Lucy P.O.V

Everything in the guild is just as it always is. Natsu and Gray are fighting, Elfman jumps into the fray yelling that he is a man. Erza sits at the bar eating cake while Mira-Jane cleans glasses and smiles. Levy's reading a book on dark magic as Jet and Droy cheer her on. Everything is perfect, well not for me. I sit alone in a booth at the back of the guild watching the people that I consider my family.

Natsu has spent most of his time with Lissana ever since she has returned, and every day I see them together my heart breaks little by little. It's not that I hate Lissana for spending time with him, it's just that...that I love Natsu. But I have never had the courage to tell him how I feel. I don't think I'll ever get the chance to tell him now that Lissana is back. I know that they were childhood friends and I've heard people say that they would be good together. I can't help but to agree with them.

"Hey Lucy," Gray's voice pulls me from my thoughts. I put on a smile and look up at him

"Hi Gray. What's up?"

"We're going on a mission and flame brain wants Lissana to tag along that ok with you?" No it's not ok.

"Sure when are we leaving?" I try and smile but it doesn't reach my eyes. Why? Why does she have to come?

"This afternoon see you then." Gray waves as he walks off. Great now she is coming on missions with us. Soon she'll be on the team.

"Let's go!" Natsu shouts grabbing Lissana's hand then sprints off towards the train station.

"Aye!" Happy replies flying after them. Erza, Gray and I follow after the energetic Dragon slayer.

We bored the train and find a cabin to sit in. Everyone sits down but there is only one spot left and Lissana and I are yet to take a seat.

"You take it I'll find somewhere else." I smile.

"I'll come and sit with you Lucy." Gray stands and walks out. I follow after him as he enters and empty cabin.

"So what is the mission?" I ask after a few moments of silence.

"We have to destroy a dark guild that plans on creating a weapon that could easily wipe out a town the size of Magnolia. The reward is 500 000 jewel." My jaw drops. 500 000 jewel!

"That doesn't seem too difficult." I joke sarcastically. Silence falls between us once again.

"Lucy, do you love Natsu?" His question surprised me. I stutter for an answer.

" course I d...don't..." Gray smirks at me.

"You are not a very good liar." I sigh.

"Ok I... I love him, but why do you want to know?"

"Because I know he loves you back. I see the way you look at each other."

"Gray, he doesn't love me. He loves Lissana and she loves him. They have ever since they were children from what I have heard. I have no chance." My voice drifts off into a whisper. My throat burns, warning me of the tears that are to follow.

"Sure flame brain loves Lissana, but as family, nothing more."

"He has barley spoken to me since she came back. He doesn't barge into my house anymore and now she is coming on our team's missions. Soon Natsu will forget about me and kick me out of the team so Lissana can join. He doesn't love me Gray; I was just Lissana's replacement." The salty tears slide down my cheeks and I quickly wipe them away.


"I don't want to talk about it anymore." My voice comes out shaky as I pull my legs up and gaze out the window.

"Bring me the celestial mage. We need her magic to finish our goal. Go now, oh and be sure not to kill her." A venomous smile slithers onto the man's face, his red eyes bore into his subordament.

"As you command Master Waru."