NOTICE: I will also be updating my Merlin and Bones crossover sometime soon I PROMISE, sorry it's so late.

Thanks so much for you're awesome reviews and for even looking at my story! They brighten my day. :)

Okay last chapter. Here we go. It's more of an epilogue really. Sorry if it's a bit cheesy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin or Harry Potter.

Light shone on the cozy, yet fairly large cottage. Through the branches of the dogwoods on the front lawn, the forest's edge stood with an ancient ambiance. The tall, old trees shadowed the undergrowth as birds flew over their branches. It wasn't a frightening kind of darkness that was among the tree trunks. In fact it gave a sense of security, a mysterious protection that hides the home from the outside shudders of the busy world only a mere twenty miles away.

Sure there were a few neighbors, but they were quiet folk who were also looking for peace and perhaps the occasional bout of friendship.

It was across the paved road, and over the small dirt walking path that the home, in which the Potter family lived, stood among a fenceless garden of foliage. Ginny Potter did in fact like her gardening spells.

Said woman was out shopping with her two sons, leaving Harry and their other child, Lilly Luna Potter, alone at home. It was on this sunny, blissful summer day that Harry Potter decided to sit on the front porch of their lovely, secret home, and catch up on the latest news in the Magical Realm…well that was the plan.

Just as he was about to sit back in his favorite porch rocker, a huff of air, more like a growl really, sent his plan into the fire.

Oh no. Please no. he thought when he realized what the sound could be.

Unfortunately for him, his assumptions were correct.

As he lowered the piece of newspaper, he was met by what most fathers' would say to be the saddest yet most terrifying thing one could meet: the face of an upset child.

Nine year old, Lily Potter, stood before her father with her arms crossed and an expression of pure contempt. In response to her distain her father lowered his paper, gave her a look of peace, not wanting to intensify the situation further, and spoke with a smile.

"What's a matter Sweetie?" he asked in his sweetest father voice. Her response was the exact opposite as she huffed once more and kept her arms crossed. He titled his head, she looked towards the building's wall, and then she spoke.

"Mummy asked me to clean my room," she growled out, refusing to meet his gaze.

"Oh, I see," he said with understanding. After a slight pause, he risked his chances and continued. "Well is it messy?"

She apparently didn't like this response as her head snapped forward and her eyes widened.

Wrong move! He thought to himself. A gleam of fire hinted in her eyes as aversion clouded them. Ah, so much like her mother when she gets angry.

He suppressed a mental chuckle when he realized she was still glaring at him, his look slowly turning towards the authority line.

"Lily if your room is dirty, then you must clean it," he stated sternly.

"But I want to play outside! It's a nice day, and I wanted to swing," her hard look transformed into a teary pout, and his turned into a melted puddle.

"Ah, come here," he said with outstretched arms, motioning for her to sit on his lap. Without a moment of hesitation she crawled onto her father's legs and snuggled into his arms as he wrapped them around her small frame.

For a moment they stayed like that. His head rested on the top of hers as she stared at the planks below them.

He stared into the distant forest, trying to think of something to say that would fix the problem at hand. He knew he had never liked tiding up when he was her age; then again he lived in a much different kind of home at her age. Still it was hard, boring work for a nine year old.

What could he say to a nine year old that would put the idea of cleaning as fun in her mind?

He thought back to every story he ever heard, trying to remember a tale perhaps that would entice her to clean, so her mother wouldn't come home crossed that the room was a mess. Suddenly a red cardinal flew onto a nearby tree and something clicked in his mind. Cleaning. Something about that word reminded him of the tale he had heard all those years ago in his first year, the one given by Professor McGonagall.

Yes he remembered that first week of his new life quite well, but that had to be one of the most memorable moments. Her explanation went far above that of Professor Binns', he had barely been able to keep his eyes open as Binns spent two class periods on the feuds between Uther and other kings.

But that one class period with McGonagall kept with him.

Yes, that'll work.

He looked down at his daughter and smiled. She felt his gaze on her and looked up in confusion.

"Have I ever told you the story of Merlin?" he asked. She scrunched her freckled face and shook her head, eyes widening with interest.

"You know that Merlin was a great wizard right?" he asked. She nodded.

"Mummy told me how he created the Magic World and the wand, and how he disappeared one day," she answered then chuckled, "He had a funny beard."

"Yes he did, didn't he?" Harry laughed with her. Then he smiled as he said, "But did she tell you that Merlin was actually a servant before he was an old man with a beard?"

"A servant?" Lily asked confusedly into his eyes. He chuckled and responded.

"Yes a servant. He used to clean and polish King Arthur's room and armor. And you know what?" he motioned for her to come closer, as if sharing a big secret. She leaned in and he spoke into her ear. "He didn't even use magic."

She quickly drew back and gasped. "Really?"

