I'm so so sorry.

Everything just got very complicated, and after another two months here's chapter nine.

Both myself and my editor are once again at the mercy of classes, so I hope you can all understand that we have to work around each others schedules, along with do other work.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter after such a long time.

Gavin Free is known as Gabriel Frer

Michael Jones is known as Malcolm Johnston

Ray Narvaez is known as Ramón Navas

Boston, Main Square, December 1771

"I guess it's a good thing you decided to leave so god damn early," Gabriel said, as he surveyed around a corner. He waved his hand at the other two to signal it was all right to move forward. "I'm sure we would turn a couple heads with an injury like yours Malcolm."

"Shut up Gabriel." Malcolm's right arm was draped across Ramón's shoulders, while his injured left hung limp at his side. It was still pulsating with pain, but he would only let out an occasional grunt. Malcolm wasn't going to let it show, how much it really hurt. He had to show that he could withstand this kind of pain. But there was also this terrifying feeling of coldness creeping up from his fingertips. "How much further," Malcolm said, through gritted teeth.

"Not much," Gabriel replied. He placed a hand against his forehead, and squinted into the fading darkness. He could see the two lanterns that defined the door of Madame DeHaven's brothel. "Just across the square now, come on." His boots crunched into the small sheet of snow that had covered the city the previous night. "Ramón," Gabriel said, stopping and looking over his shoulder. "Do your best to cover our tracks, we don't need anyone following us. Ramón nodded, and Gabriel pressed on. Keeping himself as alert as possible.

Ramón looked at the building they were in front of, instantly recognizing the flowery details on the door. Memories arose of his first day in Boston, and of the woman who pulled his soul from deaths grip. Granted most of how he got to the actual building was relatively foggy, due to his mostly unconscious state, that particular day. But, he'd be lying if on some of his outings to practice free running, he didn't make a point to pass this particular building, and maybe stop to visit the doctor inside. He glanced down at one of the rose bushes just outside the door; the blossoms were wilted, and dying in the cold weather. But still. He plucked one from where it lay.

"Ding dong, he's back," Gabriel shouted as he entered.

Constance's head shot up from her slumped over position on the desk. She had nodded off while going over the books once again. "Huh? What? We're closed," she murmured, vision still blurry. She rubbed her eyes; they finally focused on the man leaning over her desk. His smile was cheesy, an arched eyebrow accompanying it "Oh, hello Gabriel."

"Hey, Constance, how are you today?" She glared at him for what seemed like an eternity.

"Tired," she replied curtly "what are you doing here?" She glanced at the window, "It must be six in morning."

Gabriel was shifting his weight back and forth, and twisting his index finger in one hand, like a child about to get scolded. "Well, ya see, we had a slight hunting accident." he murmured, stepping to the side to reveal the other two men.

"Oh my God." She took in the paleness in Malcolm's features, the stained bandages, and torn robes. "You're standing there schmoozing me while he looks like that? I'm getting Noelle!" She moved out from behind the desk, hiked up her skirts, and tore up the stairs. The three men stood in silence, hearing the slight mumble of the two girls speaking.

"They what?" Gabriel stuck a finger in his ear, and jiggled it up and down to try and remove the ringing. Noelle came rushing down the stairs a moment later; she pushed past Gabriel, and directed her attention to a slumped over Malcolm. She kneeled down, trying to look Malcolm in the eye. "Malcolm," she said and patted his cold cheek with her hand. He mumbled out some words. "He's lost blood, not very responsive," she whispered more to herself than to anyone. Standing up she did her best to grab Malcolm's other side without further irritating his injury. "Ramón, you help me bring him upstairs all right?"

Ramón's thoughts were, well, elsewhere after Noelle had entered the room. Only once she started pulling Malcolm's body forward did he snap back to reality. He helped carry his fallen brother up the stairs trying to match Noelle's gentle pace.

"So, Constance," she snapped her head back around at the sound of his voice.

"So, Gabriel," she sat back in her seat behind her desk, dipping her quill into the almost empty ink well. She scribbled some numbers down in the book before Gabriel's looming presence became too frustrating. "Can I help you with something?"

"I'd like to inquire about your, services." Gabriel arched an eyebrow at her.

