WOAH GUYS IT'S THE ENDING. Hope it's everything you expected and more3


"Honestly I'm not sure who i like. I don't think I've been going to this school long enough to really know anyone well enough.. But i still think i might have an idea of who..."

Mikasa heard Armin speak these words herself, but she showed no irritation listening a second time when Eren had told her. He also complained about how it was probably one of the girls in their grade. He listed off Christa, Annie, Sasha, and said Jean was girlish enough to put on that list. Mikasa just shook her head and sighed, knowing there was no way she could convince him of the truth as she saw it.

Mikasa knew her brother's ignorance kept him from seeing the way Armin acted around him. He never saw Armins eyes light up and sparkle whenever he looked at him. He never noticed Armin wiping the palms of his hands on his pants whenever they were talking. He never seemed to see how instantly Armin would smile when he said his name. Eren never saw any of this because he was doing the same thing as he was. However, it was obvious to Mikasa and probably anyone else watching that they liked each other.

As the days became weeks and the weeks became months, Armin and Eren became better friends, although they continued to keep their love a secret from each other. However much of a secret they seemed to think it was, it was so blatantly obvious that painting "I like you" on their foreheads wouldn't seem to make a difference.

Farther into the school year, they reached the point in their friendship where they would hang out outside of school. Armin would often come over to Mikasa's and Eren's house on the weekends, or visa versa. Most times Armin and Eren would occupy the couch and Mikasa would sit idly at the armchair nearby, either reading book or watching their small television. Soon the boys would forget she was there, and they would start to talk more openly, allowing Mikasa to eavesdrop.

She heard them talk about many things, but what stuck out the most was when they started talking about their hopes for the future. Armin started that conversation, and Eren contributed to it by saying his dream was to travel the world. Armin ecstatically told him that had always been a dream of his, as well. Eren then told him that since they shared this dream, that they should fulfill it together. Armin agreed and they soon changed the topic, leaving Mikasa smirking to herself.

One of the nights Armin came over, Eren suggested they watch a scary movie. All three of them sat in their usual seating arrangement of Eren and Armin on the couch, and Mikasa in the Armchair. It isn't exaggerating to say Armin was nervous to agree on a scary movie, but Eren reassured him it would be fine. Armin would squeak at every scary pop up throughout the movie, which would be followed by Eren chuckling. Mikasa, out of respect of privacy, would not turn her head to see how her brother seemed to calm to blonde down, but she imagined he would put his arm around him, or squeeze his hand.

Near the last pop up of the movie, all was silent. No Armin squeak, or Eren chuckle, just silence. Mikasa turned her head to see what was distracting them from the movie. When she saw she covered her mouth in surprise, blush covering her face. They... They're kissing! Mikasa thought to herself as she gasped only loud enough for them to hear. They noticed her eyes on them quickly and broke the kiss. Eren was speechless, and Armin just kept stammering "I'm sorry!" He then he grabbed his coat and stumbled to the door, letting himself out. Eren and Mikasa sat in silence as the credits rolled after the movie, and sat still even after the screen faded to black. "Don't ask any questions.. I don't have any answers." Eren managed to say through his embarrassment. He then stood up and started to walk out of the room, only pausing to add "Please don't tell anyone or bring this up ever again.. I think that's what he would want best..."

They seemed to pretend it never happened, and it also seemed as if they wanted Mikasa to pretend with them as well. Their pretending lasted a year, up until the day that they finally admitted their feelings.

They were at lunch, sitting in their new group which seemed much larger than when it was just the three of them. They sat at the same table, but it now consisted of Connie, Sasha, Marco, Jean, Christa, and Bertholdt. On occasion Ymir would stop by for Christa, or Reiner and Annie for Bertholdt, but for the most of the year it was just them.

One day, Connie jokingly asked "So when's the wedding, you guys?" shifting his gaze between Armin and Eren, who had been (and always were) sitting besides each other.

"What.. What are you talking about Connie?" Armin asked, gaining the attention from the rest of the table.

"I'm talking about you and Eren." Connie said while winking an eye at them. Sasha elbowed him in the ribs and cupped her hand over mouth. Putting her hand to Connies ear she whispered loudly, "Look, you can't just blatantly joke around with them like that. They haven't confessed their feelings, yet, ya know!" Eren did a dry spit take.

"Wha-What feelings? We're just friends here, just friends, right Armin?" Eren threw his arm around Armin in a friendly manner. Armin just faked a laugh, being thankful for the small fact that Eren had his arm around him.

"You're lying." All eyes turned to Mikasa. "You both like each other and you have for a while. It's time to act on it." Armin and Eren were staring at each other when Mikasa turned to look at them.

They stared into each others eyes while everyone stared at them. Everyone there was silent, watching, and waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, in a sudden act of courage, Armin leaned in and kissed Eren, destroying the small amount of space they had between them. The kiss was short, and when it was over, Armin asked a simple question. "Eren, will you go out with me?" And the whole table gasped. Eren was put on the spot, and felt like he was on a korean drama with everybody watching him, ready to reacting to what he would say. He was still in shock from the sudden kiss, but he managed to squeak out a "yes", and the whole table cheered. A few congratulations were said and soon enough everyone was back to their own conversations. Mikasa simply sighed, while thinking Finally.

Mikasa was there through it all. She was there when Eren first saw Armin, and she was there when they first became friends. She was there when they first kissed, and she was there when they got together. She was there years after that, and years after that. She was there when Eren was picking out engagement rings, and she was there when he proposed. She was even there when they planned the wedding. Now Mikasa is still there for them, watching them as they take turns saying two simple words.

"I do."

HAHAHAH terrible, right? I'm really sorry to all of you who chose to read this till the end because you're probably disappointed. They weren't in character and the story fell flat. I know, I know. I'm really sorry but i wasn't a good writer to begin with (It's a wonderful mystery to me why so many people read this).

Well. I guess this is the end of 'The New Kid', but I plan to write many more eremin one shots now that this is over. If any of you were crazy enough to read this and like it then yeah, you should check those out once they're posted... if you want.. you know..