Warning: Lactation, Breast play, Breeding/ Impregnation, Nipple play, Mpreg, cuddles, Hurt comfort, Past Non-Con/Dub-Con, Wing Kink, breast milking, basic pet slavery (All the good stuff)
Don't like? Then don't read. This ain't your kinda thing then this is a warning. Don't read.
Please feel free to review :D I did this for a friend of mine for her birthday, hope she likes it :)
This is a multi-chapter! All mistakes are my own!
Castiel starred lazily through the bars as a pair of black leather boots walked past his small cage.
He sat up in a crouch position hesitantly, since the cage was not very tall and did not support his height if he sat up straight. He gave a small whimper looking if one of the guards would be generous and had a scrap of food to give him. He had just eaten yesterday, and he knew it was more then the other omega angels got but he was still starving.
His whole body felt cramped in the small cage which hardly had any room what so ever. His black wings, which had once been satiny and beautiful, felt dirty and bushed together as well as cramped and wilted.
The guard with the black leather boots kept walking though; totally oblivious to his whimpering or just ignoring him.
Castiel could only see the empty cage across from his, since his cage was covered by black covers on all sides but the front, so security could check on him if necessary.
He looked down at his ballon sized stomach and reached his face down, stressing his neck at a uncomfortable angle to lick the dirt and grime off of it. It was small for someone who was close to their due date. But Castiel tried to calm his worry. Stress was bad in pregnancy anyways.
He was already 2 months in, and there was no doubt that he was coming to the the end of his term. Omega angels carried for 3 months before they had a litter of hatchling pups, which were then taken from them at the womb and disappeared forever.
He had no clue where they went or if it was even true, or was just a rumor. He had been here 2 months and had minimal contact with the other angels.
This was to be his first litter. And it frightened him more then anything else had in his poor excuse for a life.
One thing Castiel knew was that angels never forgot. It was just a fact of an angels life.
When he was born, he was born into a breeding mill, much like the one he was in now. But playing a different role.
He remembers his mother licking his bloody tuff of hair and cleaning his small naked body of birth fluid, and his small dark wings soaked in blood when he was just born. He was the runt of the bunch. His two selfish birth mates had tugged on his small wings and pushed him away from his mothers large welcoming breast that were filled with milk.
He only remembered about a week of his mother neglecting him. Before he was taken from his mother and siblings and put in a crate with other smaller angels, who looked bony and frail. Runts. That was what he was. A runt. While his siblings had been standing and squirming he had laid limb, not moving or trying to survive anymore. He had looked at his mother, wondering if she would let him die right there, when all she needed to do was shift her body so he had a turn to feed. She looked exhausted though and totally oblivious to Castiel's living hell, as he slowly starved to death right next to her.
Now he just laid in the far corner of the dark crate and kept to himself.
He was taken out by a young women with a bottle. She handled him gently as if he might break and laid him down on something firm but soft. He held no interest in her and wanted to go back to his mother. He whimpered quietly in distress when she pushed a nub to a bottle into his toothless mouth.
He remembers how satisfied he was when his small mouth was filled with what he had only got a sip of from his mother teat before his siblings had pushed him away. When his belly expanded until it was plump and round full of fresh warm milk, the women smiled and rubbed it.
He was then put into an individual crate which was a little smaller then the previous one, the women put the cover on which concealed him into darkness. He found himself falling asleep quickly.
He woke up when the crate cracked open and his vision was filled with blinding light and a kind wrinkled face.
He remembers the old women taking him out of the dark crate and kissing his small forehead as he whimpered confused.
At the time he just wanted his mother and her milk, hell he would take his nest mates back if he had to.
He remembered choking on sobs as the old lady hushed him and laid him down on a soft bed and spreading his small bony black wings out with her gentle hands. He remembers how upset he was, not understanding she was trying to comfort him. He tried struggling but was so small, and weak from not enough food over the days that his struggles didn't last long, and he went limb on the comforter. Her hands were gentle as she started rubbing a warm smelling lotion into the feathers, and hummed to herself.
"You are so pretty." She smiled warmly at him.
He turned his face away to the side, not understanding at the time.
She took out a small fuzzy loop collar with a bell on it and wrapped it around his delicate neck.
"My Castiel." She smiled as she flicked the bell so it made a high sweet noise.
He turned his tear streaked face at her, curious at the sound.
She picked him up and sat with him in her rocking chair feeding him from a bottle.
"So beautiful." She would whisper.
Castiel had 19 wonderful years with her. As he grew she got him more collars, not as warm, loose and fuzzy as his first, but certainly not uncomfortable.
He didn't go out of the mansion a lot. He had asked her why at one point as she replied that the world was a cruel, unforgiving, vile place. And that Castiel was too delicate and precious to be in such a place.
So he grew up in the confines of her safe warm mansion. His wings got larger and larger and they started to fill in. She told him how divine he looked and how more beautiful he grew everyday.
She would sing and hum, and Castiel learned quickly to chirp and sing with her. She would smile and kiss his forehead saying how his singing made her heart happy.
Castiel came to learn the old women did not have any family, for she had out lived them all. The only human company she had was from the grocery worker who delivered grocery's to their home.
She let Castiel fly outside when he was old enough, but told him to never, ever, under any circumstance fly or go beyond the small short white fence, which fenced off the yard and property. Castiel didn't mind at all first. The yard was huge. They didn't have any neighbors or anything which Castiel had recalled was a little strange at the time, for his mistress to live so far off from her own kind.
Everyday after flying he would come in and she would feed him. He was told not to sit at the table or on the furniture unless asked because it was impolite. He didn't mind, since his mistress had set up pillows on the floor for him to lay on.
At night she would rock in her rocking chair while Castiel laid in front of the fire. Careful to not get to close and burn his wings. He didn't talk much, even know she taught him how. But the old women didn't seem to mind. They got along just fine. She was the only thing he had ever known since birth.
The old women got slower and slower with everything. Whether it be walking, cooking, cleaning, basically anything. One day she forgot to tell him how beautiful he was.
