Yep, finally deciding to upload something but this time a little different to what I've been uploading to FanFiction so far. You know that I normally upload Danny Phantom stuff and that I done a couple of I.N.K FanFics? Well be prepared to have MLP FiM FanFics come your way because I have got many ideas it's crazy in my head! XD So if you were hoping this would be a DP one I'm sorry but those ones are still in progress, I want to make sure I have a clear plot outline for them so I don't end up getting stuck like I did with A Boundary Away and A Matter of Time.

Also to make another thing clear about what I'll be doing from now on, I'll be uploading WHEN I want because I realized that if I do it when I'm either not in the mood or don't have enough time for I end up rushing things and the quality of the story won't be as good as quantity if you know what I mean. So please don't get upset or anything because I know you'll have no clue when I'll be uploading the next chapter, but would you rather a rushed and poorly edited chapter/story every something days? Or a well edited and plotted chapter that could be longer with more details and has taken more time than just an hour or a half?

Now, down to what this story is about. I've already done the summary but I'll just brief it again just with different wording and possibly longer ^^

Princess Twilight Sparkle has almost everything she has ever needed, she feels as if she were the luckiest pony in all of Equestria. After the events of retrieving her crown back from an alternate word, she begins to have doubts again, one day for a brief second she wished that she never existed. Then suddenly a mysterious pony who actually turns out to be an alicorn grants Twilight's wish and this throws Twilight into another world, a world where she never existed. Her friends don't know who she is nor do her family, and other ponies, and not only that but Spike doesn't exist and Equestria almost has no meanings of friendship and it is filled with a world of destruction and chaos. Twilight must work hard to fight on her own for the meanings of friendship and regroup her friends and to recreate the elements of harmony.

Alright, let's begin this story already! XD

MLP FiM © Hasbro

Twilight sighed as she let herself fall onto her soft beautiful coloured quilt, her wings prevented her from lying on her back as she was still trying to get used to her new pair of wings. She grumbled and then tossed to her side as the moonlight from her window struck her face; she looked up at the glistening and bright full moon and remembered that first moments she shared with her friends when they met. The spark she felt when she realized how important friendship was to her, a smile of pure happiness appeared on her face as she remembered those moments.

"I could never imagine my life without you guys." She sighed happily as she felt her eyelids close over her delicate violet eyes, her front hooves rested under her head as her hind legs roe onto the bed and rested softly onto the end of her bed.

Her eyes were too heavy to keep open, it was late and cool. She used her magic to move the quilt onto her cold and lush body; Twilight had one last glimpse of the moon and fell into a deep but pleasurable sleep. Her dreams kept her smiling all night; she fell asleep with her memories being played in her head. She could never wish for anything more than this.

"Twilight, hey Twilight! Wake up Princess!"

Twilight flinched as she felt the sharp touch of a small claw of which belonged to Spike, she screamed in alert and opened her eyes as to appear as if she were wide awake. She cleared up her eyesight then noticed a small purple and green dragon figure to her right; she rolled her eyes and sighed in annoyance as she realized who it was.

"Spike, don't startle me like that!"

"Sorry Twilight, but you have to get up. Your friends are downstairs waiting for you."

Twilight sat silent for a brief second then gasped with sudden realization, she looked everywhere for the clock but couldn't seem to find it. Her man and tail became a mess and her feathers became ruffled as she rushed out of bed and ran all over the place.

"Where's my clock? What's the time!?" She almost shouted. "Oh please don't tell me I overslept!"

Spike held up her clock with almost no expression, the time was after breakfast and nearly time for brunch or even lunch. Twilight screamed as her pupils shrunk in worry.

"Spike, why didn't you wake me up earlier!?"

"Uh, well…you were dreaming about some pony so I thought I shouldn't disturb you." He replied with some interest in Twilight's feelings for Flash Sentry.

Twilight began to blush as she remembered the pleasant dream she had of her and Flash.


