A/N- I got the inspiration to write this story from the song "Mama's Broken Heart" by Miranda Lambert. This will be a short story, and whether or not I continue will be up to you, the reader. So let me know what you think. As always, read, review, enjoy. – Love from Louise

Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling. I will never be as talented or successful as Rowling. None of these characters or places are mine, nor will they ever be. This is all JK Rowling and I just want to use her characters and finish what she has left off.

Fools Rush In

Chapter 1

"Mama's Broken Heart"


Scorpius stepped in front of me, taking the book and mobile phone from my hands. We are really going to do this. His tall, broad body surrounded me, and it was if the rest of the world was cut out. I all could see was his open lips and blazing eyes, and feel the rise and fall of his chest. He leaned in "I want you." he whispered on my lips.
Oh, fuck it. "Okay." I rasped.


I kissed Rose hard. Her comply detonated the last bit of self-control I had. I sucked and nipped at her lips, plowed my hands though her pinned up hair, and stepped into her body until there was no space between us. Merlin, she was soft and warm. I grasped her face and stroked my tongue against her lips, hoping for her to open, and she did. But she took me by surprise as she invaded me, her tongue pushing forward to entwine with mine.

She smelled like sweet roses, and tasted like sin. I rocked my hips into her and groaned in victory when she pressed back and scratched her fingers through my hair. I am no stranger to women. Before rose, I had many girls in my bed, but this one here was full of contradictions and it drives me wild. She has a smart mouth and a sharp wit, and blushes in a way that reveals vulnerability. Rose was a puzzle with ever-changing pieces, and it threw me off my broom and made me feel like I am on a collision course I can't avoid and wouldn't want to anyway. I will remember this night for a long, long time.

I shifted grinding my legs between hers. Rose whimpered into the kiss. I can feel the heat coming through the skirt and I can't wait for the searing grip of being buried deep inside her.

I need more of her, so I tilted her face back and dragged my lips along the line of her jaw. I paused at her ear, nipping and licking all the while reveling in the rasping breaths she released.

"Oh, what are we-"

"Nothing you don't want," I whispered into her hear. "Just say the work, and I'll back off" Even though I would be unable to walk.

Rose rocked her hips into him, creating a maddening friction that made my blood pound. I dragged my tongue down her neck and then cupped the sides of her breasts.

She threw her head back, and moaned.

I watched her face closely, and swiped my thumbs over her raised nipples, clearly outlined through her thin shirt.

Rose' whole body sagged against the door of her muggle truck and her moth dropped into an erotic oval. Damn, she looked fucking gorgeous.

I glanced to my right, and the parking lot was empty. We are alone. Merlin, I want her. It could be so easy just to lift her up, work my way under her skirt and take her against the truck. It would be so easy. Not that I would actually do it, but damn if the urges weren't kicking me in the ass.

I found her neck with my lips again. Merlin, when was the last time a bird threw me into this kind of a frenzy?

Her hands grasped my shoulders. "Scorpius"

The low, throaty sound of her voice filled me with satisfaction as I continued to taste her.

"Malfoy" She said louder.

I drew back.

"You have protection?"

The question made my brain go blank and my cock strained against my shorts. I blinked and narrowed my gaze, and slid my thumb to rest over her lip "You sure?"

She gave me a wicked grin, though its impact was lessened by her breathlessness."

"I've got about 20 minutes until curfew. We are doing this only if you have it. So, do you or not? Going- going- going-"

"Yes" Thinking about the muggle condom I had in my wallet

She nodded to her truck and gave me a push. "Get in"

I hauled ass to the passenger side.


I shot across the seat at Scorpius and crawled into his lap, straddling him and gasping for his face. I kissed him, lips pulling, tongue probing, my hips grinding down against him.

Scorpius' hands stroked over my breasts and I gasped, and then fingers found the hem of my shirt.

A red hot thrill spiraled through me at the skin on skin contact. I gave away to the heat of his hands palming over my breast.

"Rose, are you sure? I don't want you do to something you'll regret"

"Scorpius, I wouldn't regret you."

He tilted his head, apprising me. I squirmed and reminded us both how close we were. His hands gripped my hips and stilled my movement.

"Rose, I've only got the loosest grip on myself right now."