She stared at him for a short time before turning back to her book. "Not even if you paid me, Gabriel." she punctuated his name by pushing the book aside. Leaning her elbows on the desk, she smiled up at him "And that's my job."

"Put him in the chair," Noelle said, swinging the chair from her desk at the window to the center of the room.

Ramón obliged, placing Malcolm as delicately as he could into the wooden chair. He watched Noelle as she scurried back and forth around the room. Going from her desk, to under her bed, to her wardrobe in what seemed like a matter of seconds.

"Here, you hold these," Noelle threw some bottles, and bandages into Ramon's unwary arms. She grabbed the bottle of alcohol and a rag from her wardrobe. Pouring the liquid into the white fabric, she breathed in slowly. Malcolm may not be the most receptive person at the moment, but when she put this on him, oh boy. Unwinding the poorly wrapped bandages, Noelle glanced at the four marks raked through Malcolm's skin. They were relatively deep, and definitely needed stitching. Noelle took in another deep breath, and pressed the alcohol-saturated rag to Malcolm's skin.

"What the hell is that," Malcolm screamed as his head shot upright from it's lulled position. The burning that was spreading across his wound was getting increasingly more painful, almost as bad the slash itself.

"Ramón, help me," Noelle said through clenched teeth, as she clamped a hand down onto Malcolm's wrist in an attempt to keep him from moving. His body was reacting for him, trying to jerk away from the thing causing more pain. She had dealt with this before, it was a common reaction, but Malcolm was much stronger than most, and could easily throw her across the room if he really tried. "Malcolm calm down," she was trying to reason with him, Noelle knew how much this must hurt. But his screaming was the only thing anyone could hear. Surely the rest of the girls would be waking up soon, and complaining to her later.

Throwing the items she had handed him onto her bed, Ramón grabbed Malcolm's uninjured arm, and pressed him against the wooden chair, trying to keep him from moving. His gaze drifted over to Noelle as she kept pressing the cloth, which stunk of whatever George liked to drink, to Malcolm's arm.

"Malcolm," now Noelle was yelling, "you have to cooperate with me, or I'll have to cut off your arm, you hear me?" His shouts died down, and were exchanged with short breaths through his nose, and some slight whimpering. She let out an exasperated sigh. "Only a couple more minutes, then you are going to need some serious stitching."

"God," Gabriel said entering through the door. "Keep 'im screaming like that we'll wake the whole city." The scene was quite funny, Ramón pinning Malcolm to a chair, while Noelle had a sopping cloth pressed against the injury. What was not funny were the three pairs of glaring eyes, boring into him. "What you can't say it's not true."

"Gabriel come here for a second," Noelle ordered. He brightened up like a puppy and kneeled down next to her. She gave him a swift slap to the back of the head, which earned her a snort from Malcolm. She rolled her eyes "Get me the bottles from the bed, and the stool in my corner."

"Why do I gotta do it?"

"Because I'm assuming you want Malcolm to keep his arm," she snapped back. Gabriel held up his hands defensively, and edged his way to the materials she asked for. He placed the stool down next her, and she plopped onto it. Noelle dabbed the cloth around the wound a couple more times, being sure to take care for any of the dried blood that had caked its way on Malcolm's skin. The claw marks were still bleeding, slowly, but still if this kept up, he would bleed out. "Okay," she said taking the blood stained rag away from his skin "Ramón you can let go now."

He had still been watching her. Only brought out of his state when Malcolm yelled "Hey, asshole, she said you can let go. Come on I can barely feel my good arm." Malcolm wriggled his arm free from Ramón's grasp.

He mumbled out "Sorry, Malcolm." Then went back to watching Noelle work, as she threaded a strand of silk through a needle. He would always be fascinated by the things she could do with the little tools she had. Sometimes when he came to visit she would have a patient, and would allow him to sit in the room and just talk to her as she fixed up whomever. It was hard at first, his English was very broken, but she was patient, and would smile at him as he tried to get his sentences out. But sometimes when he did come to see her, Constance would give a shake of her head, and say Noelle wasn't available right now. And those were the days that left Ramón with a sick feeling in his stomach.

"All right Malcolm, you ready," she asked, the silver needle glinting in the rising sunlight trickling in through the window. He grunted. "Okay then, you should just feel a small pinch, and it should go away over time, so don't worry."