As Twilight walked down the empty halls of the Crystal castle alone, she looked up at her crown and smiled. She was more comfortable with wearing her crown; she looked at her element as it shined in the light of Celestia's bright sun. Her brother and Princess Cadance were outside helping host yet another Crystal fair along with Twilight's friends.

"It feels…right somehow."

And as she had finished that sentence she had bumped into Flash who was on patrol around the castle hallways. She fell backwards but was luckily to be caught by him and back onto her own four legs.

"Hello again, princess. You sure do have a habit of bumping into me." He said with a greeted smile.

She blushed a light red and smiled. "Sorry, I just can be well…clumsy at times." She ended with a small laugh.

Flash blushed the same colour and held her hoof up. "You are one of the most beautiful princesses I have ever seen."

This caused Twilight's heart to race and her cheeks to heat up and turn a stronger red, her smile was unable to be undone at this point. "Thank you."

"We should definitely get together sometime. That's...if…you aren't already with somepony else?"

Twilight's pupils dilated and her eyes began to glisten as the light of the sun reflected off them. She looked up at him with a small but adoring smile. "I'd love to." She replied sweetly as she rested her head under his head.

*Flashback Ended*

The princess sighed in romance but then realized who was in the room when she did that. She vigorously shook her head then went to brush out her mane and tail.

"I'll be down in a moment Spike."

It was the afternoon, and Twilight and her friends were admiring Rainbow Dash's brand new tricks that she was planning to show to the Wonderbolts, her idols. And after they would finish their picnic, Rainbow would continue teaching Twilight how to fly since she still had much trouble just getting off the ground.

"Rainbow has just become simply amazing hasn't she?" Rarity asked as her curled mane was gently being blown in the warm breeze.

"Wow, I wish I could fly like that!" Twilight gasped as she pointed at Rainbow who was flying and swirling all about.

"Maybe she can teach ya someday." Applejack suggested as took a bite out of a piece of apple pie.

It wasn't long later that Rainbow was beginning to tire, she was puffing and huffing as she slowly came back into contact with the ground and rested. "Phew. Man, aren't I awesome?" She asked in a bragging way as she folded her wings and wiped some sweat from her forehead.

"You sure have improved since the day I met you." Twilight answered with delight and a smile printed on her face.

Rainbow panted still with some sweat upon her forehead as she gently plumped onto the grass. "Thanks Twilight, I think we'll have to wait till after I've gotten my energy back."

Twilight nodded silently in reply and then used her magic to pick up her daisy sandwich, even though she has a pair of wings and a crown, it doesn't mean she can't act like herself on the outskirts of Ponyville. It felt a little different physically but mentally, still the same. The magic of friendship kept their bond close and powerful. Twilight thought for a moment and wondered what would life have been like for her if her mentor Princess Celestia didn't assign her to Ponyville? Her smile disappeared as she thought of those possibilities.

"You alright, sugarcube?" Applejack asked placing a hoof on Twilight.

"It's okay, I'm just so lucky that Princess Celestia sent me here. I couldn't imagine my life without you guys now. I don't even remember how I felt about friendship before I met you." She ended with a small smile.

All of her friends smiled deeply in reply, then shared a hug with each other. It was a moment of adoration but then became a comedy act when Twilight's wings sprung out without control. Her wings made Fluttershy flinch and Pinkie Pie laugh as her feathers tickled her stomach. It also made Applejack get a mouthful of feathers; they all heard the spitting and blowing of Applejack trying to get Twilight's left wing out of her face. Spike sat in front of them in laughter, Rainbow and Rarity were fortunate not to get hit, so Rarity tried to snap Spike out his laughter while Rainbow cracked herself up laughing at the hilarious scene.

"Rainbow! This is a serious smatter! Fluttershy is in a state of shock from Twilight's wing's sudden outburst and you're sitting there in laughter while the matter is doing nothing but getting worse!" Rarity told Rainbow in a serious tone with hoof gestures.

