It has come to my attention that I have left everyone waiting for about...9 months now? I think? So um...I'm INCREDIBLY sorry about that, but here's a new chapter finally! I know that some of you are probably really mad at me for waiting FOREVER to finally update, but this is me updating! I'm really excited!


Silently thanking Wade for the silence that followed afterwards, the teen forgot about everything he was stressing about earlier to let himself drift off peacefully, which was happening fairly quickly.

He was probably half asleep when he became vaguely aware that an arm was suddenly slung over his waist and something warm and solid was pressed against his body, but he didn't have time to register what was going on before he quickly drifted off into a deep slumber, his head resting against the soft mattress.

God, Peter was in trouble.

Wade left the following morning, and it was probably a good thing, too. He didn't think Pete would be too enthusiastic about waking up in the merc's arms, anyway.

'Oh, he totally would! Maybe we would've got some action, if you know what I-'

'Peter would have probably thrown us out of the closest window.'

"Do you guys ever shut up?" Wade grumbled, squirming around on the loveseat he was currently curled up in as he stared up at the water-damaged ceiling. One of the lights on the other side of the room flickered, but Wade paid no mind to it.

'Technically, no, since we are your inner thoughts.'

"Oh yeah…" the merc frowned, scratching the back of his head in acknowledgement. He hated himself sometimes. Wait, scratch that. He hated himself all the time.

This was partially why he didn't try to run into Peter that day, or the next three. No wait, scratch that, too.

He didn't try running into Peter for the next three weeks. And yeah, Wade was going against his own word by not looking after Pete, but he was sad and stubborn so his feelings were more important.

Well, they were more important until he got a call from an unknown number in the middle of his sulking. Wade looked over at his phone in annoyance before clumsily throwing his hand on top of it, picking it up and flipping it open.

"Deadpool speaking." He rehearsed, his voice gruff and raspy from lack of use.

"I see you didn't do your job, Wade."

Wade immediately sat up, clenching his jaw as he struggled to keep his cool. He resisted the urge to crush his phone.

"First of all, buddy, it's Deadpool. We're not friends," he growled, "second of all, I'm pretty sure you left out one tiny detail in that paper you sent me. Actually, you left out a lot of tiny details- like that fact that Parker was Steve Rogers and Tony Stark's kid. It would have been nice knowing that, since they hate me already!"

"Now, Wade, I think you and I both know that that isn't the reason why you didn't go through with the job."

Wade grew silent for a few moments, his grip on the phone tightening. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He lied, his eyes narrowing.

"Fine, if you won't wipe Spider-Man off of the map, I'll have someone else do it."

"Wha-? When did we start talking about Spi-"

"Cut the crap, Wilson. I know that you know about Mr. Parker's dirty little secret. I also know that you and him have grown relatively close during your little…escapades with him."

"Don't you fucking dare talk about that," he growled lowly, "how the hell do you even- actually, no, don't answer that. But let me tell you one thing. If you hire anyone else to go after Peter, I will hunt them down and shove their own foot so far up their ass that they'll beg for mercy. And after I'm done with them, you'll be next. And trust me, I will find you." And with that, Wade flipped his phone shut and proceeded to throw it as hard as he could against the wall. He was satisfied with the loud shatter he received in return.

'We should probably go find Peter.'

"Yeah, you're probably right."Wade sighed. He didn't really want to see Peter at the moment, but he would probably find this information kind of important and he already broke his phone, so he was going to have to suck it up and go. Heaving himself up to stand, he threw his arms up high in the air to stretch out his muscles, earned himself a loud crack in his spine. A sudden rush of relief washed through him afterwards, causing him to sigh and let his arms dangle back to his sides. Attaching his swords onto his back and strapping his holsters onto his legs, he was out the door in a heartbeat.

Wade found himself waiting outside of Peter's school (was it Midtown…High School? Or Midtown Science? He'll have to ask later) and suddenly realized he had no idea what time it was. Looking around, he noticed that a woman talking on the phone a little ways from him had a silver watch that fit snugly around her wrist. She was obviously a business woman, hence the gray pencil skirt and the black blouse she was currently wearing. In fact, she was probably making a business-y call at that very moment. Sighing with relief, he quickly made his way to her and grabbed her wrist, ignoring her loud gasp and how she almost dropped her phone.