The next day when everything changed was when she wouldn't get out of bed. He stood at the foot of the bed and just starred at her form. He looked at the clock and whimpered. She was five minutes late from getting up. She would get up every morning at 7:00am sharp and it was 7:05.
She had never slept in before.
Castiel had become desperate when the clock hit 7:30.
"Mistress." He whined unsure of what to do. In all his 19 years this had NEVER happened before.
He got to his knees and crawled to the side of her bed keeping his belly close to the floor to peer up at her face. He wasn't sure what to do.
She looked at peace and her face was lax and pale.
That was the first time Castiel saw what death looked like.
Castiel snapped out of his memories as a guard hit a stick against the cage, pulling him back to reality.
Castiel looked up to see it was only Benny.
The small door clicked open and Castiel crawled out when Benny snapped his fingers.
Castiel made sure to keep his wings folded as close to his body as possible, since only yesterday Alistair had stepped on one. Thankfully he didn't break anything, just bruised. Castiel still questioned whether it was an accident or not. The guard was in charge of getting Castiel fed, as well as everyone else in the aisle. But for some reason Alistair would skip days at a time, without letting the angels be watered or fed. Castiel was forced to learn to keep his food rations and make his water last. Alistair had fed him yesterday for the first time in two days. Castiel was overjoyed, even if it was a brisket and half a loaf of bread.
Benny was one of the nicest guard he had the pleasure of meeting so far. Unfortunately he didn't come down to this area much, since he was in charge of the east wing, and Castiel was on the west wing.
The breeding house housed hundreds of angels, making it never truly quiet or comfortable enough to sleep. It was either to hot or cold, never a temperate temperature. The cage was to small. Castiel could write a book ( If he could write) on how many things were wrong with this place.
Benny crouched down on one knee so he was face to face with the angel's kneeling figure.
"You can sit, that must be hurting your back." Benny said softly as he ran a hand through the angels messy hair.
Castiel sighed and sat down, careful of his wings. The cold concrete floor was unforgiving when he kneeled on his bony knees, but at least it was bearable while the angel sat. He stretched his back and wings relieved. Benny was his savior.
Benny rubbed a warm hand over the angels stomach, smoothing out the flesh and smiling gently.
"Feeling heavy lately?" The guard asked gently as he took in the size of the stomach.
Castiel nodded tiredly and let his head loll to the side, showing his neck in submission.
Benny chuckled and patted the neck while shaking his head.
Castiel had learned two things in the kennels of the breeding mill.
1) Don't talk unless directed to do so.
He hadn't had a problem with that so far.
2) Don't question your superiors, show complete obedience and submissiveness.
Castiel was fairly okay with that, as long as it was Benny.
Benny ran a hand across his flat chest over his nipples and skin.
"I know this is your first, so fair warning." Benny raised the angels chin with his hand so they made eye contact.
"These are gonna start to swell and then fill pretty drastically." Benny explained as he ran his other hand across the milky white chest.
Castiel swallowed hard. Benny was just saying what he already knew. He knew male omega angels got breast just as female omega angels did. They were there to provide milk and nutrients to the hatchlings. Having his body change like that terrified Castiel. He had seen male angels walk by his cage with as many as 8 breast that lined their stomach. Four on the left, four on the right.
The guard or caretaker or whoever was making him crawl and his breast dragged across the dirty floor. His wings looked mistreated and dull as they dragged behind him. Castiel still flinched at the memory. Some omegas were bred to be pets like Castiel, and some were bred to be breeders like that one.
Castiel's attention was caught when Benny took out a slice of bread and gave it to Castiel. Castiel gobbled it down quickly afraid another guard would see.
"You're so pretty." Benny remarked as the angel gobbled the bread.
Castiel stopped mid bite and tried to cope with the painful memories that phrase brought him.
"You look a little thin for someone who's 2 months in though." Benny added running a hand through the angels pitch black hair as he resumed eating.
Castiel flinched as he heard another guard shout from the end of the aisle of lined cages.
"Geez Singer, you scarred the living shit outta me." Benny laughed nervously looking in the guards direction.
"This isn't your wing. And what the hell do you have an angel out of it's cage for boy?" The guard growled sounding irritated.
"I like him Bobby. He's so friendly and pretty, kinda like Dean." Benny smiled as he stood up.
The older guard scarfed and looked at Castiel. Castiel looked down at the floor, making sure not to have eye contact.
"Sure he's pretty, but he's nothing like Dean."
Castiel glanced up from underneath his eye lashes and saw Bobby smiling.
"Geez that angel will give you hell and back, he's nothing like this one who actually looks like he does what he's told." Bobby chuckled
Who the hell was Dean? Castiel thought to himself.
"Yea, I was gonna ask you if you could maybe...ask the boss about transferring him to my wing?" Benny sounded so hopeful.
The angels heart sped up in excitement and hope at the thought of getting away from Alistair.
"What's wrong with this wing?" Bobby asked curious.
Benny looked back down at the small angel and then back up at Bobby.
"All these angels are like 2 weeks pregnant Bobby. Not two months." Benny reasoned.
"How is your wing any better?" Bobby grunted out.
"Come on Bobby. You and I both know Alistair is a poor excuse for a caretaker never mind guard. He always leaves early, and it taking breaks. I wouldn't be surprised if he skips feeding the angels. I mean, look how skinny he looks." Benny motioned to Castiel's silent figure on the floor.
Bobby sighed deeply and shook his head.
"Boss is too busy to be playing transfer." Bobby stated leaving little room for argument.
"Bu-" Benny tried but Bobby cut him off.
"Get this angel back in his cage and get out of this wing boy before I feel like dropping by his office later and telling him you left your post." Bobby grunted and retreated from the hall.
Benny starred in shock before looking sadly back at Castiel.
Alarm bells went off in the angels head.
No. Not the cage. Anywhere but the cage.
For the first time Castiel started to beg.
"Please. No...I'll do anything...no, just...please?" Castiel pleaded as Benny started pushing him gently back into the cage.
