A few months later, Diego Garcia
Ratchet looked down at the report in his hands; he could not believe what he was reading even if it was right in front of him. A sinking feeling was swirling around inside his tank, making his system nausea, and it did nothing to make him feel better. It was purely impossible; things like this should not be possible at all. But then again, it depended on the viewer. For the humans, the very thought that alien existed, Cybetronian in this case, was an impossible thing before it had turned to a possibility. Then again, the humans thought that they were mostly alone in the entire universe and the center of it all.
Ratchet looked up from the report of his latest scan of Luna and what it showed him, he had known that the Allspark had done something to his sparkling. But the fact remains that he was not as willing to accept whatever the changes were. So many things were still unknown about what had happened to Luna, and he did not know if he should be happy or scared over the fact that his sparkling was brought back online. She had the highest radiation of Allspark energy Ratchet had ever seen besides from the cube itself, and it was alarmingly still growing. After what the sparkling had told them, she even had been talking to the first vessel of Allspark when she was offline. And that it had been the Allspark that gave her a choice to come back to them and then also accepting her own destiny. If this was true and his sparkling did possible travel to the well and back he only could take her words for and the fact did agreed that it was. Again Ratchet did not know what to think, but what he did know was that everything happened for a reason. And for better or worse the fact told them that Luna was the new Allspark vessel.
But then again, at what price? What would his creation have to give up for his sacrifice?.
The first month after the battle of Mission city had quickly gone by with not so much happening at all with the sparkling, the only thing was her playing with the electricity. Something that Ratchet scowled her for because it could be dangerous, Allspark or not, sparkling should not play with things that they did not understand. But after the first month, it all had seriously started to go wrong. The Allspark energy was growing inside of her, changing the sparkling whole frame and processor in its process; it was like the power was too much for her small frame to handle, so the Allspark was fixing it. The first time it had happened it came out of the blue, Luna had collapsed and started cramping uncontrollably as an tremendous amount of energy surge had shot out from her smaller frame. She had frightened the scrap out of them all, especially the twins who were almost activating their gladiator programming and was overprotective of her, poor Evac had been the victim that time. Ratchet had been forced to put them both in static for some time because they had been too deep in to talk them down. Fragging terror twins only gave him more work to do!
But even then, the energy surge that had crashed through Luna had coursed a severe reaction to her whole frame. The energy was now speeding up her growth in a breathtaking and at an alarming rate; sometimes, it was not like her frame could keep up with the development, and she was put under in a static kind of state. More and more energy burst had happened to the sparkling after the first time; she no longer could control when to use the energy; it was probably emotionally triggered on top of that. Add her PTSD to that and the nights was terrible as she still every night had bad memory fluxes of the events. Some even the physical pain could linger and surfers in her nerve cables, making her incredibly sensitive to touch and another kind of stimuli. Making it hard for her to lay down and recharge or even be close to them at that time. It had gone so far that the sparkling now could drop into recharge at any hour at the day because she was exhausted. But there was something's that had become more apparent to Ratchet after this last few months about Luna's new Allspark situation.
1. When she was in a growing period, she was more tired and more sensitive to stimuli, making the night terrors even worse and that was why her processor shut it all down on itself.
2. A lighter episode would come in 3 days periods before a bigger one hit, Probably so that her body could adapt to the new changes that have been made. At least, for now, it lasted from 3 hours to a day, but he had seen a pattern that it was easing up some as she now had grown the double size than a month before.
3. At first, he had tried to keep the twins away from her because of their coding and kept her in the med-bay at that time, but it had only worsened the episode. But when the twins were near here, the whole process went smoother, and Luna was recovering much faster. Why he still had no idea about, it was still on his to-do list.
