A/N Hi guys. So sorry this has been so slow going. But at least it's going, right?

The honeymoon continues!

Thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed. I really appreciate it a lot. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck.

Chuck was only minimally aware of something incredibly warm pressing against his front while he lay half asleep. It was morning. He knew that much.

And the warm thing pressed against him sidled even closer, then sighed with a low moan. He slowly opened one eye, peeking down at the blond hair against his face, dragging his gaze over the curve of her neck, and then her shoulder. A ray of light that came in through the blinds they'd pulled over the balcony double doors glinted off of her skin and he gently set his lips there, earning a soft giggle. He didn't hear it as much as he felt it, the way she twitched a little against him.

He was more than content to just lie there with her in his arms, and let the day pass outside of their massive bedroom while they stayed just like this. But when Sarah purposefully bumped his lower half with her behind, he discovered that his body had other plans for the morning.

Without saying a word, Sarah peeked at him over her shoulder, blinking sleepily, the rumpled look of her hair and the way she gently bit her lower lip at him, the edges of her mouth curled up just a bit…

Swallowing thickly, he reached up to put his hand on her shoulder, angling his head so that he could place a gentle kiss on her neck. He moved his arm that was pinned beneath her then, sliding it up so that she could rest her head on it, then curling it around her chest and resting his hand on top of the other one on her shoulder. He squeezed her close, moving his lips along her neck to her shoulder, nibbling a little beside where his hands rested, then lightly running his tongue in a line all the way up to just below her ear.

He saw Sarah's eyes slip shut and a wide, close-mouthed smile stretch across her face. Assured that his wife was enjoying his ministrations, Chuck Bartowski dropped a tender kiss to her cheek and slid his hand out from beneath the other, stroking down her arm, then back up it again, before slipping it over her breast and squeezing gently.

She practically purred, nudging his front with her behind again. He knew she had felt his hardness earlier, probably before he had even known it was there. She had always been hyper aware of that sort of thing, which had given him a slightly uncomfortable thought towards the beginning of their romantic relationship. Had she been aware of it those few times she had slept over in his bedroom for the cover? How embarrassing was that?

But the thought only elicited a flash of amusement now. He nipped at her earlobe, completely aware of her affinity for that particular move, and flicked his thumb over her nipple at the same time. Her mouth opened in a soft gasp and she opened her eyes looking over her shoulder at him again.

This time there was a mixture of things in her stormy blue gaze. Not just amusement, but desire and heat. There had been so many mornings like this for them. Usually one of two things would happen. Either she would roll over and pin him onto his back to make love to him, or he would initiate it. Every so often, they would deviate, of course.

And apparently, this morning was going to be one of those mornings, because he wasn't particularly eager to move, and he could feel her reluctance as well.

Chuck turned his face into her hair and wantonly arched his hips against her backside, wordlessly conveying his plan for the morning. She sighed and rubbed her cheek against his bicep, setting a light kiss there and sliding her right hand under her pillow, clutching it in her fist.

His free hand slid from her breast down her ribcage, over her gloriously soft belly, a finger dipping into her belly button, then skirting over the place that really wanted his attention and grabbed her thigh.

He spread her legs and slid one of his own through them, gently applying pressure to her sex with his thigh. Sarah hummed as he kissed the side of her neck again, then draped her leg over his.

With his arm still wrapped securely around her shoulders, he scooted himself even closer and situated himself behind her, sliding his hand up to clutch at her hip. Chuck thrusted upward, slipping himself inside of her and earning a soft whimper of his name.

He kissed the smooth skin behind her ear and began to make soft movements with his hips, spreading his palm against her lower belly to press her tighter into him. She let out a low breath with each thrust, rocking her hips back to meet him every time. She held his wrist tightly, then grappled a little up his arm as he began to increase the speed of his movements.

Sarah whimpered his name, curling her toes against his shin, and finally reaching behind her head to clutch at his hair. Chuck groaned at the sudden feel of her fingers combing through his hair, and the way she gripped at him so desperately.

She turned her face into his arm and moaned.

They ground together for awhile, clutching at each other, at the pillow, at the mattress cover, their pace increasing and decreasing, each letting out soft sounds of enjoyment.

As he felt the pressure in his lower half build, Chuck slid his hand down and rubbed his fingers against her clit. Sarah squeaked and convulsed against him, goosebumps cascading up and down her arms as she climaxed, throwing her head back and nearly colliding with his nose.