Looking down at the small clock strapped to her wrist, he sighed in relief. Peter would probably be out in ten minutes, so he should probably go and sit down somewhere.

"Sorry lady, just needed to check the-" he was interrupted when something hard connected with his jaw, causing him to stumble back. Blinking in surprise, he rubbed his mask where the object hit him and looked back up at the woman, who was currently speeding down the sidewalk as quickly as she could in her tall office heels. He noticed how a heavy-looking purple purse swayed from side-to-side on one arm as she ran, noting the fact that that purse was probably the suspect of his now-sore cheekbone.

'What'd she do that for? Not nice!'

'Then again, we did grab her arm without asking her. She might have thought we were assaulting her.'

Grumbling incoherent retorts, Wade made his way over to a bench and plopped down, sighing. Yeah, maybe going to wait outside of Peter's school in costume wasn't exactly the best idea. In fact, it was probably one of his worst ideas ever. Actually, wait. He has had plenty of worst ideas in his lifetime, and him showing up at Pete's school in costume didn't really compare to breaking in to Taskmaster's hideout with absolutely no plan at all.

The merc didn't have to wait long, though, because soon after he sat down he heard the heavy doors to the school whirl open and the rush of highschoolers noisily making their way down the concrete steps. Turning his head to search for a familiar face, he tapped his foot on the ground impatiently and huffed.

"Too many kids, "Wade growled, getting up after a few moments to move and get a better view of the crowd. Scanning once again, a familiar wonderful ass came into view. Smirking, he made his way over to the boy with devilish thoughts.

"Baby boy!" He yelled as he placed a hand on his shoulder rather firmly…which confused him a little. Usually Peter would shrug away from his touch before his hand could even come near him. Blinking, he made his way to stand in front of Peter and immediately realized the source of his confusion.

"Oh- uh…yeah…never mind!" He winced, apologizing to someone who was definitely not Peter. He was deceived by a butt. God dammit. Turning around, he quickly weaved through the crowd once again, paying attention to everyone's faces this time.

"Faces, Wade. Gotta look at their faces next time. Butts are too deceiving to be a reliable source…"he whispered to himself, a few streams of curses following relatively close behind.

It took Wade five minutes before he found the familiar face of Peter Parker, or what looked like Peter, since he couldn't really see his face. He was currently talking to some guy who looked like the exact opposite of someone Pete would choose to spend time with. The guy wore a large gray sweatshirt and some gray sweatpants, and the buzz cut didn't exactly help his image.

'That sweatshirt with those sweatpants? What was he thinking?'

'What poor fashion sense.'

"You're right, gray on gray never looks fashionable," Wade grumbled, beginning to shove his way through the crowd to get to Peter. He stopped, however, when he noticed the fearful look Peter gave off.

Peter refused to look into the guy's eyes, and was instead staring down at his own feet. This confused Wade, because Peter was never so…reserved. The boy's hands were shoved deep in the pockets of his jacket, and he almost looked... nervous? The guy was talking to Peter, and by the way Peter's body visibly tensed, he knew something was wrong.

Wade watched as Peter shook his head quickly, moving to walk away from the poorly-fashioned guy until he was stopped. Wade felt his muscles tense when Peter 's arm was tugged sharply until he faced the guy once more. Peter moved to pry his arm out of his hold, but the guy looked angry; Wade could see his jaw clenching and unclenching as Peter continued to tug hard against the hold that Wade knew Pete was physically able to pry himself out of.

Yeah, something was very wrong.

He was moving before he could stop himself. Peter continued to try to yank his arm out of the other guy's hold, but he wasn't getting out of his grip anytime soon. Wade gritted his teeth as he dodged a couple of people to get to the boy, and he slowed once he got near them.

"Do you want to continue where we left off, Parker?"

"Let go of me, Eugene."

Wade immediately stepped forward when Eugene's (that was his name, right? He'll have to ask later) eyes grew dark, staring down at Peter in pure anger. The merc placed a hand on the one that gripped Peter's arm, staring at Eugene with cold eyes.

"Petey, is this man bothering you?" Wade asked in mock innocence, his eyes not leaving Eugene's cold stare. Gripping his hand a little tighter, he tore it off of Peter's arm and stepped in front of the boy quickly.

