"I'm not wearing that."

Peter pried his eyes off of the braided red and black leather bracelet that dangled in the space between them to look back up at the merc's face, his eyes narrowed behind his mask.

"Come on, Spidey, I went through a lot to get my hands on this!" Wade whined, prodding Peter in the chest with a gloved finger.

Watching closely as Wilson's mask crinkled with frown lines, the teen deflated and looked back down at the bracelet, sighing. Why was he giving him a bracelet, anyway?

"If you somehow murdered someone just to give this to me, I'm not taking it."

"No promises, but come on! You'll disappoint them!"

Peter tried his best to ignore that last part as he sighed in defeat for the second time in a span of thirty seconds, snatching the bracelet out of the mercenary's hand. There was no sense in arguing over something so small, anyway. Tucking the bracelet away in the safekeeping of inside his glove, he let his arm dangle back down to his side as he stared back up at Deadpool.

"Is that it?" Peter asked, his brows furrowing as he waited a few moments for an answer. He hoped that Wade calling him to the rooftop of an abandoned strip club in the middle of the day had at least a sliver of importance, or he might end up going mad.

Wilson tapped his chin in mock thought before mumbling words that weren't audible to the teen, but it was clear to Peter that Deadpool was, once again, talking to himself.

"Yup!" Wade finally declared, interrupting himself after a few moments.

"Are you seriou-"Peter stopped himself from speaking, pacing back and forth on the rooftop for a few long moments before walking over to the ledge and shooting a web at a nearby building. He had better things to do than to waste time with Deadpool. Again.

"Spidey, wait!"

Pausing, Peter bowed his head. Wade at least deserved his attention, even though Peter could have been blocks away by now. Sighing, he turned around to face Wilson, one hand on his hip and the other held out to hold onto the webbing he previously shot out of his left webshooter.

"Do you like tacos?" Wade asked, his mask crinkling into a grin. Sometimes Peter wondered how the hell his mask showed so much emotion, but he doesn't think too hard about it since he didn't want to get a migraine. He was Deadpool, after all, and migraines were to be expected when thinking of him.

Okay, he had to admit, he was hungry. By the time Peter woke up this morning, his police scanner was screeching throughout his room in the Stark Tower, reporting an armed robbery down on 3rd Street. He didn't have time for breakfast! After all, the suspects were armed, but that didn't slow him down when he caught them and practically handed them over to the police.

Swiping his right hand over the top of his head, Peter let his hand glide down to his neck, rubbing it slowly before nodding.

"Yes, uh- yeah, wh-"His question was interrupted when Deadpool suddenly disappeared out of plain sight, leaving him alone on the rooftop. Annoyance flared up in Peter's chest as he sighed, rubbing his forehead and letting go of the web that he was still holding onto. He didn't have to wait long, though, because about two minutes later Wade reappeared directly in front of him, holding up a ridiculously large bag of Taco Bell next to his face.

"Okay, you need to stop doing that. The first time you ever did that to me scared the shit out of me, and-"He stopped talking when he realized that Wade was no longer paying attention to him, instead walking over to the ledge and sitting down, placing the big bag of tacos behind him.

Wade looked back at him, his mask crinkling up into yet another smile that seemed to kick start something in Peter's chest…not that he would ever admit that.

"Well, whad'ya waiting for, Man-Spider?" He called to him, patting the ledge beside him.

Oh hell no. He was not about to have lunch with DEADPOOL of all people.

Well, wait. He was pretty hungry, and the food was free, so he might as well give into it. He would just have to deal with Wade a little longer, which is basically the only downside to lunch. Besides, if he didn't have lunch with Wade, he would never hear the end of it. Walking over to the ledge, he sat down beside the older man, putting an acceptable amount of space between them as he let his legs dangle off the side of the building.

Peter turned his body to scoot the bag of tacos a little closer to him so he could get to them better, taking one out of the bag in the process. Pulling his mask up to rest on the bridge of his nose, he unwrapped the taco and took a bite, trying his best to ignore how Wade was watching him in silence.

"You're pretty quiet today, are you feeling okay?" Peter joked after he swallowed, his lips tilting into a questioning grin. It was actually kind of making him a little uneasy.

"Just thinking about how pizzas always come with the little cups of garlic sauce that nobody ever uses, I mean seriously?" Wade sighed, biting his lip as he bounced his boot against the building.

Peter hummed in agreement, taking another bite as his eyes flicked up to Wade's face in silent suspicion. He knew for a fact that that was not what Wade wanted to say, even if that was what he was really thinking (which he wouldn't doubt), but he wasn't going to push for an answer. Wade has shown plenty of times how terrible of a liar he was, but the teen never confronted him about it because he doesn't know what actually goes on in Wade's life, or in his head. And he had a feeling that he would never know, either.

