Title: Gone
author: Cindy Ryan
catagory: Crossover--CSI/West Wing, angst
Pairings: Josh/Donna, Grissom/Sara
Raiting: PG-13 could change later
Summary: During a vacation to Las Vegas Donna Moss disappears. Can the CSI team find her in time?
Spoilers: general, WW--season three--Simon reference
Notes: This hasn't been beta read so all mistakes are mine.
Grissom walked into the lab cellular phone in hand. Sara, Warrick, Nick and Catherine glanced up expectedly.
"That was Brass. They got Moss out, she's going to be okay."
"That's great news."Nick replied voicing what they all were thinking.
"What about the bad guys?"Warrick asked.
Grissom walked toward the doorway. "Two dead the rest in custody. Good work."
Sam walked into Donna's hospital room to find Josh sitting by her bedside.
"How's she doing?"Sam asked as he came to stand at the foot of the bed. He was shocked to see the sharp bruises and
numerous cuts on Donna's pale skin.
"They say she'll be fine."Josh replied quietly his gaze never leaving Donna's face. "Do you see what they did to
"Because of me they did this to her....."Josh whispered his voice near the breaking point.
Sam shook his head. "No, Josh. This wasn't because of you. It's the mindset of these people.....it's not your
"Josh?"Donna said groggily as she woke.
Josh quickly took her hand in his a smile spreading across his face. "I'm right here, Donnatella. You're safe. You're
in the hospital and you're going to be just fine."
Sam smiled as he started to back out of the room. "Glad you're awake, Donna. I'm going to go call the President and
let him know."
"Thanks, Sam."Josh acknowledged.
"I thought I'd never see you again."Donna said as tears began to stream down her face. "They killed Beth.....I thought
they were going to....."
Josh crawled up onto the bed next to Donna and gently pulled her into his arms mindful of the IV. "Sssssh, Donna. It's
okay....I promise you that it's going to be okay. You're safe now.....you're safe."
Abby walked into the Oval office just as her husband hung up the phone. "Leo said there was news."
Jed smiled. "It's over. Vegas police rescued Donna a half hour ago."
"Thank God."Abby replied as she sank down onto a nearby chair. "How is she?"
Jed walked stood and walked around his desk coming to sit in the chair across from his wife. "Doctors say she'll
make a full recovery. She's malnourished and lost a lot of blood but they say she'll be able to come home in about a
"I'm so glad everything worked out."Abby replied. "Maybe now we can all finally move on."
Just before visiting hours ended that day Josh heard a knock on Donna's hospital room. He turned to see Gil
Grissom standing in the doorway.
"How's she doing?"Grissom asked quietly as he walked into the room.
Josh stood. "They say she'll make a full recovery. We should be able to go home next week."
"That's great."Gil replied with a smile. "So many of our cases we are only able to help the familes and not the victims.
I'm glad we were able to help the living this time."
Josh walked toward Grissom and extended his right hand. "I want to thank you for all you and your team did to find
Donna. If there's ever anything I can do....."
Grissom shook the younger man's hand as he looked at Donna's sleeping form. "I'm just glad this had a happy
Nearly a week after she was kidnapped from her hotel room Donna Moss was in an airplane on her way home. They were
almost there an hour from D.C. Donna glanced at Josh in the first class seat next to her. It was just the two of them
on this trip. Sam had taken a flight home three days after her rescue.
"You okay?"Josh asked sensing her gaze. "Do you need some pain pills?"
Donna shook her head. "No, I'm fine. I was just thinking."
Josh lightly stroked her right hand as it rested on the arm rest between them. "About what?"
"Coming home."
"Are you worried about the press?"Josh asked turning in his seat so he could face her. "Because CJ's handled the
whole thing. There won't be any cameras when we step off the plane."
"No."Donna replied quietly as she looked down at their entwined hands. "I was wondering about us. This changed us
Josh and I don't know where we go from here."
Josh placed his free hand under Donna's chin and gently lifted it so she met his gaze. "We'll figure it out. It won't
be easy but what we have is worth it. I nearly lost you, Donnatella and that made me realize what my life without
you would be like and I never want that to become a reality."
Josh took a deep breath before he said what he'd wanted to for years but never had the nerve. "I love you."
Donna felt her eyes brim with tears as she leaned forward taking his hand away from her face. "I love you too, Josh."