Her hands gripped at whatever was nearest as he continued to push into her, making her orgasm last as long as possible. He stilled when her body finally flopped onto the mattress from where she'd arched in the midst of her pleasure. Then he pulled out of her and kissed her hair before plopping onto his back and letting out a long breath of air. He squeezed her shoulder, his arm still wound around Sarah.

And then she rolled onto her back beside him and covered her face with her hands. Chuck watched her chest heaving beneath the sheet still covering them both, the grin peeking out from under her fingers and shining brightly when she lowered her hands and looked at him.

"Good morning," he chirped and she broke into peels of laughter. He joined in and ran a hand over his face.

"Oooh, good morning," she said, amusement crackling in her voice. She rolled on top of him then, the entire length of her body aligned with his as she slid up him and cupped his face for an incredibly sexy kiss. She rocked her groin into his still hard member and he grunted into her mouth.

As she pulled her lips away, she braced her hands beside him, her fingers clutching the pillow around his head, and she pushed herself to sit up. Chuck watched her happily, placing his hands on her thighs when she folded her legs beside his waist. "Scoot up a bit," she said, her voice soft, a bit of a devilish glint in her stunning blue eyes.

Chuck raised an eyebrow, but did as he was told. He had found over the last year or so that doing what Sarah told him to do always meant good things for him, especially when it came to their sex life.

This was no exception, he decided, as she reached over his head to hold onto the headboard with both hands and sank onto his erection. Chuck moaned, watching her face as she lowered herself until he was fully buried inside of her. A slow smile grew on her lips and her eyelids fluttered.

Sarah wiggled a little, smirking down at him as he growled.

Chuck Bartowski had an entire brochure in his suitcase of things he and Sarah might do while on the island. Cliff diving, kayaking, snorkeling, surfing, paddle boarding, swimming with the dolphins, taking a helicopter tour, hiking the volcano, a couple of hulas and parties, definitely some clubbing for Sarah. He knew she would definitely want to go clubbing. The woman was insatiable on the dance floor. And she had dragged him out once they started dating. He got used to it, even though his dancing never improved. And now, he could say he rather enjoyed it even. Mostly because she loved it so much. It made her happy. While his moves weren't as graceful and sexy as hers, he could at least keep up with her and they had spent entire nights grinding together on the dance floor.

As excited as he had been about all of the things on the brochure, all of them disappeared from his mind as his wife began to gyrate in his lap. It felt so good and she obviously agreed, considering the smile on her face and the soft sighs she was emitting.

He breathed her name and slid his hands up her thighs to her waist. Her movements were so fluid and exciting, and as she sped up, her hands gripping the headboard for leverage, Chuck arched his hips to meet her, earning a pleased whimper from his Sarah.

He loved watching her when she rode him, the way she moved, the sensations she felt displayed on her face—the same face that had a blank mask of determination during missions, the face that had guarded so many of her feelings from everyone but him all of those years they loved each other but did nothing about it. She was so open now, so eager to tell him and show him everything.

Chuck's torso surged up to press against hers, and he scooted himself back against the headboard, taking her with him. She whimpered at the movement, and clung to him tightly, a grin on her lips and her eyes sparkling. "That wasn't enough for ya, Bartowski?" she asked breathily.

All he could do in response was growl, diving in to devour her neck and bouncing his hips up into hers. She squeaked and giggled, rounding his shoulders with her arms and bouncing back down against him.

It wasn't long before they came together, Sarah throwing her head back and crying out his name as he groaned raggedly into her throat, licking her pulse point as he eased her down from her high with soft thrusts.

They stilled and Chuck suddenly had an idea.

She gently lifted her hips and let him pull out of her, before she moved to sit on the bed beside him and he turned his head to let his eyes take all of her in. She was the most flawless woman he had ever seen. Like a marble statue but better, because she was wonderfully human, with skin that was soft to the touch, and so warm. And little faults that came out here and there. Because Sarah Bartowski (a thrill shot through him at the thought of her as Sarah Bartowski) was beautifully human and real. She was perfect, flaws and all—parts of her he hadn't discovered until they started sleeping together, sharing their lives, and now that they were married, he was sure there was even more to discover. But nothing would change how perfect she was to him.

But he wanted this honeymoon to be for them to discover each other anew.