Castiel was desperate to not go back in.
He rolled over onto his back showing his belly in pure and utter submission, his wings laid out just as vulnerable at his sides in the small aisle. Baring his throat for good measure.
He was shaking he was so desperate. If Benny were not human he would probably have mounted Castiel right then and there. Such an act of submission did not go unnoticed in angel dynamics.
But all it did was surprise Benny, and he looked down at the angel with a small affectionate smile. At least he did recognize such a grand act when introduced to it. It took a lot in an angel to show such submissiveness.
"I know, I know sweetly, believe me I do." Benny said as he crouched down again and rubbed soothing circles over the angels mounded soft fleshy belly.
"I promise I'll come back tomorrow okay?" Benny reassured sounding sad.
Castiel felt tears at the corner of his eyes as he got up and crawled into the cage, his belly swinging left to right like a god for saken pot belly pig.
He secretly thanked his mistress for making him comfortable to be naked all the time since birth, since they didn't give angels clothes here like the humans wore.
Castiel flinched when the steel barred door shut gently, but still causing an echoing sound down the long aisle. Castiel cried silently as he heard the heels of Benny's boots as he walked away.
Castiel waited. Waited. And then waited some more.
Benny didn't come back the next day. Neither did Alistair.
He sat the whole day, with absolutely no company by himself and the bars on the door.
It alarmed him when his bladder suddenly felt full.
Usually there was a waste pan in the far corner of the cage, but Alistair had take it out a couple of days ago, and must have forgotten to put it back in.
Luckily angel nutrition systems were different then humans. They could eat as much as they wanted and rarely produce waste. But being pregnant with multiple babies, cause your bladder to be squeezed and pushed like they were playing punch ball.
Castiel whimpered in distress. There was no where to relive himself without getting it on himself.
He held it for as long as he could, hoping a guard would pass by but it got to the point where it was stinging to keep it in.
Castiel felt the traitorous trickle of warm fluid run down his inner thigh. Just that little more broke in him.
He laid there in his own piss crying silently. He could only be thankful it wasn't the other excrete. The odor was horrible. Castiel started to gag, hardly able to stand this much longer.
Thankfully sleep came to him.
The next day wasn't much different. He heard moaning and sniffles from the other angels beside him in the other cages. The covered sides disabling him from seeing their suffering.
The urine on the mat that he laid on was a cold wet puddle now, his stomach was dragged in it and Castiel felt so filthy. He gave up trying to clean himself the minute he started. One sniff of his dirty stomach, and he knew if he started licking it to cleanse himself it would only cause more harm then good. The last time he had a bath must have been weeks.
He remembered how he had gotten here.
How when the grocer came by to deliver food the next day the women hadn't woken up and opened the lock since he had a key and saw his mistresses still body when he investigated the house. Castiel had jumped on the bed to lay beside her, willing to break the rules. He growled when the young grocer tried to approach.
The grocer didn't seem shocked by her passing and made a phone call.
Before Castiel knew it he was being hauled out the door by two large men who had stuck a needle in him, causing his body to go lax in their grasp.
He saw one man pay the grocer green paper leaves ( money he recalled) and shook hands as they hauled Castiel into a small steel cage in the back of a van. Castiel never sang again from that day forth.
This was his third day without food, and Castiel felt many emotions.
Betrayal, desperation, sadness.
The little ones he carried in the confines of his stomach squirmed in displeasure at their carriers stress.
"Shhhh..." Castiel whispered to his babies.
"It will be alright. I'm here." He said running a soothing hand over his soft stomach.
The pups settles for now, which made Castiel content for the moment.
He felt so tired, even though he had three days rest since there was nothing else to do.
The smell of the urine was rancid now. Castiel had ran out of water yesterday night. He couldn't go on much longer like this. He felt his chest grow uncomfortable and he had indeed had started to grow small breast. Not to large yet, but still, they felt alien and awkward. He shifted trying to get into a comfortable position.
Maybe if he died here with his children it wouldn't be such a bad thing. They would die together, and they wouldn't ever have to be born into this dark cruel world.
Today was a hot day. The breeding house practically was a hot box. Castiel felt his lips start to crack from dehydration and so lowzy he could bairly life his head.
He curled into himself making himself a tiny ball, shivering even though it was hot as his feathers soaked up urine.
He didn't even know who the father or "stud" as guards called them of his pups were. He was blindfolded and cuffed and throw in a large cage during his heat where he was mounted by a dominant for days.
Breeding sessions were the worst. the only plus in being pregnuant was that he didn't go through his heat while he carried. He remembered his mistress sitting him down and telling him to take his medicine so he wouldn't get sick. She had called them heat suppressants. Only now did Castiel know what they were for.
Castiel heard foot steps approaching his cage and would have s chirped happily if he was not so weak.
The boots stopped at his cage and crouched down until he saw a man with salt and peppered stubble and black hair with brown eyes peer through the bars at him.
"Oh Christ." The man groaned at the state Castiel was in.
He quickly unlocked the door and reached in to pull Castiel out by under the arms, trying to be gentle about it.
All Castiel could do was weakly protest with soft moans.
"Okay. You're okay." The man said as he picked Castiel up bridal style and somehow adjusted his wings so they didn't drag on the floor.
He was brought to a white room where he was laid down in a tub, more like a small pool full of warm water. The man pushed a water bottle to his lips and he guzzled happily.
The man wore a guard uniform, which contrasted to the whie color of the room. He stated with pouring liquid soap onto Castiels body and rubbed it in with a sponge after Castiel finished the bottle. He left the leather collar on, not bothering to try to figure out to remove it as he bathed the angel which Castiel was secretly grateful for. It was the last true possession he had of mistress, and no one was able to find the key to unlock it. And they were unable to cut it since it was secured, but not to tight around his neck. If they wanted to cut it most likely they would cut the angels throat as well.
"I'm gonna fucking kill Alistair." He grunted as he reached for the arch of Castiels wing.
"Always to neglectful and harsh..." The man mumbled as he soaped Castiel up.