Ratchet vented out and put the tablet away, not only was the Allspark boosting her growth. It was putting her on a hit list if the Decepticons ever find out what she had become. Ratchet optics took on a lighter color by that simple thought, not that he ever would let the slagging Decepticons even touch his sparkling. If he could decide she would be forever locked on this damn Island. Not that it would be a problem. Their new home was located in the middle of the Indian Ocean. They had arrived by a big freighter with the name Pearl of India, that could hold all of them, energy and some more soldiers. The journey to the island had been, for the most part, been going without any huge problems arising. But there had been this one incident at the middle of the journey when as a band of Somali pirates had tried to board the ship in hope to take it over. Ratchet snorted at the memory; they did not make it far before Ironhide had scared them out of their skin and making Luna begging the humans to tell her pirate stories after one of them had said something about it. To all of the adult's amusement. There were only a few humans that Ratchet and Ironhide trusted to interact with their sparkling, Lennox and his men to be more exact, no other humans were allowed close without any of the others there. Not that Luna had complained, the medic had seen her look at some of the other soldiers with a cautious look. And her way to shy away from them told him that also; it did not help that the humans could not understand her as she still was mute to everyone but himself or Ironhide at that moment.
But that had been one of the first things Ratchet had been forced to do something about, and he had to install the comm. Link system in Luna. He did not like it; it left her vulnerable for virus and bad stuff that she by mistake could download. Other than that everything had gone smoothly, the new base was progressing nicely. Jazz was still kept in light statics for the sake of his self-repair programs. Ratchet had done as much as he could with the little means that he could with the materials that were found on earth and the scrap metal from the fight in Mission city. But that would change soon, by his calculation, Jazz would come online today.
And that was precisely why Luna wanted to stay in the med-bay, shadowed by the terror twins this time, until Jazz would wake up. Ratchet did not doubt that Prowl would walk in any minute now to also be there when his mate comes online. This separation had taken more out of the tactician that he cared to admit. Ratchets musing come to a stop when the door actually opened and much to the medics satisfaction, Prowl walked inside as he had suspected, he looked the tactician over and then nodded to the back door of hid Med-bay.
"He is in the other room, just a warning, both Luna and the terror two is in there, god knows what they are doing" Ratchet said as he put away the data pad with Luna's journal on in his subspace, that was not something he would have laying around out in the open. Prowls sensor panel raised some in greeting and then flickered before the praxian nodded, Ratchet could see the eagerness to get to the other room.
"I will go in a minute, but first," Prowl said and looked directly at the medic as he continued "They have caught the last one."
Ratchets movement comes to a complete stop "The last one? Have the humans caught all of them? Are they still debating if they want our help or not?"
"Yes and no, the humans have had their daubs about letting us be a part in the decision what will happen to the kidnappers after the last one is interrogated. But they will let us have some time alone with them " the tone the tactician used said more than enough what he was feeling of standing on the sideline.
The medic snorted "How kind of the humans" turned around to face Prowl "Is it too much to ask that I wish they will root in the coldest prison there is with only molded bread to eat? or making them walk the plank?" They did kidnap his sparkling and tried to sell her frame for the money. So why wasn't he looking for more blood? Ah, yes, they should not hurt humans.
Prowls mouth plate twisted up slightly in a small smile "You have been reading too much bedtime stories for Luna I hear, but sadly no, that will probably not be happening to them. But they will be severely punished. Optimus is in meeting right now, but he had been given the report. It is only a matter of time now."
Ratchet grunted "Yes, I probably, she is completely hooked on them and it is the only thing that will put her into recharge some nights, it is hard enough that she is having night terrors as it is" he turned around and crossed his arm in front over his chassis as it would help him hold himself together.
Truth to be told Ratchet was pretty damn close to going and offline the fragging humans by himself; he could do it without anyone suspecting that he had done it. He was a medic for Primus sake; he could kill in more ways than anyone could think of is possible. Some of the poison that he had in store was not even something the humans knew about, so he would not get caught.
~Planning on doing it without me?~Ironhide asked with a humorous voice, but the undertone to it all was dead serious.
~Never, I need someone on the lookout~
Ironhide laughed ~The lookout? And here I thought that I was the one with more muscle cables and brawls?~
~Why yes, that you are, but then again I had thought that maybe we could accidentally step on them?~
~What? Like 'oops my bad' kind of thing? ~
Ratchet started to laugh low at that, had it been only a few months ago sins they had landed on this planet and tried to find the cube?