Without the CIA peeking in on them, without Casey or Morgan, no Ellie or Devon. Not a single soul but Chuck and Sarah. For two full weeks.

Because they had so much time in Hawaii, the brochure of fun things was pushed to the back of his mind. There were other days for that. This day was for Chuck and Sarah Bartowski to rediscover what they had experienced in Paris more than a year ago, which had been extended by a runaway trip on a sleeper train. They had explored every last inch of each other, both physically and emotionally…but physically definitely.

As Chuck noticed the glint in Sarah's eye as she lounged beside him, he knew they were on the same page. For once, they had the time and the setting to recapture the passion they'd shared in Europe. But this time, there would be no looming dark cloud on the horizon. There would be no worry about what would become of them at the end of the line. No one would ever keep them apart again. Because this time they were married.

Chuck turned over to wrap his arms around her and she rounded his neck with her own strong limbs, her legs clinging to his waist. And he moved her to the edge of the bed, gently draping her perpendicular to the mattress with her legs hanging off the side.

She raised an intrigued eyebrow, curious until he grinned wolfishly and eased himself to his knees on wood floor beside the bed. The curiosity morphed into full-blown anticipation. She knew what was coming, and she was so thrilled by the prospect that he felt his own arousal begin to make itself known.

They would take care of that later, he thought to himself as he tenderly ran his hands up and down her legs, kissing the insides of her thighs, licking light patterns on the soft skin stretched over hard muscle. He eased himself closer and set the backs of her legs against his broad shoulders. She teasingly squeezed his head between her thighs and giggled when he shot her a good-natured warning glance.

She had levered herself up to lean on her elbows, glancing down to watch him as he straightened to his full kneeling height. Her behind lifted off of the mattress a few inches and she gasped in surprise. Sarah flopped onto her back and clutched at the sheets beneath her body, her mouth opened wide when Chuck buried his face in her sex.

"Oh, Chuck!" she whimpered desperately, as he invaded her with his tongue, reaching around her leg with his hand and using his thumb to stimulate her further. The sounds she was making spurred Chuck on, as he groaned into her before licking her inner folds and using his free hand to rub patterns against her lower belly.

And then he went to town on her, lapping, licking, sucking, his thumb rubbing her clitoris a little roughly.

Her hips bucked into him and her thighs squeezed, but he didn't care. He stayed focus, wanting nothing but to pleasure her to the edge and back.

"God!" she gasped, "I'm coming, Chuck."

He slowed it down, then pulled his tongue out, instead inserting a finger. She cried out, then cried out again when he slid a second finger inside of her. In middle school, Chuck's music teacher used to say he had such long, elegant fingers, perfect for piano. Well, he quit piano, and took up a different kind of keyboard. And since then, since Sarah really, he found a better use for his long, elegant fingers.

Sarah seemed to appreciate them as she bucked off of the mattress and whimpered his name. "Nng! Chuck, holy shit."

She climaxed suddenly and he quickly pulled his fingers out and claimed her with his lips again, gently rocking his face into her to make her orgasm last longer. It went on for quite awhile, and if her sighs and whimpers and curses were anything to go by she was enjoying it immensely.

He looked up through his eyelashes and watched her chest heave, before she let out a long, whimpering sigh and went limp against the mattress.

Chuck finished up, pulled his face back, and gingerly lowered her legs from his shoulders, before crawling up her body and hovering over her. Her eyes were shut and her mouth was set in an open mouthed smile full of bliss. When she snapped her eyes open, he saw supreme satisfaction there.

And he felt his arousal increase.

He raised his eyebrows at her in question, his hand poised over her breast. With a bit of a shy smile, she nodded and he wrapped his hand around the soft mound, squeezing it a few times before rubbing his thumb over her nipple.

She whimpered and he lowered his lips to kiss beneath her ear, taking her earlobe between his teeth gently and tugging on it. "Oh, Chuck."

"You okay to go?" he asked and she nodded quickly, her hand reaching up to wrap around his bicep.

He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, then lifted her and moved her to the center of the bed, situating himself at her center. Before he did anything else, he cupped her face. "You sure you're okay?"

"Chuck." Her eyes flashed. "Just do it."

"I always liked Nike."

"Oh, God. You nerd. Chuck, that was so—Oh!" Chuck slid himself into her quickly and she grabbed his hair with one hand and sunk her nails into his back with the other. He rocked his hips into her over and over again.

