For the next few months Emily welcomed James to her home, their home. She was glad to have him there, she was glad to have someone there with her besides her pet cat; the way he brought some more life into her home.
There were times when she was not looking forward to going to work, something that was not there before in her life. She had her home to look forward to when she came home from work, but she always loved to leave for work because she had the people she loved to be around the most waiting for her at work, she never had a reason to like going home, there were times she never wanted to go home.
Now she had something, someone at home to love being at home with.
As the days went by for Emily, the days turned to weeks, weeks turned in a couple of months, before she could finally start to feel the effects of her pregnancy as the child in her stomach started to grow inside of her.
She tried to hide it from the team at first, looking for the right time to tell them, eventually she told them. They were hurt at first that she hid it from them, J.J. unaffected by the news having known it all along, but soon they were happy for her and James.
As time went by James eventually finished his training for the Hostage Rescue Team and was put on Riley's team as a sniper. In that time he became more and more involved with the team, Emily notice a particular friendship he developed with Rossi and J.J.'s boyfriend Will.
Soon her stomach started to grow more, extending out to where she could see how the child was growing. It had not extended far, but enough for Emily to be happy every time she looked at it. James was happy to see it to, but every time he would see the unborn child, he would also wonder and worry for the day his child would learn the truth about his family, about the monsters its father came from. And then he would fear the child would resent him for this.
Emily would always notice this and say "Why would our child resent you, you were never a monster.
Now as Emily was reaching the end of the middle months of her nine months of pregnancy, she found herself contemplating her future from a new offer he was given by her old friend Clyde Easter at Interpol, a position in their London office, there was also a second option she had of taking a desk job here in Quantico that would allow her to be close to the team still.
Emily never forced the conversation with James, every time she brought it up to his attention he never tried to convince her not to take the offer, saying he would agree with whatever decision she made. It was sweet of him, but still made choosing no less difficult.
Finally at J.J.'s wedding, Emily was waiting for James to arrive. Everyone else was dressed sharp, wearing the appropriate attire for the wedding. Even James was when he finally arrived.
As the others were dancing, Emily was sitting in a chair as she watched the others dance with one another, laughing and having a good time. James eventually joined her saying "You want to join them?"
Emily looked at him as he took his seat at the table with her, joining her as they watch the dancing ad she replies "No, I'm perfectly fine with sitting here Jams. I can hardly move as it is."
James wanted to talk to Emily, just to pass time as they waited. Emily wanted to talk with him about the offer she was given from Easter, she was giving it some serious thought, but then decided to enjoy the time they had here.
They laughed and joked enjoying the moment, still waiting for when they would be parents.
As they enjoyed their life, the two love birds were unaware as a figure in the party stared at them. Shrouded by the crowds of people attending the wedding a man smirked as he watched the two before taking a picture without a flash ad sends a copy over the phone before standing up to get a better angle of the two while still remaining concealed.
For a brief moment Emily thought she saw someone looking at her, but then brushes it off as she believed it was just her imagination.
Author's note: Well finally I'm done, sorry if I was not able to finish this the way I intended or that was to a pleasing manner, I was just feeling such a need to be done with story for now and have some time to relax. I do not know if I will make a sequel to this story, that was certainly intended when I first started, but if not then I leave it up to the reader to guess what could happen next.
And to rmpcmfan thank you for your suggestion in your previous review, if I ever to pick up for a sequel I have something to use and explain James into the story, it was certainly one of the first real suggesting comments I've been given.
To my other reviewers thank you, this had certainly been something of a new experience for me here on Fanfic. I have found it to be inspiring to say the least., enjoy, and review if you feel like it.