~Optimus will never live that down, is he?~
~Never! It is too priceless of material to let it go; sadly it was not one of the annoying human only an imperfect human sculpture~ the grin could both be heard and felt over the bond as Ironhide snickered at the memory. They both had known Optimus before he had become a Prime and he always had to big feet to see what he stepped, even then.
~Yes, Luna told me that it had been a rather pretty piece of architecture before he had crossed the poor thing~
~She thinks everything new and larger than her is pretty~ Ratchet told his mate with pure humor leaking over the bond, the ultimate happiness a small sparkling could reflect of the most trivial things was genuinely uplifting.
Prowl suddenly gave away a harking sound that turned Ratchets attention back to him, and the tactician looked at him with a raised optic ridge, something he had picked up from the humans probably. The humans were contagious for various reasons, and Ratchet gave the tactician an apologias smile.
"Should I be worried?" Prowl asked the medic that gave him a pointed look, that would not work on him, he created that look for fraggin sake!. If anyone on the base was a master in that specific look, it was Ratchet.
"Not really, did the humans say why they did it at least? or for who?" Ratchet asked
"Yes, and No. Firstly for the money and technology, there is an organization that would pay huge prices for cybetronian technique, but they did not know much of which one or who runs it, and with someone as small as Luna, it would have been easy to obtain."
Ratchet vented out, he had been afraid of that, some part of him was furious over what had happened to his sparkling, but the other was worried, what if that organization tried again. Already some humans were after what they could not get; they could only look at the new government that they had to listen too.
"Will we be all right here?" Ratchet asked no one in particular
"I trust Prime to know what is best for us" Prowl answered him and looked over to the door as he felt his spark mate come online and he greeted the other half of his spark inside of him. It had been too long since he had felt anything from Jazz, now he could not wait to be with him. Duty or not, nothing ells would stop him from being by his mate side.
Everything felt fuzzy and warm, almost alarming slow. He had thought that his battle programs would come online and scan his surroundings as soon as he comes back online, but nothing come up from his processor. It was almost like it was safe. Jazz could feel Prowls presents near him and the sootiness over the bond that everything was alright. Why would it not be okay? It was safe for now. Jazz processor started to come more and more online, his system felt sluggish, and he could feel a stain in his whole frame and a heavy weight on his chest. He let the air circulation in his intake as he started to poke around in his system and making a status diagram.
Jazz optics online and was meat by darkness at first, but when his vision started to clear, he began to see more colors, mainly white. He noticed that the general information from his visor was not there, which means that someone had turned them off or taking them off completely. It made him feel naked in some senses as he could not have the usual sensation of control and protection. As his system started up, he started to move more, first his feet and then his hands, nothing came up on his scans on them. So his limbs were alright. Jazz suddenly went still as more of his monitoring program came online, and he started to felt the presence of others close to him, and as fast as his system allowed him, he looked over to the side ready to defend himself in the best way possible.
Only to see both Sunstreaker and Sideswipe resting with their backs on the wall, or rather he could see something in a horrible bright yellow and blood red colors as his vision was blurred. Sunny looked like he was in recharge, but he could be wrong, but he could make out that Sides was grinning happily at him. Jazz opens his mouth to try and speak when a sudden movement on his chest caught his attention. His optics landed suddenly on the white mass that rested on top of him. Jazz shut of his optics and then turned them on again, no, the white dot was still there, and nothing was coming up as it was wrong in his vision. But as Jazz looked closer, he soon could see more in more details and could now make out the soft plating's of a large sparkling, or perhaps a small youngling? Either way so was there a tiny cybetronian recharging right on top of him.