When the man tried cleaning his face he shied away.
"Come one, I ain't gonn a hurt you." The man reassured rubbing up under the angels arm pits.
When Castiel had first gotten to the breeding house, they clipped his feathers, disabling him from flying, they trimmed his hair, and rubbed a foam all over his body, even his face but not on his head.
The cream had been left and it had stung. He later learned that had removed all body hair, even the hair that grew near his genitals. He felt like his own skin didn't even belong to him. Which in reality, it really didn't. For the first time in his life, he found out what feeling naked felt like.
Castiel groaned and tried to shift away when the man reached under the now soapy water and washing his flaccid penis, by running his hand up and down the length. When he put his other hand on the angels shoulder to hold him still he did so. It was quick and professional enough, and he left for a few minutes to let the angel soak.
When the man came back he told Castiel to stand. Castiel was so dizzy he almost collapsed when he tried. The man obviously caught wind of this and helped the angel to his feet and out of the tub.
He took a fluffy white towel and dried the angel off and made him shake his wings out to help them dry. Castiel's felt the pups kick unhappily at the loss of warmth the water provided.
"I'm gonna put you in Benny's wing until we get this mess sorted out." The man said as he rubbed a hand over his face.
"You'll have to share a cage, cause there just ain't enough room...but at least you'll be fed and cared for there until you go into labor. Understand?" The man asked as he attached a leash to Castiel's collar.
Castiel just gave a curt nod and kept his eyes to the floor.
At least he wouldn't be neglected anymore. He hoped.
The man led Castiel to a cage at the end of the aisle of Benny's wing. The corridor was much more clean then the previous one he had been in and he felt like he wanted to cry. Just having sanitation was a Godsend.
The cage he was led to was at least 5 times his original cages size and had warm hay in it and the smell of safety. But it also held the scent of another omega.
Castiel veered back frightened when a larger more intimidating omega jumped at the bars snarling and growling at Castiel. He stepped back from the cage out of pure instinct but the man held the leash fast.
"It's alright, Dean's harmless he's just little territorial." The man explained with a gentle smile.
Castiel looked back at the barred cage that held this beast of an omega. It looked to be a mix of omega and alpha. His eyes burned with fury, his lips plump, but he had a hard jaw. His eyes burned a bright hew green, and his pure white wings ( A contrast to Castiel's own) were spread out in dominance. Castiel noted the dark golden brown hair that looked freshly cut and the chizzled abbs and pure muscle that's stretched over tan skin. Castiels eyes roamed up the body to the breast that were so engorged with milk they looked like they might burst, he would have thought this was a stud alpha angel if not for the breast, and the sweet smell of omega. A black leather collar, that looked way to tight to be comfortable was worn around Dean's neck like a second skin.
The man opened the barred door, and Castiel froze in fear.
The other omega didn't jump out and tear him to pieces amazingly. He backed up to the far corner of the cage and hissed venomously.
The man tugged on the leash and dragged the reluctant Castiel into the cage.
"What the hell? Get him out." The omega hissed looking at Castiel who stood next to John with hatred.
Castiel felt terrified. This cage would be heaven, he could stand at his full height and stretch his wings and everything. But of course it came with the price of housing it with a feral omega that wanted to eat him alive.
John clucked his tongue and shook his head.
"Now Dean, you're scarring him." John smiled as he unhooked Castiel's leash.
Was this the same Dean Benny and Bobby had spoken of? It had to be.
"Benny's gone for a couple days and you start acting mean." John sighed shaking his head at Dean.
The omega looked like he was about to speak when John interrupted.
"I'll let your little outburst go under the radar Dean, because I know this is hard for you, but I will not hear any more of this." John hissed.
Dean just glared from his corner.
John went to retreat and Castiel went to follow, desperate to get away from the other omega.
But John slammed the barred door in his face.
"No." Castiel gasped gripping the bars.
"Please. Don't leave me here." Castiel felt his body wrack with tears, feeling terrified and panicked.
"Come now, how will you make new friends?" John asked tilting his head.
Castiel stared blankly not knowing how to reply to that.
With that he retreated calling over his shoulder.
"Play nice! Dean don't be to rough!" And then he was gone.
Castiels legs gave out feeling hopeless and weak and betrayed yet again. His body wracked with tears as he closed his eyes and pushing his forehead to the bars.
No one was here to save him when this angel ripped his throat out.
Suddenly he heard the other omega shifting in the hay.
Castiel was so caught up in his despair he had almost forgotten the omega was here.
The omega looked considerably calm now and stood at his full height. His wings raised making himself look bigger. Was he expecting a fight?
Castiel didn't know what else to do. So he did the only thing he could do.
He flopped himself backwards belly up into the hay spreading his legs and his wings and he barred his throat.
This wasn't and alpha dominant, but what Castiel was feeling showed a universal sign as a submissive. A bitch.
Obviously this was the right choice though. The bigger angel visibly relaxed and loped over quickly and fell to his knees.
The first thing he did was sniff the other omegas neck. Other like Castiel who was lean and small, this angel was all muscle, very common to a alpha.
He sniffed at Castiel's hair and growled when Castiel made eye contact with those deep green emeralds. Castiel flinched and looked away immediately whimpering.
Dean seemed pleased but decided that the act of resistance should not go unnoticed. He moved his mouth to the downy feathers near the oil glands on Castiel's right wing and began tearing them out.
Castiel squeaked and cried out in pain but was pinned as Dean growled in his face.
Castiel felt more tears erupt as he felt his body explode with shakes and shivers.
Dean waited for the tension to leave the omegas body before he continued sniffing down his body and stopped when he got to the small breast. He gave the nipples a small lick which caused pleasure to course throughout the smaller angels body. Castiel looked up at Deans chest... at the huge utters that hung off of the chest. His looked so tiny to Deans. Dean didn't notice Castiels stare as he continued down to the stomach where he stopped.
He swiped his tongue across the now clean swelled stomach and purred turning his head and closing his eyes to rub his cheek against the soft skin.
This lasted for a while before Dean continued down to Castiel's penis.
