Disclaimer: I do not own The Emperor's New Groove, Disney does, unfortunately.

Chapter 6: "The worst day of my life continues"

There was one thing that Saz had always wanted to do in her lifetime and that one thing was to have children of her own. Small little versions of her (and her future husband) running around, hiding amongst the trees of the jungle, playing games with their friends and giggling until they cry tears if laughter.

You know... kid stuff.

However, until this very moment in time, Saz had never genuinely considered what those children would look like, as she didn't have the husband to guess from. After all, the kids would only be half hers.

It was whilst she was passed out, stuffed into a large sack with the Emperor of the entire kingdom (and her fiancé), that she had a dream.

This dream consisted of a possible future between the annoying Kuzco and the confused and frustrated Saz. She dreamed their children would have his enthusiasm about life as well as his long, dark hair. They'd have her eyes, of course, but by the gods the twinkle in those eyes would be all Kuzco. It was as she regained consciousness that Saz realised she had seriously been considering making a life with Kuzco.

Gods; that whack to the head must have done some sort of damage.

"Ugh." The first thing Saz smelt was the pungent odour of a llama's breath; this was turning out to be the worst day of her life. The next thing she smelt was fresh, night air as the cause of the llama breath was moved away from her. Thank the gods for that.

"Where'd you come from, huh?"

"No touchy!"

The next thing Saz smelt was her own fear as she reacted violently to the screaming of two men, her eyes snapping open and a shrill, hoarse scream to be released from her own throat.

"Ah! Demon llama!"

Saz looked around her, eyes wide with fear, her face coming face-to-somewhat-face with two llamas, one with dark fur, the other with light fur, both looking completely terrified. The dark haired one began to run, an only two legs, before becoming unstable and falling down, somehow speaking the words 'oh no', over and over again. The lighter furred llama simply fell over in shock after having another llama, and female human, scream into its face.

The dark haired llama had fallen into the fence, landing upside down, "Ow, my head!"

The owner of the other voice was a large man, Saz squinted at him, from inside the large sack, which she also had no idea how she got in. Wait, Saz thought, isn't that the village man, Pacha? She heard him address the crazy llama, "Its okay, Demon Llama, just take it easy. I mean you no harm."

Groans emitted from the llama and Saz decided enough was enough; she climbed out of the sack and spoke. "What is going on?"

Pacha jumped, looking behind him to the woman who he knew as the future Empress of the kingdom. "Your Highness?" To put it lightly, it seemed like everyone was confused as to what exactly was going on.

"What are you talking about?" The llama spoke, scaring Saz deeply, as she knew the voice of said demon llama, "Wait a minute," The llama began to sit the right way up, "I know you, you're that whiny peasant."


"Emperor Kuzco?"

Both Pacha and Saz squinted, looking intently at Kuzco, both wondering how this could have happened. Now that Saz looked carefully, she could see how this was Kuzco, his red fur was wear his red robe would usually be, not to mention his fur on his head was in the same shape as his normal hairstyle.

"Uh, yeah. Who did you think you were talking to?" Kuzco sassed towards Pacha as he glared at him.

"You don't look like the emperor."

Kuzco gave him a blank look, "What do you mean 'I don't look like the emperor'?"

Pacha looked towards Saz for help as he attempted to explain why the Emperor looked different. "You, uh- um- not-"

Saz cut in, "Kuzco, do this." Saz wiggled her fingers in front of Kuzco's face, telling him to copy.

"Saz? What is this?" Kuzco attempted to wiggle his fingers, but found himself unable to do so properly, "Is this some kind of game you country folk like to-" His eyes widened comically when he finally noticed his hooves. "It can't be!" Kuzco let out a girlish scream and awkwardly ran on his back hooves to the near-by pond, looking into the clear water that reflected his, now llama-like, face. "My face, my beautiful, beautiful face!"

Saz snorted as she witnessed the freak out of her fiancé, before her own eyes widened and she rushed to the pond, looking over her own features. Same nose, same shape face, same mouth… looks like everything is normal- never mind, she had llama ears. Later on, Saz would remember thinking at this moment, whilst Kuzco was having a break down, how utterly rotten that day had turned out.

"I'm an ugly, stinky llama!"

With a roll of her eyes, Saz tuned back into the previous conversation, her ears weren't even that noticeable under her long hair. Saz marched to where Pacha kneeled over Kuzco, tired of said llama's voice, and promptly hit him, effectively snapping him out of his panic.

Pacha continued, looking so concerned, "What happened?"

Kuzco, turned his glare from his betrothed to the villager in front of him, "I'm trying to work that out, okay?" He struggled to his feet, before turning and then face-planting onto the grass. Kuzco let out a hysterical giggle, wiggling his body, before crawling on his arms, "I can't remember anything!"

Saz opened her mouth to tell Kuzco that she remember the last thing the two of them did was have dinner with Yzma and Kronk, but was cut off by more of Kuzco's hysterical babble.

"Wait!" Kuzco turned on all fours to looks at Pacha, "I remember you! I remember telling you that I was building my pool and then you got mad at me!" Kuzco cut himself off, his llama eyes sliding down into a narrow glare, his face scrunching up with suspicion, "And then you turned me into a llama!"

Pacha scoffed in shock, "What? No, I did not."

Kuzco nodded frantically, "Yes, and then you kidnapped me!" Saz coughed, reminding Kuzco of her presence, "Us!"