"Wade?! What are you-"

"Sorry, buddy- can you take a rain check? I can't exactly tango right now. Peter and I have things to talk about, "Wade interrupted Peter and gave Eugene an innocent smile before his face fell serious, "but if I find out you hurt him, or even planned on hurting him, I will find you."

Eugene's smug face turned fearful for a moment as his eyes trailed over the multiple life-threatening objects strapped to Wade's body. After a moment of what looked like thought, his face hardened and he yanking his hand out of Wade's grip, his eyes crinkling as he tried to conceal his fear with a laugh. "And what would happen if I did hurt your precious boyfriend?" He asked in mock playfulness, looking into Wade's eyes with another one of his smug smiles that gave Wade a familiar itch in his chest. An itch to kill. Or, you know, punch him really really hard in the face.

Peter stepped forward as if to protest, but Wade placed a hand on his chest to quiet him. "Trust me, you'll probably find out soon enough," The merc smirked threateningly before taking Peter's hand and leading him away from Eugene and out of the crowded area.

He wasn't really surprised that Eugene decided not to make a scene after they walked away. With a smug smile, Wade totally didn't let go of Peter's hand as they turned to walk the route Peter usually takes home. Not that he memorized that at all.

Okay, so what if he did? It was his job once, it wasn't because he was really stalking him or anything.

'I'm pretty sure watching him walk home from the rooftops classifies as stalking.'

"Oh shut up, why do you always have to be right?" Wade grumbled, letting go of Peter's hand after they were an acceptable distance away from school grounds. Not that he really wanted to.

"What?" Peter asked quietly.

"Voices," Wade replied, looking over at Peter as he tapped a finger on one of his temples, "in my head. You know the drill, baby boy."

Peter only looked away quickly, nodding silently. The hood of his jacket concealed Peter's face, and it was growing steadily annoying the more Wade thought of it. He tried his best to ignore it, though.

"I haven't seen you in a while, not even on my patrols around the city…"Peter trailed off slowly, refusing to meet eye contact with Wade.

Wade looked away almost immediately, blinking as he made an effort to make up some dumb excuse. "I was- I was…busy."

Ugh, that was terrible. He wasn't expecting Peter to ask about it, okay?

He could feel Pete's eyes burning into the back of his skull, but luckily the boy didn't say anything. Wade was relieved at how he seemed to let it go even though his lie was so blatantly obvious. The merc turned to look at the boy, but once Pete noticed Wade had turned to him he jerked his head away, his jacket's hood shielding his face away from Wade's eyes once more.

"You know, you didn't have to do what you did back there, Wade."

"But what if I wanted to?" Wade snapped back almost immediately, his voice significantly louder as he was struggling to control his sudden burst of anger. Peter flinched, but Wade couldn't tell if it was out of surprise, or if he had actually scared him. Oh, the side-effects of having brain cancer. The cancer wasn't life-threatening, though, because…well, yeah. Mood swings were definitely not his friend.

He just wanted to take the words back as soon as he said them. He didn't mean to say them, they kind of just…well, you know. Word vomit.

'Talking to the reader isn't going to help anything.'

"Did it look like I was talking to y-" A sudden force collided into his side, cutting him off. He stumbled backwards into an alleyway they were originally going to pass, but somehow ended up catching his footing as he was pushed further and further down the alley. It only took a few seconds to realize what was happening.

Was Peter…

…hugging him?

Wade looked down at the solid force pushed against his chest and, sure enough, he was. Holy shit, what the hell. After a few moments of just staring down at the concealed head tucked beneath his nose, he remembered that he should probably hug back, and slowly wrapped his arms around Pete and squeezed tightly. He earned a satisfying breathless groan, causing him to form a crooked grin as he loosened his tight hold.

He was slightly confused as to why Pete was hugging him, but when he was about to question it, it was as though the hood Peter had been wearing personally offended him out of nowhere.

'Why must it cover his beautiful face? Hoods=bad. No hoods=visible sexy face! The latter is best!'

Wade slid a hand up Peter's back and swiftly, not to mention skillfully, pulled Peter's hood down with minimal hair pulling. He's pretty sure he pulled a little hair, but not enough to cause too much damage. Peter tensed immediately after the harmless action, his shoulders stiffening with a harsh jerk of movement. Whoops, maybe he pulled hair from a tender spo-

What happened next was unexpected. In one swift action, Wade was left stumbling back and further into the alley (holy shit this alley is long). Blinking in surprise, the merc struggled to catch his footing, trying his hardest to avoid tripping over the large black trash bags lying as far away as possible from any dumpster. He was finally successful, and once he stopped flailing and turned to look up at Pete, he saw it.