He buried his face in her neck and groaned her name. The feeling of her walls clenching around him rhythmically to match his thrusts, coupled with the way she was tugging on his hair, would surely drive him to an early completion. But he lost himself in her anyways, pulling her leg up to wrap around his waist and lengthening his strokes.

Chuck used his arm to angle his torso up from hers, arching his back and gritting his teeth as he continued to pound into her.

Sarah came again, her walls spasming around him and causing him to finish as well. It was so sudden that his elbow buckled and he crashed down on top of her, barely catching himself in time to keep from smashing his wife with his full weight.

"Oh, Chuck!" she whimpered, her hand squeezing his ass and pulling him close as he emptied his seed inside of her.

Chuck rolled off of her a few minutes later when he thought he could move again. Every thing inside of him buzzed and his lips felt numb. His ears were ringing. He felt absolutely magnificent.

"God, we haven't done that in awhile," Sarah panting from beside him. He turned his head to see her with her hands over her face, her chest heaving, a light sheen of sweat on her deliciously soft skin emphasized by the rays of sunlight squeezing in through the blinds.


"The whole…multiple thing. I mean…the last time that happened it was a couple months ago, wasn't it?"

"About fifty-five days or so," he replied, a little weirded out that he seemed to know that off the top of his head. Perhaps he did take tally without realizing it. Was it the Intersect? Couldn't be, because he didn't have the Intersect anymore.

"I don't even wanna know how you know that, Chuck," she giggled, shaking her head. "I guess we were so busy that we just…"

"Yeah. Missions. Wedding planning. Babysitting Clara for Ellie and Awesome."

"Babysitting Morgan."

Chuck laughed at that one and reached over blindly to touch her. He felt the smooth skin of her stomach twitch under his fingers and started pulling back, but she quickly grabbed his hand with hers and put it back on her stomach, keeping her hand on top of his.

"I love you, Chuck." He saw her turn her head towards him and he did the same, smiling at her.

"I love you, too, baby."

"I hope so with what just happened. Multiple times. You'd have to be a pretty dedicated guy to do what you just did to me if you didn't love me."

He chuckled. "I like to think I'm a pretty dedicated guy anyways."

"You are. S'one of the things I love about you." She paused. "Thanks, by the way." "For what?"

"For making this morning all about me."

"Hey," he huffed in amusement, "you weren't the only one enjoying yourself, I gotta say."

She giggled. "Well, I'm gonna repay the favor…" He quirked an eyebrow and her sultry look turned a bit sheepish. "A little later. As fantastic as it was, I'm afraid I'm a little sore down there."

"Sorry," he drawled.

"Oh God, I'm not." She laughed. "But I am hungry."

"Me too!" he exclaimed, propping himself up on his elbows and looking down at her. "I say we eat a ridiculous amount of food and head out to our private beach with some floaty thingies."

"Mmmmm," she hummed with a wide grin. "You know just what to say to a girl, Chuck Bartowski."

"One girl—woman—in particular, Sarah Bartowski."

"Do we have pancake stuff? Oh please tell me we have pancake stuff!"

"Sarah, please. It's me. What's your favorite breakfast? I'll answer for you," he said quickly, cutting her off. "Pancakes. Who do you think you married, here?"

She just beamed at him, nuzzling her face into the pillow and squirming. "I take it that's a yes, then."

"Woman, you're getting the biggest pile of pancakes you have ever seen in your life."

Sarah watched Chuck scamper around their house with a couple of blow-up rafts tucked under his arm. She slung her pack over her shoulder and couldn't help tilting her head and jutting her lip out. It was just that he was so adorable, dressed in his swim trunks and flip-flops, a muscle shirt under an unbuttoned short sleeved plaid collar shirt and his Ray-Bans propped on top of his head. It was mostly the grin though. Unadulterated glee shone from his face and it was enough to make her stop him with a hand on his chest, go up on her tip-toes, and kiss him gently. "Do we need the rafts?"

"Uh, yeah! 'Course we do! If we're walking to a lagoon, an uninhabited lagoon, no less, we're floating around on our rafts, Sarah. And I'm not gonna hear any arguments from you. I even put some ice cold beers in this pack of mine."

"Oh, good. Because I packed water bottles. Which is what we should be drinking if we're going to end up having to hike." She raised an eyebrow at him as he rolled his eyes. "Oh my God, Chuck! We just got married yesterday and you're already rolling your eyes at me?"