On instinct Castiel closed his legs a little bit more feeling invaded.
Dean looked up at Castiel and growled.
"You invaded my personal space, and i'll be damned if I don't invade yours bitch." He said seriously.
Castiel shook as Dean shoved his face into his crouch and licked his inner thigh with long swiped of his tongue. He then gave a few short licks of Castiels growing erection and crawled back up Castiels body so he was over him. He placed his jaws on the side of the angels neck and started to sink his teeth in ever so slowly.
Castiel couldn't hold it anymore. It was one thing to lay down for an Alpha. It was their right to take an omega when they wanted where they wanted. But an omega? Defiance burned deep within him as he laid down and expose his wings, his throat...his children to this...this monster.
Castiel pulled his neck away from Deans jaws before they could break skin and let out a threatening hiss.
The omega above him looked surprised before he growled back and put a hand on Castiels stomach.
The threat was there. It was totally up to Castiel if Dean acted on it.
Would this Omega really consider taking the lives of his unborn children?
Dean put pressure on his hand and Castiel felt his babies squirm and distress. Obviously yes. This omega was every sense of willing to go the distance on his unspoken threat.
"Damn you." Castiel choked out as he stared at Dean's feral eyes.
The pressure increased and Castiel was left no other choice. He went lax and limb under the omega and bared his throat looking away as tears made their way to the surfaces of his eyes.
The dominant omega bit his claim into Castiels throat, marking him as Deans bitch.
Dean released the pressure and lapped at the bite, then the tears on the submissive face and then he reached down and lapped at Castiels hole between his cheeks...his womb.
Castiel keened and squirmed and panted at the attention.
After sniffing every part of the submissives body over again he started plucking downy feathers out of Castiel's wings and dropping them in the hay. Castiel winced at the action but didn't fight back. Dean obviously wanted Castiel to know he ran a tight ship, and he was alpha bitch.
When he finally let Castiel up, the smaller angel was shaking as he sprawled out in the hay bringing his wing around to lick where his feathers had been plucked. There was a small amount of blood, but not enough to cause to much concern. Dean collected the feathers and spread them through out the cage in the hay.
Suddenly Castiel perked up when he heard footsteps approach. This cage was not blocked from side views like his old one was, so he had the luxury to see who it was. It was that older guard that Benny had been talking too. He wore a baseball cap and was juggling keys as he walked.
Bobby. That was his name.
He had a bowl of food in his other hand, which Castiel immediately jumped up to attention at. He hadn't eaten in days.
Bobby opened the door with his keys and set the large bowl down in the hay and took a leash out of his pocket.
"Come on Dean." Bobby smiled kindly when he saw Castiel.
"Nice to see you got a friend, hope you two are getting-" Bobby stopped suddenly and walked over to Castiel his eyes squinting.
Dean just stood at the door waiting impatiently to go.
"Wholly hell yuh idgit!" Bobby exclaimed.
"What'd yuh do? Mate with him?" Bobby sputtered out as he examined the bloody feathers and fresh bite wound on the angels neck.
Castiel didn't know what to do in this situation.
"Come on Bobby, I'm about to pop here." Dean growled losing his cool.
Bobby looked up and shook his head at Dean.
How did Dean get away with talking to the humans like that. Did he dominate them too?
Everyone knew that alphas were instructed not to leave marks when they fertilized omegas, but this omega had the audacity to think it was his right just because Castiel was staying in his cage for a while.
"I've never seen you cause damage like that towards other omegas." Bobby's eyebrows furrowed.
"Bitch thought he was boss, I put him in his place." Dean growled obviously defending his honor.
Castiel was shocked at that. He didn't directly challenge Dean at all! If he thought making eye contact for a couple of seconds by accident was absolute challenge then this guy had issues.
"Dean..." Bobby sounded sad.
"I'm sure anyone else would have done the same." Dean growled out.
"He's 2 months pregnant!" Bobby explained looking for some sympathy from Dean to give to Castiel.
"Yea, I could smell it all over the little whore." Dean hissed.
Castiel felt himself flinch and Bobby just shook his head.
"Okay enough, you're being unecisarily cruel about this. Maybe after we go get you milked you will quit being such an idgit." Bobby grunted as he clipped the leash on to Dean's collar and quickly lead him away from the cage after he closed it.
Castiel looked up at the bowl of food that Bobby had placed in the hay, and felt his stomach rumble. He jumped up and his legs almost gave out from the weight in his abdomen. To much weight there, and not enough everywhere else. Castiel slid back to the floor and crawled to the plate and started shuffling the oatmeal into his mouth. Bobby had obviously left it for him since Dean was leaving. Castiel relished in having a full bowl of warm comforting food all to himself and his babies.
He decided it was better to crawl around the cage instead of walk since his body hardly supported the weight in his stomach. The floor was nice anyway.
He soon after fell into a fitful sleep in the warm soft hay.
Castiel was awoken when he was back handed in the face.
He jumped up and away as he registered what had hit him. Dean's furious eyes met his and he crouched into a ball protecting his tummy and the babies within.
The alpha omega stood above him holding the empty bowl for Castiel to see.
Castiel found himself to start shaking when Dean threw it out through the bars and it shattered on the concrete floor.
"Please...I'm sorry..." Castiel tried but it was to late.
"Sorry's not gonna cut it doll face." Dean growled and grabbed Castiel by the hair and pulled him up.
Castiel stood on shaky legs as Dean stared down at his too round belly for his to thin body.
"Please...I didn't..." Castiel was crying yet again.
He wished he was stronger but he didn't see it happening.
"You know what you did wrong. I didn't need to say it." Growled the alpha omega.
"Please...I though...I thought it was for me." Castiel choked out and whimpered.
"Do you know how easy it would be to kill you? To snap your neck and let your pups..." Dean trailed off and dropped Castiel back to the floor where he shuffled to the far corner.
Dean just looked tired now and sad. Was Castiel missing something?
The sadness was returned to anger in seconds.
