A/N: Hey, so here we will hopefully see what's going to happen to Germany after he remembers! So this will be one of the last chapters and I want to say that this has been awesome, all you guys reading along with me even though this is such an over used story idea. I hope you continue to read my other stuff, and hopefully you enjoy the last few chapters and when I say few I mean this one and the other ending, but only if I get some messages saying you want one. Anyway, here's to the end of this story and to you guys who have made it this far! Yay for you!
Italy got a few hours of sleep before he was woken; fear rushing threw him as he recalled his dream. Always, it was always the same. The fire, the blood. He was shaking and covered in sweat, wanting nothing more to wake up Germany and hear his voice, even if he would yell it make him feel better. But as he looked at Germany's almost pained face, he decided not to, he had his own nightmares to deal with. Usually if he was in someone else's bed, such as Romano's it wouldn't be as bad. But tonight it was clearer and more vivid than usual, which he wasn't sure if it was possible but clearly it was. He sat up slowly, getting out from underneath the covers he had stolen and placed his feet on the cold hardwood floor. Italy gulped and stood up slowly, hoping to not wake up Germany but also that the monsters that he could almost feel watching him wouldn't drag him out of no were.
After he stood up, he took a few steps regaining his balance and slowly crept to the door holding onto the handle once he had gotten there, since he was still half asleep at the moment Italy was even clumsier then he usually would and was trying his best to not fall over. He opened the door lowly, holding his breath as it did, as if the amount it creaked was linked to his breathing, took a step out of the room and did the same as he closed it behind him. Once it was closed he left out a sigh, exhaling all the breath he had just held in, but also something else happened. As if his mind only had sunken the thought in then, a wave of depression came over Italy the thought he had repressed for so long trying to take over his mind.
There is no hope.
Suddenly there were tears in his eyes and he was doing everything he could not to sob right in front of the door. He needed air really badly now, more than ever because it felt as though he was drowning, out of no were. He rushed down the stairs somehow not making a single sound, and opened the front door once again forgetting his shoes or jacket despite the cold weather. He took a deep and sharp breath once he was outside, and it did help a bit but only enough to have a tear fall but only the one. He didn't notice at first but his feet where going to where they always went when he was upset, or so it seemed. His eye's where to blurry to notice much less but also to lost in his thoughts to notice his cold feet.
'He forgot you. There is no way he could remember you, much less be with you.'
As a child Italy's worst fear once he hit puberty wasn't the fact that everyone gave him odd looks for wearing dresses or that Austria had freaked out, no, his fear was that Holy Roman Empire would find out, and not love him anymore. He had thought Italy was a girl his whole life, what would he think if Italy turned out to be a boy? It was his worst fear, and now he had to go through the overthinking that comes with any fear, running it threw his head over and over all the things that could happen. In his deep thought he didn't notice where he was heading until he looked at the hill before him.
Why did it always come back to this place?
He sat at the grave taking uneven breathes trying to calm down but the starry night with snow still only softly falling and gathering together, it only reminded him how dark the world was around him. Just how alone he truly was.
Germany woke up in panic, short of breath and the smell from his dream still filled his lungs and thoughts. woued heavy, remembering what had happened. Had that really happened? It couldn'That awful smoke, red everywhere, and yet the smell of morning dew. It almost suffocated him in the room at he tried to either recall or forget the dream. He wasn't sure which to do at the moment. It couldn't have been his memory so shouldn't he forget it?
Dead silence was all that was in the room with him and his thoughts, all trying to calm himself down. He felt his mind slipping somehow, maybe into sleep once more or death or maybe even to let him go to paraidce. He didn't care, he didn't want to slip but his heart felt heavy. Too much for himself to handle.
Everyone screaming echoed in his mind, begging for life to carry on. Or at least, at least to not have their last breaths in pain. But he could do nothing to shut up the voices, or to make them get better. He felt just so tried, but not wanted to sleep. They continued to echo, making him want to go away. But then, then there was silence all at the sight of his beautiful young maid. Germany understood the feeling towards her, even if not his own. No, it couldn't be his own!
At the sight of her worried and tearful eyes, the moans and cries seemed to turn to music. Was it violin? He couldn't tell with his mind wondering, but he could tell that to this day nothing could sound sweeter. Nothing in the world could compare to his little Italia or the music.
