This idea popped up suddenly in the middle of my holiday.

Oh well, enjoy!

Chapter 1

If you can be really observant, you can find a box made from wood, warm chocolate-color placed beneath the wooden floor. The box is slim, long and closed neatly. When you open the lid, there's a faint sound of fragile oil paper. Lots of crinkle but you'll know that the place is handled carefully. Inside, there's precious thing to its owner. Only open to those who know exactly what it is at the first glance.

Hiroki find it someday when they're moving out from apartment to the new one. The wooden floor wasn't closed properly when he walk upon them. Many nights Hiroki try to open it or at least figure it out what it is. It isn't even locked with keys! So how come he can't open it? He can't throw it on the ground to vent his frustration, afraid the box will be misshapen and Nowaki will know. Once, Hiroki try to shake it and he could hear something inside the wooden box clatter. Weeks later, Hiroki decided to appreciate his partner privacy. His younger partner must be have a very good reason to hide the odd wooden box under their floorboard.

"What's the safest place to keep your most precious thing?"

"Hmm?" hummed Nowaki, averted his glance from the telly to his brunette partner.

"The safest place to keep precious thing." said Hiroki once again, anxiously waited for Nowaki's expression to change and shifted on their sofa.

"Like what? Money? Some of them I kept them on wallet, but for the big sum, I place it on the bank..." said Nowaki frowned a bit to reply Hiroki's

"No, no. Others. Like..i don't know, gem? Precious stone. Ring."said Hiroki, blushed a bit when he mention the last words

Nowaki snorted affectionately when his dark eyes catch the red colour on Hiroki's cheeks.

"Are you looking for the safest place to keep our precious ring?" Nowaki gives his smug smirk to blushing Hiroki.

"No!"growl Hiroki, quickly recover his emotion. His tone unexpectedly made Nowaki's upwards lip line goes down a bit.

"I mean, I have found my own place to keep our ring you idiot!" stutered Hiroki, trying to apologize for his harsh reaction. Nowaki raised his eyebrow a bit. Hiroki gulped down to calm his nervousness.

"I..I just watched another stupid Korean game show you're fond of. They have some sort of mission to hide their precious thing on the building. There's a guy who hide his mission things under the stony sculpture. Another guy slip his precious paper behind another paper. On the last stage, one of the girls is much more clever, she carry her important thing, which is hairpin on her head." said Hiroki, said his white lie.

Its true he watch another game show on the late evening one day ago, another rare moment for Hiroki to take a rest earlier than he expected. The students paper finished earlier. But that's not in his head. That odd wooden thing under their bedroom floor, on the farthest corner, beneath the heavy cupboard.

"Not stupid, Hiro-san. Its funny. Creative too. Beside, the show is currently famous on worldwide. What's episode is it? I'd like to watch it on internet." grin Nowaki. Hiroki catch a gleam of interest spark on Nowaki's eyes.

"Dunno. Don't care. Around one hundred?" huffed Hiroki in annoyance

Nowaki rumble in fond gentle laughter inside his chest. Hiroki pretend to pout and lie himself on Nowaki's warm chest. He secretly love the way of Nowaki's chest rumble in warm laughter. The deep delicious vibration on Hiroki's earlobe, made Hiroki let out tiny smile.

"My question, Nowaki."

"Ah yes. The bank. Where else?"shrugged Nowaki, graciously plonked further on the sofa, enjoying Hiroki heat upon him

"Only that?" said Hiroki, peeked from his cuddling position

"Uh-huh."mumble Nowaki, gives his attention back to the noise of the telly

Hiroki unconsciously shifted his lying position on the sofa, with his head now on Nowaki's lap. There's a murmur of low conversation from the television.

"Except I have the best way to keep it safe nearest place to meas possible, invisible to ordinary eye but me. In my personal habit, I'd love to keep on eye my precious thing."

Hiroki raised his eyebrows. But Nowaki didn't catch that gesture. The doctor already give his attention to the night headline news.


On the very,very seldom occasion when Nowaki in their apartment alone and Hiroki'll definitely come home late at night from university, though Nowaki dislike the tired face from his beloved partner when he reach home, he wave his hand and do his nonverbal spell. For simple task like lit out the lit while he walk across the room and let the dishes wash them selves.