But what he did know, for a fact, was that he knew more about Deadpool than Wade Wilson.

Peter didn't know if he wanted to stick around like a lost puppy to learn more, either. After spending just a few minutes with Deadpool for the first time a couple weeks ago, he had learned that he was clinically insane, killed people for a living, and had fun doing it. Knowing this made him unaware of what to expect from Wade Wilson, and made him wonder if he should be avoiding the merc at all costs. Besides, that is what the Avengers and practically everybody else does!

But why?

The question has been eating Peter up for the past two weeks now, so he is somewhat glad that he never told Wade his name or even shown his face in his presence. All the warnings he got from his fathers about Wilson when they figured out that the merc was trying to spend quality time with their son has made Peter hesitant to trust Wade, but something in his gut willed him to. Hell, if he didn't trust him just a tad, he wouldn't be having lunch with him on the roof of a random building, enjoying himself.

Peter mentally kicked himself. He was definitely NOT enjoying himself, why would he be enjoying his time with the most annoying, hated person in the world? Okay, sure he isn't running his mouth today like he usually does, but-

"Hey, buddy, don't pull a muscle. And I would advise breathing, you are turning purple…unless you prefer mouth-to-mou-"Wade was interrupted with a light shove, causing him to chuckle lightly.

Taking a deep breath, Peter looked down at the taco in his hand before crumbling it, letting the shells rain down from his fingers. He laughed when he saw the horrified expression Wade gave him out of the corner of his eye. Wait, expression?

"That was a beautiful taco!" Wade pouted, and Peter took note of Wade's mask suddenly resting on the bridge of his nose. When did he do that? More importantly, where the hell did all of those scars come from?

After Wade swallowed down a taco that Peter didn't even see, the teen scooted closer and took in every detail of the visible skin below Wade's mask. He was never told about these scars! And he wasn't about to ask about them, either, since he wasn't sure how the other man would react. Without thinking about it or realizing what he was doing, he lifting his hand, cautiously moving to trace a puffy scar that trailed down from his cheek bone. He stopped himself, however, when Wade leaned out of reach. Realizing what he was doing, he curled his fingers into a fist before pulling his hand back, bowing his head as he tried to tame a furious blush of embarrassment beginning to form.

What the HELL was he doing?

"Fuck- I didn't mean to- I'm sorry, I don't know what happ-"Peter stopped talking when Wade's mask was suddenly thrown to the side, his eyes flicking over to look at it. He forced himself to keep his head down, however, since his blush was only getting worse. Jesus Christ, what the hell was happening. Why the hell did his arm move without thought to even try to touch Wade's face? This is so, so not happening.

He blinked in surprise when Wade grabbed the hand that previously went up to touch his scars, looking up to be greeted with a smile that Peter was finally able to see clearly.

"Hey! Your face is as red as your suit, Spidey!" Wade laughed, smirking as he placed Peter's hand on his cheek, letting go of it so his own hand fell into his lap, "I don't mind you touching my scars, you know."

Peter pushed his mask back down and glared at Wade in annoyance. He didn't have to be told how red his face was, he already knew! Sighing softly, he let his gloved fingers trail down the scar he previously singled out, his eyes narrowed as he fought the urge to take his glove off to feel his skin. He wondered about the story behind them all…

"You know, even though we have been spending weeks fighting over which Avenger is better, I never bothered to ask for your name, Spidey."


"You know what I mean! Unless you are one of those heroes that likes nobody knowing their identity and prefer to be all mysterious, which is totally fine, but you are gonna have to tell me one day, Man-Spider- "


"-because I don't want to have to come up with more spider nicknames for you! That kind of thing is surprisingly hard to do, and the only nicknames I have for you now are-"



"Later." Peter answered, noting the eye roll he earned in return as he let his hand fall back in his lap, his lips tugging into a sideways grin.

"Okay, okay, but soon! Deal?"

The teen sighed, but nodded nonetheless. "Deal."

Their conversation was quickly interrupted, however, by Wade's obnoxious ringtone.

"Is that…the Spice Girls?" Peter asked, scooting back to where he was sitting previously.

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends! Make it last forever, FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDS!" Wade sang off-key along with his phone as he quickly pulled it out of one of the pockets on his utility belt, flipping it open.

"Deadpool speaking, "he greeted as formally as he could ever be, which isn't really that formal. Peter listened to Wade carefully as he continued, "How much?"

Blinking, Peter looked over at Wade and eyed him suspiciously, his brows furrowed behind his mask.

"When?" Wade demanded, narrowing his eyes as he listened to the man on the other line. Shutting the phone abruptly moments later, he looked over at Peter with a smile as he grabbed his mask and slipped it back on, "Duty calls, 8-legs!"

And in a flash, both the tacos and Wade were gone, leaving Peter alone on the roof.