A Match Made In Hell

Disclaimer: How many times need I say I don't own these characters? Honestly. What are you like? You'd think you'd know after twenty five chapters.


Stop making the eyes at me,
I'll stop making the eyes at you.
And what it is that surprises me,
Is that I don't really want you to.
I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor' - Arctic Monkeys

A/N: Recognise these lyrics from elsewhere in this story? The first chapter? Does that give you a hint as to which chapter this is...? This it guys. Buckle up.

Chapter Twenty Five - Epilogue

Nineteen years later

Being kissed awake was definitely one of the better ways to wake up, Albus thought dazedly as Scorpius did just that.

Keeping his eyes closed, still in a slow, sluggish sleepy state, he acknowledged his husband's ministrations with a contented sigh.

"Happy eighteenth anniversary." A cultured voice whispered in his ear.

"Need you make me feel so old?" Albus complained, but there was a teasing tone to his voice.

"You're thirty five. I think that ship's sailed." Scorpius murmured, earning a smack from Albus, who had prised his eyes open just to do so.

"Now, now, is that really how you want to spend these precious moments alone before-"


Albus could just discern a "Oh lord, here we go," under the high pitched squeal, before the bedroom door slammed open and a small blonde blur sprung through the air onto his bed.

"Morning, kid." Scorpius grinned. Albus wondered, as always, at how he could also be so patient with their ever excited child.

Ophelia sat on their blanketed bodies, bouncing up and down happily. Albus couldn't help but smile at the fluffy white blonde hair which flew up and down with the movement. Behind her, standing serenely in the doorway was their oldest child.

Asterion was Scorpius in miniature, right down to the long, graceful limbs, even at the age of eight. He gave Albus a cheeky smile and flashed bright white teeth, almost the same colour as the Malfoy ivory complexion he and his sister inherited.

The only thing that wasn't completely Malfoy were the bright green eyes they had inherited from Albus, which contrasted amazingly against the pale skin. Everyone who met them said they were beautiful children.

"Happy anniversary, Father." Asterion told him whilst Scorpius and Ophelia were distracted.

"Oh! Thanks!" Albus said, surprised he had remembered.

"What's an nanniversary?" Ophelia asked, stuttering over the unfamiliar word. Scorpius chuckled and bounced the girl up and down on his knee.

"It's like a birthday, for weddings." he explained in the gentle father voice that Albus adored him for.

Ophelia glanced between her fathers with wide eyes. Suddenly a look of excitement overtook her.

"When can we open the presents?" she asked excitedly, bouncing up and down.

She didn't understand when Albus and Scorpius burst out laughing, but joined in anyway.

When the Floo Bell chimed, Ophelia and Asterion ran screaming through the manor to meet their cousins.

"Rose, Lorcan!" Albus greeted his cousin and friend happily, his arm wound around Scorpius's waist as always.

Bushy and red headed, Rose Lovegood met them with a beam, hand in hand with curly haired Lorcan and their young daughter Lyra, who's elegant ebony curls reached her waist.

"Lyra!" Asterion and Ophelia chorused, seizing their cousin by the arm and whisking her down one of the Manor's many corridors.

Rose shook her head, laughing, and the four adults went out into the grounds, where a white gazebo stood in the warm spring air, the edges fluttering slightly.

Albus, still arm in arm with Scorpius, lead Rose and Lorcan to a table full of champagne glasses. He was always in contact with Scorpius; he was so used to the warmth of him by his side it would feel unnatural and cold not to be linked to his husband in some way. With that thought, he snuggled a little closer. Scorpius gave him a questioning "Are you okay?" look- they could easily communicate without speaking. Albus gave him a small smile and a chaste kiss.

"Ew!" he heard Asterion and Lyra chorus. Ophelia just beamed.

"Y'know, I wonder why we had you at all," Scorpius teased, shaking his head at the ivory skinned children before him.