"You better show me just how damn grateful you are to be here sweet cheeks, or else you won't live past this week." He hissed.
Castiel could only give a shaky nod from his position on the floor.
Dean slept on the left side of the cage that night while Castiel slept on the right.
Castiel woke up and jumped out of his skin when he felt someone grooming his feathers.
He tensed all over as Dean made his way to sit in front of his face.
Dean stared at the smaller omega who was curled up in the hay on the floor.
He crawled over Castiel to lick around where Castiel's wing joint turned from feathers to skin.
What the hell? Last night this angel wanted his heart on a platter, and now he was grooming him? Castiel felt soooo confused.
One of Deans full swollen breast hung two inches above Castiels lips. He wondered if Dean would notice if he latched on. It looked incredibly painful to be practically bursting with milk. Dean would proabilty beat or hurt him if he did it. But he was so so so hungry, and food wasn't available at the moment. Castiel was a desperate omega. And a lot of desperate omegas did desperate things. Castiel quickly raised his head like a snake spiking at a mouse and latched onto the swollen teat, sucking vigorously, willing for happy memories of his mistress to come back, for warm milk to fill his mouth and feed his unborn pups.
He heard an "Oof" when he struck the breast with his desperate mouth but no anger or change. Dean stopped his grooming for a few seconds as he registered what happened, but then continued to clean Castiel's dark feathers with his saliva and gentle tongue.
Oh thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou was all Castiel thought as the milk filled his mouth. He felt the milk seep into his body and soul feeding his pups and happy memories, he could cry from the joy it brought him. The milk was like a power shake, making him feel full and energized.
He whimpered when Dean went to pull away, using his teeth to latch on to the nub and follow it.
He heard Dean hiss in pain and then let out a low warning drawl of a growl.
"You're a greety little bitch huh?" He panted out, as if Castiel were taking all his energy through his milk.
Castiel was reluctant to let go, but he eventually did when Dean bent his head down to lick over Castiel's closed eyelids.
They spent the day comfortably grooming each other and not really saying anything.
That was until Castiel looked down at his stomach as Dean was in back of him grooming his wings yet again.
"Why do you hate me Dean?"
Dean stopped his work and then ignored the question and started cleaning Castiels hair, running his tongue through it.
"Please answer me." Castiel pleaded.
Dean stopped all together and nuzzled Castiel's hair.
"Who said I hate you sweet heart?" Dean asked as he started massaging Castiels wing joints.
Castiel could have laughed in dinal. Dean couldn't be serious?
"You hurt me..." Castiel whispered looking down at his tangled hands.
"Only when I've needed to beautiful." Dean drawled as he purred when he buried his nose into Castiel's hair.
"I don't understand..." Castiel whimpered confused.
One day Dean was feral and hateful. The next he was sweet and cuddly? Seriously?
"You think to much gorgeous." Dean dismissed as he started licking Castiels wings again. They were overly fluffed and sensitive due to over grooming. But Castiel was afraid to interject. Besides it felt...nice.
"It doesn't suit you." Dean added while licking the near the oil glands.
"Do you even know my name?" Castiel growled growing irritated.
"You are whoever I call you doll face. You are mine." Castiel shivered in the pure sureness of the words.
Dean stopped his licking and he could feel the body behind him tense. He looked over to see wide jade emeralds stare back at him.
"My name. It's Castiel."
Dean scoffed and smirked.
"No one asked." Dean replied as he lightly nibbled at Castiels skin near his spine.
Castiel shuddered?
"Besides its to long. You will respond to Cas." Dean instructed and got up from his spot in the hay to lay down in front of Castiel.
Dean looked at the swell of Castiel's stomach and his eyes became a shade darker. Something had happened in Deans past. What it was? Castiel was not sure. But he promised himself to find out.
The next day Benny came back and came in the cage.
"How's my favorite lil' angels?" Benny cooed as he unlocked the door.
Dean was practically an excited puppy. His wings were flapping anxiously and he was whining. Castiel just laid in the hay looking uninterested.
Dean practically jumped on Benny, his breast bouncing so much that milk started to spill out from them. Dean looked shocked just as Benny did, before Benny broke out laughing and Dean looked down in shame.
"It's cool Ace, no use crying over spilt milk." Benny joked and chuckled as Dean glared.
After petting Dean and giving him his attention Benny cautiously approached Castiel, who was relaxed in a corner.
Castiel had no reason to trust this human. He had lied to him, and left him practically for dead.
Dean watched from a distance as Benny crouched down two feet from Castiel looking sad.
"John told me what happened...I'm so sorry you had to go through that lil' boy." Benny said, sympathy practically rolling off him.
Castiel grimaced at the memory and looked away. Maybe he would learn to trust humans again one day. But he needed time.
"Well I see your breast have grown in lil' boy. Almost cup sized." Benny smiled encouragingly.
Castiel still didn't acknowledge him.
Benny sighed and got up and grabbed something within his backpack and put it in the feeding bowls to the side.
Castiel perked up at the smell immediately.
Benny disposed of fresh cooked chicken pieces into the tin bowls and gave Castiel a small smile before turning to Dean.
"You been taken care of the new lil' boy right Dean?" Benny asked seriously.
Dean nodded enthusiastically and shook his feathers out.
"Dont get too aggressive hmm? He's had a tough road before he came to Dean town yuh know?" Benny asked.
Dean looked a little guilty before his face went totally neutral, like solider mode and gave a curt nod.
Benny just smiled affectionately and gave a squeeze to Deans right tit. Dean gasped and milk squirted out onto Benny's hand and he started licking at it as he left the cage, locking it behind him. Dean glared after him.
Castiel waited for Dean to eat first, which he did very quickly before he gave a nod and sat down for Castiel to dig in.
Dean was actually being considerate of Castiels condition and left a whole bowl for him, which the omega gulped down barely tasting it.
"Geez princess slow down." Dean leaned in to pull Cas' face away from the dish, but Castiel was in wild survival mode and turned on Dean. Before he even registered what he was doing he already tasted blood in his mouth.
