Well, ain't this interesting! A collab story! My first collab story, as a matter a fact. It's also a first for the author I wrote it with: He-Jay. You may know her from such great fics like Please Smile. Be sure to check her profile out as much as this story!
Word of warning. It's part of my fanfic religion to put a profound disclaimer in big, bold print EVERY chapter. Sorry if you think it gets in the way.
Disclaimer: Elsword(엘소드) is owned by KoG Corp., Nexon Korea, Kill3rCombo, Giant Network, Gamania, Gameforge, and LevelUp!Games respective to their own regions. Only this story is owned by the authors: He-Jay and myself.
Enjoy the first chapter!
She stood nervously at the door in front of her. A dark green sign stuck out of it and it had '1-B' stating that this class was one of many freshmen classes.
Rena let in deep breath, exhaled, adjusted her uniform, and opened the sliding door. She let her emerald hair trail behind her as she slowly walked to the front of the classroom. The students eyed her with curiosity and waited for her to introduce herself. She picked up a piece of chalk and wrote her name on the board.
After doing so, she turned to her classmates and said,
"My name is Rena and I hope that I can make friends with all of you guys!" She bowed and the students clapped politely.
The teacher settled the class down and told Rena, "Now…where should you sit…um…ah! You can sit right next Aisha. Aisha there, is our class president. If you have a question, don't be afraid to ask her!"
She made her way over to the desk and plopped herself down. The purple haired mage stared at Rena. Uncomfortable, Rena sheepishly laughed.
"Um…may I help you?"
"Your eyes….they're so pretty…" Aisha got closer to her face.
With a slight tint of pink on her face, Rena backed away and whispered, "E-Excuse me, you're making me very uncomfortable."
The purple-haired girl quickly retracted.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I tend to get very carried away."
"Wow, good job. It hasn't even been ten minutes and you're already creeping the new girl out…"
Rena turned around and saw a flash of red. The boy had scruffy, but natural looking hair and a smirk that never seemed to fade. He was leaning back into his chair and his feet were on the desk. It was obvious that he wasn't interested in the lesson that was being taught.
"Am not!" Aisha whispered back.
"That explains why she moved back from you right?"
"Elsword, shut up! It's not like you don't ogle people either!"
Rena tried to be a mediator between them two, shushing at them to calm down.
"What? Who would I look at?"
A devious grin came on Aisha's face.
"Oh ho ho~~ I see the way you look at the 'Ice Princess'", slyly remarked Aisha.
Ice Princess?
"What!?" Elsword pounded his hands on his desk and stood up. "I do not look at Eve like that!"
Perhaps it was a little too loud; everyone was staring at him and the teacher was looking at him with a deathly glare. Elsword finally realized what he had done and with a red face, he was about sit back down when the teacher called out for him.
"Ye-Yes ma'am?" He was stuttering over his words.
The teacher's face lit up into a smile and said, "Since you've been paying such excellent attention this period, would you like to do this problem?"
"Um, I wasn't really paying att-"
The teacher snapped at him, "Get up here."
"Yes ma'am!"
Shakily, Elsword made his way up to the board and shot a glare at Aisha, who was trying her hardest not to burst out laughing.
He raised the chalk to the board and blankly stared at the equation.
"… I don't know ma'am."
"That's what I thought. Elsword, you have earned the privilege of staying after school to clean up the class! Congratulations! Now go sit down."
"…yes, ma'am…"
As he was walking back, he glared Aisha again and she was still trying not to laugh. In an instant, he swept the chair leg causing the chair to topple and flip over, doing it so quickly that the teacher did not notice. Elsword made his way back to his desk and put on that smirk again.
Aisha, clutching at her tailbone, groaned in pain.
"Ow… Hey, Elsword! What's the big idea-"
The teacher came in for the double-kill.
"Oh, Aisha? Are you not paying attention either? Surprising for a diligent student such as you! Oh, I know! You can join Elsword after school today!"
"No, I insist." The teacher flashed that fake smile again, filled with sarcasm.
Elsword let out a snort, which caused Aisha to turn around and glare at him . Rena let out an exhausted sigh knowing that she would have to deal with this for three more trimesters. She turned to look out the window, only to notice a desk that was next to hers. It was empty and it looked like it was collecting dust, little dust particles dancing in the sunlight.
With that thought, the bell rang indicating the end of that period.
"Your homework sheets are the handouts that your class president gave to you in the beginning of this period. Have a nice free period."
Aisha and Elsword came up to Rena for a 'hello' and 'how do you do'.
Cheerfully, Aisha held out her hand.
"Oh, yeah! Here's the homework that I was supposed to give you."
"Thanks." Rena accepted it, scanning it over; it didn't seem too hard. She glanced at the two, saying lightly, "You guys get in trouble a lot?"
Elsword was picking his ear. While flicking it away, he said, "No, it's usually it's just her."