His grin was impish, and yet still really cute. It was unfair.

"Let's go."

She led the way, as she had surveyed the area while Chuck started their pancakes earlier that morning. Now that she'd eaten more than her fill of her favorite breakfast, and took an appropriate amount of time cleaning the kitchen, getting her bathing suit on, applying sunblock…She had never experienced that cramp people always talked about, when you ate right before you swam. But with the way she had eaten this morning, Sarah wasn't taking any chances. And Chuck had eaten even more than she had.

"Just be careful where you step, though, because I don't really want to have you get a concussion on the first full day of our honeymoon," she warned him over her shoulder, easily moving down the sloping path. He seemed to be doing just fine, though, even in his flip-fops.

"Please. I'm practically Gene Kelly, baby. This schnook be graceful."

She laughed. "Knock on wood, Chuck."

"Oh, I'm already on it." She saw him reach over and rap his knuckles on the side of a tree.

Minutes passed before Sarah finally saw the small clearing in which she knew resided a shallow lagoon, the water cerulean and still. She had waded into it until it rose a foot and a half up her leg earlier that morning and it had felt perfect. Not too cold, and not too warm.

With the beautiful weather and the soft breeze they were blessed with today, Sarah was sure it would be just what they needed. After her morning with Chuck attending to her every need, a good soak in the water was just what the doctor ordered.

"Oh, okay. This is—Just wow," Chuck breathed as he stepped onto the sandy spit of land beside the lagoon. "I mean, how did you even find this?"

"I'm brilliant." She giggled when he nodded emphatically. "No, it was actually a fluke. I kind of stumbled onto it."

"You're such an adventurer. They should give you a show on the Discovery Channel. Adventure Sarah."

"Is that the title of my show? Adventure Sarah?" She set everything down in the sand and unbuttoned her pale blue over-shirt, peeling it off her tan shoulders and smiling to herself when she felt his gaze slide over her bare torso covered only in a pale blue bikini top.

"Uh, uh no. Not Adventure Sarah. I don't know. I can't think. My creativity is shot. The, uh, the sun." She heard him swallow as she unbuttoned her jean shorts and pushed them down her legs, revealing the bottom part of her bikini. "It's hot. The sun. The sun is hot. You are, too."

She laughed. "I hope you never stop turning into a socially awkward goof when you see me in a bikini."

"Yeah, I think that's gonna be a thing you just have to get used to, wife o' mine."

As he stepped out of his flip flops and took his shirt off, Sarah grinned. There was no reason at all for her to be subtle about staring at him. There was something about Chuck Bartowski in a muscle shirt that made her heart thump wildly against her ribcage. She stepped into the water then, letting her skin get used to the temperature slowly.

Just as she meant to move all the way into the water, she heard the crunch of twigs and leaves off to the side of the little oasis. Her spy sense immediately put her on alert and she spun to look back at Chuck, to warn him. He wasn't there. "Chuck?"

Suddenly there was a splash behind her and she spun again, ready to protect herself. But all she saw was a long shape moving towards her rapidly beneath the surface of the water. She grinned and outright laughed when a pair of arms rounded her waist and lips pressed against her belly. Her laughter turned into a squeal when Chuck came out of the water, lifting her up so that she had to brace herself against his shoulders.

"You ass! You had me freaked out thinking we were being ambushed," she admonished, still unable to keep the smile off of her face. He lowered her back into the water, which she realized was only about five and a half feet deep.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to," he assured her, kissing her cheek softly. She glared half-heartedly and then plummeted below the surface, reveling in the way the water felt surrounding her entire body. As she came back up, running her hands over her hair to smooth it back, she saw that Chuck was no longer in front of her anymore. She nearly jumped when his arms came around her from behind.

"What are you, the creature from the black lagoon?" she giggled. "You're seriously sneaky."

"I'm in my element," he murmured in her ear.

"What, the water?"


"I guess I never really knew that about you."

He pushed away from her and floated on his back, kicking his feet a little and splashing her in the process. She glared and splashed him back, laughing. "Isn't that what the honeymoon is all about? One on one time? Learning new things?"

Sarah crossed her arms and tilted her head, pretending to think it over as she pursed her lips. "Isn't the honeymoon about sex?"

Chuck's eyes popped and he sunk beneath the water comically. She laughed again, watching him through the clear water as he did a skilled flip and zoomed towards her again. She felt the thrill of adrenaline as she realized she didn't know what he was going to do once he reached her. Instead of putting her on edge, it excited her.