He pulled back in shock of his own actions, immediately dropping to the floor, exposing his belly to his alpha and shaking in fear. His wings splayed out and his throat bared awaiting punishment.
He liked Dean sure, but that didn't mean he trusted him.
His small body suddenly wracked with tears. Why had this happened to him?
Dean looked shocked before he was over the smaller omega in seconds licking his neck and small breast trying to comfort him.
"It's okay Cas. I shouldn't have interviened. It's okay. Really." Dean whispered between kisses and licks.
"DEAN!" Castiel suddenly heard someone yell and start to unlock the cage. Castiel saw that it was John and he had a gallon bottle of water.
"You tried taking his food then tried mounting him?" John growled.
Dean looked like deer caught in headlights.
"No...it's not what you think." Dean tried to explain.
"It's exactly what I think." John growled getting leather cuffs from a bag on his back and yelled at Dean.
"COME! NOW!" John shouted while pointing near the far corner of the cage he was next to.
"Yes sir." Dean whispered as his wings drooped and he practically crawled over there with his belly to the hay filled floor.
John cuffed his hands in the leathers cuffs and chained them to the bars.
"I never. EVER. Want you to see you trying to back off a pregnant omega off their food ever again. You hear me?" John growled as Dean crouched to the floor making himself smaller then usual.
"I'll let you think about that for a day or two without milking." John growled and pointed at Castiel.
"You are not to latch or feed off him. You hear?" John's voice was venomous.
Castiel could only nod in shock at the treatment that was being delt to his alpha omega.
"Benny told me to come water you and Castiel and what do I see? You taking advantage like that." John growled and slapped at Deans hanging breast, causing Dean to release a gasp of pain..
John left shortly after putting fresh water in the tins and giving Dean a glare.
Castiel could only stare at Dean who's hands were cuffed as he looked down hopelessly.
Why hadn't he try to explain? Hell why hadn't Dean tried to explain? This whole thing was one huge misunderstanding.
Castiel looked at the swollen breast of his friend and wished he could latch on to relieve some of the pressure. Castiel couldn't imagine them getting any more full.
Cause Dean was all Castiel really had now.
He found himself craving Dean's milk ever since the first sip. It was so addicting. Castiel decided to get some revenge on Dean in that moment out of spite for how he treated him with such unwelcome arms when he first got here.
He crawled, his belly touching the hay filled ground as he made his way over to Dean.
Dean looked up and looked back down in despair.
"Just don't Cas...it'll just get you in trouble..." Dean groaned.
"Dean...I'm sorry...are you okay?" He asked as he sat a small distrance away from the chained omega.
"Yea, I'm fine." Dean replied.
Castiel felt guilty seeing the blood on Deans hand. Where Castiel must have bitten Dean, breaking the skin and causing some blood.
Dean saw the smaller omega staring and sighed.
"Go finish Cas, the babies must be hungry." Dean grunted as he tried to find a comfortable position with his wrist still cuffed.
Castiel didn't argue. After finishing every piece of chicken he stood and then waddled over to Dean who had fallen asleep.
Castiel settled down gingerly beside his alpha omega and fell into a fitful sleep..
Castiel woke in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. He saw that some night lanterns were on that lined the corridor so it must have been night.
He looked around to see what had woken him and then heard a low grown come from next to him. Castiel looked at Dean to see his breast looked so full that they looked like they could pop at any second. Dean had sweat all over his body, including in the dip of his back. His penis looked fully erect and light shivers ran through the alpha omegas body.
"Dean?" Castiel asked concerned.
Deans eyes that had been shut suddenly flew open looking desperate.
"H-Hey baby...you hungry?" Dean whined sounding desperate.
Castiel had been with Dean for about a week and he had put on a significant amount of weight being fed daily, but it never stopped Castiel from always being hungry.
"Dean...I can't...I'll get in trouble." He whispered while looking around to see if any guards were in the hall. Luckily there wasn't.
Dean growled at him, getting frustrated.
"Cas, you fucking relieve me or I swear I'll make you regret it." Dean hissed sounding desperate.
Suddenly something occured to Castiel. He had the power here. Not Dean.
Castiel couldn't help but smile just a tiny bit in victory.
Carma was oh so sweet. Castiel could easily take his revenge.
Castiel ignored Deans statement and turned away so he didn't have to face him.
"I don't want to disobey Dean." Castiel looked down at his rounded flesh and patted it to settle his kicking pups.
Suddenly the moaning and groans stopped.
"Bull!" Dean exclaimed in the silent corridor, it echoed making Castiel cringe and look around.
"Castiel you get your ass over here right now." Dean growled struggling in his cuffs.
Castiel looked back at the alpha omega who was completely at his mercy.
"Hmm?" Castiel tilted his head as he examined Dean's breast that were so full they were starting to leak milk.
"I don't know Dean...I wouldn't want to cause trouble." Castiel said carefully.
Dean knew Castiel was playing with him now, and he didn't find it one ounce amusing.
"Please Cas...please." Frustrated tears came to Deans eyes.
Castiel had a soft heart and gave in to the begging. He sighed and leaned over quickly taking the bulb like nub into his mouth. He didn't even have to suck before the milk flooded his gullet.
"Geez Cas not so hard." Dean growled with no real heat behind it.
Cas sucked harder just to see how much power he exactly had in this situation.
Deans large snow white wings were shaking as Castiel tugged on the nipple.
He stopped when the breast was only about half full, most of the milk visibly gone.
Castiel was full in the first time in what felt like forever. He pulled off feeling drowsy and tired.
"No come on Cas, you gotta do the other one." Dean whined shifting his body so the other engorged breast was infront of Castiels mouth.
Castiel was so full, not use to that much warm calming food that he felt like he was about to pop.
"Can't...so full..." Castiel whispered laying down beside Dean in the hay so his lips just brushed over the large teit.
"No Cas, don't you give up on me. Don't you do that." Dean whimpered as tears ran down his face.
Dean tried pushing his body forward and Castiel was surprised that his parted lips were suddenly filled with the fat tit of Deans filled breast.