"The class president gets in trouble a lot?" Rena had a hint of concern in her voice. A class president should be setting the example for proper behavior, not defying it.
"He's lying. Whose fault is it that we have to stay after today?" Aisha huffed.
"Entirely yours," replied the redhead.
Oh brother; another shouting fest. Rena gave up and reached in her bag and took out her pencil case; best to get the homework out of the way while she had time. There wasn't much else to do anyway.
"—and you know it's true that you look at her—"
The first problem: Identify the second power of the...what was it again? She had learned this from her former school, this was almost too easy. It would be easier if...
"Aw, jealous?"
Their escalating voices now garnered the attention of every student present as they watched the class president and delinquent quarrel right in front of the new kid's desk as if it were the most natural thing to do in the world. Rena could feel everyone eyeballing them, eyeballing her, perhaps feeling sorry for her. But all she wanted was to solve the square root of x with the remaining variables. She did not come here to listen to idiots yelling at each other; she could do that with the TV.
"—if I didn't have nearly all the same classes with you, you pest—"
She wanted to finish her work.
"You think I wanted to be in the same class with the noisiest, most annoying little—"
Rena didn't like it when she couldn't finish her work.
"Annoying? Says the delinquent! You know how many forms I have to fill out for this class whenever YOU cause trouble?!"
"Whatever, I hate this place anyways!"
She wanted to finish her work.
"If you hate school so much, why don't you hang out with Raven and his gang!"
As soon as Aisha said that, she clamped a hand over her mouth, with a mortified expression, everyone else looking away as the atmosphere suddenly turned tense. Elsword frowned and raised an eyebrow, but even he did a quick scan of the classroom, inwardly breathing a sigh of relief when realizing the aforementioned person was nowhere in sight.
But Rena didn't realize how everyone had stiffened nor how even the sun seemed to abruptly darken. at the mention of that name. Seizing that moment of silence, she stood up, her chair scraping against the floor as she turned to the two with a radiant smile on her face.
"Uh...Rena?" Elsword looked confused as she gently laid a hand on the back of Elsword and Aisha's head, as if she meant to support them. Her touch was very gentle...
Boom, tension gone.
"Ow! Why the hell did you do that?!" The redhead stumbled away, clutching the spot where his head had been forcibly rammed against Aisha's, as she squealed in pain. Rena didn't look the least bit apologetic as she dusted her hands in a job well done.
"That is what happens to those who disrupt my work." She was still beaming, but now the students could see a somewhat...sinister edge to the smile. Something very terrifying was lurking behind that soft demeanor. "I hope you two will get along smoothly now?"
When a teacher came back to check on the class, he was pleased to see that everything was going normally. Students were talking, playing cards...the new student was diligent in her studies; not bad. He was a bit surprised when he saw two students nursing a very noticeable lump on their heads, but he shook his head and moved on.
"Rena's really scary." A girl whispered to another.
"Did you see how she just took their heads and bashed them together? Like this!" another girl made a banging motion with her hands. "That's the first time I've seen anyone shut Pres and El up!"
She sighed; she had come for a fresh start, maybe make a few friends, and pass high school with little trouble as possible. That was out the window now; first day and it seemed like there was a magical barrier around her as students nervously edged away from her as far as politely possible and the task of keeping the two hotheads in check had fallen unanimously and unofficially to her.
Resisting the urge to bang her head against the table, she smoothed her golden hair and continued on her homework.
"Stupid Rena, losing your temper like that in front of all your classmates..." She thought to herself, but her train of consciousness was interrupted by the bell, signaling their break was over. Looking over her course list, she saw Aisha and Elsword still leering at each other. Rena cleared her throat. The two looked over as Rena gave them an innocent smile, yet something evil hid behind it. And the class president and redhead definitely saw that evil. Instantly, they laughed nervously and started to prepare for their next class, which was English.
The teacher walked into the front of the class. It was the usual: Rena introduced herself, said hello, and the teacher taught the lesson. Language was never Rena's strong suit; that's why she spent twice the time studying this subject. But it only allowed her to keep an average skill level in English. Unlike the other subjects, she didn't excel in it.
The first half of classes in school were uneventful. Actually, the entire day was sort of dull after that head banging incident. Rena was invited to eat lunch by Aisha because she knew that Rena was the only one that could keep Elsword in line, especially with Aisha nearby. Because of that, lunch was calm as well.
Rena was bored out of her mind by the last class of the day. Thank god it was the last class. As she was taking notes, Rena continuously glanced up at the clock. After a quick scan of the classroom, she realized she wasn't the only one. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, there was a familiar ding dong. The bell rung and kids were finally making their way home. Everyone, but Aisha and Elsword that is. Well, it was their fault for getting in trouble. Rena wasn't trying to be mean or anything, but those who broke the rules deserved the consequences. Rena made her way out of the school building.
