
Blurred speech awakens me from my abysmal slumber. I groggily open my heavy eyes blinking a few times to stop the fluorescent light from blinding me. My senses slowly return to normal as I regain my sight and the voices become clear. One voice is clearly that of Jace and the other wheezing voice, from what little I remember of him, is that of Master Waru.

"When she awakens begin the extraction."

"Yes Master." Is Jace's reply. But what do they mean by extraction? What the hell is going on? I try to sit up only to realise that I am bound by my writs and ankle to hard wooden table. God this is so uncomfortable, my back is going to be killing me when I get up, just what I needed. I groan in frustration and both pair of eyes lock onto my prone form. Shit. Jace saunters over to me with that same smirk.

"Well, well Blondie is finally awake. Enjoy your sleep?" He asks me sarcastically. I glare at him.

"Yes actually best sleep I've had in a long time." I reply with an eye roll.

"Jace quit toying with her and begin phase two." Master Waru's cold voice send shivers through my spine as he steps out of the...cell? What am I doing in a concrete cell?

"Phase two? Jace what the hell is going on?"

"You will find that out in due time. Oh Lucy you are so gullible. Did you really think you could trust someone part of a dark guild? No wonder the Salamander doesn't love you? How could anyone like a blond bitch as stupid as you?" Jace taunts as he attaches what appears to be thick black cables to my already tied down writs. This can't be true. Why is he being so cruel all of a sudden? Why did I ever believe I could trust him at all? Jace is right I really am stupid. My face must have expressed my devastation for Jace only laugh.

"That face never gets old no matter how many times I see it. You Lucy, are the final piece we need to complete our plan. We only need to extract your magic power to fuel or weapon that will enable my guild, Poison Wraith, to control all of Earthland. So I must thank you Blondie, for allowing all of this to happen. Oh and this may hurt just a bit." Jace smirks at me as he leaves and soon after excruciating pain courses through my body. I scream.



The plan was to continue our search for Lucy in this town for two more hours before we leave for the guild and call in back up. Well that was Erza's plan, I planned to find Luce at any cost and never stop until she is back with me where she belongs. The other's can go back to the guild but I will not stop. Unluckily for me Erza paired me up with the stripper. Why? I have no idea. Probably to look after me. Happy is off with Lissana and Erza is by her self searching the town once again. Gray glances at me again, seriously this has to be like the tenth time in a matter of minutes that he has done that. He should be concentrating on finding Lucy not seeing if I'm going to run off or something.

"Gray fuck off already I'm fine. Quit looking at me like that it's annoying." Gray just sighs and shakes his head. We wonder deeper into the forest we have been searching. Two hours has almost passed when I hear it. A scream, to quiet to be heard by any normal person's ears but I am not any normal person. It has to be her.

"Lucy!" I yell and run off in the direction of her voice. Gray running along side me. The scream becomes clearer as we get closer. It doesn't take us long before we have reached on old looking building with vines clinging to it old brick walls. And behind this wall are the people that are causing Lucy to cream in agony and the will pay.



My throat feels as though knives have carved through every inch of skin, bone and muscle. I wither on the table no longer able to voice my pain. I'm about to give into the pain which is now easing due to my diminishing magical power. If they take any more and my life will come to en end. I won't be able to give Levy my finished book to read. I wont be able to help Juvia and Gray finally get together or eat cake with Erza. I will never be able to tell him how I feel. Natsu, if only I was strong enough, if only I could have had the courage to tell you. Well I guess it's too late now. You can be with Lissana all you want now and you never have to think about me again. Just as I'm about to close my tearful eyes for the last time a loud crash forces my head to turn to my left. A cloud of debris block my vision of the cause but as it slowly settles a man with pink hair and a white scaled scarf stands looking ready to kill, stands amongst the rubble.

"Natsu." I croak out of my wounded throat as more tear fall down my pale cheeks. He came, he actually came for me. He turns his head towards me and he runs over burning the black cables and restraints from me and pulls me into his arms.

"I will never let you go Luce, I wont let them hurt you any more, I promise." I have no energy to hug him back so I rest my head against his muscled chest and sigh in relief, I'm safe now.

"Oh how heart warming the Salamander did come for his blonde bitch after all." Jace's husky voice breaks our moment.

"Luce is he the one that hurt you?" Natsu questions. I can only nod.

"Gray take Lucy back to the others I'll deal with them." Nastu says in a voice so harsh and unforgiving I can barley believe it is him. Gray takes me out of Natsu's warm embrace and begins to walk out the hole in the wall.

"I'll be back Fire Breath so don't harm them to much before then." Gray calls out to him.

"No promises Icicle, no one hurts my nakama."

So sorry for the wait.