Soooo... I hit a major writers block with my other fic Chance Encounters (not a shameless self promotion) so I decided to mill about in some quick drabbles/oneshots. Just odd plot bunnies that I don't think'll go anywhere and some prompts that have interested me floating around the internet. I'm also open to any requests if anyone's interested. I just really love this pairing xP . Just drop a PM or leave a review!

When Hei gradually woke, he could scarcely recognize his surroundings. Blinking to get the sleep out of his eyes, the young man noticed that he was wedged between a plush cushion and a warm, sturdy body. Shifting closer to the source of warmth, Hei smiled to himself as he looked at November's sleep relaxed face. He was so transfixed on the sight that he didn't notice the blanket draped over them slowly sliding off the side of the couch.

"Why aren't you asleep?" The Brit whispered groggily, eyes still closed but awake nonetheless.

Hei should have been surprised at his partners sudden awareness, but his mind was still too sleep muddled to properly respond. Instead, he buried his head against November's chest, sighing softly.

At that gesture it was the blond's turn to be surprised. Normally he was the more affectionate one in their rather odd relationship, but he didn't mind this rather subdued Hei.

Smiling to himself, November ran a hand through Hei's dark locks. The strands of hair slipped through his fingers like water.

"I'm guessing you don't remember what happened last night?" The Brit hummed even as Hei shook his head. "Well," The blond drawled as he continued to play with the younger man's hair, "we went out for drinks. April tagged along, and inevitably I had to carry you home."

Hei dislodged himself from his partner's chest, a bit more alert as he listened closely.

"I didn't know you'd get so...frisky when drunk." November paused long enough to watch embarrassment blossom on Hei's face. He nearly chuckled, but for the sake of not completely embarrassing the younger man he continued. "I carried you from the elevator and you were like drooling rag-doll in my arms, but as soon as I got you through the came to life."

"O-oh really?" Hei stuttered as he drew lines on the smooth skin of November's chest.

"Mmhmm..." The blond hummed softly as he brought his hands to cup the younger man's. It worked to effectively stop his fidgeting. "Your lips tasted of vodka, and I couldn't get enough."

The more November spoke the more Hei became flusttered and he wished that the plush couch would swallow him whole. He'd always been in control of himself to some extent around November. To learn that he had lost it was a shock.

"I guess we had a crazy night then?" Hei tried to sound like he remembered, but he couldn't fool himself. Much less November.

"Not exactly. We were on the couch when you insisted you'd do pretty much anything anywhere, but I got as far as unbuttoning your jeans when. Well. You fell asleep on me."

November made no indication that he was mad or irritated by that. He was more than amused by it, especially when relief clearly showed on Hei's face.

"What?" November couldn't keep the amusement out of his voice. "What did you think we did?"

"You made it sound like I did absurdly dirty things!" Hei pouted, and his blond partner couldn't help but wrap an arm around his waist and pull him closer.

"You look adorable when you do that." The Brit grinned.

"Yeah? Well I don't feel adorable." Hei tried to imitate Novembers accent, failing completely. "At least I know why I feel so horrible. I thought I just didn't get enough sleep."

"Let's get some more shut-eye then. I'll be more than happy to share breakfast with you at one in the afternoon." November assured as he tugged the blanket, forgotten on the floor for most of their conversation, over their chilling bodies.

"I'm alright with that too..."

Hei was practically asleep, eyes half-lidded even as he stretched to give November a gentle kiss. The blond couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corners of his lips as he kissed back.

When Hei pulled away he tucked himself back against the warmth of November's chest, content in the arms of his partner as he drifted off to sleep.