What Jazz did not wholly understand was that he recognizes the familiar field that was waving over his to that one of Luna, but the last time he had seen her, she was a small sparkling that could easily fit into his servo. This little femme was at least double that size, no almost triple and could not be fin in only one of his servos or even both of them. Jazz lifted one of his clawed servos with a strong feeling of numbness in his limbs. He felt rather than saw the twins tens up some by the wall, and their optics were tinted on him ever little movement. But he let the servo carefully rest on top of the youngling that was laying right on top of where his spark rested. As soon as his spark had recognized her field it had started to hum pleasantly, but something was wrong with this whole picture, something was quite not right, and his processor started to boost up to full power. One of his claws traced softly over the younglings back structure, making the white femmling purr in content an almost stretch out more on top of him.
No, this was not right.
More and even more warnings started to pop up as Jazz memory bank had begun to come online and started to play up the last thing that had happened before he went into static. His whole frame stiffen, and his optics almost turned into a white color, he could not ventilate, his tanks would not listening to him as he remembered something, something horrible. The twins drew closer, no doubt taking away the femmling if he would prove a threat to her but his grip on the small frame was firm, but not too hard.
Megatron had caught Luna.
He had held her in his servo right above him and just barely out of his reach as the dark lord had started to crushing her entirely in front of him as he was powerless.
He could not do a thing as warm energon dripped down at his face and under the platings. He still could feel the sickening feeling of the warm liquor on his protoform. Suddenly another warm feeling was inside of him; Prowl was there. Jazz snapped out of the memory flux. This could not be Luna that was laying on top of him; this was a young femmling, not a small sparkling that had been crushed right in front of him. Was he offlined? He was, was he not? Scrap, this was not what he had planned.
~No~ Prowl told him firmly ~you still with us~
Jazz whole frame started to shake by his mate's words; he could feel others around him as everything started to come back to him. Jazz grip the youngling on top of him now more firmly as he now was terrified of the truth that his processor was telling him. But Luna was offline, she was offline right in front of his optics, and he could not do anything about that. It could not be Luna that was recharging so calmly above him; it could not be her. Jazz could feel Prowl soften his fears, telling him that it was true; she was still online, and so was he. Prowls closeness began to calm him down. This was not a dream. It was real, and somehow, the youngling on top of him was Luna, and she was still online. Still with them.
~Yes~ Prowl confirmed his raging thoughts.
Slowly Jazz let his hand trace the sparklings field, and he could feel her response and a low purr was emitted from her still small frame vibrated through the metal she was lying on and straight down into his spark. Luna had come out of recharge sometime after Jazz got a panic attack and kept her closer. Strangely enough, she was not afraid of his firm grip, there were no fingers that could crush her, it almost looked like claws, and it did not trigger anything. The vibration her purring was sending him was sending calming vibes through his whole system. She was calming him down even more without even knowing that she did that.
"Crazy right?"
Jazz helm snapped up in surprise at the voice and stared at Sideswipe that still grinned down at him now much relaxed, Sunstreaker was now wholly online and also looking at him silently, guarding. But something in the two mechs body languishes made him on edge, and Jazz optics narrowed at them, were they afraid that he would hurt the youngling? He would never do that! He would never hurt Luna. No matter what.
"Nice to see you back in the world of the living, did you have a nice recharge?" Sides continued and looked at him and visibly relaxed over what he saw as they landed on the now slowly awakening youngling before they got a playful glance in them. Jazz looked back at him and frowned, what was the mech up to now? He was too tired to even put up with the twin's antics. And that would say something how utterly exhausted he was.
"You did miss out quite a bit when you were under the Hatchets care; you know that right?"
~Be nice~ Sunny said over the bond and looked at his brother with a scowl of irritated, he knew that the red twin was up to and he did not entirely approve of it. But he would not stop it either.
Jazz stared at them and then back to the youngling in front of him, not letting them have the satisfaction to see him squirm, and now he made his hand lay on top of the small frame that no longer could be hidden by his hand only. So it was true, it was Luna. Had the Allspark fixed her? But it did not work at first, but then something had to happen when he went into static. Tired blue optics was looking up at him under the white helmet of hers.