"Then why are we talking?" He smiled, I grabbed his shirt. "Show me how great Quidditch has been to you, Malfoy"

I gazed to appreciate the cut ridges of muscle covering his abdomen. My hands gave in to the need to see if all that muscle was as hard as it looked. Yep, sure is.

He crushed his lips to mine and his tongue filled my mouth. I reached for my shirt and pulled it up forcing us to break the kiss. Scorpius grabbed my arms before I could remove it completely.

"Lean back" Bracing a hand on the dash board behind me, I obeyed with Scorpius body following. Shirt still raised, his tongue found the line of my bra, traced from one side to the other. He pulled the fabric down, "Perfect" He murmured against my skin. Kissing and licking around my breasts until I was begging him to take me.


"Shh." he kissed the corner of my mouth as he pulled my shirt back down. "Dammit, Rose, I want to spread you out and explore you all night long. But I don't want is for anyone to see you exposed. So shirt on, okay?"

A warm pressure filled my chest. There is that protective side I like so much. "Okay," I whispered. I cupped his face and that pressure expanded when he softly leaned into my hand. My fingers trailed into the line of the hair that ran toward his navel, and his moth dropped opened. I swirled a design on his skin that made his breath catch. Reaching his waistband, I glanced into Scorpius' dark gray eyes.

"Only if you're sure"

I've waited all summer for this. I tugged the top button through the hole and drew the zipper down, exposing a pair of green cotton boxers made tight by his hard-on.

Breathing faster, shallow, he reached into his rear pocket and tossed his wallet to the seat, then helped me shove his shorts and boxers down enough to release his cock. Merlin, he was thick and veined. I grasped him and his hips jerked upward.

"Rose, damn it all..." He grabbed my skirt again and pushed it up my thigh


I started to stroke her, and she moaned. I reached for my wallet and fished for the condom. I placed the latex over my cock, holding myself as I rolled it down the base. Rose couldn't pull her gaze away.

"Come here, flower."

She pushed onto her knees and scooted closer.

I braced a hand against her stomach and met her gaze. "How much do you like these?"

"What?" Dazed she glanced down.

I gave the flimsy fabric of her thong and ripped it off of her. "If they were your favorite, I'll buy you another"

She gave a nervous giggle "You just tore off my thong"

"I grinned and tugged her hips over me. She gripped my shoulders with her hands. I looked her in the eyes, and she stared right back.

She sank down.

She gasped, and cried out.

Her eyes screwed shut tight, she bit her lip. By the tightness of her around me, and the look on her face told me that this is her first time. Fuck.

"This is your first time."

She nodded in response.

"You okay?" I rasped.

She nodded and didn't move...She sat there for a moment, and then her face relaxed. She gripped harder onto my shoulder, "More than." And then she began to move, slowly, setting a teasing pace that had me panting.

She curled her hand around the back of my neck. I felt her throb at my invasion, and she rocked her body against me with every stroke. I slid down the seat and grabbed her left hand and guided it to the hand strap above the door. "Hold yourself up a little,"

She obeyed, and held her skirt out of the way as I thrusted upwards, fucking her even though she was on top.

She moaned long and low. My pace was fast to ease the pain and make it more pleasurable for her. Shame on me, when she said first time, I just assumed with me...

My hand moved to her mound. I circled her clit, and Rose threw her head back. "Oh, Merlin" I grinned circled faster.

"You feel so good, Rose. I can forget the whole fucking world when I'm inside you."

I felt her tighten around me. She was coming, her muscles pushing hard.

"Oh, Flower." I whispered my voice rough. I erupted inside her, over and over. With two hands, I slammed her down, held her for a long moment, lifted her up and repeated that motion three times until our bodies stilled.

Rose released the hand strap and I cradled her body against me. Her head fell to my shoulder, and I stroked her hair off the sides of her face. It was a moment more quiet and intimate, and I was still inside her. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead.


"Wow," Scorpius said.

"Yeah," was my response.

"That's amazing flower."


"Yes Rose?"

"I think I love you."


Fuck. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. Love. It's complicated enough as it is, so this is why I try to stay as far away from it as possible. But there is just something about Rose that made me keep coming back, and to go steady with her, although I didn't like titles, and didn't want to call her my girlfriend.