"Yep," he said with a serious nod, and then the smile returned. "He didn't become a great and powerful warlock until after he was a servant. He had to clean rooms all day, while secretly protecting King Arthur so the lands of Camelot, the mightiest kingdom to ever exist, would be at peace."

Her face turned into a surprised look of contemplation as she stared up at him.

"So Merlin? I should be like Merlin and clean my room?" she asked with a tilt of her head.

He paused for a second then snapped his fingers, lowered her to a standing position, and stood up.

"Wait here for a second," he commanded with a smile then dashed through the front door of the house. She looked after him baffled.

After a few minutes he returned to find her sitting on the chair, feet dangling in the air.

His hands were hidden behind his back as he spoke.

"You see Merlin didn't always have a beard," Harry began.

"He didn't?" Lily asked, just as shocked by this discovery as the previous news.

"Nope. He didn't. But he did have a neckerchief," Harry said pulling the tattered, red material from behind his back. He had kept it just as Professor McGonagall had commanded, and he was glad he did.

"Really?" she asked wide-eyed at the cloth.

"Yes. Though this isn't the same one, it's a replica," Harry informed. "It was given to me in my first year of Hogwarts, by one of my favorite professors. She was the one who told us the story of Merlin and how sometimes we have to do things we don't want to, in order for us to be happy later."

"You mean I should clean my room so Mummy is happy later and doesn't get crossed with me?" she asked.

Just as smart as her mother.

"Exactly," he said with a smile.

He then walked behind her and draped the red cloth around her neck, tying it in the back. He stepped around her to get a frontal view and smiled. She looked down at the new accessory and grinned brightly.

"Does this mean I get Merlin's powers?" she asked excitedly.

"Well if you do as your told and study hard, maybe you'll be even greater," Harry chuckled ruffling her hair.

"I'm goanna clean the whole house," she shouted as she ran into the house, her father laughing as she did. He turned around, happier than before, sat down in the rocker, and picked his paper once more. He was just about to get back to his reading when a flash of color around the bend of the road caught his eye.

He lowered his paper and stood up, cupping a hand over his forehead to get a better view in the sunlight. Upon realizing what it was he smiled and began to walk down his driveway.

"Hi there, Mr. Lin," Harry greeted to the old man once he reached the end of the driveway. "Are you heading into town?"

"Oh, hello Harry, my dear lad," Mr. Lin said with a cheerful grin. "Indeed I am. Have some business to take care of. How are you fairing today?"

Harry and Ginny loved the old, muggle man who lived up the hill. Everyday he would walk along the path and go visit the town down the road. Ever since they moved here, he had been making the journey. Ginny once expressed her concerns for his health, him looking older than Dumbledore, but Mr. Lin would only laugh and say he was younger than he looks. Which was saying something when he had long white hair and a beard, both almost reaching his knees. He couldn't be a day under a hundred. Yet he made the journey each day, despite anyone's protests towards it.

"Fine, fine," Harry said. "Been teaching the kids about their heritage and history. In fact I just got done telling Lily the story of Merlin."

"Did you now," Mr. Lin's smile grew. Harry thought he saw a spark in his old, blue eyes. It was like a glimpse of something, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"It is always good to tell the young ones of the past. Do be sure to tell her of the stories of Arthur and the knights, too. Also Kilgharrah, you mustn't forget the tale of the Great Dragon," he softly commanded as though he spoke to a small child. Then again perhaps Harry was a small child to him.

"Kilgharrah? I don't think I've heard that one," Harry responded. It was probably some muggle legend he failed to learn, then again he didn't pay that great attention in Binn's course.

"Why my dear boy! What sort of things did those teachers' teach you when you were a young lad? I'll have to tell it to you another day," Mr. Lin stated with a nod of his head.

"I think I'd like to hear it," Harry beamed.

"May I clean your closet,' Lily shouted from the upstairs, now opened window. Both Harry and Mr. Lin turned to look at her, the red fabric peeping out around her neck.

"Sure," Harry shouted back then turned back to see that same mysterious flash in Mr. Lin's smiling eyes as he gazed up at the now closing window.

Harry tilted his head. Mr. Lin can be such a mystery at times. He looks at them as if they were the naïve children he was sent to protect. It is almost as if he knows everything the universe had to offer, well maybe not everything, but pretty close to it.

Harry was about to ponder the question further when sudden realization hit him.

The Christmas presents are in the closet.

"Sorry, Mr. Lin I have to go," Harry said turning towards the house. He shouted behind him, "Have a nice time in town."

Mr. Lin chuckled to himself as Harry ran into fetch his daughter. He began walking down the road, laughing to himself.

Ah, to be young again. What fun it could be to not ache all over. Mr. Lin stopped dead in his tracks at that thought.

"I sound a bit too much like Gaius," he stated. With a shake of his head he continued down the path, walking stick in hand, until he reached the ancient lake he visited everyday.