"How?" Jazz asked in a low voice and now stared at Luna and traced a claw over her helmet, making her close her optics again tiredly, it was still hard to believe. He had held her crunched frame in his servo; he had felt a little warmth that was left leave her shell as the energon leaked out from his underneath his fingers.
"You have been in static for forty of the human years," Sides said with a grave, serious face expression and the information startled Jazz into a shocking silence. Forty years? No, It could not be possible, but if it was, it made more sense that Luna had grown so much. But the war! What had happen? The humans? What happened to the Allspark? And Cybertron was it still there? So many thoughts were processing in his mind in only matter of seconds before a suddenly loud clang was heard, followed by a yelp of pain that escaped from its victim, starling Jazz and the sparkling atop of him.
"If you don't behave, I will send you out of here and right into the brig" Ratchet growled and held a red wrench in his hand and raised it again to threatened Sides with it. the red twin hunched down with his arms up in 'I surrender' motion but he was cracking with laughter underneath it.
"He had just been brought back online, of course, he is disoriented, and you are not helping him at all!" The medic glared at Sides that was now rubbing his hand over the new dent and grinned. Not in the least sorry for the spark attack he almost had caused Jazz.
"Sorry, I could not resist."
"You better try or else you be out of her as fast as you can even beg for forgiveness that will not be granted to you " Ratchet huffed and walked over to Jazz as Luna now had been brought fully online. She was staring up at the saboteur with wide optics without saying anything as she did not dare to move. His claws still resting on her back structure and now when he could see more of her, he could tell that she diffident had grown. But how? What had happened? Jazz turned his optics right at Prowl with all of the question hitting the tactician over their bond. And he started to tell him what had happened, the simple version if it all.
Ratchet let one of his scans sweep over Jazz in the meantime and nodded content with what he got for results. This was good; everything looked like it was fully functional, some minor thing but nothing that a large cube of energon would not fix.
~Carrier ~ Luna asked carefully over the bond with a small voice, never taking her optics away from the silver mech she had been resting on until now.
~Yes sweet spark?~
~Can...~ She hesitated ~Can I hug him?~
Ratchet looked down at her; she had never asked him for permission to hug someone before. Maybe she was scared of accidentally hurting him?
~Yes, he is well enough, you don't have to be afraid of hurting him or anything sweet spark~
Luna looked up at Jazz with wide optics, and she could feel that liquid started to gather in her optics and clouding her vision as they began to fall. She did not dare to move even if her carrier told her it was alright, what if her Jazz hated her now? What if he was mad at her for not listening? What if he did not want her to hug him?. She had not listened to him; she had not done as he was asking of her to do, she had been a bad sparkling, and it had landed her in huge trouble.
Jazz blinked as he felt something wet hit his chassis as his field and nerve cables were still oversensitive to every kind of stimuli. Jazz turned his gaze away from his mate and down to the now silently leaking sparkling on top of him. He could feel all of her emotions over their blended field and could not help to smile softly and then slowly started to caressing her helm.
"Hey there, princess, what's with the water work?" Jazz asked in a low voice and stroke away the tears that now was pouring out from the sparkling optics, but she did not move. Slowly as he could, Jazz let his clawed servos grip around her and brought her higher up and hugged her closer to himself. Luna quickly put her arms around his neck and locked them there as she never wanted to let go of the silver mech. She hid her face in his neck cables while her whole frame started to shake with both relief and grief. Jazz did feel the same as he hugged her close to him as was physically possible without harming her; he could not believe that Luna had survived. He could not even start to process that this all was real.
They stayed in that position for some minutes, letting their fields do the talking for them and as the sparkling calmed down, Jazz continued to caress her back as she slowly started to let go of her death grip. He stroke away a single tear that was leaking from her optics as he smiled softly at her.
"Thank Primus that you are alright, Luna," Jazz verbally said, and now when he was more open to his surroundings he could feel that Prowl had walked closer to his right side, and the twins had moved away from the room entirely. Probably Ratchets work. The sparkling smiled up at him and nodded; she wiped off the last liquid that stubbornly broke free from her optics.