I am a hard to love kind of guy, because I am constantly being tormented by my family's past. The Malfoy name doesn't have the greatest reputation. And while my father tolerates me seeing Rose, he will not take to kind to dating her, there is just no way around it.

My father has never been mean man, just strict. He rarely shows affection, and on the rare occasions he does, it's a hand shake or a pat on the shoulder, or money to buy something. For the longest time, I tried to do everything in my power to make him proud to get more of an emotion. When I was sitting there with my sorting hat on, it wanted to put me in Gryffindor, and I asked to go Slytherin, for fear of my Father's and Mother's reaction. Not to mention the reaction of rest the Malfoy family. Well, what's left of them anyway.

As much as I care for Rose, I don't want to see her get hurt. So eventually, I'm going to have to let her down, but even I'm not that big of an ass to do it right after sex.

I hugged her tight and kissed her head. "You're Special too." I regretted the phrase the moment it left my lips.


"You're special too?!" I cannot believe him. We have been dating for months now, and I finally sleep with him, and give him my virginity, and all he has to respond to I love you is, 'you're special too?!' Fuck that. I pulled away from his embrace, wincing as I get off him, and he exits my body.

I adjust my skirt as move to the driver's side.

"Rose, look I'm sorry- that was a piss poor choice of words"

I shook my head. "Anything would've been better than "you're special too!"

He pulled up and buttoned his shorts. "I just don't want to say it unless I mean it. I don't want to lie to you."

"Lie to me? What have we been doing the past few months, or the entire year? Why on earth would you fuck me, I didn't mean anything to you!" I was shouting at this point.

"Rose, we are just dating and about to be seventh years. You didn't think we were really serious." Scorpius started to sweat. There is no way to make this better. "And you are special, that's why I haven't slept with anyone else this whole summer!"

I cried/laughed. "So, when we were flirting back and forth this entire school year, you were fucking other girls!"

He didn't answer. I sat there for a moment. What a fool I am. What an ass hole he is. What I thought was courting and flirting with me, was just another way to get me into his bed? If he didn't feel the same way fine, I get it, but to find out that he didn't think we were serious? That he'd been fooling around with other girls?! Are you fucking me? I should've known that he hadn't changed.

"Get out of my truck.

"Rose, come on. I'm sorry. I just didn't want to be mean or lead you on-"

"I said get out!"


"No, don't call me that! How dare you! I thought that I was special and that this night mean something. Yes, I thought we were serious and officially dating, and that you cared enough to be with me long term! Instead, you just fucked me, and trampled on my feelings…"

"It's not like that, Rose. I do like you, and I thought we weren't putting labels on our relationship. I didn't know you were a virgin-"

"Didn't know? What the fuck did you think when I said that this was my first time?!" I screamed.

"That it was your first time with me-"

I blared my horn. "Get. Out. Now."

He sat there for a moment.

"Wow, Rose, you truly are a Weasley. Completely mental and oblivious to the obvious." He got out of the car, and I went to reach for my wand. I'm 17 now, and can use it if I want to. But it wouldn't do me any good, because he aparated away.

I started my muggle truck my grandmother and grandfather Granger gave me this year for my birthday. On my drive home I cried, letting the tears stream down my eye.


I got home and slammed the door.

"Hi honey, how was your date-" My mother asked from the living room where she was writing something.

I ignored her and went straight to my room, and slammed the door. I flopped on my bed, blared my stereo, and screamed out my frustration, hurt, and anger into my pillow.

"Rose? Are you okay?" I hear my 'little' brother. I say it like that because while he may be younger than I am, he sure is about six inches taller than me. He hit his growth spurt this summer.

"Go away!" I yelled at him, feeling the mascara sting my eyes.

"I just-"

"Out!" I grabbed my wand and slammed the door again.

"Just because your 17 doesn't mean you have to use magic to be a bitch!" He yelled, and I turned up my stereo.

"Hey! Watch your mouth Son," I hear my dad say.

"Rose, Open the door." My father shouts.

"NO!"I am not in the mood to see people.

"Rosie, honey, you are being very rude!" Leave it to my mother to worry about my attitude. I know I'm being rude.

"No, I want to be left alone!" I shot back.

