into her arms, "It's okay. She's just over reacting."

"As always." I say with a smile. "Would you like to sit down ?"

She kisses Charlotte, "I would love to."

Lauren and I walk to an empty table in a corner of the room and she coos at Charlotte. "Hello my angel. How's my beautiful girl?" Charlotte's eyes flicker and she smiles a gummy smile. "You looked almost as beautiful as your mother." Lauren looks at me and winks.

I sit and watch Lauren play with Charlotte when this woman catches my eye. She looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. "Hey babe I'll be right back." I kiss the crown of her head and walk over to this stranger.

The woman was a little taller than me, she had wavy blonde hair a little past her shoulder, and this look of annoyance on her face. I didn't want to go and approach her but I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew her. "Hi." I say. "Not to sound rude or anything, but um, who are you?"

The woman rolls her eyes and shoves her hands into her pocket, "Im the Valkire that was supposed to take you to the Ordin. You're supposed to be dead." she holds out her hand. "I'm Tamsin."