"Why would I kidnap a llama?" Pacha cried indignantly.

Kuzco rolled his eyes, "I have no idea, you're the criminal mastermind here, not me."

Both Saz and Pacha muttered the word; "What?" as they were both very confused as to what Kuzco was going on about.

There was a pause as Kuzco contemplated what the two of them had said, "You're right." He the looked Pacha up and down before stating, "That's giving you too much credit," in a snide voice.

Kuzco pulled Saz towards him, his eyes looking deeply into hers, "We have to find away to get back to the palace. Yzma's got that 'secret lab', I'll just snap my fingers and order her to change us back!" He let go of her, smirking at his 'genius' plan, before grabbing the fence for support as he attempted to walk. He clicked his fingers at Pacha and gestured between himself and Saz, "You lead us back to the palace."

Pacha looked worried and as if he was contemplating something as Saz sighed and followed after the struggling Kuzco (where else was she going to live?).

"Hey, tiny!" Kuzco called to Pacha, "I want to get out of this body, wouldn't you? Let's go!"

Saz looked back to Pacha when she didn't hear him following, which was just in time to watch him close his eyes and say; "Build your summer house somewhere else." Saz's eyes widened, before looking back at Kuzco, who looked enraged.

"You wanna run that by me again?"

Lifting his finger into the air, Pacha waved it about as he spoke, "I can't let you go back there unless you change your mind... and build your summer home, somewhere else."

Kuzco mocked being interested, as Saz bent her head slightly away from looking at this interaction. "I've got a little secret for you. Come here, closer." Pacha leant down, towards the Emperor. "I don't make deals with peasants!" Saz winced, putting her hand on Kuzco's shoulder, holding him back slightly.

"Then I guess I can't take you back."

Saz looked at Pacha pleadingly, "Please."

"Not unless he builds it some where else."

"Fine." Kuzco told him, guiding Saz away, "I don't need you, I'll find my own way back, with Saz." He started to once again awkwardly walk away, but was stopped by Pacha obstructing their path.

"I wouldn't recommend it, it's a little dangerous if you don't know the way." Pacha gestured behind him, trying to prove his point.

Kuzco scoffed, "Nice try, pal." And then, on four legs instead of two, Kuzco lead the beautiful Empress-to-be away from the large man, who was informing them of the dangers of the jungle.

"…and jaguars and snakes… and quicksand!"

The two teens turned the corner and were suddenly out of sight, with only Saz turning back to give Pacha a look of help.

Pacha, on the small hill he called his own, spoke to himself. "Fine, no Kuzco, no Kuzcotopia... Takes care of my problem." The large man turned, but eventually looked back towards the jungle, a sigh on his lips.

There was something seriously messed up about the jungle in this kingdom. The animals were weird, with just as weird characteristics, and the shadows of the trees almost seemed to move alone, only illuminated by the brightness of the moon.

So to put it simply, Saz was creeped out.

Saz was also uncomfortable as to how tightly she was clinging to Kuzco's new llama fur, but then again she was terrified of the jungle. Always had been. She believed it stemmed from when she was younger; she had lost her close friend to the jungle. Raza had been a young boy when he wandered into the jungle; he was also never seen again.

So basically, Saz was intensely creeped out.

"Scary jungle, ha. Right. Oh, a leaf!" Kuzco was unaware to Saz's scared presence as he was muttering sarcastically to himself, "Oh! It might attack me!" The two ducked under a giant fallen tree, "Oh, a scary tree!" He scoffed, "I'm afraid!"

There was a rustle in one of the small bushes by Saz's feet and she whimpered, clinging to Kuzco.

"Please. Never find my way?" Kuzco scoffed one more, "I'm the emperor, and as such I'm born with an innate sense of direction." He smiled to himself before looking around, Saz doing the same, "Now, where are we?" The two stood silently and very still whilst staring out into the dark jungle, both very scared at their creepy surroundings. A bug flew by their faces and the two watched it fly into a spiders web, with the animal making sounds very similar to 'help me' before the large red and black spider came up behind it and chomped down on the fly's body. Both of the two flinched, whilst Kuzco spoke "That was the freakiest thing I've ever seen."

It was after Kuzco had spoken that the strange rustling that Saz had seen earlier started once more. The bushes around them all began to rustle one after the other, scaring the emperor and his soon-to-be-empress. Saz huddled behind Kuzco, in an attempt to save herself from what was sure to be impending doom. And then it happened.

The cutest squirrel popped out from the bush and held out the acorn towards Kuzco, gesturing for him to take it.

"Oh, for me?" Kuzco once again had his sarcastic voice on, something which Saz was beginning to see he had on a lot. "Why, I don't know what to say!" Kuzco took the acorn and the squirrel smiled bashfully, completely unprepared for when Kuzco threw the acorn back at the poor squirrel, hitting him right on the head. "Hit the road Bucky!" The squirrel whimpered and rubbed his head whilst Kuzco blew a raspberry at him and turned to walk away, only to drag both himself and his bride down a long drop, smacking into various trees and branches and leaves on the way down. When the two landed, Saz on top of Kuzco which saved her from injury, Saz let out a quiet squeal of fright when she opened her eyes.

They stood slowly, Kuzco helping Saz up silently, "Uh-oh."

They were surrounded by jaguars.

BA/N: this took longer than usual to write and even longer to edit due to it being a longer chapter... also i had to leave it at a cliffhanger as it was getting too long