"I'm going to count to three, and this door better be open. So help me, if I have to magically unlock it…"

I rolled my eyes and waved my wand.

Both my parents came in. I refused to look at them.

"Sweetie, what's wrong? What happened that made you come home like this?" Mum asked, as my father unplugged my stereo.


"Well, it's something young lady, you behavior tonight I unacceptable. You do not come into my house, disrespect me and my wife, then be completely rude, when we try to check in my daughter! You owe me and your mother an apology." My father said irritated.

I knew there was no way getting around it "Sorry." I whispered.

"Darling, what happened on your date?"

I might as well tell them because they are never going to leave me alone.

"Scorpius and I broke up!" I said. It is the truth, we are no longer seeing each other.

"What did he hurt you?" Dad frowned.

"Broke up?" Mum said the same time dad spoke

"No." other than my cunt, not physically.

"Why?" My mother asked, looking concerned.

"Good, that boy was bad news from the start Rosie. I knew he was pulling a bunch of bull, from the moment I officially met him, when you went out on your first date" My father shook his head and left the room.

"We wanted different things." I ignored my errant father

"I am sorry sweetie. Your first break up is always the hardest, but there are plenty of other wizards out there."

"Not helping mother." I finally calmed down enough to sit up.

"I'm sorry, honey but it will get better. Just give it some time." She kissed my head, as she got off my bed. "Please apologize to your brother."

I shook my head, after she left.

I sent a text on my mobile to Hugo, -Sorry.

-it's fine was his response


I aparated home, and it was dark. I was greeted by Baxter and Hazel our house elves. "Mister Malfoy, welcome home."

"Yea, Hi. Where are Mum and Dad?"

"In the parlor, Sir" Said Baxter.

"Can we get you anything?" Hazel asked.

"Yes, actually, some water." I left them and made my way to the parlor room.

"I'm home."

"How was your night dear?" My mother asked, looking up from her book.

"I am no longer seeing Rose."

"Good." Was my father's response, not looking up from the paper. "You act weird around her."

"And how do you feel?" My mother asked in response.

How do I feel? Like my stomach has fallen out. Never felt like this before. "Fine."

"Oh, alright them."

"Good night." I called, kissing her cheek, disappearing off into my room.


We it's been two weeks since the break-up, and I got my Head Girl badge in the mail. Mum is meeting up with Aunt Ginny, and me and my cousins are going shopping for school next week.

I can't talk to anyone about my break up except Lily, because Albus refuses to do listen to anything about it, since Scorpius is his best friend.

I picked up a new self-brusher for Sir Whiskers, my cat, and stopped at the joke shop.

"Maybe you should get a love potion, and then he'll love you." Lily snickered. She got the rated-R version of my night.

"No, if he doesn't love me, or want to get serious, I'm not going to make him"

"Did he at least seem upset?"

I sighed. "Yea, a little" I frowned. I really, really thought Scorpius was different. I mean, I dated around with him last year, and with other guys. But I let my family think Scorpius was my first official date and took him home to my father, because I like him so much. He led me to believe that we meant something to each other. I guess I was wrong.

We said hello to our uncles and then we had to go meet Mum, Aunt Ginny, and Mrs. Longbottom for lunch. As we made our way to Leaky Cauldron, Lily stops me by grabbing my arm.

"Rose. Let's go the other way, I, uh need to grab some parchment and quills still." Lily spoke really fast.

"Why, it's just a block up the road." I try to free my arm.

"Rose...Stop. you don't want to walk pass that alley."

"I have every right to do so, Lily, why are you being-" and I regretted it.

There was Scorpius snogging Renee Pritt, in alley. Well snogging is an understatement. Her dress was pushed up high onto her thighs, and her twig little legs were wrapped around his waist, linked together by some red Louis Vuitton red pumps.

And I stood there as my heart and everything I ever knew about love shatter at my feet.

I hear some buzzing in my ear, knowing it was my cousin, and not caring what she had to say. The hurt quickly boiled in to rage.

"Ew, why are you watching?" The bitch Slytherin called. But that didn't make her release her hold.

At least Scorpius had the decency to look up.

"If she wants a show, boo -boo, we'll give her one." and then she moaned and lean forward to attack his neck with her mouth

I don't know what I did next, all I know is that I couldn't stop.