"I'm not worrie- son of a fuck," he shouted as Noelle pierced the needle into his still tender skin. He tore his arm away from her and jumped up from the chair, the needle just barely stuck through his skin, and dangling. Malcolm let out a quick breath; he looked to Noelle who had an unimpressed look on her face. She crossed her arms. "Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He sat back down in the chair.

"Now, like I said," the edge in her voice obvious at this point. Sometimes dealing with three brash, idiots made someone a little annoyed. "It's going to sting the first couple times, but your body will get used to it and you'll barely notice."

"Geeze Malcolm you act like that tiny, itty bitty needle was as bad as the bear claws," Gabriel was tossing a bottle of something or other into the air and catching it again.

"I'm sorry," Noelle halted her sewing for a moment "did you a say a bear?" The woods that were on the outskirts of Boston were not shy to predators. But Noelle had expected maybe a wolf, or perhaps even a bobcat. But a bear? "You guys are out of your minds, why would you hunt a bear?"

"Well to be fair," Gabriel laid the bottle back onto Noelle's bed before leaning against the mattress "it was more like the bear was hunting us."

"And whose bright idea was it to go hunting?" Gabriel jerked his head to a Malcolm, who appeared to be resting his eyes. "Malcolm, you're an idiot," Noelle said pointedly and then went back to sewing up his arm.

"Well excuse me, it wasn't like I was expecting to get my arm ripped in half. Just wanted to go on a hunting trip," he mumbled out the last part.

"You know on those slow days," Noelle finished up her last stitch on the smallest of the scratches. She grabbed her scissors from the bed, and cut the remaining thread. "I really do have to ask myself why John chose you guys for the new recruits."

"Well that's easy," Ramón said, he had been leaning against the back of the chair, chin resting on folded arms as he watched her sew up Malcolm's marred arm. "We got a British spy, a blacksmith, and I mean, my devilish good looks just really tie the whole thing together." He smiled back at her, and could almost hear Gabriel roll his eyes from the corner. Noelle narrowed her eyes, and pursed her lips.

"That can be up for debate," she threaded the next strand of silk. He'd been visiting her a lot lately, especially now that he could actually speak to her. Noelle would always reprimand him for skipping out his training, of course she would. But then he would say something, make her laugh, and she would invite him to watch her fix up an injured person, or simply mix some herbs together. And then they would talk for a while, and once it came time that it seemed he should be back from training, he would open her window, and jump to the ground below. Noelle looked to the small mug on her desk that had accumulated quite a few roses. Some were wilted, and turning brown, but she couldn't bring herself to toss them away.

Of course, there were also the times when he wasn't allowed to see her. When certain clients of the non-medical variety asked for her. Noelle wasn't permitted to practice medicine with the rest of the doctors in the city. So she made a deal with Madame DeHaven some time ago, she could practice medicine in her brothel, as long as the woman got a cut of the fees. And there was also the catch that if anyone requested Noelle, for, other kinds of service, she would have to comply. It wasn't her ideal situation of course, but it was the only way Noelle could practice what she loved to do. Noelle stayed cooped up in her room a lot, if no one saw her, no one could ask for her. So Ramón's visits always made her happy, and though she would act annoyed, she was grateful to have him around.

"You know Noelle my arm's not gonna sew itself," Malcolm's voice snapped her out of whatever haze she was in.

"Well I mean, technically over time it would scab over, essentially sewing itself." she said, and shot Malcolm a smile.

"Just, sew my arm." Noelle laughed a little, and looked to Ramón. He smiled at her, and she smiled back before getting back to stitching up the rest of Malcolm's wound.

Noelle pulled the needle through Malcolm's freckled skin to finalize the last stitch. She snipped the extra silk thread. "Okay, you're all done." He had, surprisingly, fallen asleep while Noelle was stitching him up. And about half an hour ago the light snores could be heard from her bed, where Gabriel has passed out. Only Ramón had still been awake, watching her go through every stitch, occasionally asking her something, or cracking a joke. She noticed him yawn a couple of times, and asked if he wanted her to kick Gabriel off her bed. But he shook his head, and went on talking until she had finished. Noelle stood up from her stool, carefully moving Gabriel from his sprawled position to one side of her bed. She grabbed her bundle of bandages, and bottle of chickweed oil.