Albus smiled at them too, but he didn't have the heart to tease. He was so thankful he had two children to speak of. When he married Scorpius, he didn't know he could love anyone as much as he loved them. But now, Asterion Malfoy and Ophelia Malfoy were ranked just as high with his husband.

It was only because of their grandfather, and Albus's father in law, that Asterion and Ophelia were alive today. Draco Malfoy had flourished as a Potions brewer at the encouragement of Harry, and became the Hogwarts Potions Master with Harry alongside him

as Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher.

And when it was Albus and Scorpius's tenth wedding anniversary, eight years ago, he invested heavily into their present.

Draco Malfoy managed to create the very first Life Potion.

It took a year to make, much pilfering from the Hogwarts store cupboard and even more ingredient importing from far flung countries.

It was very expensive and very rare, and Albus and Scorpius had been stunned into silence. They had been given enough for two children.

Albus had been told (in a shudder-inducing conversation he was unlikely to ever forget) that the potion was somewhat of a cross between the Polyjuice potion and the potion that had resurrected Voldemort - in that the potion required a few drops of blood from Scorpius and himself.

And then, eight years ago, a bawling newborn baby had rose out of the potion, and Asterion Malfoy had been born, and the Malfoys had been delivered with a male firstborn yet again. Apparently Lucius Malfoy had been delighted, fearing the line would die out with his grandson.

Three years later, Scorpius and Albus had decided the time was ripe for another child, and the potion was used once more. This time, a beautiful girl was born and Ophelia Malfoy had entranced everyone with her ivory skin and vivid eyes - especially now, having grown, when Scorpius and Albus were occasionally stopped by Scorpius's relatives to be told Ophelia had all the looks and elegance of her great grandmother Narcissa, and thankfully did not resemble She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named (simpering Astoria Greengrass).


As more guests floated in through the afternoon, Albus lost count of how many hands he shook; he was too caught up in a happy daze, surrounded by his own perfect, beautiful little family.

When Harry and Draco arrived finally, arm in arm with hair streaked liberally with grey and white respectively (not that one could tell so much with Draco), Albus felt he may burst with contentment as he looked over the grounds at the family who had gathered.

He could easily see Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron, laughing at a joke his Uncle George had made, who was accompanied by the still-striking Aunt Angelina.

His cousins Lucy, Molly, Roxanne and Fred were wandering around somewhere; he was sure he had caught sight of James and his new wife Samira Patil, and that was unmistakably Lily and Lysander and their clan of children-

Teddy and Victoire and their young children Isabelle and Clementine, Louis and his girlfriend, plus countless others...

Albus did not notice when Scorpius silently appeared at his shoulder, also gazing out at the family who had come especially for them. He silently took Albus's hand in his own, and Albus did not need to look down to know their children had joined them, unusually silent.

"Not bad, Potter." he murmured, turning to Albus with a faint smirk, and Albus was sure he was thinking of how their relationship began - no more than two school boys fueled with hatred.

A Slytherin and a Gryffindor who would surely not fall for each other, and have children and grow old together.

But, Albus reflected as he stared into the beautiful grey eyes, it had always been him. He'd always been entranced by these eyes, even if they were just staring at him across a dining hall.

Which was how it has all started, now he came to think of it. At one point he'd been ready to kill this man. And now? Now he'd die for him.

Albus felt his eyes swimming with tears and he saw that Scorpius's were too.

"I love you," he murmured.
Scorpius smiled a beautiful smile that made Albus's insides melt.

"I love you too." he whispered.

All was well.


Oh wow. Oh wow. What can I say? This is all over and it sounds cheesy but this really has been a part of my life for two months and I'm sad to let it go - you only get one first Fanfiction story and this was mine. I loved thinking up new plots for this and these characters felt familiar to me by the end.

Thank you to every single person who has reviewed, whether you were on the very first, tentative chapter or the last. Please continue to review as I read and value them all, and after all reviews are traditionally written after the thing question has been released.

But anyway, enough from me. I have two ongoing Harry Potter stories if you want to read more from me, and in all likelihood I will write a sequel or oneshot for this story - if anyone requests one.