Their kiss was soft and gentle promsing later passion. As they broke apart Donna scooted closer to Josh resting her
head on his chest; just as the piolt announced their approach into Washington.
author: Cindy Ryan
catagory: Crossover--CSI/West Wing, angst
Pairings: Josh/Donna, Grissom/Sara
Raiting: PG-13 could change later
Summary: During a vacation to Las Vegas Donna Moss disappears. Can the CSI team find her in time?
Spoilers: general, WW--season three--Simon reference
Notes: This hasn't been beta read so all mistakes are mine.
Grissom walked into the lab cellular phone in hand. Sara, Warrick, Nick and Catherine glanced up expectedly.
"That was Brass. They got Moss out, she's going to be okay."
"That's great news."Nick replied voicing what they all were thinking.
"What about the bad guys?"Warrick asked.
Grissom walked toward the doorway. "Two dead the rest in custody. Good work."
Sam walked into Donna's hospital room to find Josh sitting by her bedside.
"How's she doing?"Sam asked as he came to stand at the foot of the bed. He was shocked to see the sharp bruises and
numerous cuts on Donna's pale skin.
"They say she'll be fine."Josh replied quietly his gaze never leaving Donna's face. "Do you see what they did to
"Because of me they did this to her....."Josh whispered his voice near the breaking point.
Sam shook his head. "No, Josh. This wasn't because of you. It's the mindset of these people.....it's not your
"Josh?"Donna said groggily as she woke.
Josh quickly took her hand in his a smile spreading across his face. "I'm right here, Donnatella. You're safe. You're
in the hospital and you're going to be just fine."
Sam smiled as he started to back out of the room. "Glad you're awake, Donna. I'm going to go call the President and
let him know."
"Thanks, Sam."Josh acknowledged.
"I thought I'd never see you again."Donna said as tears began to stream down her face. "They killed Beth.....I thought
they were going to....."
Josh crawled up onto the bed next to Donna and gently pulled her into his arms mindful of the IV. "Sssssh, Donna. It's
okay....I promise you that it's going to be okay. You're safe now.....you're safe."
Abby walked into the Oval office just as her husband hung up the phone. "Leo said there was news."
Jed smiled. "It's over. Vegas police rescued Donna a half hour ago."
"Thank God."Abby replied as she sank down onto a nearby chair. "How is she?"
Jed walked stood and walked around his desk coming to sit in the chair across from his wife. "Doctors say she'll
make a full recovery. She's malnourished and lost a lot of blood but they say she'll be able to come home in about a
"I'm so glad everything worked out."Abby replied. "Maybe now we can all finally move on."
Just before visiting hours ended that day Josh heard a knock on Donna's hospital room. He turned to see Gil
Grissom standing in the doorway.
"How's she doing?"Grissom asked quietly as he walked into the room.
Josh stood. "They say she'll make a full recovery. We should be able to go home next week."
"That's great."Gil replied with a smile. "So many of our cases we are only able to help the familes and not the victims.
I'm glad we were able to help the living this time."
Josh walked toward Grissom and extended his right hand. "I want to thank you for all you and your team did to find
Donna. If there's ever anything I can do....."
Grissom shook the younger man's hand as he looked at Donna's sleeping form. "I'm just glad this had a happy
Nearly a week after she was kidnapped from her hotel room Donna Moss was in an airplane on her way home. They were
almost there an hour from D.C. Donna glanced at Josh in the first class seat next to her. It was just the two of them
on this trip. Sam had taken a flight home three days after her rescue.
"You okay?"Josh asked sensing her gaze. "Do you need some pain pills?"
Donna shook her head. "No, I'm fine. I was just thinking."
Josh lightly stroked her right hand as it rested on the arm rest between them. "About what?"
"Coming home."
"Are you worried about the press?"Josh asked turning in his seat so he could face her. "Because CJ's handled the
whole thing. There won't be any cameras when we step off the plane."
"No."Donna replied quietly as she looked down at their entwined hands. "I was wondering about us. This changed us
Josh and I don't know where we go from here."
Josh placed his free hand under Donna's chin and gently lifted it so she met his gaze. "We'll figure it out. It won't
be easy but what we have is worth it. I nearly lost you, Donnatella and that made me realize what my life without
you would be like and I never want that to become a reality."
Josh took a deep breath before he said what he'd wanted to for years but never had the nerve. "I love you."
Donna felt her eyes brim with tears as she leaned forward taking his hand away from her face. "I love you too, Josh."
Their kiss was soft and gentle promsing later passion. As they broke apart Donna scooted closer to Josh resting her
head on his chest; just as the piolt announced their approach into Washington.