She was the only one who could distract him, upset him, throw him off balance, so for that he was wary and distanced himself from her.
But she was the only one he could laugh with, share something approaching a conversation with, and enjoy sharing his presence with. For that he loved her. Yes Hibari Kyoya was in love.
But she's full of secrets, ones even she herself is unaware of.

Day 1

The day when his life was to be changed forever in an unexpected way started off like any other day, as such days do. He patrolled the corridors, 'disciplined' students and stared up at the clouds in his favourite rooftop area. It was doing such an activity when he first saw her.

She was dressed in, what he would later find out to be an iconic-like attire, a kimono of a rich jasmine purple colour intricately embroidered with jasmine flower patterns. She was holding two fans in each hand spanned out, but there were plenty of fans spinning and flapping round her in complex circular motions. The way she was lithely moved her body whilst acrobatically juggling the fans it was like she was doing a complex dance.

It was her dancing that locked his attention. He was entranced by her movements. They were ferocious, and executed with astonishing speed and power, her concentration unwavering it was as if she locked in some sort of battle.

Usually if anyone else was dancing on his school grounds he'd bite them to death straight away but seeing her he hesitated. Not just because of her actions but because something else had caught his attention but he didn't know what. She was moving so fast that it was hard to focus on anything.

Then he saw it. Her fans were laced with a purple aura, a familiar purple aura. A purple aura that looked a lot like the aura of his Cloud flame that he surrounded his tonfas when he was fighting.

Hibari frowned, this girl looked like she was fighting, acting like she was fighting and yet he couldn't see who she was fighting. What was going on? Then a ripple in the air, a haze, as a fan spinning in air sliced through the wind and revealed a hilt of sword. Then quickly the air simmered and the hilt disappeared. It was almost as if the wind itself was hiding something.

An illusion

Hibari had an intense dislike for illusions and illusionists. He said it was because it wasn't a fair way to fight and that using such sly methods to defeat others was shameful. People who use illusions to fight were people who have no pride or honour. He wouldn't admit that his intense dislike for illusionists also had something to do with the fact his first defeat was at the hand of a certain illusionist called Rukudo Mukuro.

It seemed like this illusion was an obvious but an effective one, the castor had created an illusion that rendered him invisible. Seeing the kind of flamboyant and imaginative landscapes illusionists would often trap their victims into, he assumed that making yourself invisible was child's play.

Somehow the dancer/fighter girl was fighting close quarters with what she couldn't see and was managing to hold her own. So interested Hibari didn't stop the fight however if one piece of school property got broken that fight would be ancient history and so would they.

The fight was just a flurry of fans and lithe movements and stances struck with immense precision and power that Hibari had to constantly remind himself it wasn't a dance performance. There were only the occasional flashes of the opponent, he suspected the girl's fans had something to do with that, sometimes being a part of his sword, sometimes being a part of the opponent himself, but almost always what you could see was the girl.

"OK I bore of this fight, I will now finish this" Hibari heard the girl say. Hibari raised an eyebrow at the statement, so that would mean that the girl was more than capable of taking down an invisible foe. Hibari's eyes glinted in anticipation thinking he had found his newest prey.

Then a powerful gust of wind blew back his hair.

Down below in the fight a whirlwind was blowing around the girl. Her airborne fans were orbiting round her, spinning at blurring speeds. She was spinning at a blurring speed as she held a fan in each hand her arms and wrists whirling in complex movements. She was raising the whirlwind around her like a spinning top.

Then suddenly all at once the fans darted out spinning like multiple Frisbees slashing and slicing the air. Hibari could hear the whistles as the fans sang through air even from where he was. Then a huge ripple in the air was caused similar to how someone had jumps into a pool of water and for the first time the girl's opponent could be completely seen.

Just as Hibari suspected the fans could disintegrate illusions.

The dancer/fighter girl wasted no time. With her two remaining fans she flung them thus hitting their mark in as X scissor motion and she caught them deftly as they boomeranged back into her hand, her other numerous fans disappearing in a zephyr of purple gusts of wind.

She then turned towards Hibari and walked up to the school. She then spun her two fans in a helicopter fashion above her head and rose gracefully off the floor. Once she was level with Hibari on the rooftop she stopped moving and landed elegantly onto the rooftop floor.

"Thank You for watching" was all she said.

Hibari raised an eyebrow, so whilst battling an invisible opponent she noticed she was being watched. When the girl realised she wasn't going to get anything more from Hibari she smartly turned around and walked to the edge of the rooftop. She stepped and jumped.

Hibari despite himself rushed over to the edge worried but all he saw was her jasmine kimono, her fans, much larger now, extended out behind her like a glider, her raven black hair flying behind her which he noticed had some purple streaks in them. Gusts of wind helped her glide through the air.

It wasn't until Hibari went back inside that he realised that he hadn't disapproved of the girl's purple streaks. Flaunts of Namimori rules usually irked and irritated him even if it was done by an outsider. So why didn't he mind with her.