He popped out of the water and hurriedly yelled, "Plug your nose!" before tackling her backwards. Thankfully, she had fast reflexes and followed his orders instinctively, otherwise she would have most likely ended up with a head full of lagoon water.

When they came back up, she was laughing and swatting at his shoulders. She was also pleased to note that Chuck had somehow guided them into a covered nook, the rocks jutting out in something of an overhang, rather like a small cave. The water was a little less than five feet deep and Sarah was taking particular notice of the expansive, tan, perfectly hard torso of her husband.

He rounded her waist with one arm and cupped her face with the other, gently running his lips up her jaw to her temple, and back down again until he claimed her mouth with his own. Sarah clutched at whatever part of him was nearest and squeezed, sighing into the kiss and letting him literally sweep her off of her feet.

Her legs were around him then as the kiss intensified and she found her fingers gravitating to the ties on his swim trunks. He gently guided her further into their little sanctuary and and pulled his lips from hers. Her heart was warmed by the smile on his lips as she tugged on the front of his swim trunks while untying them. She heard the muted tearing sound of the velcro and grinned even harder as he groaned and dropped his forehead against hers.

"Are you sure?" he breathed. "Out here?"

"What did we learn last night?" she said in a breathy voice, smirking sexily.

"Hnng…uh…" She'd slipped her hand into the front of his swim trunks and let her fingers slide around him. "I don't…I don't remember?" he half-asked in a strangled voice. "We learned that you're unnecessarily paranoid, Chuck." She gave him a gentle squeeze and his hips jolted as if they had a mind of their own.

He just chuckled and shook his head adoringly, then slipped his own finger between their bodies. Sarah gasped as she felt him there.

She unwrapped her legs from his waist, touching her feet to the sandy floor and standing on her own. Then she gave his swim trunks a quick tug, leaving them at his knees, before pressing her body into his again.

Words were unnecessary as Chuck set his hand to her crotch. He guided them closer to the rocks and hoisted her up, carefully positioning his arm behind her head, providing her with a makeshift pillow. It was something only Chuck would think of, and it was insane how often his thoughtfulness could both warm her heart and turn her on in one fell swoop.

His fingers of his free hand suddenly pushed beneath the material of her bikini moved it to the side, out of his way. She felt him enter her immediately and she curled her fingers around his shoulders tightly. She whimpered, wondering at how amazing it felt to have her overheated body surrounded by cool water. It was thrilling.

She unconsciously tightened her thighs around his waist and used them to tug him even further inside of her. They gasped together, their foreheads touching, their breath mingling. And then he began his thrusts, his feet braced against the sand bed, his free hand clutching her waist.

Sarah tilted her head and took his bottom lip between her teeth, grinning at his whimpered sigh, and moaning when he dove in for a passionate kiss. They simultaneously opened their mouths, their tongues stroking one another as their lower halves met repeatedly beneath the rippling water.

Chuck pulled his lips away then with a grunt and she opened her eyes to watch his face. He bumped her nose with his and turned his arm behind her so that he could cradle her head, his fingers tangling in her hair as his other hand pushed beneath her bikini top and clutched her breast.

With a heady moan, she tilted her head back and wrapped her fingers in his hair, tugging playfully.

As their pace increased, Sarah felt that wonderful, familiar thrill, that delicious tightness in her lower belly. "Chuck…" she whimpered, moving her hands up to cradle his face as she kissed him again.

It wasn't long before they both came together with each other's names on their lips.

When she finally managed to catch her breath, Sarah slumped forward and pressed her face into Chuck's neck, wrapping her limbs around him tightly as he slipped his hand back out from under her bikini top and held her securely. He untangled his other hand from her hair and used it to hold them both up.

"My legs feel like rubber," he chuckled, gently easing her hips away from his and pulling out with a sigh.

Sarah resisted the urge to whine, instead unwrapping her legs from around him and standing on her own, reaching down to fix her bikini bottoms back in place.

Chuck was tugging his swim trunks back up and tying them as Sarah swam out from beneath the overhang and moved into the middle of the lagoon. "Get the floaty thingies, Chuck."

She heard him laughing as he splashed back to the shore, and she focused on the warmth of the sun beating down on her face, her body completely sated and her heart fuller than she could ever remember it being in her life.

A/N2 Hope you liked it!

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