"What's that," Malcolm asked rubbing his eyes like a child woken up from a nap. He looked to his arm, where all four cuts had been stitched to completion. The sutures barely visible due to the use of silk, but running a finger over them, it was easy to tell they were there. His hand was slapped away. "What the hell!"

"Don't touch," Noelle scolded, "you could give yourself an infection."

"Are you implying that I'm dirty, Noelle?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying Malcolm," Noelle unraveled the bandages and cut them to a suitable length. "And to answer your previous question, it's chickweed oil." She held up the bottle for him to see. "It's going to help with the stitches, use it when they itch, or feel like they're burning." Noelle started to pack her tools back into the box she kept them in. She placed the box back on her desk by the window. "It's going to take some time to heal, do your best not to use it."

"Not use it," Malcolm stopped turning the bottle of medicine she had given him, "how am I supposed to climb stuff? Or use my sword?"

"You're not," Noelle said, snapping the buckles on the box of supplies. "Take this time to rest, maybe study up on some of the wildlife out there so this doesn't happen again." Noelle placed her hands on her hips, while Malcolm stuck his tongue out at her. "Keep that up and I won't bandage you." Almost instantly Malcolm's tongue went back into his mouth, after some grumbling, of course. Noelle returned to her stool, and started winding the bandages around his arm. "When it's done healing, you either come back to me, or ask John to take them out, got it." Noelle looked to him after she tied the white linen around his arm.

"Yeah, I got it, I got it," Malcolm stood up from the chair, and stretched his arms over his head. "Son of a bitch," he dropped them immediately as a pain went shooting up his arm. "Well this is going to be awful." He spun and walked over to Noelle's bed, where Gabriel was shoved up against the wall, snoring slightly. "Wake up," Malcolm yelled.

"What, I'm up," Gabriel's head shot up, he blinked back the blurriness in his eyes. So he had nodded off for a little bit, that's just what happens when a guy stays up late, and is forced to wake up early, just so one of his teammates can get mauled by a bear. Malcolm glared down at him, before grabbing the back of his robes, and hoisting him to his feet. "Easy Malcolm, easy, my head still messed up from getting thrown into that tree." Gabriel brushed himself off, and heard Noelle emit a huge sigh as she placed her fingertips against her forehead. "What? I'll be fine, right?" She walked over to him, and ran a hand against the back of his head. He could practically feel Ramón bristle from the other side of the room.

"Yes, you'll be fine. Just be sure to put some ice or snow on it when you get back okay?" Gabriel nodded, and pulled a coin purse from his belt. She pushed his hand away "Don't worry about it, you idiots are always free of charge."

"You know I'm starting to get offended Noelle." Gabriel said, placing the coins back on his person. "Come on boys, I'm sure John is extremely concerned with our whereabouts." He stretched once more before taking a large step, and opening the door. He held it open with a big gesture. "After you, Malcolm."

"Shut up, moron," Malcolm rolled his eyes, and exited the room.


"You guys go on, I'm going to stay here for a little bit," Ramón said, moving so he could stand next to Noelle. He watched as the knowing smile grew on Gabriel's face.

"Well then," Gabriel moved to the exit "we'll be waiting." He closed the door behind him, and walked down the hall, a smirk plastered on his face.

"A bear, a fucking bear," Noelle exploded, laughing a little "you guys are crazy!"

"How long were you holding that one in?" Ramón asked, she shot him a look.

"How did you manage to avoid all this? You're the one who hardly gets any training in." Noelle crossed her arms.

"Hey, I was the one who killed it."

"Well, thank God for that I suppose." Noelle moved the chair back. She leaned against her desk, crossing her ankles and arms. "You guys are so lucky to have me."

Ramón walked over, and stood in front of her, appearing taller due to her slumped stance. "Yes, we really are," he held up the wilted rose between the two of them, smiling down at her. He watched as she brightened up, and plucked the rose from his fingers.

