Hokeyp, so this is it, the final chapter of 'Pride of the Games.' The next book in the series will be called, 'Pride of the Fight.' Pride is a major feeling in the series. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the final chapter, and I will talk for one last time at the end.


Going Home

I looked at Zefeera and Darban with worried eyes. He didn't know why they were angry, but they were, and he was sure that he was somehow the cause. Zefeera pulled me out of the way of the others, giving me a stare with her red eyes.

Darban growled as he saw Jerome looking around, trying to spot me, but eventually Jerome turned away. My second mentor turned to me, and I stared at them, waiting. "You have not pleased the Capitol," Zefeera hissed. "They are very much angry, and they didn't like the stunt you pulled at the end!"

"You know what, I did what I had to do to save my friends, be it through suicide, or through sheer dumb luck. I was prepared to kill myself!" I grumbled, looking at Zefeera fiercly.

"Well boy, it seems you've grown a spine, I'll give you that," Darban chuckled, giving me another small glare. "But you do not want to mess with the Capitol, because thanks to your pal over there," Darban whispered, pointing to Jerome. "District Twelve had a slight rebellion!"

"What?! I wasn't even there when that happened!?" I countered, knowing this was obviously about Adrienne's death. "You can't blame me!"

"We can't, but President Snow has told us that thanks to your stunt at the end, anything that went wrong was to be put on you. You are on risky grounds as it is, and then you do this! I'm telling you now Mitch, you need to keep the feelings for Jerome on the surface. You only got out of that arena because the public loved you love birds!"

I looked to the ground with a sigh. It was obvious that would Darban had said was right. "I love him though, I know I do," I whispered, looking back into Darban's eyes. "You don't need to worry about that!"

"But will you love him after being apart for a month? Will the love feelings go, and the friend feelings stay? When the Victory Tour comes around, I want you to be in love with him!" Zefeera hissed once more. "Now get going, you've got the crowning ceremony, and then tomorrow, you are going home."

I nodded, walking away, thinking about what Zefeera had said. I was going home, back to Ben, and Mother... Back to my District... But I didn't feel the same joy of winning that I would have originally felt. I felt no joy in celebrating death, but I felt joy in returning to a long anticipated place.

I walked over to Jerome, who was talking with a woman with a white haired wig, a lot of make-up, and a pink dress-like gown. Jerome turned and saw me, giving me a smile. "Hey Mitch, this is Effie Trinket, my escort," The Bacca said, pointing to the woman.

"Nice to meet you Effie," I smiled, holding out my hand.

"A pleasure to meet the man that is with our Jerome Oaken," Effie laughed, giving a high pitched squeal. "Anyways, both of you should head off to the Crowning Ceremony. I think your friend is already waiting for you both."

We both nodded and turned to walk towards Quinten, who was standing by an elevator. He gave us a grin, and we stepped into the elevator, pressing a button called 'PS' which I assumed stood for 'President Snow.'

And sure enough I was correct. Because when the door opened, there stood the white haired man himself, the man that I could tell, hated us for ruining his precious one Victor rule, and for making a mockery of the Capitol.

"Hello there, Victors," He said in his calm, yet menacing tone. "You all need to get crowned for being Victors." He said the last part of that sentence with a venomous tone, and the smell of his roses made me want to vomit.

We made our way through to the balcony where we would get crowned, and the cheering was immense. I looked at the entirety of the Capitol, but held back waving. From years of watching, I knew I had to be still, and await Snow's crowning.

"I present to you! The peple of the Capitol! Your three Victors! Quinten Amphi, Jerome Oaken and..." He looked back at me with a slight glare, but hid it from everybody else. "Mitch Hughes!"

The crowning ceremony went like it usually did. I stood there, waiting for my turn. Coincidentally, I was the last person to get a crown. As Snow went to put the crown on my head, he noticed the dogtag around my neck, my dogtag.

"That's an interesting little dogtag you have there," He murmured.

"It's a token from my District, President," I whispered.

"Oh, well, it suits you..." And with that he walked away, and we were taken off of the balcony as the cheering continued. We were taken back to the Tribute Centre, and I was taken to floor Twelve.

However, I was not getting off there. I told Zefeera I was going to the roof, and she nodded, although she was hesitant. I let myself go up to the roof, and as I looked into the night sky, I remembered the last time I had seen this view... When Jerome confessed to me...

I looked out across the city, until I heard a sound behind me. I turned to see my Bacca walking up behind me, a small smile plastered on his face. He seemed happy, and I guess I was happy. Smiles were infectious.

"So Biggums, we won't see each other for an entire month..." I said, looking at his face to see his reaction.

"I know... I just wondered about what was going to happen now... between us..." He sighed, looking at me with a sad face.

"What do you mean?"

"In that month, you could find somebody new, and we would lose what we had..."

"I would never do that to you Jerome! I love you!"

"How can I believe that though. In an environment where we are stressed and pressured, anything can happen, but in a normal world, what then?" He was making a very valid point, but I had to prove to him I meant what I said.

And so I did. I pushed into Jerome, my lips crashing against his in a passion filled moment, my arms wrapping around his neck, playing with his fur, while he dominated me like the first time we kissed, and we deepened the kiss, his tongue begging for entrance. I let his tongue explore my mouth, and when we pulled away, we were both blushing.

"Now do you believe me?" I asked with a smirk.

"I do," Jerome replied, kissing me once more.

We kissed a lot in those minutes that we had, before Quinten appeared and saw us, letting out a blush, and forgetting to tell us he was there. He was watching us until after the fourth kiss, and then he showed himself.

We broke apart as we saw him, and both of us blushed a bright red. "Hey, you to look as red as tomatoes," Quinten grinned. "Jerome, remember, after I go to District One, I'll be coming to your District after," Quinten said, and Jerome nodded.

We sat there talking for hours until we had to sleep, and when I went to sleep, I knew I wouldn't see them for a month, but I would keep in touch through something called a phone. But it didn't feel the same... I would miss them.

The next day, I was already on the train home. I was terrified of how my DIstrict would see me. On the one hand, I had won the games, but on the other hand, I was in love with Jerome, and would they accept that?

I heard the train come to a stop, and I stepped out of my carriage, my escort, Jorneo, bringing me out to face the crowds. I looked around, the enitre District gathered around me. It was completely silent. And I was terrified.

And then, out of nowhere, I heard a clap, followed by another clap, and then cheering. I was so happy, that I wanted to cry. Everybody was happy, and then, out of nowhere, I saw the face of my brother appear, running up the stairs to meet me.

I embraced Ben in the biggest hug I had ever given him. "I told you I would win," I whispered, giving him the longest hug ever. My mother came up to me, and hugged me too. And then I did feel the pride... but not the pride of the District, I felt the pride of knowing I had done something right...

And for now, I was happy.

AND THAT IS IT GUYS! Pride of the Games is officially over! But the sequel, Pride of the Fight, is still getting ready to go. Now, I will not be updating tomorrow, due to a water park and some fun. So basically expect an update on Saturday,

I would like to thank those of you that have read every chapter. I would like to thank my Wattpad readers, and my Fanfiction readers, without either site, I don't think I would have made this story a success, and as usual, I will see you later!

And once again, from me to you, thank you...