"Not that I'm grateful for that fact, but how is it possible?" Jazz asked and looked over to the medic for an answer.
"The Allspark fused with Luna's core" Ratchet explained "her damages were too extensive at first, so it did not work the first time in the city. I had to repair her as much as I could before it worked," Ratchet said as he slowly stroke Luna over her helm and was rewarded with a burst of love and happiness from the youngling and he was quick to send it all back at her.
"But look at you, Luna! how are you so big?" Jazz looked down at the sparkling that looked away and was debating something in her mind and did not speak, something that did not go unnoticed.
"Don't tell me that I was actually in static for years?" he asked and looked up at the medic
Ratchet snorted "No, only three months, your system took quite a beating and to you first answer your question, the Allspark energy is making her frame develop at a higher rate than is normal" Ratchet explained as he looked over at the sparkling that was now hugging Jazz again silently. She hid in Jazz neck again and Prowl stroke her calmly over her backside, and Jazz held her lower body in his firm grip. Ratchet was there too and knew of the sparklings inner tumult.
"It is alright youngling, try your comm. link" Ratchet urged her and Luna slowly nodded as she hugged Jazz neck tighter.
:: Love you Jazzy:: the first words that she had wanted to say to the saboteur and it got a smile on his faceplate
:: Love you to sparkling:: Jazz answered her happily and hugged her closer and then started to tickle her
"What with the gloomy feeling sparkling? chin up, lil lady."
:: Not a sparkling anymore! I'm soon going to be a big bot like sire and Carrier, you wait and see:: Luna grinned and giggled softly and swatted his servo away she was so happy that Jazz now was awake, there were so many things she could not wait to show him on this fantastic island.
Ratchet scanned the sparkling without any warning, and mad Luna try and swats him away
~Stop it, it tingling!~she complained to her carrier.
"Sorry, need just to be sure," Ratchet told her, not in the least sorry for what he did.
Jazz looked at them both like he was missing something, now when he was thinking about it, Luna had been so quiet this whole time. Before it would be hard even to mute her for a minute, and now she had barely said any words out loud.
"Her vocals do not work; I still don't know why but Luna can't speak out loud" Ratchet explained as he had seen the question written all over the silver mech face.
"I have my suspicion about what causes it, but in the meantime, she communicates with everyone over the ." Ratchet explained
:: It is all right, it is cool to do so! like Bee:: Luna said as she sat up and smiled and waved with her arms around her.
Jazz looked down at her and smiled softly "Yes, exactly like Bee" It hurt him that the sparkling had not been fully restored but none the less, he was happy that she still walked amongst them.
"Come on sparkling, let's get some fuel in your tank," Ratchet said to the sparkling that hesitated, she did not want to go "Jazz will still be here later on. you can even bring him some energon if you want?."
~Okay~ Luna vented out and hugged Jazz one last time and then also quickly hugged Prowl before her Carrier helped her down at the floor.
"You will behave while I'm gone," Ratchet said to the bonded pair as he started to walk after his sparkling
"No promising there, doc" Jazz said with a chuckling, making Prowls sensor panels rise, and he scorned down at his mate.
"We will behave," Prowl told the medic only for Jazz to pout and cross his arms over his chest plates. He was starting to get more and more movements in his frame.
"You may be" Jazz teased his mate as the medic closed the door behind him and Jazz smiled up at his mate. "I will not behave," Jazz said as he grabbed Prowls collar and dragged his frame closer down so that their helms touched, a warm sensation spread through both of them by the contact and Prowl let his arms around Jazz. No words were needed as the bond was now fully opened, and everything around them went away in a blissful mist.
You never know where to begin telling a story or how to end it, that is because all the good stories don't have a beginning or an end. Only you can decide which part of the story you want to tell and then put the end where it all begins. This is the end of this small practical part of a big story, but every that has an ending is a new beginning of something ells. And as this story ends, it will be the new beginning of a new part; maybe it even will be possible to Rewrite the stars. Who knows? Only times will tell us that.
But until then, may Primus light shine down at you and give you strength. Till all are One.