Milk flooded the inside of his mouth without his consent and he coughed and sputtered on it.
He pulled away and Dean gave off a choke of despair.
Castiel tried massaging the breast with a hand to relieve Dean of some of his burden, but only a slow steady stream of milk leaked out. Dean cried in soft whimpers in pain. Dean needed suction and he needed it NOW.
Castiels stomach had already expanded more then usual due to being filled to the brim with Deans warm nurturing milk.
But he had to relieve Dean completely. He was suffering.
Dean was dry humping the air in desperation.
Castiel sniffed down near the thick hair near his genitals. Castiel found it odd that they hadn't removed Deans hair as they did Castiels.
After giving a soft lick to the erection he went back to sucking on Deans teat in earnest.
After about 2 minutes Dean started rejecting the treatment.
"Cas stop, you're hurting me..." Dean whispered trying to tug away, but was completely bound and unable to turn away from Castiels hot mouth.
Castiel ignored him caught up in his own world.
"Cas you have to leave some, or else John will know." Dean growled struggling in his cuffs.
But Castiel didn't hear him. All he heard was his madame singing, telling him how beautiful he was, how special he was. Castiel gripped hard to the nub as painful memories floated his mind, madames death, being sold here, being raped until he carried a womb full of pups he had no choice but to carry. His eyes were squeezed shut as tears cracked through them. Castiel moaned as broken sobs filled his throat with the sweet taste of milk.
He heard Dean in the background but he didn't comprehend it. It was just unwanted noise.
"Cas, please! It hurts, your teeth..." Dean cried shakily.
He came back to reality when blood started flooding his mouth instead of milk.
Castiel froze off with his mouth on Deans teat.
Castiel woke to John standing over him fuming and looking pissed off.
Castiel sat up and kneeled on his knees casting his eyes downward to show his submissiveness.
"I told you not to latch and milk Dean." John growled sounding furious.
Before Castiel could think his chin was yanked up by Johns hand and was met with angry brown eyes.
Castiel found himself shaking. His teeth rattling as an effect.
"You deliberately disobeyed." John hissed tangling his fingers painfully through Castiels dark messed hair.
Castiel quickly took note Dean was not in the cage, which confused him. Another thing that confused him was that he felt blood all over his mouth and toungue.
"You practically knawed the flesh off of his tits for christs sake!" John exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry please sorry..." Castiel muttered terrified. He felt his eyes become watery.
"No, but you will be." John hissed releasing his hold on the angel.
Castiel found the milk he had drank last night relieving its self of his body through urine, feeling run down his inner thigh. Damn his nerves. Castiel looked down in shame.
John just looked shocked.
"Why everytime I see you your covered in piss?" John asked sounding hopeless.
Dean just shook his head as tears flooded his vision.
"On your elbows and knees, ass up." The man growled as he undid his belt.
Castiel could only stare in compete and utter shock. Was John going to rape him? He froze as John walked behind him. His wings shaking for everything they were worth.
"Hurry up angel, I don't want this to be prolonged when it doesn't have to." John grunted tapping the back of Castiels neck and then pushing it down but not to harshly, careful of the delicate bones.
Castiel complied not knowing what else to do in this situation. If he disobeyed this would only be worst for himself and John would punish him more.
He presented the guard his ass and hid his face in the hay in between his outstretched arms.
The first whip of the belt landed on his upper thigh right below his left cheek. Castiel yelped in shock and tried shifting away, but John grabbed his wing to hold him still.
Castiel sobbed openly as 4 more slaps of the belt landed in his ass, thighs, and lower back. His stomach felt like it was tied in knots.
John stopped after 5 and let the angel curl into himself as his body racked with tears.
"Don't disobey and this will be easier in both of us." John said quietly as he put his belt back through his pant loops.
John walked away from the weeping angel and picked up a bag near the door and took out a bottle that contained a brown green liquid substance.
He walked back over to Castiel and dragged him out of his fetal position by his collar.
John sat down and put Castiel's limb head on his upper thigh, holding his head there as he unclasped the bottle cap with the other.
"You're not gonna be aloud to eat solid food any more since you are in your final term of carrying. You will only be prohibited to eat your meals through the liquid form that we provide you with." John explained.
"And no more milk from Dean. It can screw up your pregnancy stage understand?" John said leaving no room for argument.
Castiel could only nod weakly as he studied the bottle.
The food in it looked blended and disgusting, and Castiel grimaced as he looked at it.
He had come to know John as the doctor who saved him from Alistair. But John was proving more cruel and cruel each day he saw him. He only later recognized he was a doctor slash guard.
When John unscrewed the cap and tried to make Castiel sip, Castiel turned away from it, revolted by the smell.
John sighed looking like he didn't expect any better and took a baby bottle covering with a rubber teat and all and screwed it onto the bottle. He then held Castiels head firmly by tangling his fingers in his hair and directed the rubber teat between Castiel's lips into his mouth.
The taste was absolutely vile. Castiel had never tasted something so gross.
But John gave him a warning glare, and Castiels backside still hurt from earlier discipline, so he drank it all with out a fuss. He felt nauseous after consuming it and sat up, giving his head a few shakes to try to get the feeling to go away.
Then he felt a large warm hand cup one of his breast and give a light squeeze.
Castiel hissed in pain at the action. They were still growing and were only one third the size of Deans.
Castiel tried to shy away but John just gripped harder.
"Getting full aren't yuh lil' boy?" John asked as he weighed Castiels breast in his hands.
Castiel whined when John gave a playful slap to one of them and got up from the hay filled floor.
"Perhaps you can go in Deans stead tomorrow down to the milking mill, seeing your the one that cause all that damage that's gonna put him off the machines for at least 2 weeks." John said thoughtfully.
Castiel only stared blankly.
"I'll have Bobby take you, the sooner you get used to milking the better." John gave a small smile to Castiel who sat on the floor with his knees brought up to his chest, his belly being an obstacle in the way.
John left and left Castiel alone in the confines of his cage.
He hoped Dean was alright.