After a few moments of tolerating Rainbow Dash and Spike laughing over what was happening, the matter had finally been resolved with the help of Rarity and Applejack. At that moment Twilight hated her wings for doing that, they had been doing that since she ever got them, and that was over a month ago. But, she remembered that these were a gift and not a punishment. She'll eventually get used to them and be flying happily in the skies alongside Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, and possibly even Flash Sentry. If that ever happens, Twilight thought to herself.

Applejack got up and stretched, yawned then spoke. "Well, I'd better get back to buckin' the red delicious trees, otherwise Big Mac is gonna be a might bit mad at me."

"Thanks for making the apple pies!" Pinkie Pie said with glee and a squee of a grin. "They were de-lish!"

Applejack smiled and tightened her hat then she let out a "Yeehaw!" and was off galloping in the distance on her way to her home which was Sweet Apple Acres.

"I think I should get going to, I have a new line of fashion outfits to make for a client. It was wonderful getting to spend a Wednesday afternoon together."

"I'm glad all you guys were able to come because if you didn't I'd be really upset and then I'd think that we weren't friends anymore and if I thought like that I'd be crying for a really REALLY long time!" Pinkie said at a fast pace.

"Oh Pinkie…" Rainbow said while rolling her eyes. "You're so random."

Pinkie squeed and then jumped up and down hoping the picnic could last longer as she looked over at Fluttershy. "Where you goin', Fluttershy?"

"Oh…well, I need to get home and start making Angel's food for him. You know how he his…" Fluttershy replied slightly blushing with her head tilted downwards as she kicked gently at the ground.

Pinkie moaned in sadness. "But it's not fun without you or Rarity or Applejack. It won't be a party anymore…" Pinkie's pupils dilated very largely as she looked up at Fluttershy.

"I'm really sorry; did you want me to stay? I can stay…" She asked in her usual quiet tone.

"It's no problem Fluttershy, you can go on ahead." Twilight smiled as she waved her hoof at the animal loving Pegasus.

"But I can stay if you want me to…"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes with a small smile printed on her face. "Don't worry about it Fluttershy, me and Twi gotta do some flying now don't we?" She asked, grinning at Twilight with her eyes half closed while flapping her blue feathered wings.

"That's sounds great, thanks for the wonderful picnic Pinkie." Twilight stated in delight as she got up on all four hooves.

Pinkie didn't look happy, her ears turned downwards and her pouted face as well as her dilated pupils told them that she wanted to continue the party. But even Pinkie knew that parties can't last forever, she sat there very still sitting down looking sad and hoping for more fun.

Before Fluttershy walked off, she saw the state of Pinkie and thought of something nice for her. "Um, Pinkie…would like to come with me? I could really use your help feeding the animals."

Pinkie jumped as her tears of sadness vanished within thirds of a second and her happiness returned. "I'd love to! It's gonna be fun-a-fun fun!" She stated as she jumped up and down while following Fluttershy to her cottage.

After Twilight cleaned up the remains of the picnic, she later met up with Rainbow outside her house. She let out a deep sigh as her crown glistened in the beautiful sunlight before it was covered up with a small cloud with her Pegasus friend on it.

"Here's your first lesson, try and get up to this cloud with no help or trouble." Rainbow called down to Twilight with her front hooves hanging off the edge of the puffed cloud.

"Oh..? But, I thought we would start with something simpler than this."

Rainbow let out a small chuckle as she bounced back on the cloud. "Oh Twilight, this is the simplest way to get your hooves off the ground."

Twilight gulped; even though she did great last week she was still concerned that she might hurt herself. "Okay…here goes…"

"You can do it Twilight, you done great last week." Rainbow cheered to make her feel more comfortable with flying this time.

"I sure hope so…" Twilight called back to her as she unfolded her wings slowly and began to flap them.

Wow, now that was definitely something to get off my chest! XD What do you think? Not bad for a MLP FanFic so far? Don't worry, there will be more soon! ;D