Bruises. They littered Peter's face and neck like dark rashes, occasional irritated scratches scattered here and there. The majority of the left side of Pete's face was left untouched, but the right side…well, it looked like he had been punched by the Hulk, to put it lightly.

Peter quickly whipped his body around to face the other direction, as if he were hoping Wade didn't see, but the merc had gotten a clear view of it all. "I let my guard down and a bunch of thieves got to me," he admitted calmly yet quickly. It was as though he had rehearsed the answer millions of times.

He had to say, his little Petey was a pretty bad liar.

'You're not quite good at lying yourself.'

Wade had to resist the urge to whisper a small retort as he slowly stood straighter, narrowing his eyes as he stared at the back of Pete's head. Peter had to be pretty stupid to believe that Wade would actually buy his blatant lie. Why was he attempting to lie to him anyway? Why didn't he not want him to know what had actually happened?

"Peter, you're the best at dodging a few punches than anyone I have ever seen. I mean, you have a special tingle that literally alerts you to move out of the way before someone manages to land a single finger on you. And when that special little tingle actually tingles, you do flips just to get out of the way, even though they are way unnecessary and way too attractive for someone to be doing at your if you think I'm buying that answer, you're wrong." He stated quietly, slowly walking closer to Pete as he spoke.

He didn't know why he did it, but once he was directly behind they boy he found himself tugging his mask off and letting it fall to his feet. Stepping forward, he side-stepped Peter before turning to stand directly in front of him, looking at the boy's face once more. He noticed how the boy kept his eyes tightly shut, but when he placed his hands on Pete's shoulders they slowly opened and looked up at the merc with a pained expression that he couldn't quite distinguish.

Now that he was closer, he could see just how severely busted up Peter's face was. Wade had to force himself not to cringe, because he knew that it would just make the boy feel worse about himself, so instead he stayed silent and took it all in (which is totally worse). One of Pete's cheekbones were completely swollen and a reddish-pink, the rest of that side of his face the same color but lighter and darker in some areas. His lower lip was busted, the skin around the split red and angry. However, Pete managed to avoid getting a black eye, which was kind of surprising. Overall, the bruises looked fairly recent, which made Wade start to wonder as to who had been successful in harming Peter's beautiful face. Rage flared up in his chest just thinking about it.

"Alright, who do I have to kill?"


"The guy who hit you. Or girl, you never know these days," Wade shrugged before continuing, "who were they? was it...a new villain of Spider-Man's? Or the green Banner? Oh oh oh! Did you get into a fight with your superhero dads? Although I wouldn't kill any of your parents, and I would never kill the Hulk either...except for that one time, but that doesn't count! Who was it?"

Peter groaned and slapped Wade's hands off his shoulders. "No, it wasn't Banner, there are no new villains in New York as far as I'm concerned, and I definitely did not get in a fight with my dads. And you're not killing anybody! Can we just drop the subject?"

"Oh come on, Pete. It's me!" Wade whined, pouting.

"Exactly," Peter deadpanned, "now if you'll excuse me, I'm walking home."

"Oh, I'm coming with you!"

"Hah! That's funny." Peter laughed, pulling his hood back up. He began to walk down the alleyway, but once Wade had began to follow him after he retreived his mask, he stopped and turned back around to look at him. "Wade, you're not coming with me. My dads are home- they'll see you. And they already told me to stay-" Peter suddenly stopped talking, biting his lip as though that last part wasn't meant to be mentioned.



"What?" Wade asked, slipping his mask back on.

"Nothing!" Peter turned back around and headed down the alleyway quickly, but Wade ran after him and stopped once he reached Pete's side, keeping pace with him.

"No, tell me! You gotta tell me, because once it slips you might as well let it spill!"

The boy cringed at that, which was a little confusing and left Wade a little nervous as to what he was going to learn, but he pushed those feelings aside once Peter finally looked at him. "My dads found out that I had began to hang out with you as Spider-Man a couple months ago, and they had immedaitely warned me that I should stay away from you...then again, I already knew that, but..." Peter trailed off, slowing his pace and eventually coming to a halt when he realized that Wade was actually laughing at the news.