My heart pained as I looked up to see the hurt on Rose's face. I was no longer in the mood to be laid by the richest whore of Hogwarts.

I unwound her legs around me, and went to face Rose.

"I thought I was special." She said to me.

"Special? You? One of the last Weasley kids? Just a bunch of entitled brats using their famous Sur name to get what they want.

"Who do you think you are?!" She turned her attention to Renee. "Dropping your knickers for any guy!"

"HEY! Stop this." I stupidly tried to intervene

"And you! After all you told me, about how I was different, and special! you turn around and jump the bones of the sleaziest girl in school?!" She pointed her finger at me.

"You kicked me out of your truck!"

"BECAUSE YOU TOOK MY VIRGINITY AND TOLD ME YOU DIDNT WANT TO BE SERIOUS!" Her face started to turn red, and made the red tint in her brown hair become more noticeable.

"I DDIDN'T WANT TO HURT YOU! I WAS TRYING TO BE HONEST!" I was yelling back at her.



"IT'S A TRUCK!" She retorted.

"Oh my Merlin, you were a virgin? What a filthy half-blood" Renee made a comment.

I was about to turn and say something to Renee, but couldn't because Rose had her wand out and hexed Renee. She became covered in boils and started to seize. I rushed to her side to try and undo the curses. Of course I couldn't figure it out, because it's Rose Freaking Weasley.

The fire hydrants exploded, water pouring out in all directions. The dumpsters beside us burst into flames before exploding. The smoked cleared and I saw Rose running away.


The next day:

"The news, Rose, you made news! Front papers, of every magazine!" My mother screamed.

"You caused over 1,300 galleons in damage, and we are now paying the St. Mungo's hospital bill for Renee Pritt!" My father yelled.

"You are a WEASLEY, Rose. in case you forgot, the press and paparazzi following you, your entire life, you represent our family! Every sneeze is reported!" My mother shook the Daily Prophet in her hand.

"And now you are on the FRONT FLIPPING PAGE!"

"And pictured running from the scene!" Dad commented

"Which is also Illegal!" My mother spelled out.

"I-I can't look at you right now 1,300 galleons!" My father shook his head as he left my room.

I didn't say anything. I just sat there and let them yell at me. I am not sorry for what I did, only sorry that I got caught.

"What on God's green earth possessed you to hex this poor girl, blow up a dumpster, and explode the water system for Diagon Alley?!"

"She was necking with Scorpius! And he left me for cruel reasons!" I shouted back tears streaming down my face.

"This is what it's really about? A boy, Rose? A stupid break up?" My mother's eyes went wider.

"I loved him mother!" realizing my words are pointless

"Stop this now, I am not going to have this behavior! It doesn't matter how you feel, Rose. What does matter is how you look and how you represent this family and the Weasley name!"

"But he broke my heart!"

"It's just a breakup! It doesn't give you the excuse to hex some girl and blow up the town!" I rolled my eyes at her and got off my bed. "You need to hid this crazy side of you and start acting like a lady, because I raised you better! Now you need keep it together, even when things fall apart."

"How can you say that to me, Mum? This isn't your broken heart!"

"Oh, believe me, young lady, I've had my heart broken in the worst way possible and by the man you call your father. Don't tell me I don't understand what you are going through!" I half sob, half sighed in response. "Now, fix your makeup, because we have a press conference where you are going apologizing to the world for your behavior in an hour, and we need to go over what you are to say!" My mother got up, hands shaking, and closed the door.

I felt the rage in me again. I reached under my bed, and opened my shoe box. I took out the fire whisky I've had hidden there for years now, thanks to Albus and James. I took out my shot glass and plastic up by my bed and poured six shots into it. I held my breath, opened my mouth and let the liquid run down my throat, hoping that in a few minutes it will numb my pain, at only the expense of my liver. I then stormed over to my desk and grabbed some rusty, scissors. I stood in front of my mirror and stared at the reflection. Well, Malfoy hurt the poor innocent Rose Weasley, but now she's gone. She left when the prick stole her virginity. I wanted to smash my mirror to take away the image, but instead, I took the scissors, and grabbed the front of my long locks, and made myself some bangs.

"FUCK YOU MALFOY!" I screamed as loud as I could, dropping the scissors to the floor.