It was her first time walking home from school; her parents had always insisted driving her to and from any place lest she get kidnapped or get lost. In fact, the only reason they didn't do the same now was because their new work schedules conflicted so thoroughly with the school times. However, they did give her a map on how to get home, extra bus tickets, and even tried to give her a compass.
It had been a while since she was able to walk the streets alone, without her worrisome parents hovering behind her. They meant well, her being the only daughter of the family, but...it could get a bit suffocating at times. Still, she understood. But, it felt so nice to be alone!
And free! She laughed to herself, elation springing in her steps as unpleasant memories of school drifted away from her mind. How good it felt to be...
She looked around. There were no more stores or stands here. This was an unfamiliar part of town, for there were almost no people here. Did she take a wrong turn? But where and when?
No, she was not lost. Of course she wasn't. Just...misguided! She had to hurry now; if her parents found out it would be all the more reason for them to never let her go out of their sights ever again until she turned eighteen. Maybe not even then.
Pinching the bridge of her nose, she thought hard as she took out the hand-drawn map her parents had forced her to take. Yes, the path was supposed to be here...then, where was this place? It certainly wasn't the fifth street that her parents had outlined in red ink. She tried to retrace her steps back to the main road. She had to stay calm, and focused, and...
"You son of a—what did you say?!"
What? Alarm bells going off in her head, the hairs on her neck prickled as she turned towards the source. She knew this was a really, really bad idea... But she started to make her way to the voice.
As she saw other people, she quickly hid herself next to bunch of discarded and empty boxes. Rena peered through a crack and saw a teenager such as herself. Said teenager was surrounded by at least eight others, just as tall and built as him, if not bigger.
"I said, get out of my way." Quietly, the black haired student told him.
One of the guys from the other group walked behind him, put his hand on his right shoulder and with a comical tone he said back to his goonies, "I think we have to teach this guy who runs this town!"
Another gangster picked up a glass bottle that was next to the boxes Rena was hiding in. Fortunately, he didn't see her. It didn't look like the black haired boy didn't see either. The one with the bottle closed up on him, Rena closed her eyes tightly in order to prevent seeing the gory sight that was to be.
Rena had opened her eyes after a good three seconds after the sound. The golden eyed student now had a broken bottle in his hand... And the one who wielded it first was down. Chunks of glass could be seen on his head and it was obvious that he was out cold.
"H-hey is he alright? Why you son of a—"
Wham. It was punch of near light speed that seemed to slam right into the guy's nose. He flew a respectable five feet before touching down. Rena noticed, he was only using one arm to do this. His left arm and hand were covered by the sleeve of his shirt and pocket.
"Jesus Christ! You little!" Another one foolishly rushed at him.
Skillfully he dodged and followed up with a high hook kick to his left cheek. He took his right hand and sifted it through his hair, slight spiking it upwards, revealing a white streak that ran through the under layer.
"H-hey boss... We made a huge mistake..." The two remaining gangsters started to shiver in fear.
"What?" Their boss was acting quite ignorant.
"W-we just picked a fight..." started of the boys.
"...with the leader of the Crow gang..." The statement was finished.
Their boss' face grew paler than the moon.
"You're telling me that we picked a fight with Raven?"
The two nodded. Their boss motioned them to pick up their wounded and run for it. And that's exactly how it happened.
"Feh. Cowards." Raven scoffed.
Rena saw everything. But she was just an innocent bystander! She didn't do anything wrong, right? She just happened to be at the wrong place at the right time! Whatever the case, it was over and she had to get out of there. As quietly as she could, Rena slowly started to scoot herself out of the boxes.
Well, she tried to be quiet.
"Who's there?!"
It was Raven. Rena peered through the small crack on a box to see that he was staring right back at her. He started to make his way towards her.
Rena was terrified. Not knowing what was going to happen to her, she could only stare. A hand reached for one of the boxes to clear away. She gulped, curling herself into a ball in a lame attempt to make herself unnoticed. As the boxes were cleared away, she came face to face with this boy named Raven.
The first thing she noticed was his hair. It was outlandish, especially with that white streak. The second thing she noticed was the permanent scowl that was etched on his face, now directed at her for her unwelcome intrusion.
"What the hell are you?"
Chaser: Well, as the first collab I've ever done, I'm impressed. Looks like google drive wasn't a bad idea. I thought our writing styles would conflict in some way, but it seems to transition very smoothly. Writing this took a lot longer than I thought it would (almost two weeks!). If you're confused on how we're going to do this story, let me explain. This is not a straight up Rena·Raven fic. We've planned it out so that each pairing/characters get their own story arc and the first arc is Rena·Raven.
The pairings will be that and Elsword·Aisha and Chung·Eve. I don't plan on adding Ara. Sorry if that or the pairing turn some of you off!
I wanted to go with a school setting, but also wanted something original. That's when I got the idea of pulling stuff from my personal life and incorporating it into the characters.
He-Jay, do you have something to add?
Hee: This is really fun! You pretty much said everything for me, so I have little to add. Let's do this! Fighting! ^_^