Wade had erupted into fits of laughter, bending over and placing his hands on his knees as he tried to compose himself. Once he had finally suppressed his laughter into tiny chuckles, he looked back up at Peter, who was currently glaring at him. "I'm sorry, it's just- do you realize how clichéall of this is?" When Peter gave him a blank stare, he continued, "The father, well in this case fathers, doen't want the daughter to date the bad boy, but she does it anyway and eventually proves just how amazing he really is? Come on, it's in like, oh I don't know, every single teen romance movie ever?"

Peter scoffed, rolling his eyes. "In this case, two superhero dads don't want their son to be influenced by a psychotic mercenary? Lets both be glad that dating isn't involved in any of this, because if Pops found out about that he would probably pop a vein in his neck."

"Not yet, at least, "Wade stated quietly, a smirk quickly coming on. Peter blushed faintly (holy shit) before turning around and continuing to walk, turning out of the alleyway and back onto the sidewalk again. Wade quickly caught up with him after a few moments, matching his pace.

'See, what did I tell you? Spider-Man totally had the hots for us!'

"You aren't coming over, Wade."

'Maybe not.'

"That doesn't mean I can't walk you home."

"I'm just telling you that, no matter how much you beg, you are not coming inside. My parents are home and I don't want to have to explain why you are with me."

'Hahah, 'coming inside'...'

Wade put his hands up and shrugged, smiling faintly. "Alright, baby boy, whatever you say."

After a few moments of silence, Wade's mind finally wandered back to what happened in the alleyway.

"So...are you ever going to tell me who messed up that beautiful face of yours?"


"Okay, well can you at least tell me why you almost tackled me in that alleyway back there?"


"Oh, come on! We were having a moment!" Wade whined, his shoulders deflating.

Peter shook his head and smiled, keeping his eyes straight ahead as the Stark Tower came into view. Wade didn't notice, though, frowning and crossing his arms as they walked.

"Fine. If you won't tell me, I'll just have to figure it out myself."

Peter stiffened visibly before sighing. "Good luck with that," he said quietly. Something about it set Wade off a little bit, but when he was about to question it Peter came to a stop. He was about to question why he stopped instead, but then he noticed that they were literally standing right in front of the tower. Did they seriously walk that fast, or was Midtown Science literally that close?

"You should probably leave now." Peter changed the subject quickly, turning to look up at Wade expectantly.

"Fine, fine. See 'ya later, baby boy!" He slowly backed away and waved, watching as Peter shook his head with a chuckle before heading inside. Only then did his eyes catch a single dark blotch on the boy's pale neck. What the hell-

Wade's heart sank when he realized that the boy had been hiding a hickey from him all along.

'But he was totally into us! How could he be in a relationship?'

'He isn't in a relationship, he's told us that.'

"Will you shut up?!" Wade shouted, earning a few surprised looks from people who passed by. "I'm trying to think here! Peter doesn't have a girlfriend slash boyfriend, he's made that clear in a lot of conversations we've had. And he surely isn't the type to do the whole 'friends with benefits' thing, either, so what gives? How the hell did he get that thing on his neck?"

Wade felt his chest tighten upon realization.

"Peter didn't like talking about how he got those bruises...and he didn't mention exactly who inflicted them. Not to mention how uncomfortable he was when I asked about it..."Wade whispered to himself, trailing off. His heart pounded when he connected two horrifying details together, and he felt like he was going to throw up.

"Either everything is beginning to make a horrifyingly huge amount of sense, or I'm totally wrong. I really hope I'm wrong..." He admitted to himself. Stepping back, he looked up at the tower and tried to map everything out in his head. Remembering what floor Peter actually lives on, he looked for the window that would probably be in Peter's room. Well, it looks like he's about to make Peter really angry.

"Aha! There it is! Well, I at least hope it is." Wade sighed and walked over to the side of the tower so he was directly below the window, biting his lip. He looked down at his utility belt and patted it, sighing. "You better be able to make this, buddy."

And with that, he found himself standing in the corner of Peter's room, sighing with relief that he was able to get up here without any distance problem.

Looking around, he caught sight of Peter laying on his bed, his back facing him. Wade stiffened when he realized he had absolutely no plan whatsoever, and he didn't have time to think when his mind blanked from Pete's phone buzzing on the desk a few feet away from him.