Turning her back to him, Noelle placed the new blossom into the mug that had accumulated both dead and alive flowers. He brought her one every time he came to see her, without fail. It was kind of like their little secret form of communication; ever since the first day she met him. "Thanks Ramón." She faced him once more, smiling up at him, until he started leaning down towards her. Noelle turned her cheek, and held a hand up, blocking his face from coming into contact with hers. "Ramón stop, I already told you I can't." He let out an exasperated sound.

"I still don't understand why not."

"This is my job, okay? It would just make things very complicated, and I wouldn't be able to practice anymore, and Ramón, please, I just can't." Noelle turned her back to him once more, looking out the large window in front of her. The city had finally begun to bustle with life as the early dawn had given way to the morning. The sound of boots crunching through the fresh snow could be heard, as the townspeople made their way to their jobs. She envied them in that moment.

He grabbed her by the shoulder as to make her face him again. They had been going back and forth like this since he had been in Boston. They were both aware of the tension between them, but every time they would try and address it she would turn away, and repeat the same dreaded phrase, 'I can't'. "Why do you even stay here, under these conditions? You don't have to." Ramón slid his hand from her shoulders to her upper arms, squeezing them lightly.

"Stop, just stop it all right?" Noelle placed her hands against his chest, and shoved him away lightly. "You know how I feel about you, and you know I can't do this. Why do you keep pushing it?"

"Because I know how you feel about me, and you know how I feel about you." Ramón could feel the frustration bubbling in the pit of his stomach. He stared at her for what felt like minutes, as her eyes searched his face.

"I think you should go," Noelle said moving to the door.

He was fed up. "Why, Noelle? Expecting some company once I leave? Exactly how many men are you supposed to service today?" Ramón regretted saying it as soon as the words left his lips. So much so that he wanted to cover his mouth with his hand, and pretend he forgot how to speak English.

A long silence encompassed the room before Noelle finally spoke up. "Leave." she said her voice surprisingly calm, she swung open the door. She could feel a lump forming in her throat; she was doing her best to keep the tears at bay.

"No, Noelle listen," he strode over to her; she kept her eyes on the floor. He fumbled with his apology, trying to think if he should grab her hand, or arm, or anything. "I didn't mean that, I didn't."

"I said, leave." Noelle interrupted, refusing to look Ramón in the eye and focusing on the splintering wood of her floorboards. Noelle swallowed whatever sadness was trying to rise to the surface. He was still hovering around her, seeming to finally be at a loss for words. She held the door open, until, with an angry sigh, he marched out. Noelle closed the door gently behind him, and held a hand up to her mouth, trying to quiet the sobs that had finally escaped from her throat.

Ramón stomped down the stairs back into the main lobby, where the two other men had been waiting for him. Gabriel chatting up Constance a little bit, Malcolm standing by the door, tapping his foot impatiently.

"'Bout fucking time!" Malcolm said upon seeing him come down the stairs.

"Really Malcolm? I thought it was kind of short." Gabriel lounged back on Constance's desk.

"Shut up Gabriel," Ramón said, opening the door. The cold wind bit at the exposed skin on his face. "Come on we have got to get back, and tell John what happened." He exited, not even waiting to see if the other two would follow.

"What do you think happened up there?" Malcolm said shooting Gabriel a glance.

Gabriel crossed his arms "My guess is, absolutely nothing."

Atlantic Ocean, December 1771

"Sir," a crew member saluted to the man standing at the bow of the ship.

He was draped in various kinds of furs, all being used to keep warm against the bone chilling winds blowing off the ocean. His breath came out in tangible puffs as his eyes kept glued to the dark waters in the distance. "Yes," his voice was deep, and it seemed to contain an ever-present underlying tone of malice to it.

The crew member swallowed; fear striking him suddenly "Our destination is two months away with the seas faring the way they are, sir."

"Perfect," he said, "you are dismissed." He waited until the sound of the man's boots hitting the wooden deck of the ship had faded. A sadistic grin sprouted on his lips upon seeing the sun begin to peek its way over the horizon.

"Can't wait to see you again," the smile on his face grew in fondness "Johnny-boy."

Did you like it? Is it too obvious who the man is at the end?

Anyway sorry again guys, I do hope to update next month, but it's all very up in the air right now.

All I can say is never assume I have given up on this story.

Also over two thousand views! You are all amazing.

Until next time.