In this dream, he recalled knowing he was good as dead. Something he hadn't felt before. He tried to get the last words out of his mouth, to comfort the worried looking girl-ish looking boy.
"Never forget me."
The blonde quoted the dream, sitting up and looking about his own room as if seeing it in a new light. Everything felt out of place, like it hadn't been there before or he had woken from a nap which lasted years. He blinked back tears, you would to. Feeling lost and out of place, he needed right then to see Italy.
Before he could stop himself, he found himself walking to the living room, his mind yelling inwards to stop, just stop! He couldn't do this, if it had happened. If it truly was himself. He remembered the look on Italy's small face, the tears of fear and heartache on his face, what if it happened again? But he looked around the room, painiced yet again, he was there!
Where could he be?
Was he alright?
He tried calming himself down but it hadn't worked, he was with romano right? Wanted to sleep in a bed, but knew in his heart that his mind was lying. It always lied to him.
Then he looked to the door, could he? Not thinking he walked up to it, only 3 pair of shoe's. At least he had the decency to put them on this time. He put his own on, his mind still yelling at him but not listening. What was the point?
He wanted to see him, his needed too, to see the smile of his to touch or look upon the slightly tanned skin. It was something that had to be done. Where was he going, where would Italy be? He didn't know nor did he care, he just followed his feet and heart it take him to Italy right? XXXXX
Italy was sitting on the snow, just by the large cross the stuck out of the ground yet again. He was playing with his own, cold as the blanket of snow where he sat. He could see his own breath threw his teary eyes as he looked at the stars. Why did he have to live with the memories? It was unfair to remember that day, the smell of the hospital and the other ill as he sat by his side his dress still covered in others blood. Why him!
Romano got his Spain, Austria his Hungary and everyone else got their loves. Why did he always have to be so alone? He chuckled a little to himself, how could Germany ever feel that love his holy roman did? That unconditional, never giving up love that he held onto his whole life. He had only known it once and the person who was there had been lost. The night was cold but he could tell the sun be up soon, he wondered to himself how long it take for the others to notice his apsance.
Would they even care? It's not like anyone actually cared enough about him. To tell him, or to not have to deal with this pain on his own. He shut his eyes tight, trying to get him out his own head. He could forget too, as if nothing every happened. But then he fell asleep to the sad thoughts, still holding onto his cross in his sleep just hoping not to wake up in the back of his mind.
XXX But when he was woken by soft rays of light, just peaking up over the hurizen many hours later he didn't feel so cold. Something comforting was in the air, he looked to his side seeing a jacket over his shoulders and a shadow in front of him. Of course he put on his faked smile and looked at them, to see the tall and buck nation in front of him. H-How did he know about this place? It didn't matter he stood up and went to hug him, he was allowed to cry in front of him right?
There was something off about him though, a silent comforting sort of thing. Germany hugged him, just holding him, able to let his breath go now that he could hold him. Was he holding his breath? He hadn't noticed. Italy had just cried and sobbed into his chest, never wanting to let go.
Why had he just jumped up to cry to him, that didn't make sense, not that he ever did but he knew he wasn't thinking. The jacket had somehow stayed on his shoulders as he clung to Germany, and he could hear Germany's heart beat. It was racing, ever so fast but slowed down as he started to talk just a single phrase.
"Never forget me alright Feliciano?" he said, before kissing Italy's head, the copper colored hair of his was ever so soft. Italy just cried harder at this, why did he have to quote him.
He knew just what to say, could he? It only then struck him that Germany might have remembered and that was why he seemed different. Only slightly mind you but enough to have him notice. Then he spoke again, "I wont forget you again." Italy knew he couldn't cry harder, though it wasn't because he was sad anymore, but because he wasn't alone.
He had his Holy Roman Empire back, and he had his Germany. He had the one person he truly loved back, just like everyone else. "L-Let's go home." Italy sobbed a little into his chest a bit more, the sound was muffled since he wouldn't let the taller nation go, so he just nodded.
At last, he wasn't alone.
A/N: Hey, so there was the second last chapter the finally wrap up is next week sorry I suck at endings