He watched with wide eyes as the boy began to shift around on the bed, a little whine escaping his lips in the process. When he began to sit up, Wade held his breath. He really should have warned Peter before coming up here.

Once Peter turned around to stand, his eyes immediately caught sight of Wade and was about to scream until the merc ran over to him and placed a gloved hand over his mouth. After a few moments of just staring at each other, he finally pulled his hand back and kept his eyes on Peter's the entire time.

What Peter said next was probably along the lines of 'what the hell are you doing here', but Wade completely blocked the words out when he noticed that Peter was no longer wearing his jacket ad instead just a long-sleeved shirt. Wade's eyes followed the bruises on Pete's face down to his neck until they continued down below his collar, and the merc's eyes rested on the dark hickey that was a sharp contrast compared to how pale the boy was.

What he did next surprised the both of them. Wade found himself forcing Peter out of his shirt, despite how Pete immediately tried to fight his way out of Wade's hold. Despite the pushing and shoving, the merc had successfully stripped the boy out of his shirt and stepped back, taking it all in.

Bruises were everywhere. But hey, some of them looked old and were probably from his life as Spider-Man, but most of them were red and angry. A lot of them were on his arms in various colors, but there were a lot on the boy's ribs and stomach. However, not all of them were bruises. Some of them were hickeys. They were scattered on his collarbones and his chest, but there was one in particular that stood out on Peter's hip that made Wade nauseous.

Peter grew silent as he realized what Wade was doing, slumping over and closing his eyes tightly. After a few moments of just staring at Peter's face, Wade stepped forward and kneeled down in front of the boy, staring up at him.

"Please tell me..." Wade whispered after a few moments, noticing how Peter's expression morphed into pain at his words. "Please- I'll...I promise I'll listen, just- please, tell me."

Peter opened his eyes slowly, looking down at Wade with eyes that made the merc's chest tighten. It's been a long time since he's cared for someone so much, to be honest.

"After you disappeared, things...changed. I don't know what, but it was like Eugene-"

"The guy that was bothering you when I found you at your school."

"Yeah, him. He prefers to be called Flash, but I call him Eugene and it pisses him off. It was like something in him snapped, and he would constantly try to search for me in the halls so he could corner me and beat the crap out of me. This was...normal, but it would only happen once or twice a week. When you left, it increased so much to the point where it would happen at least twice a day, everyday. He was more...voilent, and since I have to be Peter Parker-" Peter's voice cracked, causing him to stop. A single tear fell, streaking down his cheek slowly. Wade watched it fall before breathing in deeply after holding his breath for so long.

" can't fight back." Wade finished Peter's sentence, the boy nodding in agreement. More tears began to fall from Peter's eyes, and before he spoke up once more, Wade decided to take his mask off and throw it haphazardly onto Pete's desk without looking to see where it landed.

Peter eyed Wade's face before continuing. "But then a couple days ago, things went way south, and suddenly he was..he was all over me. Kissing me with all of this force and making sure that I didn't get away...I felt disgusting. When I came home I took a three hour shower and sobbed the entire time. I couldn't stop him- well I could, but...when he tried going further, I ended up kicking him across the room. After that he left me alone, and he..was threatening to do it again when you came and took me away."

Wade couldn't believe that he actually witnessed that happening. He didn't realize that what Eugene was actually threatening was rape, of all things. Guilt weighed him down like a rock and he wasn't surprised that he found himself pulling Peter into a tight hug, burying his face into his neck.

"I'm sorry I left, I won't do it again." Wade apologized quietly, squeezing Peter tighter when he noticed that the boy was shaking.

He decided that he hated seeing Peter like this, and that he would probably go at great lengths to keep from seeing Peter like this ever again.

'Are we going to kill him?'

"You're not going to kill him, Wade." Peter warned, sniffling quietly as he composed himself. Wade whined and pulled away, finding a seat next to Peter on his bed.

"But whyyyyyyyyy?" Wade complained, leaning back until his back landed on the covers.

"You know why."

"Yeah, yeah."

'So are we going to kill him?'

"We'll try not to."


"Oh- nothing!"

Needless to say, Wade stayed the night that night, and decided not to bring up exactly why he had tried to find Peter in the first place until a later day.